Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1948)
A Li'?' 7 '; ■'vi "M D^n^llRUMAN! 1 LEA gMmils' Workers ’picketed iliclani? jl^tp here and; id Dallas! [ t< day lu| a strike at ia third plj^it wa»|} a |e5 Hickelsi took yp poi it i the Armojur and Co - liff Pure Food Pri one minute after same tinw iicketipici Swift anji Company pllan las. -, i I - f - A - projected strike? pt Grade Foodf Producl plant in yeitnon wasi ;cr the manaprertient increase, iStyve Man representetiye, ann night. ] j iy ‘ the Cotpo le<fl ( f ireil a r uni need la' I ’ -W 1 '' II ‘i ^attalion \AVLY IN THE INTEREST Oh A GREATER A &M COLLEGE J ' ' 7 (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, MARCH* 16,1948 deo Team CHICAGO, Manjh[iuj|t^4: lines formed at the Jn itipn’R packing jplants todajy at; I CIO employees wereij < strike dejftpite- a^aslbfnjinute by President Trumaiti p sett wage dispute. j|~ RSS AFIlAI TRUMAN WILL NATION ON FORE! WA ( Preside KINGTON, ar. nit Truman wi 1 | I • . ■ a joint session of ^ opgiess a. m. (CST) Wedndadi y io d the critical foreign id'nation Ross ilaid Mr. Truiari’s to the ioint session, twill from 15!to ! 20 minu e; tc deli The address, appareitly of est level! rmportaricei in v ew timing,:: [will be brca|caft the major networks^ POWERS ASK FOlft ARAB JIEWISH TRfpCE NEW YORK Mate i U6 -4?)_ The big powers yesti^r|lay capodion Arabs and Jews to i for Palestine. I Both he; Jewish Amb higher cdPim tine were asked in- wer -by) tomorrdw Woifld e fitejr into la Priiice Wood Is All-Around Champ ' [Of National Inter-Collefiiate Show A&M’s six-man cowboy team won first place honors At ft e World’s Champion Intercollegiate Rodeo held at Tucson Arizona oni March 13 - 14l M A telegram sent from jWilcox, Arizona tp Ijr. J. C. Miller, head of thl animal husbandry ,department, road as folio-’'* ‘ PRINCE WON ALL-AROUNDt^ I 1 ; IAMPIONSHIP. TEXAS ! 4&M ON TEAM TROPHY.” I . [The iihen who went to Arizona to participate ini the rodeo were Prince Wood, Tom Roberts, Charlie SUme, all e bn| i vhethei fe iseifin >: 'ei., Ma e\% chiirjnia Relative tir DIXIE GOVERNO bolt. Bays ca - HILLSBORO, Te ' RdW. Calver,, J the! state—Bemocriitlic committee, said h^r e | yedtdnjay southern governors;jaie deadly Ser ious about bolting the RemNtPtic "Party..! ‘ Calvert, who retimed Sunday with Governor Reajijif >rd H. Jester from a Waphington jfco nfelren- e; .4aid in an injteiiiview thajj 1 e got hfe jm pressiopfraiat muchijp -essuBt Wcjuld be put tei PresidentjT -unjian [to per- ■' suade cratjc BENI tp to relinquish jthe Deto nation. [I ; MEYI Cl sent; HNGTO W terday wa$ sen to five|ye|rs in prl bn.jRenrtett wai sentenc UNIOI UNCOll WAf Feileral day [hu Hartlej cabexl cn. Meyei’s yes- to 20 nupivths ENDII 1TUTI EGTON idge Ben Moore iconstityfi >nf 1 t Act’s Ban oi unio ‘mjitures. ^ E politi- NEARLY HALF 0F- U S '•'* *£* REA i)y gTFI MINE PIT 1 NearV 50ft cbal picks yesterday in SBURGR, Mir. 16 half of tthe". n itiOn’s • miners |a d dovf 1 si ppjort rLei'is 1 ; demand; fpr s iotas. . nt i PACK SET Jm Packli an ^ ■ members of ijn.l His, and Ye|mon lidf |)ers|ijor the 1 [United Packing house iWojrkers off .Ajmeric^ were get widkblit Suttdar wide istri fpr a J2j01 a m. - T after efforts in ?eift a IF! us si GREEC f Secretjaryj senators ApHtlNGTON, Iflar.lf. -t-' arshajl of • Stqte yesterdayth cian Kruse, Lloyd Griffith,! knd upes Day. They left Wednejiilay, arch 10, and wiH return some time today. IT • Prince Wood, winner of the all- around championship, is a 25- year old native of Sabina), Texas. He is classified as a sophomore and is majoring in animaL aus- bandry. „ f j I The amount of competition Which they encountered at the rodfeo is njot yet knpwn. Last year iilyita- tjons were sent io forty-sjx West ern and mididle-western 'colleges •^nd universities. The men who were privilegjed to go on this trip were picked on tfie performances which theypiade ait the A&M rodeo held last! fall. Jack Kingsbery, president of the Saddle and Sirloin Club, and Asso ciate Professor J. A, Gray, spon sor of the cliib, are the mert who picked the winning team which was tent to Tucson. ^ The rodeo is sponsored : an nually by the Associated |Stu- ■pents of the University of Ari zona. The men from A&M jr ere 'partially financed by the Saddle and Sirloin Club. Besides being judged on their performance [at the Aggie rodeo last fall, the? men who in44 e j the trip had to meet certain oth^r? re quirements. To be eligible th$ istu- tent had to be a classified sopho- i lore passing* pll of his work and hail to have a ‘grade point ratio of dt least 1.0. These standards] tet by the Executive Commit' tjhe college. The events? of the rodeo Bareback broiic riding, saddle [b ifiding, bull riding, wild com’ imllk -J (See RODEO on Page 4) 1 j insurance Service or Vcjterans On Current Bbsis Service for Southwestern Veter- ^hs'on their GI insurance is nbw op q current basis, D. C. Pray, Direc- ton of Insurance in the Dallas Branch Office of the Veterans Ad ministration, said this weepcJ ; Elimination of wartime bjadklpL together with greatly improved ge (jisp.ltt'R.,: OPS AID TO BAD ^ S ULTJ t if the G •e|cd| the be “sjvift land ted State s stops ■consequeices 1 -wi tt igic ” ! ' J tIft uninjured 1 'AlisifLBOR^Mei, MMhjt^- fiPi-rA fliane-cateying U, Si Sena tor Rbhcirt A. Tiift (R-Oniq) bn a camptegn swing! hrourh Mftine crash; d yesterday iril th? kivcov- ered Ronnebec river bin the}jRe- itebliten] ^resid^jj^lliiiwipidpt H «s- EXPlloSllON KjCljs n'rllTHf':f' W °oyi$fiukjKi Four [workmen .siervice is prompting thousanjds of veterans in this area to reinstate tepsbd insurance originailly issued to most persons serving in the'arm- ell forces during World Wgr II, Ifray said. ! He revealed* that reinstatements GI policies in the Dallas Branch rea tTexas, Louisiana and Missis sippi) now amount to about ;5,000 l^er month with a facaj value of bproximately $30,000,0010. This is >e highest rate of reinstateiment nee the war ended, i Veterans have until July Si to reinstate lapsed term policies under present liberal regulatiopsi e Dumpers to Fine Garhag Liable A&M Livestock Judging Team Places Second .. TO ■ T I ■ x A&M’s Livestock Judging team coached by W.»M. War ren j professor of animal hus bandry* took second place honors at the Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Contest held in [Oklahoma City last week* Teams from eight colleges from Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas par ticipated. i The team is made up of Harold Robertson, Goldwaite; Fred Wilkin son,! Mehard; J. Fred Davis, Fort Worth; I Ed Steele, Graham and Charlie Rankin, Corsicana. It was the high team in judging quarter horses,; second in swinei third in sheep and tied for third place in cattle judging. The team alsja 1 placed three men in the top five on .individual honors. Rankm iwas second high man in the contest for all classes of live stock, and he was high individual in swine and tied with Wilkinson for seciond individual honors in quarter horses. Steele was third in all <Ja 8S te of livestock, high in dividual in quarter horses, fourth in individual' cattle and tied with Wilkinson for fifth individual hon ors in sdieep. * Wilkinson (tied for second place in quarter! koraes and tied for fifth in sheep. Dayis and Robertson were close behind the other three. Twelve classes of livestock, in cluding, quarter horses, breeding and fat [classes of cattle, sheep and fat classes of swine were judged. Oklahoma A&M won first place hombw for the top team. Steele and Rankin each received gold and silver buckle sets. Steele also received a book entitled, “Out standing Modern Quarter Horse Sires,” presented by Art Beall of Oklahoma, j !■ . | , Jewish Appeal To Be Discussed By Hillel Group The 1948, United Jewish Appeal campaign, <})tjjej:tive, and needs will be the subject of the meeting of the .Hillel Foundation Wednesday, Pounds, Shillings and Pence New Cashier at Aggieland Inn Adds ‘Merrie England’ Flavor By MARVIN RICE ■ ! . The quality of the Aggieland Inn’s cashier personnel [improved a million percent recently when Jean Sage, Eng land’s full payment for Lease-Lend, as far as we are con cerned, took over manipulating the cash register there. If she happens to give two quarters change for a dime, it ? s be- icause American currency is new to+“———h— r her. f II 1 I i teg and listening to music. For Jean’s decision to come to Ameri- the less strenuous diversion*, she ca was not a recent one, but the j especially likes to play darts, culmination: of a deairethat began) *‘ H b° v ® half-penny,” and skillies, years ago with grade school geo- j which is something similar to graphy. Association with army per- bowling, tsonnel while doing Red Cross work The abundance of clothes here during the war strengthened this' and the steaks and sCa foods that 'decision, although her mind had • can be Obtained without ration been made up to leave home years coupons arc a delight to Jean. She March 17, aejeoyding to Bob Rosen thal, preakent of the student chap- j ■ ! ; • c Tfie program will feature talks on the : Joi nt Distribution Commit tee, the Palestine Appeal, and the program of thy United Service for New Amerjicans. The national goal for this of desti least [261 others yesterdaly in a: big plant! of the vestef Ffarm E< NAVAL AF Rtt fiOO MPH JET FfL - ABOARD USB March In .. going air arm fskiir !' convoiraibn to 1)0 a mi l ■■ml This Was nnnf>uin<)dd ye* the N«vv foilo' trivial aboard aircraft!! carri for tke fltet ti operated from under roktine -Hr™ afH at ured here tosion nat ioi rat C. r' FOR Ei ‘ XER.-atl sba, ip I avy’a i«ea» the pracwl* *f le-ajininute jet d bum Htag histbry m big Est •111 at ^reel ne) h dvy. e* iqy by #kteg ilaaa ^whep “itbterK ] Veteran student householdors in tjie College Station area are mak- ijig themselves liable tb finj's of f)om $1 to $200 by damping gar bage along local highways in order tp avoid paying collection service fees, Fred Hickman, chief of cam- pju.s security, said today. [ I While pointing out that these lenses were beyond the jurisdic tion of the college, Hickman Mated at numerous complaints have en received from propertyl pwn J eis, and that action by the county authorities may be expected. Districts from which comp aints ave been reecived include High- ay (J, Old Highway 6, and farm Rlghway 00, which is the extension the Sulphur Springs Road. •; e i -> i m wi Eoht Texas: ofterhoon, tonij cooler ijn norty portipnsi this Gentle to mode on tBe coast. Wittk " Texas cloudy Wedf m '-i i Tier flt^ht-deck iiom at; s»m ilT IF.R Pa tly clote^! this id Wednesday: and vest]tentral irnoon ind itodight. ptel vailabBe -Winds (j* J' alltmcon, y; ra tonight except! tot partly onipht and ' ■ Cite Change Op Pre-Law Addr 1 » ^ The location of the the Pre-Law Society White, dean of the of Houston law school, I the Yfcl ejw ech to speed by Ai A. University has been CA As- YMCA an- changed from sembly Room to the Solarium, it waa off dally nounced today. The time, 7 p. m. March remains unchanged. 16. year yj" as the 1948 cam- Ipaign is called, is $250 million, it)ie highest in the history of pri- ; rate philanthropy. Of this amount the local group will attempt to raise $1,000, Harold’ Miller; chairman of the drive for the A&M Foundation, has announ-: ced. • I f : j! [ ■■ J r 'l^^* J. i * | I {;; h 3 The drive among, members will begirt W ednesday, March '17, but .there wi I be; no other individual : Diicitation in the College or. ;i : anyone wishing Fort Worth Club Officers to Meet Bryan. Rofvever, to contribute may send h i s ' jcheck to Harold Miller, Box 1281, or to the Bryan Daily Eagle, , Milter added. \l Additional features of Wednes day evening’s meeting will be thq discussion of the Zionist program from the student angle, by Roji Abraham, of Cleveland, and a so, cial hour, Rosenthal concluded. ESiHjfiSHtel . P-i Officers of the Fort Worth A&M Club will meet at 7:16 p. m. Tues day in Roote 118, Dormitory 4, Bill Evans, publicity chairman, has announced. Evans requests that the duches| selection committee be present a the meeting because the duches to represent Fort Worth at tl Cotton Ball will be chosen. Mer bera should turn in photos to Roort Dormitory 4 before Tuesday said plans for the Easter iday party would also be di at the before. After waiting four months for a passport, Jean obtained reser vations to-fly to this country/ Landing in Dallas, she journeyed to College Station, where one of her close friends lives. Questioned about her impressions of America, or rather of Texas, Jean said she expected weather a trifle less dismal. She was told to wait until] summer rolls around. As to the Aggieis in general, she thinks they are “wonderful, kind, generous, and easy to! get along with.” Not yet accustomed to our confirmed coffee drinking habits, however, she still likes a cup of tea around four in the afternoon. Keenly interested in sports, blue eyed Jean enjoyed the recent bas ketball games, of which the Ride- A&M game was the first shje had ever witnessed. As our game of football is different from the Eng lish Version, she is looking forward to thd coming football sieason. Eng lish football is somewhat like American soccer, she said. Her hobbies include roller skating, swimming, tennis, danc- iparticulatly enjoys hamburgers, milk shakes and cokes, typically American Reins which she never had before. The new look in women’s fash ions seemed rather odd to Jean at first, but she has gradually be come accustomed to it. Buying her firsLUtems, she had quite a bit of trouble figuring oat our system of currency. She had to convert each price- into pounds, shillings, and pefice before she could decide to buy anything. Help-yourself grocery stores are another joy ito this yqiung English lady, who Was .surprised at the courtesy and helpfulness of the clerks. The rest of Jean’s family — her mother, father, and t)wo brothers, are still living in Bristol. Her fa ther is a printer in a newspaper of fice, her older brother! a tv electrical engineer, and the younger an ac countant. No dart boafd has yet been set up in the Inn and warm beer is not being served, but there is al ready a flavor of “Merrie Old Eng- Laura Session U. T. Round- Colonel of To Escort A Housekt eHeeping, Cooking Traits OfGoodSpouse By BOB WEYNAND Can you cook, keep house, and change a baby? If you can, then you have two traits toward being a good husband, according to the girls representing TSCW on a Family Relations Forum with three Aggies last week in Denton. The panel, composed of three Ag gies and six Tessies, discussed with Dr. Reuben Hill, professor of so ciology at Iowa State College, fac tors influencing a happy marriage. The forum discussed factors that lead to a successful marriage. Com mon interests was decided the most important factor. Other factors were common backgrounds in re ligion, social status and language. Dr. Hill reminded the panel and audience that happiness is brought into marriage rather than attained in it. The age at marriage, length of courtship, clesire for 'children, and a mutual capacity for love were given as other factors influencing njarriage. Dr. Hill stated that the girl should be at least twenty and the boy twenty one before marriage is contemplated. Students participating in the panel from TSCW were: Frances Sowell, Jane Hill, Ruth Hillin, Jack ie Hood, Blonny Lou McGuire and Frances Slimons. Aggies on the panel were Bill Edwards, Will Wea therford, and Bob Weynand. : : -|" TI j j! yu Lewis Says More Assistants Needed In Research Work I h ' : ';! *• 1 ' ! j I “There is a place for twice as many research assistants in agri cultural experimentation as tee have at present,” Dr. R. D. Lewi! have at present,” Dr. R. D. hevlk.\ director of the A&M Agricultural . . J* - land” about the place.) L CommitteeAppointed As Advisory Council Group Will Make Policies of A&M Business and Industrial Service ' ' ! ' M Tj f ' If' I r * ■ f J jj By J. T. MILLER A policy-making committee has been appointed by President Gibb Gilchrist to guide the activities of the A&M Business and Industrial Advisory Service. : f The committee is composed of the dean of the college, who is chairman; the deans of the schools of arts and sciences and of engineering; the heads off the departments of economics, busi ness and accounting) management engineering, and psychology; and the head of the Industrial Exten sion Service, and Dr. W, H. Varvel of the education and psychology department ’ '• A smaller group, lltemporarily headed by Dr. C. Wilson Randle, acting head of the economics de partment will supervise the de tails of operation for the recently established business service. As soon as industrial demands require a larger coverage from the service, a permanent full-time man ager will be selected from outside the committee, Randle ®*id. Other members of that$pommit- tee »re T. W. Leland, head of the business and accounting depart ment; Dir. Virgil M. Faires, head of the management engineering de- anagement engineering , and E.; L. Williams, rector of the Industrial' Extension Servicte I'l ", | I. The small supervisory commit* tee is . at present drawing up a brochure describing the scope of the service. Copies will be sent to overt 5000 Texas industries and small businesses in the near fu ture, Randle said yesterday. When the problem is received, it will be routed to the department concerned. Should the project prove too large and involved, the working committee wifi handle the matter co-operatively. Members of the college staff will be employed by the service to tac kle problems submitted by busi ness firms in the state. Instructors will work outside classroom hours, and will receive compensation for their services. Students will aid faculty members in solving thd signed problem. [ Experiment Station, said before a meeting of] the A&M Chapter rtf the American Association of Uni versity Professors Thursday. Selection of personnel, ami se curing of funds are important prob lems facing agricultural experi mentation, Lewis continued. He em phasized the importance of the basic sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, rqathematios, economics, and sociology in experimental work. Dr. Lewis said the A&M Experi ment Station consisted of 21 sub stations, ISv field laboratories, 15 subject matter departments on the campus, ahd 3 adnfiniatrative ser vice units. The latter units are chemistry, feed* control, and sta tion administration. The 17,000-acre Bluebonnet Plant will be the largest of all substations when it gets into ! full operation, Lewis said; Factors which deter mine location of' substations are, rainfall, elevation] length of grow-; ing seasons, types of soil, and types of farming areas. According to! Lewis, Texas has more than 300 types of soil, and one county Mis 16 types. Funds for operating the Experi ment Station come from state ap propriations, federal appropriations grants for various associations, contracts on special problems through the A&M Research Foun dation, sales fund,' and surplus from services, Lewis said. He said the A&M station has 300 research projects under way at present and could have more if research workr ers were available. v Aggies to Debate At Baylor Today Debaters Paul B. Wells and John' II Taylor left for Baylor this •morning where they will engage in two debates on present world issues. Wells arid Taylor -were ac* companied by H. B. Hierth, an in structor in the English depart- ment. ■ .■ [ •. ! ; A radio debate scheduled for this afternoon will be on the sub ject Resolved that the Veto Pro vision of the United Nations should be Abolished. The formal debate Sessions, along with t| e aw Southwest Conference Ashley to Address Local Chemical Society Wednesda i S. E. Q. Ashley of t|ie Anal tical Section of the Pittsjfji ild Li oratory of the General Elect: Company, Pittsfield, Masauchusei will address the A4M reaction the American Chemical! Soci Wednesday at 8 p. m. in iRe Che: try Lecture Room, accW •ding F. Wi Jensen, secretary oifj!the lo<ji section. Speaking on “The jjiialytiij; Chemist in Industry,” Ajmley point out that the •resitegertc analytical chem stry i i years has brought a ne tance to the role of the] Chemist. He will discuss various! inspects work in his own [laboratory to il] strate his thesis. The application spectrophotometric, miter oscof spectroscopic, x-ray, and) [classical techniques will he discuteH in <1M- tail.i | Ashley received his B iB. deg in chemistry froip New Yojk! U versity in 1930, later dpling driW- uate work at that school and ajlRO at Pr|nceton University Inhere received his M. |A. degn After 1 a brief period wi' Palmolive Peet Corop went to the Laborator field Works of the Gene Company in 1934 and ! charge“of the Analyti in IS 3 Colgate Hon, iof Pit (Elec a student the Nine- ndl-Up April 8-11. Miss from each of the other ! de in the Round-Up aitadC, take part in a court pag- unjt, and;be guest of honor at all ouiul-jUp functions. | li ijCrtlbnejl of Ithe Corps William L. Brpwn is lo be the escort of A&M|s Sweetheart and will also iibf thje guest of the University, f Selected Aggie Sweetheart (this lull byi a committee from , the Sen- tor Class, Miss Sessions was a ^uchess fbr th|e A&M Cotton Ball [nett fijeshimata year and a beau% mominte her sophomore year. She represbntcd the Southwest during the HUirnmer of 1946 at the Junior ' Cr«at.qva 'Guild of the New York Dress jlnsititute. | ! Thf farmer Waxahachie High School Queen is a junior home economics major and a “B" aver age student. She has'been named to Wiho'h Who in American Coi- teges; add Universities for 1947- W8, i ? t Treasurer of her freshman class, secretary! of Phi Epsilon Omicron, an# lireslident of Alpha Lambda Delta [honorary scholastic fraterni ty,! Mips Sessions is also vice-presl: dept of the campus social club, Chapsirrdl. j * Bhc began her office-holding ca reer -ijn (nigh school when she was elected state president of the Fu ture Homemakers. iThe 1 Round-Up is TU’sj version ! of] Mhrd Gris. Activities} include dajnceB, variety shows,< inter-fra- terait'y and sorority competition, and the )ig parade. The festivities are climhxed (by the Texas Relays. There will be the usi honor) of the speaker members and; their wivepj m. in the Aggieland It said. | , ; [ j j! Junior Class Will Select Duchess The duchess of the Jjiij lior for the Cotton Ball will' be < by a; committee seleCto i a Reserve Officers f ! Naval Services o Organize Here *a |L j ,] j . j 'Ijj 'I Reserve officers of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard ip class Orr, meeting Tuesday in president, announte Thi committee will cision after studying ] tered by members of th asked that all picture))!! js be a; least 3x5. They submitted to George Rooip 322, Dorm 11 b March 22. Orr also said that aij< ing of the Junior Clait held tonight in the Yljtf to make final plans for jihe Jbli Prom this weekend, jl* reqd| that (all members whp eraiect t tend the Prom be pre^ptL “That Reminds Me Brazos iCortrtty are planning farm a local chapter of the Ro- | srt •vo Officers of the Naval Ser- : vipePi according to M. A. Buffing- top,; who is handling preliminay orgapizaltional arrangements for the new chapter. Tlpe local chapter plans to engage ji in ; aUtivaies (primarily designed jo aid in tne continued building and the Naval Re- related n attefs :urit(y, strengthening of serve ahd ether affecting our national Buffington sftid. woulc :a cm known is the ns the <|ffici[al Reserve officers ithjiat jthe Navy Dt‘pa r Um*nt a(u j .in] Congress, Buffington said, but it'is;completely independent of the Navy, Its members alone deter mine [Sts! policies. • ‘ Brt Ifipgton said he would like to contact all Naval Reserve I oficers inilthis area. He teay be contacted at 238 Sputh Munncrlyn, or though 221 South Munn» O Box 2849, O ollege Station, A,&M, Demostheneses Ready To Mount Soslp-Boxes in Contest scheduled for this evening will be ipic Resolved That a Fed eral World Government should be on the tor Established. WESTERN GERMANY , IA1 REQUESTS INCLUSION 'l!). PARIS, March ,16 -4M IC-nation European conference was asked yesterday to include West ern Germany in the reconstruction plan for the Continent. British Foreign Secretary Bevin. made thjs proposal. Foreign Minister Georges had told the delegates that I “division has become aggravat today in a manner as fearsome it is unfortunate.” Cries of “Mr. M ringing through dortn their voice-boxes limjl contest. f J By W will have stormed psrtment of Englisi to submit the entry Entrants maj tqrical stab at prize; Senator Claghorri ai the htformative-Pe supporters their loi To prevent audience, hum; of the latter class So hop on thi irt these times of h torif ybe mdv ition ANK , , ' ' 'tl- I ] “that reminds me of a story” ire gvidenOo that Aggies are getting for tMe‘ first annual After-Dinner A i ' y :■ .'t j of eager DemostheneH Uf of the office of the de- njic Building), attempting w before (lie deadline, o divisions for their ora- is, opien to all followers of Burlington .Liars Club; and igped to give Mac Arthur g a ; j .r ji' ‘j : irF; in the ranks of the small Bk artidro hJtstof [dhjM, Tq: Committee on Depa Dear Sir: rtment of EjnjglUh, Please enl j speaking contei desire to enter)' Informativ Humorous The night most Tuesday, Milrch my rtiriH In listed Imtow, or Pet H be limlted to five minutes; those d tio teln minutes. It’S the easiest money avails 32L Academic Building, tite division of the Aft (Check the contest a of the After-Dinner which you Wi for prasenting my speech Is law: Bpx: r •(Thursday, Friday; Monday, , t-j ie»>s|||ts<i Ji *r' . i il., \ ■n i - (<. (il