Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1948)
' ■ ! 1 ■ ! iiwj : ",«*■ Pin^l ratification of the fetude: Senate Constitjution (was made a| the last meeting of the 5tuden Life Coramittee held on May 27. The entire constitatioji was ,disl- cussed and certain minor j hanger Tyete made with the approval of t ! representative of the Stude&it jSen* ate. The first three article?! of th; constitution for thje stude it feodff remained unchanged after! rfttifi- , ; .catfcm by the Studemt Lifs'Cioni- ' 1 mittee. ; I IT'L F „ ' In the fourth article, !se<}tion It, to real w of the provision four was changed that" the vice-presidents classes Who are not dn t ie jStuderlt Life Committee sha 1 be ntembei s of the Student SenatIe provision five of the same aifticlfe tnd se<- ticvn the number of stude it < enatois eletted at large wds changed tjo 43 instead of 42. In provision ' of the same tary assumed setting up permanent files Student Activities Officer i ! roup nateCon »rw—Wwwiwii*- icrship and one staft] mem- appointed by the Dean of Men. merly the constitution 'requir- only five members elected by Student Semite from its menj- ship. Several phrases wjere re- wirdjed to clarify the staljements bift ho other chainges in provisions tution 1 \ *’ ' v '• / 1 vision rend? (that the student sena- ron- j In article four, section VII, cted 'provision two, recreation was its a" * ee a change was vision read th ruing election com- tor shoukt be disqualified for the ' ' ' remainder of the term, i election committee shall con- of fiv<t (5)i members ielee,— . , ,. . „ the Student Senate filom Its added to the list of functions which the Student Senate shall have the power to investigate. Section!XI was revised but no changes in provisions were made. An amendment to the. constitu tion shall require a favorable vote of at least three fourth? of the members of the body concerned. At least two-thirds of the members of the various student organiza tions must vote in favor of the constitution before it can be rat ified. I I i ; . The constitution will now go to the! Academic Council! for its rati fication. The constitution will then go into effect. made. r in the Undei n section IV of article; Tour a cl ingc was made in: which the Sfidjent Seriate shalll reserve the ; to accept or reject a petition he removal of a student sena- tc|\ (Any studentj senator failing to aftend three regular meetings of tl4 student senate during the two n rular fi id I excuse disqualified frorii membership tl k Student Senate for the remain- di r of the year. Formerly this pro- ' ! , -r r semesters without justi- iccuse Ishall! be automatically lified from membership to I LOOK I I GIBSON’S ir - ;i4 '••‘II J j ' ^ . ’* j ^PECIAiS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY IfEX SUN—Ko 2 Car Grapefruit Juice itOBEY SHOESTRI\|; PotatoeiB . OFOLOEO J Dormitory Raid Uncovers Mess Hall Equipment By D. R. BURRIS 1 Those students shocked at the loss of cooking- equipment or drink ing materials over the past week- i end may rest at ease.' All hang- ! over makings are now in the hands of R. O. Murray of Milner Hall. ! Murray, who is In charge of Legget, Milner and Walton Halls and dorms 14, 15, 16, and 17, made a raid on those dorms June 5 and 7. The raid was fruitful, in, the eyes of the mess hall, but ‘ i’’. • 1 H- r ; i M * * * HPPWTWf 91H ... •* - raiDfcY, 3HKB «, ^...Trar-TTALioiy, ege fill Spend $144,00« In Renovation During Summer The college will spent! $144,000 in renovation and t n largertient in the summer construction program, T. R. Spei c manager of the construction program said today. . 'The construction program will include $35,000 iq Guioii Hall, $30,000 for alterations of the Veterinary Hfifl pital, $42,000 for entomology field buildings, $35,000 for student loun ges, and $2,000 for an optics lab oratory in the physics deuartment. Remodeling of, Guion Hall will ij begip [in the near future. Movies and other forms of entertainment will bt held in the Grove in the, ’nterirli. The renovation will ip-1 dude redecorating of the interior, “pairing the roof-, new curtains, id vddocorating a dressing room. Spence said that plans called for ajn air circulating system to be installed during the renova- j : tion. The air ducts will be ini- stallt|d as part of the decorations. Stable the reccptiop and Veterinarians’ Conferenee Is Set June 17 -1 A conference for veterinariMli will be conducted on the ^eam n June 17-18 by the school of vetd i nary medicine., nm, «yi;iW litayy!^ TX”h«irn|4 ’Mu be included in the! remodeling ...51', , one the Veterinary llospitnl. J t The; entomology department 1J 1 * Thursday morn Jim Baldree, co-owner of the Pc’tfecto Cleaners, is shown above along with part of the newi equipmjent he ihstnlled when he took over the establishment last Jlmuaryj, ) Spots Removed By New Process^ Clothes Cleaned Sanitone Way ■ 1 : 11 ~ J; |; ? . !' • By C. C. TRAIL I Tf your clothes have boeij splotched with ink, snlat- plans to use the $42,000 for build- ( ing ai field laboratory building, gravel roads and parking area. .-Workj will begin as 'soon as pqs- I sible.: As 'passed by the Board of Di- I rectoijs in their meeting here o,n . May 0, eight student lounges < , w[ill j J ec t w ih be installed, if possible, during the; eases/’ The first session will itre im Paul L. Piercy of LSU who E ^A^ou^of^ST^krdves C fork^and tered with g rease - or smeared ! with dirt or grime, let us confiscated, along! Sanitone ‘em. If they are definable, Sanitone will cleam speak on “Anaplasmosis;” Tierkel, of, the Virus Resei Laboratory, Montgomery, Ah mp, on "Rabies,” and H. W. J( son of Colorado A&M, whose be "Dairy Cattle 1 sumnier season. The dormitories] Afternoon speakers, and to receiveToupges include 1. 5, G,i subjects are: B. T. Simms, US Purydati Leggett, Walton, 14 and Washington, D. C., "Foot 15. Bpilding alterations will require Mouth Disease;” W. A. Boney J $11,7)00 and the fumishings. will Texas Agricultural Experir iidjt! cost japnroximately $23,500. The Station, “Newcastle Disease;” Hart!Hall lounge will also he on- E. R. Schroeder, Angell Menu largeil. Animal Hospital, Boston, Ma thusetts, "Smair Animal Orth ijliji dies.” . : 1 !«: TRAMP 'COMIC he’ GAINESVILLE "CUR- ois Graduate Geography artment Staff r; gha Ml Cpr11 a all! T r ; ( ii spoons were with 31 cups and saucers, 19 salt shakers, fO sugar containers and > j.l,M /»r\ r> pitch- ers, and bowls completed the loot for the mess halls. More depressing to the students was the acquisition of 11 hot plates, H not r. 2 toasters and 1 electric iperculator. The mess hall equipment will be returned to the rightful owners, ap will the cooking equipment after punishment has been meted out to the erriing chefs, Murray said. IGA Super Market •i . I ' and College, Houston Highway No. 6, South M. TO 9:00 P. M.—7 DAYS A WEEK iGEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORE PHONE 4-1222 j J Gladiola Flour ELMER’S Chee»W^s . . 7 DEL MONTE—No. 2J 2 ~Csm Fruit Cocktail j ■ • i j_ ’ WAX TEX—125 ft Riui Wax Paper 1 clan 10c can cm iR ET i IDEAL Picnic Pi icki r . . PARD Dog Food . I . 1 : ; j Prem J \. \ . ii 111 |l2 ■; 5c BEE BRANIF Wall & Screen Spray, qt. 30c REE BRAND Insect Spray v , . . . qt. 30c 5lb. Sack 41c 19c .m 100 COU NT PACKAGE Silk Napkins ... 15c . .... 8c Cups . . j. j 2 pkgs. I5c SAN—Pkg. 10 - 9 Inch Picnic Plates J * ■ ■ DIXIE CX>IJ> DRINK ES Per Carton $1.63 iVIh'TS—I'd 1 p k g-|fH for 25c oA can 45c 29c SWIFTS—For Babies Strained Meat L . . can 17c - 1 . I ' ' : | [ 1 LB. PACKAGE Prejninm Crackers . . 25c TEXAS VALENCIA—200 Size I J Oranges . . .| . * Doz. 24e FRESH HOll • Black SUNKIST—IS Lemons TEXAS RED Potatoes groWn ed 3 eas Oxydol SWIFTS ARROW -Beef-Roll Rjoas Sfcw? igar - 39c jibs. 15<: !j. .—j 4 .[Doz. 21c i f lbs. 20c Dili U large pkg. 33c Drt^ft . . . large pkg. 29c Ipana Tooth Paste . . . 29c 50c HAND (’REAM—15c FACE CREAM Jerjgeiis Deal Both for 39c "Ti lb. 59c -- - SWIFT’! S PICNIC lb. 59c I Hariis -7 4 tc^ 8 lb. avg. 49c ed Bacon l ; • lb. 6Sc em.” , ,! : j ' That’s how Jim Raldhee. cjo-oivner of Perfecjto Clean ers at 2005 South College Bbad,^ j 1 j —t — rips—all] f re? of Iftc physics department will use ; tho $2,000 to partition off a portion of an existing labora tory in the basement for labora tory tables and revise the utili ty Outlets. A banquet has b^en plannee Thursday evening, i Friday morning, Juno, 18, A. |Groth, of the Regional Resefi Sptnee mW that plar* were com- i Laboratory Aubut-n AlalM™, pletefl on the firat new built* ;S> k ™ ^■ , ” t feels about his new Sariifone, mend’ minor cleaning prqcpss. According tq jiim, j charge.” Sanitone has just about revolli|iop-1 1 To make sure that these condi-j 1 u tj r"” 1,1BL ,,cvv UU1,U, '‘* ‘ s jt t> s , 0 f Cattle.” Johnson ized the cleaning business. ! tjonsr are met, Baldree said that a a rj ou <! 'e iead\ in iclease pio- ^hroe^er, previous day speal ‘ . . - - r as K : not t0 Satti tone y »7V sc ^n c O building, first on the • . ■ 1 i * r»»» »I /1»rr/.• I i o r xtrill rv«-» T he revoked }i\ ifth tiill o’ ing. He pointed out that instead o f taking the natural oils out of! th material like most cleaners. Sani tone put.4 the oil back into •] tb cloth. When Baldree was asked tvh more cleaners didn’t use the hr cess, he explained the companv' | policy of distribution. H° saM y’ j mly one cleaning company wa? al lowed to the process per 1 000 population. He pointed out tb only one cleaning eomnqhv wiM ' allowed to use the process her' and only three were in Houston. "And not only is there a cop tion restriction,” he said. “Wej t)' to keep up certain standards hold our franchise. For insfap Our washer ha?; to turn at a fci) fied r.p.m. O; ibar tumbler has a designate<l temp' operated at/.. tui'ie. We oven have to majintai minor repairs department tp on (buttons, repair small tears, a —U—— .—- 4f-j~ Next U. S. President Could Be History’s Youngest or Oldest ; (j ; ; ie next pr’esiciertt may be the youngest , f ii WASHINGTON, (.T).—Tl lorlthe oldest, In United Sta If 41-year-old HAROLD j publican nomination and the chief executives. *■ , di i If 68-year-old GENERAL DOIffiLAS MACARTIH R is the Re ! publican nommee and is elected, die wjlt be ithe oldest man to take j over the presidency. ’> ’ t's historyi • 15. ST.jvsSFN of Minnesota wins the Re- election, he will; be the youngest of our ;» l Youngest president \va ; Theddore Roose velt, who at 42 step ped ni) fro’" the vice pres Kinley In 1901. after ibis |68th birthday. If President Harrison, old Harry Truman was 60 Second youngest preside!}. was he took office. Youngest pri Bryan. He was 36 when hi bearer in 1896. deneyi alter the assassination of Mc- am Hfenry: Harrison, inaugurated 23 days General Mar Arthur becomes the next president, his inauguration i\\il) take place six days before his 69th birthday. ' ;] j | • ivarripr qjf Tippecanoe fame, rode his Oldest! president was Will r' h e: •‘hite horse from the White House tk> the capifol on a wintry inaugura | tion day He contracted pn^i moniq ‘ an hour while delivering his. I month after his inauguration Next two oldest presides!) j Taylor, 65 and 64, at their inaugurations. after standing in a raw wind Mr naugijiral addreps. He died (exactly one . ;| i ts wt^re James Buehanari and Zachary ,vhen he sueces'ded President Roosevelt and if he is chxted next fall will t>e 64 at his second imuiiguration. Ulysses S.l Grant, who was 46 when sident al nom nee was Williajm Jennings was first chosen Democratic standard ' J J ^ 4r ?r& , Quick lunch or between-imealsl snac|c, here’s an easyi-fix, enertfy-fuljl coriit- bination: White or brown bread liber ally spread with tasty, delicious (Mor Sandwich Spread.... heaping he. ing of light, crisp, always.fresh Mort Potato Chips.. v. And a iglass of yoiir P ?i u r : ' I — I j We Sell Circus T FRESH HORTICULTURE FARM . . Vino L ; IP omatoes ****... j n. 15c FRESH HORTICULTURE FARM Sweet Corn .() ears 2»)C FRESH HOME GROWN Black Eye Peas 2u». 19c (KANSAS resh Peaches 2 u~. 25c 1 ) | Nice Size ^1131138 Yellow Fruit.. 2 Lb». 25c EVERY FXiG GUARANTEED Select, clean, wlilte infertile EGGS Large (23 oz. or over) >0*. v 49c ARC HER HOUSE, REGULAR NO ' 2 FANS Vienna Sausage 1 2 29c MONTMORENCY R.S.P. Pie Cherries 25c 2' 7 CANS GRANNY’S BRAND Fruit Mix F " r desserts can 25c 4— __4 T- GOLD CHAIN, ALL PURPOSE Guaranteed to please LB. BOX.. 43e Flour: 5 Z 43c You’ve reail about It! THE NEW WASHING SENSATION! FAB On le Sale, 2ml Box—1c 29c Oleomargarine DECKER’S PLAIN Meadow lake Cokwed Lb. 49c ...Lb. 89o Ice Cream LILLY'S Any Flavor.. Pint 25c 12 OZ. BOTTLES (NO DEPOSIT) Houston Club Case of 24, 95c ix u*. miixxris ti Ginger Ale 6 for 25c FRESH FlfC Straw j A-l BRAN ii Green Coffee MARYLA^ 1) PKOP I Qt. Paste l o Oall< lit. j Baldree! bought the cleaning es-| W 0, o CV and entomology will have sis’’ after-which visiting lecti hbUshment last January. Hc jun- ^ 9 s nuic 1 l spacc whon ,'''. l11 h,,1<1 a *' ani ' (l,Pcuss,w le M iill the equipment and reequip- ht ’ ^ nl(i "^ ,s compleU> ’ ' S,mm ' : d the shop with new machinery; i month - later his brother-in-law, | iid ; Nicholas, formed i a partner- j j ip with him. Now, Bqldree hand- j j - all the cleening process, while | rihidas i*uns “the front end.” | ’Vditreoj has studied epeaninp and j j “es^ing for 17 years. ! He Worked | the Rice Hotel in Hbuston, var-j | '$!places in California, ami ini /.■fi cities in Texas as '|’yler, Long- j / 'W, and Moxia. it'Hola? was a professional I ’•ter and school teacher before ' Febitiary. He received bis B? | vjoqatiqn and industrial tduea- ’from NTSC. He has been do- gi’adupto work at A&M. lack- | prily ij 'hours for his masters. ivrt $, Kiester, nax’y veteran r iduate of the University of i s has joined the A&M geo- , department. efuna to "College Station from Li(ike, Wisconsin; where rvetl as agricultural con- foiri the Kriei* Preserving ly. j Previously he had in ! the planning and re- divisions of several agricul- ttiriUjjidu*tries, in Illinois ami Wis- cipnnl i. | | I j ; ■ •s:er'holds a BS 'degree in aphy jfrom the University of anil has also done graduatoj n that subject at the Uni- of Wisconsin. While jn the lie hided in the preparation ts juised to locate captured perisoniiel in Japan, addition to his teaching , Kiester 1h conducting re- i jin the opportunities uf- el by Texas cities for the laGop of agricultural in- es.l replaced R. H. Olfion, who lecjntoredi; the meteorological dit f ' ; w°!| v.’ri vis ) 1 k rri |TE1 >, ii' L J AND PROCESSED ICED BRA! ?<t)S COtlNTY •t sma; eas LI). V lei MO -U /Ten|ty|leaf| Cigart NO. 3(M) C t Black Jack S Stiokh ii Cocoa 8 MINUTF Oats • ri!-- A&M COI. FRYE HENS BACC .-7. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATUIfflU J Jtlli South Side Foi C DL LEG mm Pack t« •f! ill (’Ltutfh of | the- army. *t ickets IFiliP ^ i Mpntz, 14 oz 43c *AfiCY No. t cans (I ’onwrly ’L'k*) 2ro,39c ( an 49C 53c ;y farms r jf j a yadtt A Milk.., 21c I . ' - r .li j r . I .4L....-.J—,j.39c % ■, 9 'i. 3 ^ 11 'o >ular Brands [CS 1 Barton 25c $1.19 $1.63 ELL D CORN 2 irsikey AND .... iOFii! ft J leavy drii|'CD r. {: . Fresh C|clS Pack - r 2 ,an, 29C Kernel, Golden, extra ard, or style, White, Fancy. Olffc— ' \ "i ' l v 33c -Vi 17c ()|lTILK OR REG. 129c r:i4c —ifj—» i. ,i •».|i.i ..I lx cdi fully dremed '•••11 ' • ••••••<) «** * • 44- Lb. SI Cfcd, Swift's Lb. , -i 56c •t il l!\ i ! '• k -t