Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1948)
HP Imms FRIDAY, n W^ L ttle, ijnbtr . wil^ (irect he Players n jxt J r ei r, Dr. ’ h,eatl of :hc Ide iarlm<«t lishj, anmunceft today.’ * ’■ ' jlaces Georgj direitor wio ohumbia Univejrsrt ’ summer i ind fal i. A native of Texas, jLitlle was | graduated from the Urivei uty of {Texas in 1»38 with a derrce in English. After each inf at! Texas Military Institute and several oth-. ^ er, schools, he joined ;he|Arrtiy. Little served as a stat stick! con trol officer in he Cih na-Burma- India theater, a»d wab‘ disflharged in June, 1^6, :s a fii st |ieuten- ' ant, * ‘The Aggie Players will pro duce at least or e play < urifg the .fall semester, {ndfprplj>ab The message deli ng parents on Mol liers Charles D. Kirkham iany the spring reports to the pa +his year.| The talk, given' Sunday, May 9, w; folder entitled “A Parents of A. and contains a preface 'by rents ill.... to Visit- Day by r. wjdl aecom- estgr grade of A&M I ■h Gilchrist c sincere, straight-foi merit impressed me ed the parents of e to recieive a copy.” _ ion HlUt, printed on a i"° and Preside^ t ,fi omjjhentlng, forward, state- 11 wapt- __ jts . 4M H Kirkham, an electrical; engineer ing sophomore from Cleburne, paid ...ouU: to the mothprs and dadsi vho answered the Ungrateful ac- ions of the growing boy with love TRiGGtR-FlflGEq TREMBLING: VIT FRUSTRATION j WHOSE. VERY ^ LI L ABNER Pistd-Packin’ Mummy i” 5 * „-.Har«tand'ng. ; i Enumerating the typical stages of today’s youth, he. recalled, “Tall and gaw r ky, w’C were, always scuf fling in the house; lazy, loud, and' mean to cats in particular. • Then, women came into 6ur lives. And there were long, important night ly telephony, calls arid you couldn’t use the phone.” jit I jF { ; Describing the Aggie at School, jKirkham stated, “Now we come home once or twite a j month or even just once a semester.” “Of the three great character building institutions —c |the home, the church, and the school--,” fond"Jed,j“thd home has aqne the most: There we feel loved, like we belong; we feel |a content ment and peace Off minjl that ex ists; nowhere else.: Tliat is be cause of your love and your pres ence, mom and dad.h Reijnember’ al ways that we love you.’; —^ L Army Commission? Available to GIs I : I I • i O j j | : And Non-Veterans J ; a S • Officer candidate scjhools are available for all ex-servijeemen and to civilians without military exper ience. |he Departipent of the Army announced! today, j t Civilians without pridr military service will haveif to take a basic course jbefore j attending he officer candidate school if they are selected to attend. Ex-service men and those who tiavei complejted basic training df a. senior RQTC course need not tjake | the basic training but cad enter jthe officer candidate school dijrect.j Applicants, aftejr haying been selected to attend th(e course, imist enlist in th<' ReguSlar Apuv, but, if they fall to graduate Or- be appoinUnl a jeortimiskioned of ficer, Will be fjvaranttjed imme diate diftchargi* fr6m the senii'e Those who are successful in ob taining a comniissjion will be jpr- dered to active duty for two years as a second lieutenant), and will then have an opportunity to enter depending on 1 le Unite and the interest showy forts,” . Little sjiid yes; e He added thai among contemplated fof early is *' yeg _ ford starred as Sadii heroine Of tlhe s ;ory. As yet no as; istantp named to aid Itittle Ir Witft ^- T ‘!Rain,f’ a cla isic fijmed jseveral fs agO^In th(|>movi^ |oa| Craw- afre Of 1 i*t n tO £ thej Playeis Wildlife Study Birds Mammals In Dr. Leonard sof> of wi jir - Pro w. tv Will I av pro two, liable £f- plays luction Th|mpson, hk|e been Work ,11' m .f. Arctic proftfs- irg, ildlife managejmejht. loft to stifdy the -el; tion of Thursday to study the relation at weather phangeg to bia d ani|l manjC mall populations) in thj tic;pay. A , .... • His work will)take 'id: n into the Yukon Terri tor • neai he Arctic Circle, 500 miles east of : r a! -banks, Alaska, "fiid .fftM bably be White -lorse,, y uk tm Tpr- ritory; FfH Ci, ■« I In an: iouhein ' tins ext euitio: j^r. W. IS. * * L rtrapni nted->u add poss" omtthe A erjcAT' M'lsfnt^eal, liand rjdi'^ntjqal, 1 or fd) tt ree-ux m :h: period pd dbset ration 5 of veathe’- changes and c inditirnn will be majde by Dr V ing ii :cn nectio- with these'stjidi >s. All ’he weath er iinstrjime^ts for this s tentifi'- expedition w^re furnisikd hroug^ thd courtesy of Comm t: d« ^ Fran cisi Reicjhelderfe •, Clfitf of. the Tl S. i Wepther Eufeau, A asdngtoh d. h n ' • i ! {... • . A ! ' ] OLDEST TEXAS AGGIE—Judge JOHN W. GOODWIN, Lulibock, one of three surviving members of first class ui iu. v , +<r tended thLy year’s ronunkneemenl exercises with his wife, above, and two sons. To get to A&M «n 1R76, Goodwin rode horseback froin Brownwood to Bryan, and sold his horse to pay college expenses. 1/ ' ■ I . j ' Member of First Class at A&M it' L ' : j , i ‘ l 1 j ; v • | Attends Graduation Exercises 1 , , • - 1 | D Judge John W. .Goodwin, one of three surviving meni' bers of the first class at A&M in 1876, was among the honor guests on the college campus during commencement festivi ties. A resident of Lubbock, Judge Goodwin has been stay- : n£? in Marlin recently, and made the trip to College Station 'fe<j accompanied by his wife-..and twe-f sons,’George, a 1914 Texas Aggie, and Richard. ■ ' Goodwin rode horseback from his home in Brownwood to Bry an in 1876, the year the college ‘opened. He sold his horse when lie got to Bryan. There were Itwo permanent build ings jat College Station in 1876, and Gpotiwin {lived in-both of them at orie time dr anotfcgfui At first hQ'wi*<i*mj1*ra*yn Old. Maim the first $an Jacinto Day celebra tion on the campus, when the ca dets all went {or an imautliorRed | swim in the Brazos river. fouc-$tory,, tWin-turreted building most *#f- the cadets nd all' of th|e class rooms. Then Officials Attend L j.. 4«'** le- n . Perph^Ljeed Control Meetings F. D. Brock, head of the feed ! D ERt as moved to oty Gathright, control servipe^Dr., J, ». Fudge, training State 'dhemisfranu r!'M. ! Sherwood' the offic the mess hall, where he served as studied by Goodwin, Asked'about of the Association; of Feed Con- f anp ipg and, engineer ing subjects, tro i officials ¥nd felrferal session | Good^lif ai^fed; th(ey had on fertilizer control in Asheville, In the way of agriculture was the | N 0r th Carolina, grass on the [campus, and the only ; The three-day session ends to- things at all! mechanical were the jiday. | professors’ wbodpilep.T ii Brock is president of the Asso- Real trainihg in agricultural and [ ciation of Southern Feed Control mechanical subjects w-as Inot be-' officials and will preside at the ' - -- r9< 1 IL - -4. WeleoireTu 1 SUMMER SCIIOOI 1“’] I % I ics Calt wet, Jewelih St Bryat. Text ere gun Until 18 The tw o o first AIM Orf, Sr., ji business meetings. Sherwood will ther survivors of the [ address the group on “Concen- class are Louis A. trptes and Supplements’f in feeds df Mohtolair, N. J., sfr>r nnuitrv T)r KViHee Montclair, N. J., ami William Malone of Houston. Bbtii were invited to attend the conimoneemenf, but were unable tofoome. j ’ j Hqvvever. -Cerf wrote a letter to {President G'bb Gdchrist. rep-eet+'n'’ \ his inability to appeajr and recall- ^ ing incidents of his cadet days. One of i the remilniscenses dealt with i? Fqi* More Readers BUY A BATTALION Clasisified Ad it reacliics mora reader^ than aiy daily newspaper between Houston and Waco. !• _ : • i'- 1 :'”. i ^ . CALL 4-5321 for poultry. Dr. Fudge; will hold conferences with fertilizer conttol officials of the 17 southejrn states participating in the meeting. , Brock will go to Washington D. C. for, conferences with officials of the Federal Food and Drug Ad ministration! before returning. Don’t Send NSLI Premiums in Cash is LTL ABNER A Fate the Same as Death WHUT IS YO' WAITIN' FO', ’ DODDERSWORTH -GO ON-BLOW MAH BRAINS OUT .T-AH TQUE MAH BOY NOT T'GIVE IN T' YORE IKIHOOMIN CRAVIN' FO'A HAMMUS ALABAMMUS SAN W1CH, AN' HE WON'T.'?' THET CHILE DON’T DAST DISOBEY r-^v ME " y-wlL— C&) iSOBEp MAM AINYPIC f*" Ag Journalism Features Will Appear in Progressive Farmer “Hybrid Chickens Come to Texas,” by Jack Timmons, student'in Agricultural Journalism 415, will be the subject of a feature article in the July issu e of -Progressive Former. a tour of duty witlij a view of gain ing a Regular Arniy ponnmissioii. Applicants may obtain applica tions for this ' achoo) at i|)ny Army post, c hi iprecruiting station, reserve) nstrjictor offi ces, institutions having| ROTC un- ’ its, and at local National Guard j installations. After be ng propjpr- Ily filjled out, jtlije dpplicati({)ns j should be mailed to; the Command- Vcteranb needlessly / take the ; ing General, FoUith Army, Fort chance of losing their money and j Sam Houston, Tekas. their insurance protection when] fi)..... — -<• . m i“ i Education Course policies, Veterans Administration I officials warned. I A veteran making his payments in cash through ordinary mail has I , 1 I no way to prove he made the pay- The 2ord Annual Conference of ment in the event it fails to reach ! County Superintendent^; and Su- the Veterans Administration. Vet- 1 pervisors will be held (in the cam- Slated June 22 - 24 erans are. urged to use money or ders, postal notes, or checks for NSLI premiums and also to use tlje yellow envelopes furnished by the VA in mailing payments. C' If crowd^i bother you a|id youicanVsjtand the press tire, “coflee artil-4 ‘ Stop at niioni t«o. mass, served in from top-qualit) r fi iods. ■ ii it. inj i the le CfAMFlj Jeorgfe’s) sodas- in a Dll itc A tf L.V l .S.—Jm t H qa ife now from Saturday and Saturday, and se wt o are theca nous, ea Post Of tit ;f, the-Stident ^ 1 ■ . EATING WHERE E S A CROWD? :h ns. ; Make this your meal oy your food away from the deas^nt atmosphere, and rret'ared . ! | •I. June 10, tlirough June 15, JNEft fountain (formerly featuring something NEW in b SOPA’'-rfai big cjreamy soda it June |ENER urihgi £ ... JPA’ — glafe. Bea:t the hk.t with clj ... JPERSODAS 15 b4 v/0 {f ergot to tell 17:2 0 a, ${-* to 5 p.m. every day except We will close at 1 p.n:. on closed all day Sunday, i yFor A&M,, the Campus Corner is fis hi tlie name building as the New nid ii operated^'|h» ^rnorial Center.' ; -j ■ 4 , .v.. f ’ • ; 1C . --i •'* 1 t. •i you—our hours Mrs. Holzman's Breather Succimibs J. Roger McAdams, 71, brother of Mrs! W. H.'Holzmann of Col lege Station, died in Bodias, Grimes County, Thursday morning, June • O «-*. , A native of Walker County, Mr. (McAdams had been one of Grimes County’s civic leaders for the past 45 years. WELCOME AGGIES •Ui Our Service PROMPT .,. I CCIXRTEO^.., ' I & ACCLTLLIL' : /• MitfcSfe. I ' '' * ' * Br^ac, . Dr. T. F. Mayo, head of the English department, has been named to a special teachers’ com mittee for this district which will hold a workshop session in Octo ber to co-ordinate high school and college teaching of English. - Also on the committee for this area arc R. B. Danins .of the Uni versity qf Houston and Janet . Arendule of ■ Beaumont High pus from 9 a.m., June 22, to 12 [ School. Four other teachers will noon, June 24, accjrdinjr to Lucian , be named to each district commit- Morgan, assistant riircj-tor of the > tee before the workshops are held, placement office. | ^ j 1 A joint group of high school and Registration wit talfc place in ( college English teachers met on the YMCA from 8 a.m. .to 12 noon.; ‘he campus at the end of last se- June 22, and all, nieeti{igs will be mester to plan the district work- held in the “Y” Ctapell shops, which are under the aus- An estimated 7p county super- ices of the Texas State Teachers intendeots and supervisors are ex- Association and the Texas *Con- pected to attend)the convention ference of College Teachers of under the sponsorship of W. L. | English. Hughes of the ed^mation and psy- ; Time and effort of pupils has etiology department. j sometimes been .wasted in the past A dinner will bo given in Sbisa [ when high schools and colleges Hall at 7:30 urn., June 23. iuplicatuft’ each other’s, work, so ‘hat some studies were taken twice ind other courses never taken, Dr. Mayo said. It is for this reasfon. ie pointed outf that high school and college Ehglish teachers will meet jointly in workshop sessions. Mayo is chairman of the state wide committee working on the problem. j , Another article. ‘Charbra; Next American Registered Breed” by J. E. Sauls will appear in an early issue of the publication. According to Otis Miller, instruc-4- y~- tor, students in agricultural , as tinu . s HeniW Fort Worth star journalism courses have recently Tek . gl , inii F(rt Worth Press, Wi- sold several luindred dollars worth |chi J Fal , Rc , f0rd Southwestern of articles to the ollowing pubb- Stock and f H^ortcr, Progres- cations: Farm and Ranch, Sheep sivo and f ho Cattleman, and Goat Raiser, Southwestern ’ L, „ ^ a . . Baker, South Texas Citizen, Texas . ^ K'\ ^oiuggs, a student in ag Fanning and Citrus Culture, Dal- joui’ifahsm last \ear, is now asso, ciate editor of Progressive farm er. Roger Letz, another student and editor of the Agriculturist, has accepted a job as agricultural wri ter for the Fort Worth Star Tele- gran). Last year’s editor of the Agrifcullurist. Charles Ball, is now associate editor of the Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Tennessee. Ag journalism students who have sold feature artj'cela include J. M. Willoughby, Earl M. Rash, Jack Tiintpons, Henry R. Ground, L. D. Petty, Daniel E. Boone^ Louis F. Fields, Ted Elders, George: H. Cyownover, Robert 6. Ferguson, Ottik A. Ponder, E. N- Malphurs, Jack H. Drivell, John L. Graham, James B. Jones, and L. L. Rich ardson. Agricultural Journalism 415 and 416 are taught by Otis Miller, pro fessor of the department of rural sociology. He taught formerly at Baylor University and at the Uni versity of Wisconsin. He is a grad uate of Texas University with baclielor degrees in journalism and law. v.. Mayo to Serve On Special English, Teachers’ Council Tiqkefs at $2 ^afch may be pur chased at the registration desk. R. E. Harris, cc duty tsuperinten dent'fif Lockhart, Texan, is general chairihan. — f—~~ i ~ ; Potter’s Zoology Text Ready Soon The second Edition of Dr George E. Potterls book, “Essen tials of Zoology,’ is how on the press and will b^j ready in a few weeks. Dr. Potter, prqfessdr of zoolo- , gy, is also the author :of u larger ■ more complete “Textbook of 2oo- | logy,” which just icanui out in sec ond edition a few'months ago. In addition to thesd books, Dr Potter has published .“Laboratory ; Outlines for General Zoology,” i “Laboratory Manual f<jr Compara tive Anatomy,” and Research pa pers in scientific f journals. R. C. ECHOLS nknr Over Canady's Pharmacy A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF . 1 ; Gaudies — I Coiifectious and ^ A Drugs I ■ I * ; *;:1 I i ■ Joues Pharmacy 101 N. Main E .Ilf; -4 " The Collegiate Shoppe WELCOtE BACK/ 1 AGGIES ■' / ! '4 l r Complete Li&v of” SHOES . . and ’! | WEARING APPAREL 1 1 re* B*-: •vj > ‘ •» • r - - Ii, V / i'; ; / i !•