Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1948)
I ' I IF"., v "'i -t- ■V ♦ mm? ||g Ml ii Ms 'il M8mm s p* Li' gw : ;'r'v. > II si! «if® VX-.<‘» r >t I Y T i ' : ./: ! t *• i ‘ I ro ni to ;«( Gaythier Nowell, 2 5 year^ u iro golfer, .Uocfsn’t have ,tp look i: a crystaJ ball to pfe< let that AIM will win, the Southwest Confe refee golf chajmbionship a fain next s|a- s°n. _ | L All that the golf ] iitofessior al|of " ~ itAr the Bryan [ jj* ” is point tp the threfetearti) Jn#n- pionship teams, Nowell served as .j a : .. u p ro eight years at the $p*^ng I 1927 and. ^ j Count Club has win the! ebnferenjcejtitfc thefn to anothejr 2hampionsl|ip, win lose only tMv'is mfj ■ and I'RANK'1‘1C KK 1 of Bryar |1 —^\ynsus lu ms arizis; Li uaafu otuvru ay ut; uu Nowidll, wlioj) began his jpipi :siJ iwill he iplaybd at thb College Park Negro schoolboy still had freedom enough in his sional beaiihinairi 1!23 as a:i is- and College Hills djamonds.'Plans j5] ows Frisco tossed him into the practice ring aga «- »- * '* . . >i , r a s -jx team robin each se- peac sistant rtd Shfeveport Co year ati th; Par ^•omlttg to e horn it Club, qp tf Club irtg-Ltp Bryait|h 1925. He- began working with tfic gie golferji in 19|28 co i its fiijst ference j bdlf charhpi m^hip. was ov^r tjhe Brotik Hollow try Club ciourse ip I )allas. GERN AHI) SCHRlEVER o: Antonio, now a high : ankihg 'J J Air Force! bfficetj; 9. “DiCTt)|H” BREHMER,. anqtine^ San i Aj r TTT L- r,|i bers and h good gjraup c(f ding par-smashers 'j 1 ftlo alpoj be avaiiahle -for the. 949 se i£ qi: Nowell, who! h$lp< d the A gg ies- qalk ;has ratui hed hd- Tt JR., thib year’s cj ipt^in fro in ^ n - j vRetiuming wilLhle JjOHN HEl of'Corsiicaha, BA iT HALTOjMHof Bryan, and JAClt BARNETT Cisco, dthe r winm rs pf majpf the past spason. Amortg those wlio did no . the squpd jbut nia^ pet on jt year are BILE wfLSHING’ Dallas, GENE DABlBY NORTON SIGNH CONTtt|<rr-rHOMER NOR r ON, seated left, former head football coach at A&M, is shown stgn’ng fa contpa-t^o ■‘Abe oyer ties of head coach b( R.ivvui- j. >' veston, a parocial school. NORTON, wlw plans to operate a beachfront hotel in Galveston, said he ^decliiied I several c dlege-of •’ ] - =•• - . -. j . J-l. | | ^ >Others in photo indud?:SMost Rev. C. E. B5 RNE, bishop of the Galveston Diocese (center); R^v. J. Ij. RUDD , president of ifinvin High Scl ool (right). Standing, left to right, are: BROTHER GABRIEL, princijal of Ri-uljn ttigh School, and AL LOPEZ, president of the Ktnvin Athletic Asso- -'Ototldb' I '£■■■■■: if'] j.* -J, ! \;’ 1 (AP Photo),- —_• ' ..■■■■ :-.:l -4 J—r ^ ; ; .L -V‘ ■; r ,.«. f Bryan Profesfional Predicts Successful Season for gie Golf Team Next Year pi Program Will B e Wins Back Title 'with / ut in Third Round ddleweight 1 titlq by i iut Graziano,! lust as he icted 7 he would, in the third round of their third encounter. knocking predii ind of their third encountex Althougi 1 34, Zale immediate ly proclaimed he would noi re- r. yi.: j 1 r ■ 'iv j | NEWARK, N.Jdne 11 i apd taken to his drereing room. Thp champion who came bac c, To- He received a concussion and for ny Zale, charted a fighting future a time his reflexes were gone, today over the prostrate fofm of However, he was pronounced ky Graaiwb. “absolutely okay” early today by the underdog, regained the his manager, Irving Cohen. Graziano said he never got over the first punch which Zale landed—a left to the temple. “I ; niever even remembered 4he last round,” he said. p«4ls m if Zale agreed the first punch was the key blow. The two were in the j center of the ring, Rocky facing | towards the outfield of the ball park. Zale crouched, drew back an, who operated a creamery at | errvilje; A. O. NICHOLSON of Shamrock, -now a federal bank ex aminer ! in Dallas, and JIMMY! LjANDON, a cattle rancher near j Sian Angelo, formed that 1927, championship team. ’Between the periods of chain-1 tire. He offered tb fightj all comers and declared; “I feel Uljve I’m going fhe other W^y again—back to youth.” Botjv of the previous fights he- ^ , ... . tween the poised, silent Zale and his left, and brought it up almost the rough and rugged Gnziino from the floor. As the defending? went six rounds, but Zale nieeded champion started tp sag, Zale; only half that last night. He floor- drove the same fist into his bodv.i : ed Graziano after less than aj njiin- j Graziano went down but wobbled utb of the first round, then ost U P 2,^ ^he count of three, the second when Rocky came sijrg- The way he reacted to that ing back. • 1 <first hard punch, I knew Id get i But in the Ihird Zale wasj 4b- ; h{m .” 8aid 2ale. solute master. He downed Gra ziano for the count of s4 v e n ' twice had him hanging om the rbpes, and ended matters with) a tremendous left to the head'aft er 1:08 minutes. In between all this punishment Graziano kept on swinging. Graziano was numbed, bruised, and baffled after he was rdvitved ’ U t-1 The sumurjer int Monday with play leagues. This suraih best ever offtjred leagues. ' The soft!); ill am consist of mine teams, be from Bizzell, i ^eggett, Law, Puryear, D Dalton; Vet Village, and fhe Trai Single elimination will be organiie)( handball, and as contestants Aggie Yacht Club Places 2nd At Meet ilt Lake Country Clpb in Waco and almost nine years as the pro and golf course builder at Midland. He returned to the Bryan Coun try Club in 1946., . ! • ne wen the season undefeated VI jbegins in lh.e College Sta-; Frisco McGale. Ransom’s manager, came up with the idea iwhen with Crewmen Bob Koiineley and header , __ , 'CNjoflitton Recreational j Council Softball ]u s boy Wadeid into efrery opponent swinging for a knockout-—and pay-1 Warren Elliason. They took sec- game. DARBY olj Har-! | League [Jupe 14. (|ames are sched-; j n g nc r attention to defense . i 'j 1 ond place. The third race found ; The Tret, r , ,lingen, p. E. HORpiE rof Plainvi|w,!, uled fcjr 6 o clo^kj on Mondays-,; stretching a short length of clothesline rope from each of Bufopd’s Warren Ellisson with Bak Reed I runs in fjnal inning to take the lighted by Durwprd Paip- M ednesjdays f and i Fridays. Games • xyrist^ to his arms McGale trussed Buford sO he Couldn t hit. Bift fhe and Jack Holn representing A&M ■ first gamcj, then staved off a Kil- hit, no-run game v i Play Starting In Council Softball League June 14 Battalion £1 OPORTO FRIDAY, JUNE 1141948 Pagef $ Boxer Buford Ransom Learned Defense With Both Hands Tied Softball College View DATE TEAM id: J :: i 3 v ... n hfto Head tchcl rm ijl, Camp. Veterans and! their wikM froi the College Vijrw Apartfnents will comprise thy memb<frk|of thei other league. to\|i|h| mentis tenni$j is soon BARNEY WELCH, star half back for A&M in ’42, '46, and ’47, will ifssist Luke Harrison in managing intramural athletics this summer. Welch graduated last January with a flegree in Agricultural Administration and bps been working fh6 intramural depart ment sinfie graduation. A&M’s Yacht Club tied for seef ond place at the annual Intercol legiate Regetta held in. Houston! Saturday and Sunday by the Hous-I ton Yacbt Club. Five intercollegiate teams - — , were represented at the races, i Mlapp ||| I (knp Tyler Regains 2nd Star; Bryan Wins By The Associated Prefcs Tyler regained second place in I 6/14f C Row( 6/15 A Even C Row A Odd A Even B Even C Row A C A C A C A A B 6/16 6/17 5/18 6/21 6 22 6 23 6,24 6/25 6 28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/6 7/7 7/8 7 9 7 12 7/13 Even Row 1 Odd Row Even Row Odd Even Even C Row A Even C Row A Odd enltrjy EAIV r' .It! I ’ : V ■ j fourth in every race. SEATTLE. (A > >.—Remember the schoolboy bully who boastied! he! A&M was represented in the | cpuldjw’hip jtou with one hand tied behind him? | | first race by R. E. Tipton who with ; Hje’d find Buford Ransom, young^Seattle welterweight, ready! to Crewmen. Jack Relier and 1 Jack call hfs bluff'and go him ong better —Butord learned to box with bj>th Holn placed fifth. Jack! Rebel' rep- hands] tied. ,j • ' j | .i ; i j ; resented A&M i^xlfe second rate The University of Houston won first place honors by placing first in two races and second in on& A&M took two second places and one fifth to tie for second with TU who took third in all three races to tie the Aggies. Rice cameji xyier regained second place ini a ojiyf /lbII l» through with one first place, but the Lone Star League fast nigjjt AfitiVI L^OlilSOll ruined her chances by placing fifth on a double victory over the Kil- in the other two races. SMU took gore Drillers, who dropped into third. The Trojans won, 6-5, 13--12. Henderson ousted Gladewater from fifth place by taking a 10- 3 licking] on Marshall as Bryan Time of all games 45 id«l Wins District For the second successijvj Wasted t(Jlltde»^ter^ 104- Long- J Lufkin divided a double- tfew and I . Longview 5-1. lost tl won the first the second, 8-5. Coach Les Richalrdsoij’s / solidatwl Tigers bairaabifrionsfill Richardson’s n , - . Frisco tossed him into the practice ring against the best bioxyrs jhe are being made ! fbr a six team available and told them to shoot the works. league With a round; robin each se- “These days,” Frisco grins. “Buford if- a hard boy to hit." i rjfjmester. j i | ' i Thei record bears him out. Buford! posted 12 knockout : vitJtorJes| in | Forihs arc bejnk sent tq all hjs first 15 fights and was shaded o'nh'once. . g- department heachijcr listing of j How BUFORD RANSOM W i sent tp all department heads Ter lifting of members of the faJpulty who cjn- .|j interesJed in playing. Other per- ay i sons interested in the softball (|p|n- j| league; should contact Grady Elms in Room 212 Goodwin an j| Hall. ay I . The first round robin will! end July r 16; The second will begin on c y July HI and end at (he close of the 'second kemester, • The Trqjans pushed 6ver three Kame schedule, Ahich " ard F against arms to warid bff arid they also placed second. j gore uprising. The second game ■*’ fhe^ opening ! game pt game over C ■ m How BUFORD RANSOM Mas Forced to I-earn The races were soon sored bv the went the same way. Kilgore came P'ay. Other distri Texas Corinthian Boat Owners As sociation. $ V '•{ Select his Gi t from fine st( NATIO NALIY BRANC DOB .TTAN T i ■!'/ HATTAN RAJAM4 ,{tto ENR' 1 JIB HICKOK . BEAU-BR0Aj[M EL - : L i-w BOSTONIAN Conwaj “Your Cloth ini i 103 N. 'Main ,r\ I ick of KNOW BkTS sj SHIRT D SHIRTS SPoitTfeWEAHf BELTS SHOiEJSl siIacks Q>. ] 1 ■ 1 I- TEXAS LEAGUE Fort Worth ., Houstor| Tulsa .1 Shreveport ... JlSan Apto.nio ! Dallas ] i Beaumont W 1 p l . ;•' /'• ffi . / fe. I ' > /. Alex Stevenson, who won the New York State Amateur golf crowd several years ago, is a member- of the Syracuse Univer sity golf team this season. back for three runs in the ninth, j impressiv only to fajl one short. 22-1;. Ma wins! Marquez, 24-7 Bryan built up a nine-run lead in the first (wo innings to coast home against Gladewater. George Shell won his eighth straight game fbr Lufkin in the second game of the Foresters’ twin bill. 6, and 22-9; and 27-0. Syracuse’s baseball outfield ia composed entirely of football play; era, Doc Acocella and Bob Schiff- ner, ends and Sliver^ Slovenski, Oklahoma City j: ••4/25 ..,.,24 Fct. .$89! .682 1 1.547 .$00 .473 .455 .436 .415 -■ * , •- A \* 0 Buford Ransoa and Boxing Device wingback, patrol the garden the Orange. M’Gaha Joins Buffs HOUSTON, June 10 —UP) Mel vin M’Gaha, former University of Arkansas, football and baseball for : star, has joined the Houston Buffs , of the Texas League. T" JEWELRY STORE Bryan & College Station Zoinlefer Injur In Houston G ured HOI Brothers Jim and Jerry Ejveiiet ! aril Notre Dame tennis stars. Jim wojH'the Western singles and] M(s- jame souri, V’alley singles titles and in the same two tourneys combined STON, June 11 —Chick with Jeiry to win the doubles Entry Form For Tournament Intramural Sports (Turn in to room 20/LGoodwin) Scratch the sport or sports you do not wish to enter. (golf)-(tennis)-(handball)-Cping pong) Name: ^.4...., x Dorm: Room No Schedule of Classes •v 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00.. 1:00.. 2:00.. 3:00.. 4:00.. -X- Zomlder, third -baseman for the titles. Oklahc ma City Indians, received a “slight concussion and severe con tusion’ near the left temple when struck by a pitched ball here Wccj- ! nesday iright, Dr. Carl Young said, j. Ybungv team physician fbr the ! Houstrn Buffs, said X-rays indl- ] cate t ibre was no fracture. He i said Znnlefer probably would re join the Oklahoma City Club in iabout i week. X E T A N k | . . 1 Aggie Student SERVICE YOUR | CAR . GA$ OIL expert Creasing WASHING .! WAXING &: POLISHING STOP AT THB * r- ; • ■ I '■ !• GULF STATION 1 b ock north; Bronco lim on Houston Hwy. ■ j! Owmed & J. VV. sciiuuiui. A.&M Stu. Vet — Cla^s ’50 I For Your Sporting Goods Needs JONES SPORTING GOODS 80S S. Main Bryan , Ph. 2-2332 RADIATOR REPAIRS ONE DAY SERVICE sfsl ! I ii - ■- m. DISHMAN PONTIAC CO. Bryan, Texas, j j I A 1 1 M ! :•! ! !• 1 THAT OLD WATCH CAH GIVE MANY MORE YEARS OF GOOD SERVICE IF IT IS PROPERLY REPAIRED—SO, BRING IT WHERE EXPERT WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITHjMg^ ELECTRONIC TESTING ASSIIHES SATISFACTION LET US TEST YOUR WATCH IN 30 SECONDS tests our work electronically giving a printed proof of accuraqfi DEMAND WATCHMASTER-TESTED repair worn NO CHARGE OR OBLIGATION R. L IfeCARTY JEWEiEB North Gate Golteg^ H f,. • / • it II s tl •!' a ti^l Wortl d i \ m ‘ Ii Even Odd Odd Even Odd O^: Oddi Even Even Odd] Even Odd Odd Evert Odd Odd Odd Eve Evei Odd ! Woulg seve hiffhj 1 ’s mo* Ij u'tham listrict 111 elude/ mrville! rt, 20; 2C- -f-- \ Enjoy a si tp ner of corrtfort and well dres*ed ap ored Sport! of sheer fabrics. 1 [Arroyl, Com^ortabljs It-thi A siet gifj ir Months Mfovrum gets underway softball and volleyball expected to be one of petition predicted in 11 ies on the campus will, tie cbii Hi the joff at convenient times tournaments will iitestanta and fur the In Department. / . „rone desiring to enter of thfse tournaments should in IN entry Wank furnished this page and turn it in to R< 209. (Ioodwin Hall as soon Addition of the new soil diamond with lights located n< o|f thb varsity tennis court, ke it possible to play son the intramural softball games! jiightl ]A "definite decision on f hjas not been reached however. Ldke Harrison, former of Men at the Bryan KieW neg Vil| be In charge of t! summer's intramural program -Burney Welch >who has v orking with the - Intramural partmunt since his graduation winter will assist“HariHson. ^ ,i A meeting of all intramural ath letic officers was held in Goodwin I all yesterday afternoon at five p. m. Schedules were aria and these will be run in the as soon as they are available. •j.lj v4-[-p ~~ obby Layne Signs ontract With !] ubbock Hubbers J LUBBOCK, Tex., June It Eobby Laync, great University of Texas football and baseball star, h going to pitch, fur. pay in both ^ 'Ll’Has'signed to pitch with ubbheik in tty |dass 0 West i-New Mexico League and ei r ha 1 ;! signed a three-year c t act to play with the Chicago tears In the National Profcssidna/ t ootl|all League. Larp’y Larsen, Lubbock gener al manager, anominced Layne iad signed with Thr Hubber* rpesdjtty, He did not reveal terms contract, but said Lavm Hottldj be permitted to leav^th' :lub -early to join the Bears fpl pre- ffeason workouts. Th<f hce passer for the aerial mind Longhorns last year recelyCO a reported $70,000 for the contract v ith yhicagd—A $10,00(1 borjils, plus $20,000 for each of the three, ,S DHSOhii. • f ' fl— —f ■ : H ' Jgf "Ha ^ s j A \, ’ .. V fi W’i ill ’ATHlJ'S DjJ/f JUNII20TH r ii i ■ 2 well tail- collection ;'iT:;sTid ttesutraner Shirts. i A JD ci u—' : i* ! yi h ! ’! r,, t !'' /! ii!