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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1948)
m - r 1 i 1 vf fl f: (i rb ! 'F to : , .i, W J JL ■'i feuCB, Test., Smith county n-m mult of an 1 elect ihowod a. voto of : 1 J pcrtnlHInrth* min 'V pared to 2,073 for 42 of 44 bdxnn com < MAJOR IN JAZZ ■AT RAM HOpflTO HUNTSVILtK. T(k, Ja*f has boon ntldci : # culum at 8am Uouii t Thnrlcs Loo Hill, 1, '.. manter'a dcicroo in i unic •3! I ' I '! ■;i ! S] :!. 1 ' \h toot* a hot mxoph%io added to the fncultv no “ of popular music." \ tut tin STATE POLIO AID 18 EXPEDITED i ’ SAN ANTONIO, Relief money from tit* fund committee to 441.80 has already b< chapters hi ^commun out the state whore ralyais has bi-oken Loughlin, executive the committee, said An additional sent to five more cha . if y.4 # - - r. ; r-'' i / V ITT V V A -~ v f, HKlii • £- ■'j>JU L '' 1 v\ tallii en ties infi tmt,;] - ; secretory d todayJ $l|U,000 Will ond to 1*3 AIRLIFT VISIBILI1 P A KIT PICKS UP A BIT . • ^-WASHINGTON, To help keep the Ber in a: ningr through the dn-k i storms of this winterJs V. ihg equipment is biting ., at Tempelhof Field, ilerl HI I Mothers’Ml To Give Cup f Best Soph n ; An outstanding scbhoi be presented an awari) by 41 Federation of A&M Colleg er’s Clubs of Texas, acci Mrs. WaiTen A. Gilbiirt, president of the feck in Meeting in San An So , ecutivo board of A p! ' Clubs voted to give t ] cup to tlie oUtstandin r i.. cadet. Competition wi jl be character, military pi sfjck* tention to duty, un) loii Mrs. Gllbert said, y lr On the cup will be hng legend vindicating tie n the award ami the ifpoiisi)! fBch your the ilnmo of the v .••lulot vvill bo added, it was Tho cup will rcmalil oh either nt ROTC Hcailqttat tho campus or in thd trap <rf the Academic BatHingk engraved with thl* su no \ tho cup, wit) be pro! en i cadet,' riff Mr?. Charles Tate of Si tonio is president <[f the! Federation sof A&M (lollegc : era’ Clubs.- i if ^ \KM I . I I M l&r; Hit! ml l;44- I COLLEGE STATION ( m W /;;S X ■ J * V 11' 1 BiPla INTERESTOFA GREATER A&M COLLEGE md), TEKAS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11,1948 M /Of ■ Tt-lf-W ■ I ipi ' ! • . ; I i m - fc.-. fl ■11 i: kl • h -i 1 T -I 'A wx TT , What’s CGoijkg M .ij. : a AAUW, Monday, "ft: BOB GOODE ’ third quarter as Ti is Guard Max Greiner. T . for the Aggies’ second score in the ’ackle Jim Winkler watches on. The other blocker Tau Bela Pi! Society Will Be 5 Installed Today in Sbisa Hall Dallas j Student Will Head Sojpk Clash for Year . 7)30 p. .1, 1, 7 p iM- . m., Tuesday, Archi ectuhe JLiibrary, Election of Officers. ■ GGIE PLAYERS, 17 p. m .’Mon day, Assembly Hall. 1 ; til AldiE, Tuesday, A1 ; ter ye tiee, Room il4, Petroleum ing, /• ] | . BRUSH COUNTRY- CL ni., Wednesday, Room 20 demic Building, Elec’idh d;, cers * ill I f BUSINESS SOCIETY 7j3'D p. to. Tuesday, YMCA Cpa Ml [fIT I j [jl BIOLOGY CLUB, Tuesday night, Science, Hall. COOKE COUNTY CLtJBl, ftifo p. m.,, Tuesday, 3rd Flod demic Building. Plan foi* ji CAMERA CLUB, i7:lfi Monday, Physics Building. Rivei*s will deiUonstint i'FFA—Monday, 7:30, A Y _rw«+t««*A T?/xr»*v» j 3(j P. ■Fjf Lecture Room. JUNIOR AVMA, |7; y, Petrolmun ke, rDr. W. v-j ETING ANp F IOLUB, Agriculture Building. SPANISH CLUB, tues ttir yell praetke, Aciitlemtc f: jihg. • m * SHREVEPORT^ Alfe Monday. 7:15 p. Academic Building ! SAM, Tueaday tive, Room 301, Good\rin TUMBLING CLU1, Monday, Gym; Organlin<t meeting. .* jl YMCA CABINET, 7:1^ Monday, Cabinet Room, 470TH COMPOSITE ORGANIZED RESERVE, Thursduy, Petrol v* Rpo m. ^mal| Assembly Rooifi 1 AIR RESERVE. 3cj5th C^ > l SITE SQUADRON, . day,- Room 301, Gooc win IIkll. ;||[ k: . ARCHITECTURE O CI E T Y, " m ' sArcfi DeLoajche Martin, a Me chanical Engineering sttuient from ifa^lus, was «dcted Sophomore Cla«H president it) it the elcoMon conducted Tues day nightj Martin, a member 1 of B Battery Artillery, won recognition i! I Inst year jas the outstanding cadet AH- 1 of the Fijeshman Regiment! He is iStgjje also a dfetingginhed studehtj Named I to the class vicej-presi- dency wa^j Tommy Butler, an hero- nautical qnginoering student from Waco. Butler is currently the; fea tured vocjtdist with the Aggieland Orchestral David g,. Bertrand took tjlife so cial secretary position. Hej jis a petroleum! geology major ! ! from Beaumond *! 11 •! fl j R. W. iMcDaaiiel, a civil Engi neering stUdenti from Bellaireii has been previously elected by accla mation as|the sophomore secretary treasurer.j | The Tt#?sday night sophotnore election cfeme in the wake qfr two previous Unsuccessful attempts to officers. The original Mom •V" ;e enllkrgiii to m ' i Security (^ff Needs Assi Students are need for the Campus Seci to park cars and di this week-end, Fm chief of Campus Si announced. Approximately 20 r el needed and anyone should apply in hia man said. V ■■ ! " i''T i • ent office dnd to plop advanced physics ses for the spring rms for will I graduate this year name chi' Lielection sji tember eduled for Monday iSep- ded to was! first extenL September 28, and then entirely discarded! In tipn. 15, ' I J it lieu of Tuesday’s felec- ■!!!■■ ft 11. B. D. Marburgei* Ex-BpJ Dies in B. D. Mlarburger, (>6, formei lead jof building and college utilities of the A&M) Collage of Texasj ijdied in a hospital at Bryan yesterday. He had:been ill several months, Marburger waj; a graduate of A&M in 'tme class of 1904. A tivil engineer, be wajs employed hir^tho aj ineer for! the Katy ie class of 1904. A civil tfnginucr, me wajs employed by,, tho Southern racififc and Missouri jPu- cific lincjs^and at one time wlM di vision ei Having] h gineering [depaittment, and dlcf re search ini railroad mutters. Liite hd beenmf head of buildin college utilities in 1930 and two yoamjfb.T V 111 t one time w4ii di- r tines. 1th A&M 28 year was a professor of the civfli en- Pais Jilteifeeptidiid Costly Aggie line Stops Tiger Runs J ' ' ' ' ' ifA'i ' i By BILL POTTS ■ ■ i ' ^ J | j 1 The Texas Aggies looked like a good football team for the first time this season in Baton Rouge Saturday^night mit, even though they nearly pushed the LSU Tigers into their own Mississippi River, they were beaten, 14-13, 6n a lucky fumble and recovery and!' too many pass interceptions. The outstanding play of the Aggie forward wall was ’the j main difference between this weeks showing and last week’s sorry spectacle against Okla. ♦ They played inspiring ba 1 IT —— throughout the game, and let up !• 1 1 Consolidated j Mothers, Dads Club Will Meet i I T nT J ‘Little Foxes’ nr ■ Tryouts Bring Talent Aplenty By B. F. ROLAND The Texas A&M chapter of Tau BEta Pi Society will be insaflled and 86 alumni and undergraduate turning members and because of! The Aggie Players held tryouts for parts in Lillian Heilman’s Broadway production of The Little Foxes in the Assembly Hall Wed nesday night, John W. Laufenberg, Publicity Director for The Aggie Players, announced today, .f] Prior to the try-outs GarvU W. Little, director, held a brief dis cussion of the play^ He empha sized that it would be a difficult production to stage, since an ela borate set is required. “However,” continued Little,, “I feel that We can do it easily be cause of the large number of re- candidates will be initiated jinto membership [today at 5:30 p. m. in Sbisa Hall, i The initiation and installation will be conducted by the National Officers of the Society gsiisUn by A&M staff members who are mem bers of the Society, ijThe President of Tau Beta; Pi, M| M. Cory of Michigan State Col lege; R. H. Nagel, secretary-trea surer, University of Tennessee; Charles H. .Spencer, University of Michigan; K. W. Spencer, Univer sity of Maryland; R. C. Matthews, University of Illinois; and H. W. Barlow, Deap of Engineering, Will participate. A banquet at 7 p. m. will follow the initiation and installation^ j W. W; Lynch, class of ’22, Exceptive Vibe-President of the Texas Pow er and Light Company, will be the principal speaker. , The officers of the new chapter are Howard R. Oliver, presiHent; Ralph L. Shannon, vice-president; Marvin G. Simmons, recording-see- retaiy; Billy J. Shields, corfes- polnding secretary; Elmo C. Living ston, treasurer; and William B. McDaniel. Ji‘.. cataloguer. The Faculty Advisory Commit tee consists of Howard W. Barlow, Dean of Engineering;, Norman F. Rode, Electrical Engineering De partment;, Spencer J. Buchanjan, Civil Engineering Department Had W; E. Street, Engineering Draw ing Department. 'The local chapter will be known as; Texas Delta and wil be com posed of 48 members of the senior and junior classes in the School of i Engineering. In order to bg [Eli gible, candidates must, exhibit qiilal- itifcs of 1 leadership and character and have a grade point ratio,; of 2.00 for seniors and 2.75 for jtm- ioifs. * * jTau Beta Pi is the oldest, most respected, and best known scholas tic honor society in the country anti has a total bf 82 chapters in the United States. Other Texas chapters are at Rice Institute, Texas Tech and the University [of Texas, j j ■ i > ;i j : j 1 the amount of talent which Isfoms! to be evident in the new members who tried out for parts.” Little said that all those who tried out could not be cast in thin production, but that they Would undoubtably receive parts in the next production. No final selection has been made and anyone who is interested in trying out for h part in The Little Foxes should contact Little through the English Office in the Academic Building, Liiufen* berg stated. New members who were at the try-pnts included Bill Gesell, Reece Shannon, J. J. Fowler, Julia Pearce of Bryan, Jack Simmons, John She- lander, Edwin D. ,Sneed, Betty Sor rell of Bryiin, :R. L. Davis, R. D. Rivers, D.'C. Messink, Jr., and Elizabeth Lindigj of Bryan. .’jj j'j'l* Fellowship Given Ag Station Worker At North Carolina Shelby H. Cain, assistant pro fessor in agronomy for the Tex as Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, has been (granted an Atomic Energy Commission predoctoral fellowship to do graduate stUdjes at the North Carolina State Col- l«fe. . 1 ,j j I i . f During next year, Cajn will pur sue Research studies in biology with special emphasis oil biometry*. When he returns to the Station, Cain Will assist in the development of experimental designs and meth ods of statistical analysis for all the work of the cotton improve ment sectiqrt. j j '! Ill Cain will also have responsibili ty for the development of projduc- tion values and the analysis of data obtained from studies of cot ton seeds exposed to irradiation in both the first and second atomic bomb tests. This v.-ork is coopera tive between the Station and the Naval Medical Research Institute. ' M - * '' ' ' ' Champs Dust Saddles Cowhands Offered ‘Double S’ Stock for 1948 Aggie Rodeo By FRED CAMPBELL be Heveral special events. By FRED CAMPBELL -Aggia cowhands are wiping the dipd off df their saddles tnia w«»ek Serviced were held this mowing !»,«] are getting out at 10 a.m.jat College Statlo$.jJur- «Hlrta and ton gallon ! lul sei*vlce|i woru at the BryamtiDm-1 oration for tho famoi ttery. Jrynn c JurvijvoEa include his wifej daughters; Mrs. C. R. Trail, Jl and Mrs. C. R. Lewis, Fort Gt Mead, Marylane thoir; fancy shlrta and ton gallon huts in prEp- tho famous Aggie Ru ber 16-16. indsey, secretary df ithe leo Cowboys’ Association has rge authorized the rodeo which •;~v* Physics Majors To Meet Tomorrow All A&M' studentsSaMijoring in physics are to meet ton 6 p. m. jp Rooim 36 of sics Building, -jDr/ J. G head of the Physics Depart! ihah announced. The purpose of the i-ding Pot *r,. i« to feature , only student contestaj The Saddle ami Sirloin Club >bta obtained RCA approved buc _ stock which is supposed to tomrirt of j the meanest critters or) four 'dk'ilr i Dr. Darrell B. Sprott, Class of ’3^, arid “Doc” Spence j of the Doubt semester. •I “S” Rodeo Ranch at lefti; % ^ fOr i the club for th the stock, thus making available eome of Die most famous bucking events Inelnde stock for tne rooeo. iney ate pot charging the club for the foe of the stock, ti some of the f |r pecial events. Contrary to previous announce- ments, the rodeo! will be held id the A. H. pavilion. There is much work to he done In preparing the arena, and * all Saddle and Sirloin club According to Jack Kim ry, all AfgtyRwi^jCMuM**!" must Have their entry fee by 3 p.M.; Wednesday, 13. The books will open lit I a.m. Tuesday, jOct. 12 in Roob 213, A&I Building. There be someone at Bryan Fit Tuesday night to accept entr Kingsberrifiaid all contesta its under 21 yeara old must hiVe a waiver signed by their par ents before their eni be accepted. entry fee ill members are of their free til of chutes and pi arena. Work afternoon until opening night. Ticket! are available in all t mitories from Saddle: gnd Sir! Club members of rie. Room 128 Derm 8. l to devote dome Bon^fiS continue from Earl not one bit In fact, the Aggie for wards played better ball tne sec ond half than the first and LSU was not even able to score on them, Hot getting inside the Aggie thirty during that entire half. Great-gaping holes w ere blas ted through the Tiger forwards time and again and the Aggie backs had no trouble in going through for consistent gains be fore they were outnumbered and fpollbd down by the LSU secon- dary. The Aggies got started on the road to their first TD in the first quarter when Bart Haltom recov ered an LSU fumble on the mid stripe. Goff took it for two first downs in three plays to the 27 where Royalty took over and ran it dow*n to the 23 on an end sweep. Bob Goode then took over and in two plays made it a first down on theJLiSy ten. Goode tried it again for no gain and then Bobby Goff went through left tackle to the four. Goode went around right end and was thrown for ia two yard loss by Ab Wimberley, start- toff right end for the Tigers. On the next play Goff went the same Way and crossed the double-stripe standing up. Ed Turley'B placement attempt was short of {ho crossbar. The time elapsed was five minutes and five seconds. LSU’s score in the first quarter catoo after Rip Collins' punb to -the Aggie 17 was blown dead. Goff onudu it u first on the A&M 30 af ter two tries and Jim Cushion went back 'to pass. His pass was inter cepted on the A&M 30. One puss and six running plays put the ball on the Aggie seven. Then quarterback Charlie Pevey tossed one to halfback A1 Hcroman, who went over standing up. Griffith’s kick was good. Fifteen seconds were left in the first quarter. Mid-way in the second quarter, the-Tiger’s big break of the game came. A&M was penalized back to thfe one yard line after Goode kicked out to the 48 where it was taken and run back to the 36. On the next play. Van Buren hit the line, the ball squirted out of his grasp in to the Aggie backfield where Ken Konz took it on the bounce and outran the Aggie secondary who had come up to cover the play. Griffith’s kick was good. When LSU’s Worley kicked off, the ball went to Goode on the 12, Goode fumbled momentarily and took off around to the right. He was pulled down On the Tiger 32 by end Wimberley after running through the whole LSU team. The Aggies made it down to the 16 before yielding the ball. After failing to gain, Collins kicked on third down and Goode ran it back to the Tiger 41. ThrHe incompletcd passes and an interception later in the first half ended with LSU in possession on their ten yard line. After an LSU fumble and A&M recovery by Wray Whittaker near the end of the third quarter, the Aggies put on their second sus tained [drive for a touchdown. Four first downs and 16 plays later af ter Royalty, Goode, Goff and Smith had alternated at going through the holes the Aggie forwards made for them, the ball was resting on the three yard line. i ■ , Goff tried it throvih center for no gain and Cashibn pulled two quarterback Sneaks down to the one. On fourth down, Goode (See IMPROVED LINE, Page 8) Only 26 Town HallL Tickets Remaining' , ’ ' / • , jl 'I/' j Ilf. An “open house” with dis plays of student work will be featured at the annual busi ness session of the A&M Con solidated Mothers* and Dads Club tomorrow night at 7:30 in the high school gymnasium Gordon Gay, president, has announced. Parents and teacherH will ob serve the displays from .6:30 to 7:30 and teachers will be in -thgijr class rooms to meet patrons and explain the nature of the work displayed. The regular business session has been streamlined, according to Gay, to permit all members to meet qther engagements made for Inter in the evening. Chief business of the one hour session will be consideration of the $2775.00 budget which Ites boon set up by tho budget committee as tho basis for the club's work dur ing thn coming school year. The budget, Gay points out, slightly exceeds the total incoming revenue for last year. \! j , The budget was worked Out by a committee consisting pf Chair man H. C. Johnston, Mm.i O. %. Smith, Mrs. Wt. C. Breazculc, Dr.; Charles LaMotte, J. G. Adams, A| M. Whltis, and (Jordon Gay, e^-! officio member, Out of a possible 700 members last year's total club membership was 200. The membership com<j' mittee with Mrs. Wt W. Armis- tead, as chairman is planning to increase membership this year to at least 400. All patrons of A&M Consolidated High School are invited to attepd both the open house and tho busi ness session, Gay said. Williams Speaks j To Newly Formed Foundry Society Marvin, W. Williams, foundry manager pf the Hughes Tool Corn-! pany qnd ; past president of; the ! Texas chapter of the American Foundrymen’s Society, will be the guest speaker at the first formal meeting of the nOwly-organized [student, chapter of the American Foundrymen’s Society this Tues day, Lldyd G. Berryman and M. W. Watson, faculty sponsors, announ ced. I ■4 If ' | ■ Johnson Nai i JNO! If Ifn't Draculu’w thl brofhef, bin only X'HARjMlj MUjNPEN of Hart Antonio who was el cted *tiigl|E«f mrtn at !\&MV in!an cilctlion m3 iut »«*. „ P' . j. '/( TJ ‘ fflffiia -- i irector For 27th Annual Aggie Rodeo 7] m - r iiPiii i. Tommy Joliuso&He Mor Jtninial hualmmlrv [Ltideiilt from Becville, hafl been mime! arena til rector for tbd 27th annual All-Aggie rodeo to |)g leld on jtho campus (rUSK*}*, irx-ljf). Seventy-five Htudentsj*are expected)to enter tho ,ii)ded. *y4t'4»—I—if . The rmlppr will Jlttnid: hntmnal. cHiimpioif nqersj olSjiiipiMclJlogtnltij mpetition, ineluiuHifJ L. E. G h of Dnllns. if mu Poultry Specialist To Attend Chicago S' ' •' X t? • • Meeting Tomorrow . j' • f. . '!; F, Z. Beaiitldossom, eyt ension poultry marketing speclalis . w'Ui attend a meeting of the iNi tvodal Task, Gxpup Committee on | oultf y find egg gradefi in Chicago October 12, aceordW to J. D. Traw it, ox. tension vicjcNdirector/ I . j The committee, iif wh ch Benn- ilossom is a themoer, w 111 i ormu- ate United States grades for live md dressed poultry, Prewit said', six regional meetings hav< been icld, as well as heai inis of indus- .ry! represohtiitifes, tq' obta n the l>e«t niformation; and rocoiPr lemlnr ions'from all iutcrested grn ups. Texas ranks high on the iroilbr produicing list in the United States as well as producer of f0\ 1 and other; classes; of poultry! («Id on ;it ejquafn td.' • ; well as producer of, fd\yl anti Sri classes of pt the market, Prewit BEanblosponv will return t|o Col |cge Station; Ortober 14 * r There arc only 26 Town Hall tickets remaining for sale to the public, Guy Daniela, Town Hall manager, announced at preie time today, i AftoE a blitz tour of {he dormi tory areas by the towp hall staff members, only these few tickets remained for late purchasers. Daniels stated thatiat no town hall performance will tickets be sold at the door. Because of the name this years program c h rA VednnU ‘"*“ ), ;M ; IE long os the final 26 last, tickets may be obtained from Mrt. Helen Roberta in the Student Ae- tivitiee office, Room 209 Goodwin The meeting will be held in Room ;303 of the Mechanical Engineering Building Tuesday night immedi ately after yell practice, Berryman Md. | j I j : f 1 * Mfea 5 " M The speaker’ll subject will bo “The Foundries of Texas and Op portunities in the A.F.S." All pros pective jmember* of the society are welcome to attend and any others , interested are ! cordially invited* Berryman said. !. Florists Establish j; lesearch Program ? Members of the Texas State 1 Florist’s Association and the Tex as Nuraerymen’s Association mef* last Friday at A&M to discuH« plans &r a research program to be carded out in connection wit” of pot [namen The jof A& plants, flowera, am is in the southwest, ipe Art Dc| ■Kbi in bringing abou ! t it fiiH of Dallas, winfljE brdiic riding at thd Sin Francisco in ill) 1 id;Rankin o alLuroumi c; title Inst year. f the smlil'te iw Palace in I; and (Imr- of Coirflh'aijn, ihunvpjon iinvlioy S |vno won tlU*[ !Griffith won uWnrds* i ! ' - l ’ 'll. Wijirml IN wax soeoml ip the «l*al‘oun{l at Macli- .rndtile, anil Bfjruiii. Having Icmilpited 1 iju the htffibr si^lvilUt, Caldwell, BtJan. Having ci PeEos Country an(l’in pool) biffs last; year. jjtohnsori. Huddle.’hr p^ing fame as ' o, he. land- j! ff Runkiii • t;pccia|ia bronc rid in fr. An alb hd plani tp Enter } cent calf roping, saiplle broncjlridip rider, is ,vn ami bull aild Hi ikvsi-In b#u|cbac1 wrtjund Ltiwboy vieiy event! ex 111? ritjiju!, am fl . ibner Poyner of, Mgson 'his Ipn telrd the'bareback;-jridlng sind Hull riding'. MaXie dvorstroeti! J . . .. |( o(f {Fort V’orfii, cfmiHpion all-arourw cbwbojy at. T* CJEI.’s ihtemdlegii'E ! shojw nml fitst place winner! inj bu!l}| riding illast. year’h rodeo at A&M. will ’*■ lx»r 'back bull- Free Cigarettes \ Given This Week i ' ' J f ! ■ - A free package of Camel cigar Ettes and a plastic cigarette case will be offered all A&M atudents and faculty members this week at {he College Confectionaries, ac cording to Wayne Stark, director Of the; Memorial Center, b , TheUigarcttoK will oe given mil at the; Cave ami The (’ambus Cor ner and at I tho Annex Snack Bar on Tuesday, Wcdncrtdayi nti< Thursday. T'4’ Students mu«t present their f|s- fal receipt for identification in or* ler toi receive their cigarettes. Lufkin^Foundr, menl is cooperating with tothra specialists in bringing about tejiv ther development* . in’ this field.. The florists are especially V ested in better potted plan cut flovjrert, while the nurse: are working on the propagation ornamentals. A&M ia sei place and wor] sociations pai program. / i; j akes Two Award? Bi in! last, ycurk rode alpo compete. 'He'[ is .a lija aijd hull rider and ; still eDije d(|ggiilg events in jlije|sh(Jw. Charles ^ifcham iir To; Addre Bobby D. Stone of Wills PoiHt and Clyde Ci Spraggins Of; Plabi- ■'iew, jsonior Htudent# in meehani- •al engineering have been awartle*’ i icholArshjps for the 1948-49 Hchoq 1 year. | They will .receive 1840 pdr for the entire school year. The! Texas Foundries ! SI jSHH for at least one yea? after take t s ytinf.’ 1 • p nibn the, FEAi Klrkfiani EB/jd urne, will sjienk;. (r A&M iCjolIegiiate C Ha pier 7 of alia nicptlng of t.h| djapter,?Mon day at 7:80 p. m. p /Jte (Vgricul- ; tupil E >gineoring jjjeeture 'jroiiiw.r irkh im, who spitut three nlonth Euro)« this Mimir, win pre- rt hit views on tifo ngri 1 ultutol tecta if hls/toujf ' 1 ; , .mCK Hurt, ch|pt< r ptjtsiihut. uilgos fa l memberilto be present. H|q-t stjld, * “The>F4 vfon thn s\fard Ust year foi h iving better attendfric^ than attk o her jelub on the camfus. With u eaj’h mi-jmber’s t>» to lit le «f rffdrt) the club can Itg uttlnidamh 1 uwartll agH|rt mmm m SJS w.Mi ition. The student ♦ere em- by the Foundry-tfxis past tr. Announcement* of the Announ was made by ‘ the Foum ■ i W4 '! J >1 / . Cal C. AH:. * 4; ' Ji J: j.Sociologf Clnb Invites Members ttadents interr+ted in so- ire invit<ri to sttlend a Club Meeting Tn^- f:3Q p. m.!iin Room 208, . tural Building Boh Wey- club presifent, has an il "in ! it ■ .. Ur . i ’,41. lr