Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1948)
f A n 11 it?,' JESTER ANP CALV! HOPE PORpIKE" AUSTIN, Tex., Mai Dwight • D. jEisenho list of potential Dem dential nomihees in Qov. H, Jestqt’s opinion. “It ntey just be s; jrig,” th* Goyemor. s< Vhjeri ! \ r ■ ■t Wi~' If . i'V! I )} ■ i 4. *■ W" 1 <\: -f f nj’n * '■I- r ' ' i fr ?y ■ i v ' ,r $, if : u -r* a Eisenhower \vjll be tile I)( mo< rati rmWIlMAA i f ; 'll' nominee, L,LT; ibfiil/tiink- i ski b< lie’ HILLSBORO, Tex v fMArjl7 > .. t , ,,. r .,WT Bob Calvert^ chairman of tfhe Democratic rExecutivje iCdmnr saitl he fully agrees with 3ov e: Beaufonl Jester thafciQer D vtg D, Eis€nho\yei\topH l|nji 1 st < tential } Democratic! prpsid nominees. However, ' an unipstriicted delegat on Texas.:nT,' Tf' ' •;!l enstjill ilavoi roim HOPE TO UPT BAN ' W ‘ rch 17 by tlfe bap bj BY MEXICO DALLAS, Ufa procedure Whereh ico againstf Mexican workers imported iitto Texas for nighitq farm work raight by lift sd was to be.formulalted iif Dallas yes erday by regional officials of tjhe United “ i . States Employment Sen ice. ’ WEST GERMANY IN MARSHALL PLAN PARIS, [Mavch lV- L, | ip) -j r European Recovery Conference vto nti ted unanimously today to Western tfermany the Mtirsljall PlanJ : ncludd the stipe ol| Portugal’s Foreig^Mljiistcjr, Jcfsi sta, prdjftcsed Caeiro -D the secotti sion and finfil gm&ril sfest conferetute noon that; Generalipsimjo Spain be iinelqded. i i HIGH WINDS DELAY . TEXAS*!’BAILING PORTSMOUTH; 'Via, iVs*. % final vpyige of thi as. ¥wo fleet tugs will o~\y yeanold yhip to Sat jayinto iw- ground, Where she 'will be yreserM- ed as a hastorical shijinp. - " ■ HOUSE REJErrsi NT W RENT CONTROL HILL WASHINGTON 'Mar. 17 . The Hou^e defeated 117 to t<Adfty aj proposal j tm extc controls (to jfune 30. li'50, j_ • back many Increased rents wartime+OPA .levels. N ELEi AUKE AUKEEi Mdr. mer folKes girl qnist werq airing imunist were] a candidates for, miyotj of Mil Wa 4* ' ittlCI kee in City, primary fleet on. PUBLISHED DAILY IN 3 tfalio r .;' ~ g ! 01 A GREATER A AM COLLEGE m uman UMT, Dr, T " ;• j TVfL : b France, Britain, H< Ltixembourg, Pn r— ii ■ :s For COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, )NESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 rf •i- ;|t' h 1 I; Law WASHINGTON, March lli Congress tpday the situatioii asked a land, Belgium, isei Mutual I Aid :: T ; 3. |VI I rr Outstanding i Sr'f ; I-I. in :■ ' I j ; j| ! > ■ ?■ J ' ,t i | i,- •3. ,: -T' lumber 12 Leaders to f. i v: | gressional action on “ irope. I'* Lufkin Former Aggies Plan To Greet Seniors this ranca Ms rch 1 ION bef<J after; J- ith 1 the SA batkl' r 29! ye$- yei nd re ind r to The senior engineering stu* dents who are going to visi the Lufkin area on March 21 and 25 will be welcomed b; for Euro Mr. Tiruman went before a joint session M Congress in person to present riL grina picture of world affairs; and a major report on his foreign ipolicy. “The recent developments in Eu rope,’* hie said, “present this nation wubh tMifundamental issues of vi- tiil irnpjprtance.” He painted then to the just-com pleted five-natioh Western Euro pean pqct for common defense against, [attack. Hr He stdd of it: “THisI 1 w w Ui* ■ !, ’Lit •v t i si ■3m. N Phis j development deserves our j25 will be Lufkin A& &M Club^ Gu full support. I am confident that ihe United States will, by appro priate pieans, extend to the free nations [the support which the sit- i IT . 1 -JM and the; 15 HWNER Kllj iCiOTor ! >'-T l MAD A two-iun maniajc,: iihbii wild urge, to “kill Ca holies,” |fifed fusillade of shots into j a qrowd jscreamingj parochial sjcbpol ki lirfg j one 4 C otl ers. I . I i I so i. Boesfeh, Jr., president, advised The jBattalion yesterday. . II , In Ibis Jetter,! Boesch said:*. “Farmer students of A&M, no employed by the Lufkin Foundry and j Machine Company, Texas Foundries,, and Southland Paper Mill.lwill be on hand to assist coni- panyi officials on tours of thekt planljs. f -[ i “Representatives of the local & M club will! also be present Welc|)me these men and to furnikh statifitics as to the number of A& men! employed by these contpanii and jto enumerate the various othfer jobs ibeing so ably handled by A&pl fornier students in other industries and occupations. .j “liufkin is now the industrial center of East Texas and the lead ers ;of these industries have ex pressed their desire of securing ad ditional A&M men to supplement those who have had siich a vital part! in building the area to the industrial giant it has become.”;! The group is composed of sevep tiy petroleum engineering stiide: who 1 , will make the trip with P fessbrs R. L. Whiting and J, Amyx in charge. rvto _ ^ >|^|i ■ 1 inY uation Requires. i ‘T ant sure that the determina tion of j-the free countries of Eu- Ippe; to]protect thetnselves will be hehise iua|l dt p them to do so.” ihutched by an equajl determination pin our ^hrt to help tl Then,] plainly speaking of Rus- Truman L* 1 ft, Mr- staid: The situation ip the world to- «lay, is pot primarily the result of the natural difficulties which fol low a gneat war. lit Is chiefly due to the f ict that one nation has riot only r< Bused to cooperate in the establishment of a just and honor able. peace, but—Oven ' worse—has actually sought to prevent it” TMjlBuropean p ac t Mr. Truman mentioned was announced officially less than an hour before he spoke. In it;Uidtain, France, Belgium*, the Netherlands and Luxembourg each other military aid if Id be attacked. The MLyear treaty sets up a “consultative council” to meet im mediately “to consult with regard ' Lr ituation whit* might con- threat tq peace.” aty leaves thc way open naUenk to join. It says e countjries “may, by i LAVRA SESSIONS, Aggie sweetheart Who will represent A.&M. at the Nineteenth Annual Texjas University Round-Up. St. Patrick’s Day Gets Send- Off From All Local Concerns to any j stitutje a lusmucle of sh of ,'400 screaming students Monday, and woimding si fTheyikilled m Oil!Company in Van, Texas, inj* spett the LOneJStar Recycling ••J my sor police Markovich, 64, tef his (capture the slater,' Serbiap-bc ciifedl FRANCE ENCOURAGED Jr } BY HARVEST j [ --Ml PARIS, Marchp-f-yPt--Pieijiier Robert Schuman prinpunckd yieater- day that} France .will l)e uelf suffi- --ejent |n bread jljtiie pi om of !■? this year’s wheal h: rves gjood. 1 mi HOUSIE KILLS iBI TO UN-TAX OLEO WASHINGTON, Mark -The; House Agriculture bee vqte«l 16 to|! Kj yestefilaV khelvel all Jegislatjor to ripeplffcd- qral tpxes on oleqm irgaififie' Yarbrough dei iies ). WRECKING PLANS r . ( AUSTIN, TexJ, March |17 Cecil ;L. Yarbrough, ousted yfuper- intendent of Pott leches Schools; yesterday deniec hd was th* [cause blowrup of neirotiatioi of a blow-up of jropojsed conso idi tion o: Mechps and Ne< erl and pchi I (trictsi. j'"t He testified- jbf hearing of ! state, superintet ■ithat -:at the timfe ojf the . i negotiations he h become sup :rii tende nit;! i | consolidated dis ru t ! j ■ 1 WHAT’S IN A NAME! ri his dei it L. ii jiv^i o ii-i .» it ; NOT TOO MUCH KNOXVILLE, l,| —(API—Earlie : person to fib tax return heie Before deadline; WmlfHER Ebst Texas: cloujdy this aff Thursday. 0 trerjie south Thursday. this aflteinoon (1 beep >k Tenn By -d hs 19 ion ton Plant in Chapel Hill and the East Texjas Salt Water Company unit at Lc • Cqn mitr nndon, Texas. The Lufkin stop was at the su^ gestion of Paul Trout, president qf the Lufkin Foundry and Machine Company; The company will-give a fish fry and furnish overnight accommodations'fjor the students] Fo lowing the inspection Thurs day morning the students will fcfe released for Easter holidays af- thouj;h anyone so desiring may re main) for a further inspection touf. Graduate Nurses Need of Baytown! Memorial Hospital Fjoisitions ^are available for abok t 15 or 20 graduate nurses in the on Page 41 Junior From Ft Worth Chosen Newman Duchess , Tsi# juniori La I\4rne H from:; Fort was selected Newmap Club duchess for the com-, ing Cotton Ball abd Pageant. The selection was made by a ten-mem ber (selection committee .which went to TSCW this past week-end:; MisHT Henry is also president of the T^CW Newman Club. ’ r(|s the r ecittn appeal, Dqdember iii line .f the ,4 es tlrie 117' im Mlopday’s -ah ar. 17 last ipcome Sari (Jacinto Memorial Hospital m Baytiown, according to Veteraps Advisor Taylor Wilkins. Nurses are mainly needed fqr general duty work, but a £ew poai- tionk are open ip supervisory cap i- citieb, and in the surgical and med ical (division, hje said. j ■; [ Salaries will start at $215 f>r general duty nurses, $230 for head nurses, and $250 for department heads. j .• M , Aj pay cafeteria for employees willj be maintairied in the hpspijt; ‘ and j apartment; houses are construction directly across street from the hospital, apartment, which rents for $60 per month, consists of room with two beds, a living r kitdheri and bath. With the ex, tiori of linens and dishes, the apa irits are completely furnished. Any graduate nurses interes in Applying for the positions shopld ct Hi. 1 R. Dickey, admjni: ! Peggy Richardson, also from Fl Worth and a junior, was chose as alternate, the committee nounoed. \ I Bob Weiler, dub president, urges all members wishing to attend the South Central Newman Club Pro^ virice Convention in Dallas April -4 to] sign up with Walter Barry n Room 205, Ddnn 5, or with Weiler in H-6, Walton. All! Newman Club dorm repre sentatives are < asked to canvas their i dorms for European Relief ■’iind containers that may still be out; and return them to Jack Den ning in Room 205, Dorm 5, or bring them! to the next meeting of the club. The dorm representatives afe also risked to collect the question naires that Were passed put to drib members at the last meeting. U i Eajch $50 or a bkd- Thle next meeting will be held Monday, March 22, at 7:15 p. pi rn tpe YMCA. The Province Con vention in Dallas will be the main tdpi<|, Bill Stated. Miller; dub ' l f I ill .'1 reporter, By TIMOTHY O’MALLEY Sure, and ’tis St Patrick’s Day, and the loyal sons of old Erin the world over have donned shamrock green to pay homage to the memory of their patron saint. For to the ruddy-faced Irishman and his off-spring, no greater man ever li^ed than St. Patrick. '; t Fyom the streets of Dublin to the bizarre outposts of civilization, the Mbnohans, the Learys, the O’Houlahans, and all their brethren have feasted, danced, paraded, and spent the day in genial merry-making. Good Irish noses glow an unsaintly red as untold quantities of Irish whiskey have been consumed. And good ole College Station has not been left out of the celebration. The Emerald Isle of Brazos County (Col lege Station classifies as an island by virtue of being the only spot in Brazos County two feet above water level in a heavy dew) straight-way made elaborate plans to carry out the theme of the day. . j ! !■ Leading the preparations was the announcement by the mess hall—which was tinged with justifiable pride—that throughout the day all the silverware in the mess hall was to be crusted with green. 1 Also, with utter disregard of cost Jto the students, green foods predominated in today’s menus: green beans, spinach .green peas, and bread bordered with a Wely shade of green mold. , j |! i qj j | Not to be oiitdone, Oldbleed’s, most patronized of the local brew-houses ( announced that until midnight, March 17, only green beer Would be served in this high-class establish ment. Also, only Irish tunes, such as O’Rattler, would be available on the juke box. j Observance of St. Patrick’s Day will result in a musical tribute by the Aggie Rum biers tonight on station WTAW at 7:15. Simpleton O’Toole, student leader of the Rumblers, announced that a special selection of Irish tunes would be played, featuring that sentimental old Irish ballad, -'You Could Tell He Wakllrish by the Green Upon His Teeth." Prof. P. Q. Cantilever announced happily that he had been successful in His own little observance of the Day. “My entire eight o’clock class turned green after taking a good look at a pop quiz j pulled on them," he chuckled. The day was not without life’s little tragedies, however. Of the many students sporting bright green clover leafs in breast pocket button holes, quite a few ran afoul of the bulls for being non-reg. “I almost talked Capt. Kelly out of any rams when he discovered my name is Swartz,” one student reported sadly. ASHVEtoHear H.W.Broadwell Here Thursday iil M.,_ :(■ Over One To Be Here H. W. Broadwell, sales man ager for the Southwest Divi sion York Corporation, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the American So ciety of Heat and Ventilation Engineers at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day in the Mechanical Engi neering Lecture! Room. His topic of discussion will be “The Sales Engineer- Broadwell has been in the air conditioning and refrigeration field for many years. He has spent most of them with th^i Southwest Divi sion of The YorlTCorporation. He will be accompanied by several members of the South Texas Chap ter of ASHVE from Houston. W. E. Long, faculty adviser of the student chapter, said, “It will be one of the most interesting and beneficial meetings held this se mester and should also be of great help to those who will graduate soon and plan to do sales engineer- A.S.H.V.E. members will discuss plans to attend the South Texas Chapter meeting in Houston, Fri day March 19. The meeting in Houston will be held in The Arabia Temple, and the discussion will be “Vibration Control in Air Con ditioning Equipment.” The social meeting will begin at 5:30 p. m. and business meeting at 7 p. m. Staron Ammons, president of the student chapter, has requested that as many students as possible try to make the meeting in Houston. Thursday night’s meeting on the campus is open to everyone and all engineering students and other in terested students are welcomed, Ammons said. Plans for A&M’s. nearing completion wit from all over the state half as many more ex] Uased by the Student The plan to bring By pU L* Bli Students jpW ing8l|;y Noton Resigns As Editor of Former Students’ Paper Virginia Sale, pop dio and motion picturej ienne will ring down t curtain of this ye^rfi Artists Series Friday 8 in Stephen F. Ajuatiii School auditorium. Miss Sale has beeni foi| eight years the character tha,” tpe familiar, all - maid of the “Those Wt show. Recently, however, tion wide demand for sketches has persuaded fides and is deslgnejl to give h|gh school leaders in student govejh- m<nt, publications, aborts, and gen eral activities ah internal view of fl A&M; to aid them in their eventual *r raj-* alomedl- <! tins Brya ght Higj he la* ri “Muiit Ipowliff; Lov the n iriract if to fc Deration High School" aite n jis,., - ;4 igh school leader ’or attendance ai obdiRg to information office today. ite df course and college. ' The brunt of the jwork involved bringing the visitors to the mpus isi being borne by the ome|Town students organizatji lies tending delegations. of lubs and the ex ons of the clt- Groups of students will begin;ar[- ng on-the campus Friday aflcif sake., radio and the screen: In Holl < and vrill tour the campus and vririojus departments over the week- endj Trans lOd chttrel; n thej wetk-epd schedule^ by ding housing,: meals, and a iatrhtion service. Selection of high school students to be in- ited were made by the home town dubs bn a basis of all arqund 1 leadership ability in various activi ty ollywood Miss SaljeMhas h character parts in more![than 3Ux pictures, playing everything frofij prudish Victorian ladies ibf pseud Carmen creatures with a jrqjse fhq ly clasped in teeth. She! was one of the first on te tainers to start touring tjht servii camps' and installations ] even bj fore Pearl Harbor. . rf j Miss Sale is the sisi or of t| late comedian Chic Sa e| thoud most people take her jt<| be « *53*Ji •» : I: • j ‘ -i] '<6 ' Official! beginning of the pro- ram will; be jat 3 o'clock Friday ftemoon in the ’ YMCA Ipbby 'heie the: Former Students Office dll begin! registering the visitors. daughter— there is twtetty (i - o years difference in their ages. S »s born in Urbanri, Iljl. and gt was tended the University tHeh befbftb touring vaudeville ih itji/ deeliniju days as a headl|ner^ p Student tickets f<jr tnii alst 4 1 * traction of the season oq tjhe Bryj|in Artists Series will] be job sale fat the door for $3.^0. The resignation of James No ton, editor of the Texas Aggie, was announced today by the A&M For mer Students Association. He is leaving A&M to accept a position as agricultural teacher in his home town of Austin. A graduate of the class of 1941, Noton has been editor of the Texas Aggie since October 1, 1947. While doing undergraduate work here, in agricultural administration he was a member of “F” Company; Infan try rind served as intramural man ager. 1 ! ; During the war, he saw most of his service with the 2nd Infantry Division, in the capacity of platoon leader, company commander, liai son officer, aide-de-campe to the regimental commander, and finally regimental adjutant. Taking over the former students’ publication will be H. Sylvester Boone of Needville, Texas. Boone is a graduate of the class of '46 and was editor of The Battalion during 1943-44. He also held the position of Assistant Town Hall Manager at that time., At present, Boone is working on his master’s degree in business ad ministration. He plans to keep on with his studies while assuming his new responsibilities as editor of the Texas Aggie. Mis. Russell Hillierj Publicity rector for the series, fh as as those attending oh thje r seei|(}n ickets to let the series i know this final performance the mini of tickets desired fjor niejt yeajij L — c dudy to Anight and . warim it. 4 Thi abatte; cos Valley H a id' twnrit; ex crate - cm st. :R Parti t lis a! djiy e show ektwart J in ex t and tonight iortions irtherly Kw Kiia* Klan, Swastika Society Were A torj or Miss Ethel Sikes, Di of (Nurses, San Jacinto Memotial Hospital, Baytbwn, Texai The Humble Oil apd Refil Company donated money for ing the San Jacinto will have 100( beds arid! will ‘ roximately $1,250,000. . I e hospital, to be bomplpted sometime in April, will be com,- plptely air-cdftditioned. j ! D ' • i 1 H Among Early Activities at Aggieland (While digging in old files to i the Austin Society there canqe a a “most profound and exalted juniors without non-com st the history of the Bnt- staff researchers found much odd information about clubs and “fraternities’’ on the raternities” on i. There has been so ildlib [eels udy to oon and ly with Cooler 4* I :cond Reginw leview W A&M campus. There has beer much ‘misunderstanding misinformation on this sub; and that we pass along what we have found.)! By VICK UNDLEY aplit in the social rripks and about a third of the Austins seceded to form the Calliopean Literary Society. However, the two groups worked together. In that same year—(1878 —they published the Collegian magazine, which later became the Battalion. The two groups gave up pub- vampire. 1 Another lika Kll student tering for in Wildlife requested to Management nesday, Marc' Davis, head w v iterest mmei f! agem ml st in Idlife The meet the cour* i. Jpper ranced dl ft Btuoe its ible to enroll. ., at E the d !i h I % in regis- Idourse 300. are Wildlife on Wed- (vria., W. B. irtment today. jud ment ion t plans for n ma- for fou Unifi are linersi worn. ■ !j | Regiment, Firib we a competitive re- y at 5 p.m., oti the ield, Jack Krueger, tromander, annoinmed re fijeld artillery units vril ite as well as the White jixi organizatio the military its will be a four for first! for third and imljer one wjth ihel , ! | ' et hiti gloves >ill he ’'mm/ fo fraternities have ever flour- A&M campus; that is lication of the disbanded about in 1904 at time. At 11 i( M on the A&M campus. But some of the clubs that functioned in place of f have been lulus. They in variety from the German Club to the Ku Klan. The first social group on the campus was the Stephen F. literary Society, which met tafly for debates. The must have been hot ones: defts felt that the presence y members would be a discussion and asked tha sponsor o the society b^ba from meetings. jj In 1878, only two years after the founding of both the colleg# and time practically every Aggie hi been a member of one or another group. By 1904, interest had gone into other club*. Fr’instance: ’ ii I ^ ' 1 Kal» Kinasis The Kala Kinasis German Club Was a (lancing group. (Kala Kina sis being Greek for “graceful mo tion;") The “German” In the title referred to a dance, not a na tionality. However, so man/ Ag gies were of German descent that Foster Hall was nick-named ‘The German Embassy.’’ and “Are; You common question 1 Dutch?” was * < in Introductions. Club with the : i 1 !.' i. I Club with the fanciest officers’ titles was “The Bats,”’ headed by i. large group was the Swastika Dancing Club. At that time, of course, the swastika was a respectable good-luck emblem and Nazis were undreamed of. Strangest' of the dancing clubs was The Stags. Despairing of get ting enough dates out of Bryan, the stags decided to dance with each other once a week, taking turns leading, while a gramophone blared oijit the latest turkey trot. Ku Klux Kten The Ku Klux Klan, which parad ed in robes on the campus, was a sumyal of the Confederate or ganization which functioned in Reconstruction dajrs. As in the case of the Swastika club, there was no oprobrium attached to the name at that time. Each military company had a girl sponsor—generally a faculty daughter or else a girl from Bryan —who once a year gave a recep tion at her home for the entire company, j , . largest “honorary” society was the Veterans of the Lost Cause— stripes and seniors without officers jranki It met once a year to have its picture taken in rag-tag clothing. In 1915 one of the largest clubs was the A&M Anti-Swearing Club. Club. Many Ancestors Seniors, Junlinrs ji’oi May A||l| Honor Society All seniors and .secom scjmrij juniors who believe thaii i hey mi qualify for the Scholars lip Hie Society should turn In their n»i hours of credit, and ft tal points to theiri respectlv > deanj ethcatiorii to the department of: el psychology office, W. A. Vai of the latter departm^rit, anh ced. The information aheju d be ed in this week in orth r. thi list of potential membtri m* compiled in time to al oiv the istrar’s Office to chidk -th< dent’s eligibility, Yin e said The standards frir riiemb* are as follows: , j- Seniora must have do npletf semesters of college W »rkj which must have b( e i at must have a grade font ra|i 2 or above and mrisi (rank top 8% of the men in. Ijheir live school. Juniors must havp <o n * semesters of college wj)rk, at two of which must A&M, a grade poinl. above, and must be in the t of the juniors in thie r res schools. It is likeljr, |hpwevi inti) S|:j30; Purpose of the registra- , Ion ilk I for publicity, location' and entertainment aid; J : Housing of the visitors frill be : mridelin the new area, and club ; tewmers desiring Hslings ■■ for, theiihgninta should secure them in Rbqmi 212, Goodwin Hall, prior to; thq aifrival of (he visitoijH. Yisit(ors will be fed with the corps! |n a group in Duncan Hall. •Merils; will be furnished by the ;jeolU‘g«j, with the only requirement jthsit tjhe visitors bfc registered, i Adinittiance to Sports Day events, - thicj Slrituirday evening Gulop Hall Stiafeej ] show', and otnei- functions \ wrier) 1 tie visitops will l>e admit-] tea fjriee, is fo be made by list sot ^irib ]4drisor;Grady Elms'urged all names of their]: e not later Urn if March 17. Visitors! . to these events ! Ill!a body byjsehqols, Elms spid. . i Discussing the importance of the: entire program. Elms stated | t)iei project had been praised by everyone with whom he had talk ed,'rindvtpe benefits it will bring the! college are unlimited. r| ; Injfbninatlqn or assistance on nnj phaH<j ojf the program oh- tuinwl from Kljns^ office in thi Stuq^nt, Activities from] i no v tbronighotii the week-end. iftcen Students Given Promotions Rifective Monday &V A ,15, j icc C( Cbm list: w ftcen ROT^ cadets have rei- piomotiops effective March ordirig to: Colonel Q. S. Md- mmandant and PMS&T. ; pany A, Infantry headed the ith eight promotions: m jnical sergeant, four staff pel riji three no man with less point ratio will .am Former Sti a 2.2E !, and thrise cotlporqls. J. ,— was promoted to technical sergeant with the duty df platom .'sergeant. | Appointed staff sergeants 'fve :e W !J.]Dixon, N. C. Hott, F. W. H J1 and Jj- F. Bell. S. G. Pite, R. Sprier], and D.. P. McClure we :e ^Bn Company C, Infantry, W. E rijson became a staff sergeapt. jibed corporate In (Com Gari-ikon _j)t. }C. Storrie of Flight B, Aiir EfN, was elevated to technical t, while S. R. Nelson aid* vi|n Reese became staff srir- geants. 1 roop B, Cavalry had two p#o- miptipna: Earl S. Keese, first s >r- nt, and Delmar Libby, technical Board Ancestors of many groups active today arc listed in Lang Horns of the 1900’s. The Lyceum Course was a fore runner of Town Hall. Among the events booked in 1908*09 were Ed- [our* ward Elliott in “Man of the Ht_. and the American Saxophone Quar tette. ' , :: I „ ' ; The Glee Club, ancestor of Singing Cadets, was acth to put on my King’ matic Clu Jadets, was active ex i an operetta 'The ] • in 1906. A Senior U>, almi ‘ Player*':: i 1910. By Minstrel 1 I. ub, similar to the Aggie Play«£’ made its ance in 1910. By 1911 an A&M Minstrel Show was . at the Colonial Theatre in J and was taken on a short road tour. j! Predecessor of the durrent Aj rie Ramblers, the Hayseed Ban (See KU KLUX, Page 4) J The Executive mer Students As its regular meetil pus March 20 an The Board, ,coi members, has A Corpus Chrjsti M. ElwelJ of . Morris of Wi presidents, and Ej College SUtion l retary. >, The business ports on velopmi nel 1 tion staid The .tea Brooke ball game during m. -»r.'' f Itrii l H y. < -the Third Regimen al , r . !W. jWalters of Company |a, Fliiigitleers was promoted to. f lieutenant and assigned the du ojf athletic officer. Wicliita Fall* Clul f Kyi Dt Flans Steak Fry | The Wichita Falls Club will siat meeting Thursday n i] .il lli hM •i ■i 18, at 7:15 in the Aca Hal Dungan, club re] ‘.ayU . ns will be made fi ir steak fry to be Anderson’s cabin, who wish to attend should contact Jack itact Jacl 7, Room .T20, as soop ari Dungan stated. V' Jl • fl.