Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1948)
J I > !ri f- J ~ i'!-' i i li 1 ■ for the! 1948 Day cdebration |Lhi« Sat are materializing, anil ments t a ve been compl an • intrii-isquad 1 ootb^ll ia additioji ti events. ; Spring: : training football tfam will jco Satuwla;' with tween a njaroon arid s A list o: r players will be released late! This jwjill be a negola)tioil ga although several full ;ea ns w It see action. The game Js schedii|t4 ,cd to start at 2 p. m. The nha*obn team, ci ,pt; lined ,b; kuard OidpU Stauteettberger, tael Jim Winkler, and qoartnbick J‘ my Cash! ♦p, is fjavpi'e ! <>Ver various' orthe: sptit L e to > 1 K v hit; or each i:i the white posed qf! the se Strings. ; Later M’s has Brooke, diamont noon. whiph w:ll the dai uball teat and I B ‘ 'li' I ip. m„ wiill day M^lics oh the K rle Fi iThese two 'ties ms are a--.. 'BchPduldd tb plaiy Eriday af(sir- ••*on. •il'l i j |I Sports Day is spoins Jrtti by Texas T .^ssqcr itic n an an annual events, lit was dhsj Unued during tli# wa • years was revived last jyeajr for time singe 1942. ; ’ Tickets to tl|ie fnot >all baseball games Jmajr >e obtained at the; athletic^ of|fi< g or frbip any Tji'lub member lor one do Jar. Tickets will allso be on safe at Kj lei Field entrant e ?>atitrdtai afternoon. Although not la )Xjg|uUir part, jof the Spcjrts Day, tin loutihwist /Conference Swimmer neet Iv^ill be held pere Frijiay a id Sattinliy. Prcliniihjaries wijl st|ai i f ridgy[alnd the meet finals May Saturday; SPORTS p.U’ Freshman Hjlijiy Start On Vi — ; • _ — r ] Jririi ■ • : atures Inter-Squad Football G ^ ,1 ; I: i ;—, ,,4 I . i I—rU m- m EK m A • 5$ . ^ aa : • / i J -V s ■ ■ lb. wf«s TFKKY ANDERSON, 139 pinning GILES CLEGG of C day. to tl ACKEKMAN is getting; a warm’s ej') is tint on his back, tniht 5-3 any way. ill tikii'placi Sports Calendar Thursday— A & M freshmen baseballers play the Southwest ern University' Pirates here at 1:30 p.m. Friday— Southwest Confer ence Swimming Meet prelimin- aries. Aggie Baseball squad plays Brooke Medics:here. Tennis Match between Aggies and Vanderbilt Commodores. Saturday— Sports Day. Intrasquad Football gamle at 2 p, m. on Kyle Field. Baseball game between Aggie Rpseball game between Ag gies and Brooke, Conference ijSwimming Mcjet here. _ 1 Intramural fencing begins at: 2 p. m. (I ' ’ * ' f ? n 13 from A Field is shown floor. ItHeree CUFF ew to see If CLEGG t AXDEjRSON won the I i U- A&M I' i A* j’ \ / ■ ;• . • j | make or break the Southwest Conference look at the schedule Don’t be surprised if the Texas Agtfies make or break the Souths hall champion this year. How do we figure that out?—Well, by taking ftnd 11)0 teams j ,j • [” lii 1 ’ 1 j -L_ 11 !. At the end of last year’s race, the conference standings showed Texas, Baylor, and IjOUthWCSte T nmnimr nna i-xut\ +'Viroa ifi that nrrlbr Thi« aaasnn will/ See a Struggle between ^ ing Meet Chirfty Hoy freshmajn from Kritiej or ^ nia^f that 'skfit back for ivl oln'j P No. 1 btkekficldjfor thje J>|»rtsjJlaV fifth annual Southwestern Recrefr- latuiiilaj at 'lion Track and Field i t come qUt for f^otbal li .st .‘icasiin. : Another ne\v|o)nbr Clovis)(fMfgik. al transfer fronji, San \i CoBegfi also wilt !al ,01 in the first toiij-n bac ;f eld. tfc km I pofiby Goff, a letteinnati frojnf lf«n- cily wqo wtrs ihjuiieq season;! chores]. •split I In Game! SqUir U tl55*|i|)ijn(!l 1 be | ^ . . . ,’tjofch | Hairy Btiteler has bum r^ajrqhirig ! during Jsprihg footbajl rainiijgtMt Ft. Worth Track Meet Has Over 1,000 Entries Texas A&M College. , j.J J i Royalty did sh well for thF \\ ird FORT WORTH, Mar. 17 — . .team (hiring s<frimni| gr Salt 1^1 lay More than 1,ULK) entries already that hij! has been imvert iritq the , have, been received for the twenty No. J. bjkAcfield jfor the Knoiisf* ‘ 1 *— 1 ^ ^ >- ~- intra-siMuad gaibe thi: 2 ^ ^ f ,L' , | Only five-fdot-snen and Hhifly', Hoyaiti 11 ate .It 1 left ihalf vifft / but) Ust till ialt/r- Engche Meet hei e T? Greene, aqother sprin;: trai|iit)g discovery] from Ejln u. !• ) i £ if ’ j " r ' Iftitcfler 'alaolhas H P^e VVlee” Smith tea|pi to tike right _ r . 5 ., •Bll»®|| i SiV|/pi36vitb» ',S'k» »id jj. •In** hjul f- bJIwou «>-, f »> hwwT -r t tTo° t tr ;si A « * j; nto>ed Ihvjton T< m the, sitfcnd la f ipot r^ifthe Friday and Satlurdjy. R. D. Evans,, meet director, sa, d theW was a • ycfesIBflttyiatrallkin ie record would hie set, which vroq d mean more than 1400 indtv duil entires for the four-division track and field meet and the two-divisiqri golf tournament. j Entries will not be closed qt alii but will be accepted until the tirhe the nieet starts. t -Jiminy Cashion : quarterlrack. , 1 vll '^Stitudr will (divide totthejiMarooni anil {h« the Saturday 4 ar,1( i’ the aiiiipiices (if the ti»n u| Texas) 1 which VUl conlrludB •tf'dihiijig. i j' ■ -A—A sp((kts| ijiAjr i.j —-l-r-4 4jr t&M running one, two, three ill that order. This iese same three teams. Texas has 4st Ramsom Jackson, catcher jfor Layne, a winning combination for •tnem in 1947. Baylor is fielding about the same team and will be, a strong contender for the diamond crown in ’48. The Aggies, even without Dewey Jaicobs and Hub Moon, will be a stronger nine this year. That should make it a toss qp. But let’s take a look at the schedule., j 11 f . r • On April 2, the fmnghorns meet the Aggies on Kyle Field. Both beams will be lacking in experience and will be untried in competition. The Aggies might have the slight est advantage playing to a home qrowd. Whoever wins will be way ahead of the other team, a definite advantage. i Immediately after taking on the Longhorns, The Aggies turn to last year’s, second place team. . . the Baylor Bears. The Bruins just as powerful this year as last, come to Aggieland for two games on the 6 and 7 of April. Again the Ag£* es Ml] play on home ground but this may be their only ; advantage. Should they wifi both games, the conference could turn into a three way race within the/first week of play. Even if they win one, the face will still take, QT> wild pro portions. Anyway you look at it the pressure is on the Aggies. So jnight be the conference champion ship fate. Then skipping over The schedule until May 14 and 15J The season will be well underlay then with the Standings about set; only Seven tames will remain 1 to decide the champ. The Aggies joqrney to Aus tin for a two-game series with season -i ■.flii ill ! jl. r I , 1 fjjL itpjree way scrip for suprem acy iii the 220 ami 440-yard free style tvents is one of the big rea- •sods) why there [is no outstanding team favorite ijn the Southwest Cohfefenee championship swim ming neet at Texas A&M College Friday And Saturday nights. Soiijt tifern Methodist’s Larry GdMiWin, Texas! Jim McCann and Texas) A&M’s feernii* Syfan arc ' TexaV.'Both'teams then will be ex-. tM uidiyuluals nhvcavctl. They have tej-iencej an( i competition will be) bfeen oUt-doing each other this sea-j ke _ " ' 'smLi| j j i ! jj" 1; j / Syfan beat Goodman in the 220 at Dallas. Thev didn’t meet in the 440. Godqman then clip pied McCann in bqth jtjhe 220 and' 440 at Dallas. McCann turned the tables at Aus tin with a doufjle victory over Gbocmjan. f i i Syfati and McCann haven’t met but MdCann hast the edge in times. tomplAted Because of tjhis: jumbled race, f ro m*here the, meet is /considered a toss-up betH'e^n ‘1m Angies and Texas U. and Baylor tankmen are and that Oklahoma A&M had ajn noupced it would have a team hete. Thefe also will be some Oklahoma is 1 I ' * nefe also wm oe some vKianonm natei fipties' in the (junior college clafs. expjepdd’ to take slices of points hejei and there, ) weakening or stferk uhfning the eventual eham- piqn’a chances with each whack. strongest events are the and 10|i-yard free styles p hands. 'qxjas’ strong siiite’s are the bfeak .,stroke apd diving. k . ; ■! ft I ufas the diving event which! enaljl id Texas 4o take the cham- piongliip away from A&M last sea son. Texas still has dn outstanding diver; in .lick Tolgr, hut A&M, SMf' and Baylpr all have improved bonfilnten who may break the mo- nobfwl [ ' ■ . SPOftTS PAY eener. Both wilt have an over whelming desire to win. Should; Cither one be leading the confer ence, the other \rill Want to win doubly so. Needless to say, it' will be a crucial series; it, could decide the pennant. | It’s certain that either Baylor] Texas, or A&M will be on top when these games continence but whq Will be champion after they are nobody can say. It lookS from*here like the Aggies hold the keystone to conference victory, j SPORTS MY Three Clubs sqi e sj ten t! Texas A&M’s pli versity Pirates share 1948 baseball season noon at 1:30. Coach Tom Picket seen a lot of uctidn on hieff schoc teams, service clubs, and circles) Defensively, thf Cad#; good as any freshman state, but bad lyeathe; down on bqtting practa ting if) the big question base is another probleh Cadets. John DeWitt, high school catcher Iju t handling the initijal sael. Wallace 'Moon, secoh from Bay, Arkansas, wi ing at the keystoiie sack. Another lii47 All-Stajt Wallace from Dallas, w the shortstop position in ' qr infield, i Sonny Bollman will be hot corner] fori the Fish Bollman . made Esqiiii American high schoqlj ; 1 ‘mi-pro !- " are in thjt as cut ml hit- rk. fjint or thu :I-Stat|( ] ear, team last season. He the four former AH school (Houston) basebi the freshman nine. Baseball coacih' at tH( school is Aggie-ex, Pel t Dowlipg was All-jConf^reii er on the 1937 Southwest ence champion AifcM nip: Henry Candelaj'i. Hilimi ke, and Bill Warriner-will I outer gardens' for tjhe Thursday. L IM Car|delai:i is qne of Houston Aggies on the Farmer left fiekljer pla)j't) ball qn service tbums iii) teur clubs in Houston. Right fielder Warriner 'former Austin high sulpi ton) basebailer. The chaser was on the A team! Jast season. Hilmer Bchuelke will I center field spof for ' tl ;1| . , outhwestern Lfni|-. jebtristening of the here tomorrow after- ttyebr club that has W .j'- "F^ 1: one of the Inainstayls oil Staff. J , , r - x Luilkfe is a pioduct of Houston’s Mobley, f Goose Jeff Dg'/is ,4 AtMtin (reck, J me Wmali i|f start : handle 1 Farm jj jat th» bji i year All Iqisebal me 0 higl prs or Ioust( owlin > 1 cute 1 Confe i| ^ Pf -1 high: school and and SuttOn of beijs of the '47-’48 tetball squad round [pitching, corps, western tilt is the first _ ule of about HI garpeS [giegi The. Cadets’ next.. «t will be against PeU Austin team on March III' jj ! A| ■ • • aruHxs day * to Start !!. 1 ■ 1'j v', Intramural Horseshoes Bj) ( LIKF ACKBHMAN Toil;homilies trains of'the Corp^ Wo 1(1 thejr leagues hist \jr«ek liml aro riow ready for the Corps rtfs wi u - ...Ty. ('nly Scbui I ended in a tie jahd this will ijlajjrtfs which will get undeijway F1 ic ay. (|nly pne or the ; ■ : ; Pitcher STAN HOLMIG is one of Coach Marty Karon's few proven mound candidates on the Aggie team. HOLLMIG has been pitching for the first team in practice this season. He also swings a mean bat. ' i I ntiuchjolf ast ,e liu[,ll ack 1 : J* ' nainlsitme Wrestling Moves' Into Second Week in- Texas A&M, defending cha pion of the university class he hack with a team that alread has two victories over its strong esf rival in the Southwest, thje j j||; j j University of Texas. The Aggies Intramural wrestling swuyg into bested Texas in a dual meet and 1 it* iHird day Monday wjth 11 - in last weeks Border Olympics | mafrtiLs being run qff. The results at Laredo. | || wevej as follovjs: ( n 1 f CORKY & CLOT j ■ ' ] -Pijesentslmore SHilNci & . f i| 4- PAtlTE P lan e ,r er Ndithl > A (Abe m foj I , Emails said the 100-Pieter:special rler; event would be run as usual. The , r* t tLe sduml Wh]itk*s ieh i^iui r Adscjcia- AAU has announced it will j Hot] lollejgb Lml sanetion this event on the grourds^ p|ing fdoismll ai) «>pen event may disqualify its j ] ! liilrticipants far the’Olympic gajnejs. ; .j ,j ^vans says, however," that tnere I will] be only ^college men' in !tijs * - f beautiful UMMSRj * H f- Ivan dill , 5 . ; Hjeveiit and thgt he thinks it vjll _ imdt AAU standards. The AAU’s —• feats were based- on the quest] On “! of whether or not coaches mi| :ht ; participate. Coaches are not vb?!* ble [under amiteui) standards. The four elapses in the meet here afej the university, college, jpnjqr college and prep school and high School. • i • • ■ • jL'harley Parker, ace sprinter of the University of Texas, will nut be in the 100-meter dash this year. Coach ( lydc Littlefield said sotne time ago tKat he would n it enter Parker,/in this event bit would concentrate on winning the j I teiim championship in the univeri I sity class, jj Bill Martim-son, whose.duels w]th /Parker in tho sprints was a’fta- • tine last.seapon, will not be ho e.; T Martine.son has transferml firm Baylor to Oklahoma A&M. He-will ■f[coripete in tjhe AAU sanctioied Chicago relays next week-end. 12%-l’ound Class BHmvn, Banjd, over Gowlwi Fkfq (pin in J rtiin. 45 sec.) 139-Pound Class | Carlson (129-lfouful Class, Fish Ch|!riip, l!)47r B Inf. .over Dotson, E Wield (pin jn 3 njifri. 45 sec.). 1 if-Pound Class ./ FiHton, B CiijmP- over Dailey, B Kml (2-1) / 1 ]59fPbund, T'laSs ; KodniXg, A Field: over Arnst, C Cqv. H-ii. .[ jHSt-Pound Class jKinlurd, Band over Crochet, Dorm (Bjicek, C Field over Rown, B Cav j#*-Pound Class [Miller, A Comp, oyer Alexander, Correction On Mile Relay Team] Contrary to informaiion re-A ceived over the AP wire last: Sunday concerning the; results of the Border [Olympics, Con- nally Ludwick and not Bill Na pier ran the first leg! on the] record-breaking i Aggie mile re-' lay team. In the sammaries of the meet which appeared in Mcfnday’sf Batt. it was stated thaf Napier ran on the Aggie rnile relay team. Actually the team con sisted of ConnaHy Ludwick, E. ( i> Holbrook andl •nden ip/ m marie^w as in the results of the) 880-ytird run. Bob Atkins, Ag gie half-miler, took third in this event. The summaries in the Batt read “third, Atkins, Texas.” The Daily Texan, with a specj ikl reporter in Laredo, also made these same two / 'mistakesi G. Bilderback, Florida Is . Nice But High In Wintertime A sports Pay if ] By HUGH FULLERTON, JR. / TAMPA, Fla,, Murcli 17 '-T'—A spring trip to Florida is supposed to produce information on sports to serve as, background through the ♦entire season, but thi»se are the kind of things you remember most sharply when it'comes! time to go home! The first blast of Miami’s tropi cal sun on a new arrival from the north. The Sudden breath-taking beauty of the Hialeah race course when you firts turn into it from the flat, scrubby country and shacks that surround it. The equally breath - taking prices at some Miami spots and the indignation of Miami Beach hotel men over ia story that they planned to reduce those prices. The rain pouring down on the Pep-Sierra fight and the inadequate press facilities' that made it twice as, uncomfortable. Babe Ruth autographing base- Schuelke boils fjrom [J^O' Bob Graham of Tlojus tin High School!); will be 4{i the r tt’s ba her sir ceiving end of Cqach {ficp tery.lGraham made thejtij on the District j^lAA L f fn. Pickett haR not anhmi his ; starting hurler wil j Farmer pitching stajlf have a single wrong hail right handers, J. B. Me ! neth Sutton,-Pat, Hubejt Mobley- and Lawrem* make up the mound :|s)!t;|' Mc(!oy has played ne in 1 California anil Coloro the War he j hurled for Bomber Group in Ndrt r ! and for the 47th Boniber STOCKTON, Calif., March 17—] Italy. /' ,i (♦Ti—Southern Gene Bearden ranks ] Hubert played big high in Cleveland Manager Lou hall at Kingsville. He h Boqdreajs plans for the Indians pressive in the few p ynound staff after his impressive s j 0 ns the Farmers hav performance ♦ against the Oakland Oaks last night. Bearden handcuffed the Oaks wjt[i one infield hit jand fanned seven in five innings In the tribe’s 9-0 1 win. The two teams meet hire today. ★ HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 1)7 —(fPi—The New York Giants and the Pittsburgh Pirates hook up for the first time this season today. ( So far in- ten game? the Giants have banged! 10 homers while the Pirates have whacked four in six. Neither John(iy Mize of the Giants or Ralph Kiner of the Pirates, wTo tied for the home ruji leadership las|t year, hai) socked a homer. ★ LAKELAND. Fla., March 17 - •-Ti—Art Houttemun; promising young Detroit Tiger pitcher who fide I indie B CadetK ijhart. <A« leagues bq de- . This hefclrejiUe playoff day. , ijjie |s in I.eagiw D, with C Compo- i site-add (f Fielll even up. j V inner 1 of the other leagues: and Hientqrs of tlie teams are as; fol io Wjii | J JJ jr, • :i| Ljeuine A won by A Influitry and; made up ojf the teams of Dixon Hqj|; K.pta McClure and B)ackfyurn, jBekjty luml Brdusard, i Lies rue B Avon by C Cav which icohtdsjs of tht teams of! WnjdHp anii ( lari. Mnbre and Russell, Mi> 1* iuejo uild Leirri Magee and Taylpr, . [ League C wim by B Field) madf ' j teams of Hbllanll: anJ Rodgers M upj jolj the tei [F nqikb, Rodgers and Williams, ibosmiike and Galbreath, and Sykes, j Gilbert aild Slites.- IGOilTt TjENNIS TO START *d Wh jh‘. Th iiues no ller. Fiv y. Kern TrueC ludkiei tJt ilunkw have been sent out ipen 'tournaments in golf sij: innings 01 exnimuon piicning, drew the starting assignment today against th P* 1 Manager time he’ll warm up.” Boston; Braves. reetpr of the Placement Office. Men who can teach horscbaj)k riding and roping are especially (jt- sired, he said. .1 yprthahl, C Gortlp. over Fisher, Interested applicants should coKi- .Btofldi (pin in 2 Jnini. 30 sec.). tact the Placement. Office. Adtprt- iiLibertpn, Dorm 7 over Kodone, istration Building, for .further eje- pFU)ld (pin in 2 piin. 40 sec.). tails, iqqgers, D Cav. (Fish Camp, sports day Counselors Needed' 1,Hlis fHr ^&r\ky in a Miami bight was rapped for 11 hits in hisiftit : cliib whett he Iboked a^ if he ought s jy innings of exhibition pitching, C| to be home in bed. r OF Summer l<<unp The same Babe Ruth, tanned IJ and lo<iking healthier than you’ve , , ,, .1 >, j seen him in a couple of years, Lookout Mountain Camp for, s tjl| autographing baseballs. Boys, located in the hills of Gedir-; c . a ttle ranches around Kis- gia, is in need of two counselors ; s | nime0 . the huge tji'uckloads of for the forthcoming summer sea- manges and grapefruit; strawber- , according to W. R. Horsley, di- 15 a i K)X been pitching in hard luck so far,”' teve O’Neill said. “This get plenty of time tb son Brt)ie|l (runner-up 179-pound class (0 min. 55 sec.) iMueller, Dqrm 17 over Chappell,!, ilw HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 17 (At)— Rookie., Secopd Baseman Joe DiMaggio colitsantly meeting M^BasHgot hinTelf inpVS " J.’. 11 .■ . >..i •. .... solid with rpittsburgh Pirate bud dies in a plaine against the Chicago 10 R S ' : I ! -U \|e wjll He open after ytiur iBslProm Tor that Phillips Favorite ^ 4u AAU Tourney (mnd class 1947) over McCul- A Eijg. Iptyi in 2 min. 45 i STORT8 : day bWnse'^ Alreacly u6nVer> ^ •|(!).rt 3 Grid Squads | i 1 j T 1 AO ; *<-. . [ example, the seeded chib mowH ; ,;{/ c ,{J /. Afte L a ^°1 UI ' down the opposition without work- "5 ;[u t; Soutny^at, George Stncklei! j ng , U p a sw - ea t yesterday in the °liT:. Gr * eT ! B ^. facers came ufi j Nat ional A. A. if. Basketball Toui> The baseball w riters’ cjull ses sions at the corner table in a Tampa hotel, w here the tallest, most incredible stories are the true ones. The announcer at the Tampa dog track shouting “thAre goes Rusty” when the mechanical rabbit begins to move. The view from the roof of a i Clearwater hotel. And a thousand and one other things—. ; - 1 ■, SPORTS DAY White Sox yesterday. He haqdljed 12 chances without a mishap, stblej twio bases and got two hits, in cluding a game-winning single in the 11th inning. ownsend ib sowed up for SMU, A thrnier wa8 the 42-41 win by ie tbld me in stnctj | s6utbeastern State ColleJft , of Du . he had signed | ove f Amarillo, Texaa SPORTS iAY * Catcher Cal Calvert is round ing into shape after suffering a sprained thumb in an j intra squad game last Saturday. This leaves two catchers available at the present time. Big Ed Arn old and Bill Echols, a member of last year’s B squad. Peck Vass is also on the ailing list. -- FRED C. SEALE, ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances Fixtures P.O. Box 292 Dial 2-642't Bryan, Texas qwnsentt is sqy It;;Houston they pij iecrecv I that HMiitejir. £^r®-r> r Af n„vf foil SPORT For Your Visual Problems Consult. [ Dr. Carlton E. Lee OPTOMETRIST 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 MOTHER’S DAY — SPECIAL OFFER $5.00 for $2.45 •$5.00 for $2.45 AGGIELAND STUDIO ■If / j _ S r College Station, Texas K T 0 F F E R S ; vj r r jc. iv 3 ONE 8x10 BEAUjriFUL SILVERTONE PORTRAIT 1 for only $2.45 “ALL PORTRAITS GOME MOUNTED IN A NICE FOLDED” Proofs to Select'From — Satisfaction Guaranteed