Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1948)
■v l m T* fj ^ MS 1 v . ^ f-CACKXSff NOfHW'B LOUT.WL FO‘A ; AavT / £M£MBL a •tHetncvhahwin] i/r-snrs r£adY‘ P/flUL£ /?QVAMf£- NAMEmW/FA • r ^r. M9* n]™ v : m bS?OC VHIW GOTA STEADi' JOB, BUT WHICH HAlKfT I HOME TGITONMAH NERVES— MUSTER- 5 J Page 1) ».(I; |‘ ’ / !] f I ;1 • I i| 11 B ir' Wsk < SOUTH ONEg MARRY HIM, SENT T'YC i'^-AN'T&j?KrSS HIM GOO f^gVE-IT'LL BE |g| AIDEEL m pm-ySfl r •' —5 BATTALION tse Section . £ | eo I an elaMifled* the Student Artivitic Of tbould be turned in b) the day before publication pyiCE on all TTER HOMES 314 N. Main, " t i Contini|ed frp: 1 ,1. asking to hive the Muster car'iec over the AUC network. No r|ply has been rc ceived as yet • The Cndift Corps will stade i formal revfiew tomorrow .aipr noon and tiarch en biasse to - muster afterward. Iluther i™i V . 1 : ehaimifm op the lHupter Comjnitt- ditio^ oPThe Twelfth Man;” A. E. the Ttjrrv, . >T | attempting to interest one or more newsreel companies in covr ‘ the Muster Day activities. The Muster will open with Aggie Band playing “The M: Major.” Cliff Harris, corps chap* lain, wilt deliver the invocation, and; John Stiles will give the April 21 Muster Tradition. Afjter the Singing Cadets’ ren- tee, 'said thle general public is vited tn attbnd the ceremonv. 1 For the review.; trie fldihtsnt’* , call will be^ at 4:25 s.m. The ret- view is tn honor #t- students [who are.attending the .Muster. At this same time eleven f ew oi vai izai- > tion j colors will be presente*to vanrtus outfits bv the A. ana M. t., Mothers’ Club of Texas. The A vi le Muste r svmMi res the friendship and loyalty of AftM meii to each olher. to tl eir Alma Mat and tn the state of Texas. A huge cr«4 d from iolrer this! Mctiin rtf the state is ex- 1. pecked to [attend. . Cojonel Jjjfeloy, clonimand«nt. has “Redf” Hinman, Class of speak. The Aggie Band follows with “The Elder .Statesman,” and Sam Hill, A & M chaplain, will speal by ibody! jojin i together in 1 “The Spirit! .of Aggielaiid.” A military volldy by the Ros$ Volunteer squad. Silver Taps, and Auld Lang Syne (coin plete the program. 1 1 1 [ The muster committee is made up of tuther Terry, chairman. Charles Kirkham, Tom Laros, and W. y. Gardner. Tf At Pi'** Yon Tkm’t at the review. The Muster (nr mitteo -bosiRont letters to 37 n >w pappus/ 6f the state, inviting: < he to send refresentati res to Co l"vje StaMorr *fof~the Sar Jacinto cerembny. ] , • Ten-w • riporis tin it • the-'refcord made toitui 0 for the broadcast in ^asfl of iri< ,»"t weather c ame out very p*v'd.j i Terry has al«( vc- (e ! ved a letter fr^n KnW Wh^lit- eelle .own^f* of lute •state Thfjatre Circuit, saying Succeed Ski, Again Bay i SALT LAKE CITY —M-4 F|ve times Mrs. C. M. Kalm went ski- ifa-iFitfe , . off the course with one leg or other broken. This year it' was dif: Twice she tried snowy slope went home unhurt. “It iust takes nerseverance” she said. 'T i believe I have finally mas tered the sport.” j • j times they carried I i "11 that he was h GRADUATION GIFTS ' w-‘ l-iL'.- ; j 1 . } j of jewelry l J' > ’■ ’ ' ^ , ji'i . L ARE GlFTS^fHAT LAST r ■ i ■ l 'I "Ll .' CaWwell Jewelry Store Aggie Jewelers Brjyan, Texas FO apl A4. olnytlrae. FOR WTN .BUSINESS refraber courto* and as Biyan, t’S TEA K( ^ . . it* dinner*, {nrtiea, •erve dinner* before col- anytime by arrangement SC Chevrolet coupe—$265.00. Collette 1 View Village. See JiL LFJ—Lot lOO’xUOV South Oalt- Jaekson Street \ Boh Cheery, L Plymouth,. 4-cloor, good -5295.00. See across from , Anytime. ; ' ^ FOR SALS—Boy’* bicycle. '2C” wheels, good tiros; Good condition nicchanicnlly. S15.00. top E. 28th. Bryan. FOR SALJ^—Nice five room house. Rea. sonable. 406 Montclair St; Call 4-8084. — r-j i— FOR SALS: ROYAL TYPEWRITER4- ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS- VICTOR ; PORTABLE ADDING MA- CHINKS. ■ S120.00 and up, Combination Adding! 4 Cash Registering Machines. Immediate delivery. Call or; write L. ,H. '.dams. No obligation. BRYAN BUSI- (Continued from Page l/)* ' • • '; ' " ' ' > , ' ; ; Tjj-'i Ciro-floK camera with Rapax shuU ter, an Hex Paragon enlarging lens, a Kalart Prism Range Finder, dn all-metal Albert Royal tripod with pan head, and a check for $25. A set of six photography books will be given to each of the! photo graphers who receive honorable] mention in the five divisions of the contest. Any student regularly enrolled > H Meet Tonight The Geology Club wilj important meeting tonigl p.m. in Room 11,5 of the j Engineering Building, B club ppesident, annamicf single class, day.] | j| . j QUICK AS A FLASH ... i 111 Not only do AGGIE CLEANERS do dry cleaning CAREFULLY but they give you PROMPT SERVICE, too. 'ir. ?. s' x;.- whose talk Is voted will receive an ship in the > ition 6f Petro- dg Sts and will be given ■^ript ion to thelr mag* the program will, >, John Honea, James r . K. Arbuckle, and ' !'B'- J L i »•''' I Next Time ... FOR BETTER WORK AND FASTER SERVICE CALL 44554 Ad* NK: 2-1? •:ss MACHINE COMPANY, Dial .1328. 1*, O. Box 972, 107Jv. 22nd St., Bryan, Tfxas. . __i ^ _j FOR SAXE -'42 ; Jeep, good shape, iust shop painted. Box 1829, qr Dorm 15. Room , ■ — Ml j ■.-■■II ..|| I ■ TYplNG- Bring your theme* and thesis to C-13-A, College View Apartments, after 6:®I p.m. or to the Scribe Shop. SW7 ' ’ i007 K. ?3rd: Phone 2-t;70r, SDL ROfS LODGE NO. 1890 AF&AM “ ! Called meeting Wednesday I at 5 and 7 p.m. Work i in | K.C. degree. GIBR GILCHRIST. W.M. W. H. BADGETT. Sec. We’re “old hands’’ at rAaking soiled clothes look like] new. We also CLEAN CUR T.i A INS, DRAPES, BLANKET^. SLIP COVERS, as well as CLEAN and REFINISH LEATHER & SUEDE JACKETS, and GLOVES,- J !,S I, 4ADIE AMU SON of Amarillo and IRENE are Texas Tech students attending the AI fE KNOWLES of IEE meeting here. Methodist Plan lorl Session Methodist families and students are urged to attend work night at the Methodist Church at 6:30 p. m. oh Wednesday, April 2i cording to Rev. Carlof Davis. Families are asked to bring food for theihselves and one extra per- mn. Following supper, a sing-song and devotional will be held, he said, if : 44 ALSO EXPERT DYE WORK CLEANING DEPT. — Now under the supervision of B. L. SIMS, graduate of the National Cleaners and Dyers Institute, Silver Springs, Md. .‘Aggie Cleaner! NORTH GATE 'll ' I J ■s 1 } mmm Si,;: B ;ij 7, J L _ . PW M- I: I What’s Cooking? I ¥ Rl 1 7;30 p. m., Tuesday. Petroleum I Lecture (Room. Coach HaiTy Stite- ler, gueat speaker. s^iOT^TTT rpTTT> a t r-xtc*tmt-p 1 LANDSCAPE ART CLUB, 7 J). Tvr^^Arnv^rv E ^ GI , N ^f R ' m., Tuesday, Room 310, Ag. En^i- IN0 SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, neeving Building ' ASCE'Tiro m Tuesday I MAKKET.NG, r RoJm li, CE &A. sSeatr:!ciXB.jruea,U 312 ArtuHu.,,1 I G. S. Sa\tex, midwest represent- building, t .30 p.m* t : i J- l_| AND FINANCE T' tive of the ASCE. CATTLEMAN’S BALL, 9 n. m. i’Friday, Sbisa Hall. (Music by Jesse James and all the boys.) DEL, RIO CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, April 22, YMCA Read ing Room. ECONOMICS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, YMCA Chapel. t H AND GAME CLUB. Thur- NEWCOMERS CLUB, 2 p.ih., Wednesday, YMCA, Dessert bridge party, for reservations call Mrs. S. A. Lynch 4-8599 or Mrs. J. *4 - women’g and childrens wear IF ! C! f .i-T' ■ M’ j j ,kj\ ! - a] J industries place f 1-1 .r ' [ ' - . ■ < Neel 4-B2C.9 by RUTH CIRC Mondaj). Mrs. Apartment B-2t SADDLE AN Tiiesday bight. .E, 7‘.30 p. rp., Ripley Harwood, -B Colleee VieW. D SIRLOIN CLUB av, thin! floor, Ag Engineering i Room esday, Room 115, PE Building, p. m., Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Tue»<lay, A&I Lecture BuMng. '] I VETERAN’S LOGY CLUB, 7 ,p. m, l'ue?(lay, Room 115, PE Building. KitEAM AND KOW KLUB, 14-B, follcge ^iew. | GEOLOGY CLUB, 7 ,p. m.,' of the (Fn-st Bdptifit Church, 7i30 Tif 11, ” J A-JM U WIVES CIRCLE >tist Church, 7?30 April 20, Apt. |A- l r t,./ : / r' ' i , r; • • . • • • • • .-- —B — — I high via I ne on I I i A Perfect Exposure..: VI !.i\ ;l .11 iese indfistnes, with yed 2,395,000 w irkefs in automo) talfor tlie and allied products; ' TT •[.: ■ , ^ c wl industries coml inedl* • r r!|| n t i i — -r u r juilding f ‘ Women’s <t | - j . • pgedin textiles a in a Qants nd men’s wear, em* 947 ... more than the ic machinery, chemical] tobacco, pet roleum products and V 1 . , • j, ■ ^ 7ith so vast a payroll, it is not surprising that the ’ I" .V 1 .[ } I '■ • ! md childr mis wear 'industries should be er it' ' an endless quest for new ideas and business- ■].■■'[' technique ■ .-f - H. i'ri.v h ■■ * Rr-M *.:■' r III * Source: Bureau o , . Inttoducini “g ih- Labor Statu tsttes . Tfce |WoiMn*B Jiv4- j:' > » it vJ . . AMERI DAN CO V B “’ 1 ini CUldrca’a Wear ladufrr A - LLEG IATE PUBLIC by “Women’s Wear Daily, 1 . v._ 4T )n,7 East _v 2 th St.* New York 3, ' ’ ' mi r !' ' fl. en i ou’re more wonderful, more attractive in these v 1 new Jantzeri swim suits. It’s Jantzen’s hew Lastex* Contour Control that . turns the trick... with \ 1 1 knitted-in Lastex yam fabrics doing a marvelous de-inching and enrve- \ ll' [ ' I whittling job for your re. And Jantzen’s e: ..IT. Dorothy fashion colors an m JlL $9.95 /• T t ! ■ 1 • ] V 1 ! , -4 U j. • ri . • LViv pi: mm \ V A^ i &^ a M'.v “fe|« ’ j J J [*>■ ers * I PHONE 44554 f i i t' di' ^ . V : w ^ .:l—HP ' \\ I ■as : | , It's an automatic RADIO-PHONOGRAPH... . ; | . •? if : t J ? f I that plays 50 minutes of uninter rupted recorded music by pressing the single-button control. '• j'i "I ’ f ; I j :i ' j But you can UFT OUT the radio and plug it in anywhere. It’s a real 2 in 1 instrument! Stunning air-stream cabinet in fich, dark mahogany or toasted blond mahogany finish. This sensational set will bring them home for their $AA i-T ifter school fun. ...... ^ ^ l! a • .11 U c J Jv* V W every student wants a Westin^iouse imii JtWtt l I Here’s a console radio in capsule form, packing tone, power and performance you’ll have to hear to believe 1 Styled on all ■, sides, it has a retractable handle for carrying from room to room. 1 Only 9 l / 4 ” x 6” x 6”. It’s ideal for small spaces. Green and gold < . m » i, i or ivory and gold. A swell gift for a smart student! ili ;.95 ■/ 1 i- l : A WESTINGHOUSE LIBRA e bookshelf . . , easy-to-see t will wow th<