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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1948)
F. w £*- ■ TH 'j; I* ,“WAR PANIC’ SAYS COMMUNIST RADIO) LONDON, Marc* 3pe divid(d on faknilii iy in itg reatticn rurjian’B preparedhe i] Non-Communist Inei ami officials wtio Wou j ed it (feieraily u a statement | in^ defehse Communist; new^pape s dip stations for thp moH p Pi esid p( ech. ; statement in^ aeie | against Cpmmunis j i )|Commuriist new ! j dip static I the line. ms and iihSate, I tUlk intended to erdate “irai T -•] —J: B*29 CRASH KILLS 10 OF CRfiW •TAMPA, Fla., Marc! Ton men were killed ai Tdn men iwere killed ajid fo». jjuted early today wl cn a Bf2» m the iSpokanet, Wa h.J aiiHbas*? crpshed ahd burned On MaeDill Field herpj; p o: thr i : reeif I era l c—1 ^ V. r. ume 47 (ARRIS FOR GOVERNOI DALLAS, Marc} Senator Fred (D tjoday he will consider a frroup of Abilene make him their eindid a tiding ml lai ris 1 et ira forigfod-^ make him their cindich ernor, Harris said he woult like a or two “to find dut wl er^ I f but if they want! me, thtfy’v me.” fl j j, (Harni ' was (thairmar of| joint stpte legisjaturg cpmniiit' which investigated . last year.) “DlFFEREN IN PORT NI i i or i ■ -i T IDEAS’ IDE HES ECHES CmSI! (j f tic - _ fir 1 \ s •• WP-M PUBLISHED iT jj im Mi, m ii l hiS. IS 1: 1 . 1 1 rm | ; i-r the fiipt at difference. iSn AUSTIN, March 18--U > >— ing wentiinto its: third dsy yk t d»Xion the dismissal ol Pirt Nech; .es School C 1 Yarbrough,, j i ^ Testimony that ran atp into) the night brought out ft»r time charges th educational philpsophles was j real capse of Yarbrcugh’s j’ > fired 'February !21 bjj ijhe board. \ SWEATT LOSES AG IN T. Ul SUIT I AUSTIN, March If third coprt of cijvil ap jerils .yei t day ; overruled | Hen arj fMsjr Sweaitt’st motion for a repiajri in the Houston Negro s ittenptlto gain admission ite th? Jnive|s|ty of Texals Law School 1.1 HOUSE GOP Si ASK MARSHALL ACTION WASHINGTON, Mur. 18-4-d hfjf 1 tfhdk s re House Republican lea lei yesterday their icall f< r lasshgfei of a foreign aid hill by April 1 Btrt left details of fhe rmasure tol ihc foreign ;affairs committi e. i OOAL fnHKEl HITS OTHER INDUSTRIES PITTSBURGH, Marc 18 The nation's spft co il pror ufc virtually was snuffed ?u ; ye^te by the United Mine V opkers day old pension; walkc Labor furloughs be faji to to coal-dependbnt coal-caiiryirvg wailroa tices t^iat its ‘shops SatUrddy. A steel coijp one blrist furnpee aid hearths; will bef'clpsep coke ini a few days. HOME RULE iRENT BILL OPPOSED WASHINGTON, Mai The home rulje rent read nd|u8tr ej4 A post 81 v oulc ration iaid fi,v ? for ac passed 1 by the ;Hou;M into stiff Senate opp>sition yi day, • - L AUSTIN HAIL STO ^11 COSTS MILLION AUSTIN, Tex., Maj Hail diamage in Tubs lay’s here is now estimate 1 hy insi mnee men at more tian otie]milliop> dol lars. ■ Clhiilns for: hail shattefed glasi battered paiiitjand damagpd roofs conti nu e to s wfamp agentsi The diimage \v' is oriti ipally estimated at around i| 250,00 )| to i ■ • ! KING AND QUEEN—WALLACE JEAN LANGSTON are King and Queen the annual Cotton Ball and Pageianti t6 % held here April 16. ACS Hears New Technique I t T- HACKLER and MARTHA Cotton. They will reign at | .YIN TOE R-. r I . . d'.u ■ L. Ilf ' *5'' Of A GREATER A & MCOLLEGE | I, a COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSPAY, MARCH 18,1948 , , UMT - Draft Effect on A&M Officials Are Waiting Prepara i iilii I ■' ;J : K i ! 1 : . - ' .L . 1: J It! ■ V -.f 1 I If ;j j 1 Number 136 Directors Will Mee Tomorrow, Saturda ; I I i : I • | Establishment of Recreation Area In Front of Ad Building on Agenda \ j . • fj li ):■. The spring meeting of the. College Board of Directors will be held Friday and Saturday, March 19-20 in Beaumont, E. L. Angell, secretary of the Boa&I, announced today. The sessions will begin tomorrow morning in the Beau mont Hotel. ^ On the agenda for consideration and possible .action is the request of the college for au-+ thority to proceed with plans for ! f One Year #f Service for Would Be Required, lit! I I J. j . I j il ‘ Mr ^ j I j * j|| ■' t “Universal Training and a new selective servifct dra f terially, but until a bill is drafted, it is impossible to jjiy dent Gibb Gilchrist said yesterday. jwiU) effect Texas A&M ma- much or in what way,” Presi- niiffl • - Much speculation was roused on the campus afj*r P^slideiit: Truman’s speech to a ersal Trajitiling and a revival of ^elective 3«rvice. Cadets and vet erans alike a^ked, “How will this aff<*ct ;me!?f But no answer was jiosslbli! at the time. joint session of Congress yesterday in which he kskedjfjor ui# Congress Splits 0 Truman Draft PI the recreational area in front and south of the Administration Build ing. According to Angell, this land was designated as a recreational area in 1941, but all plans were shelved at the outbreak of war. The College hopes for the eventual construction of a golf; course in this area, if the necessary funds for its building can'be appropri ated. The Board will act on the joint CAA and College program for lighting and hanger-apron paving of Eastenvood Airport. The CAA, has already appropriated $20,000^- i i . | Radio Efficiency Increased By New Analytical Methods i which must be matched by the Col lege before the construction can get underway. Other construction needs of the! college are on the agenda, and will be^acted upon during this meeting, j Leading these is the program for improving the facilities of “The Cooler and more efficient! ‘ operation of radio and other electronic equipment is aksur- jed by a new chemical method j of determining the purity of a j vital metal alloy, Samuel E. Q. i . i ' IMc 1:8 contr ikn hel dnen « of l I iniuranck| for “security Loan DRIVE PLANNED r WASHINGTON, laf-. 18 The- government pi spued . day tq launch!a nev t ttack flatten with at natio nv ide loan drive. 1 1,ii TRUMAN, ST.- PAT’S DE VA IWEI iARAI E NEW YORK, Majrck 18 President; c - " f nited aspiranl The President! of th' and -at presidential jn New York today Patrick’s day; with children and igrahd Ire)anjcL President jTrUm; m plane) from lYashir gb >n yeitfcrday to join Com. Thotnhs E. -r • • -- '-i afterrtoon Dewey in wajtching ftual St. Patirick’s fifth avenue, i SEE I - SfTOPPEU :oiLLAPSi: lajych II! •opt erious w.1,.1 limited i objec ;iy ?s and hot jnodify ‘ i, '~ <•*' A' ite .P)— tes (meet :o Icelebrbtie St. thousapqs of ihildren iotf old arrival by t le ’ city' 5 ah- day paip( e on ' 'I U. S. AID EUROPE C , PARIS, Map-ch 18 -{-(JP)—Short term aid fropt (ht United $tates prevented serious (oljapse Inj Eur ope representatives ofl the 16; Mar shall Plan nations laii.yestietday. The interim aid, th:y.SailJin an official report, e ml led litficjken countries to Pull t ir< ugh. The re port added: “This 1 id was de|igned ith limitedi Ithe whole.” i"] TTr ■ Ashley of the General Klelc- tric Company, Pittsfield, Mas sachusetts, reported lakt night at a meeting of the A&M sec tion of the American Chemi cal Society. ; * Pointing out that an alloy of iron and silicon, the principal ele ment in sand, is used for the cores of magnetic coils in electrpnic equipment, Ashley said that traces of carbon impurities in the metal make the coils accumulate heat, re suiting ip a loss of power. To aesay minute amounts of car bon in this alloy, chemists have de vised an analytical method so sen sitive: that as little as one part of carbon in twenty-five thousand parts ef metal can be measured with an error of ,less than one per cent, he declared. A tiny sample of metal is ground to a powder and heated in a sealed glass container filled vvith pure oxygen, he explained, and the car bon is converted in this way to carbon dioxide gas. The carhop di oxide, however, jik mixed with oxy gen and water vapor which must be removed. . M ,. Purification of- the carbon diox ide is accomplished by passing the gqs through a vessel surrounded by dry iee, which freezes the water vapor, and then through a second vessel immersed in liquid air, which freezes the carbon dioxide. -The (See RADIO on Page 4) re in Race n*rr ' ’ ■ * or Senator Of I4tjh District. i i p State Representative W. T. ‘IBill*’ Moore df Bryan yester day announced his candidacy for State Senator; from the 14 Senatorial District. Moortj, a graduate of A&M in llMO, completed two and one- half yeijrs in the Law School at tnfe University of Texas. j iHe is| a veteran of World War II, having served 42 months in the A tiny, 20 months of which was ip oyersea.4 service. Before entering the Arn(y, he taught business lay/ and economics at A&M.! I Moord is now Representative in the Texis Legislature from Brazos a£r(d Gribies Counties and is ask ing a bromotjop t tp the ,.Senate ffpm ! trie distinct Which ils com posed of Bastrop, Brazos, Burle son, Leje, Robertson, and Wash ington Counties. | if . i* | ; Moore emphasized the njeed fbr fiirm-tolmarket roads,: adequately fidanceti old age assistance, in creased {salaries for school teachers and soil conservation as some Qf the most important problems with Which the next Senate will have to deni. j “Farpi-to-market roads should become, realities instead of prom [oore said. “We need more Groneman to Talk At Teachers Meet 1 situation could as a , I K j : tlidy to opn WEATHER jEaai^Texa* -f Pattly cl cloudy and. Warm t ils and jtonight.: Frid* y parti; to cloudy. Sicatter ?d sho cooler in nofthwei t aorti crate to fresh sou hefesterl] on the coast.! [ j . i ■ West Texas—M< stly clohdjr with Slightly warmer! vtea her emoon. Mostly cl cue y a r *ide)y scattered s lowers temperatures tonij ht Fri .ly cloudy, showed Pel Pass Chris H. Groneman, acting head of the industrial education depart-1 'ment, is scheduled to address two sections of the Texas State Teach ers Association at their annual meetings This week. Friday he will speak in San An tonio on “The Place of Industrial Arts; in the Modern School pro gram;” This address will be pre sented before the combined groups of industrial arts and vocational industrial education teachers. 1 On Saturday he will address in dustrial arts teachers at their sec tional meeting of the Central Texas Division of I the TSTA in Austin. His topic will be “The Modern Con cept of Industrial Arts Education.” San Antonio Club To Meet Tonight | iW\ qf Them and need them now. “Next to the home, th? school influences the youth of today more than anything else. School teach ers should bq paid, on a basis com- mensuhate with other professiops. 'The greatest natural resource \ve; haye in Texas is our soil, apd Il favor a strong, well-financed spil conservation program. | ‘:I aim asking for a promotion because I believe I can better serve tny district and state in the Sepate- My record shows I rep resent the masses and not the dlassep." I > p '| I Ijj ! Moore is 30 years of age, has been married eight years, and Ms the fither of one son. Grove”, the (outdoor dancing slab, which has been recently approved •by the Student Life Committee. Also up for consideration are jobs which include a new foof for the Chemistry Building, roof repairs for Anchor Hall, and construction of a parking area near the military warehouse. , ] ;! ! i . Official acceptance i of several scholarship funds will be clone by the Board during this meeting*. This includes acceptance of the Jesse H Jones Scholarships honoring Gen erals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George S„ Patton, Jr.,; the Michael T. Halbouty Scholarship in geology and the Mary James Bums and Waller T. pums, Jr. Fund. Of interest to the Texas Agri cultural Experiment Station will be the Board’s action on the request by the College for authority to move the. Agricultural Research Laboratory from San Antonio to College Station. Also to be consid ered will be permission for the College to lease residences,; other buildings, and land at the Blue bonnet Farm near McGregor. StudyCluTElects New Officers In Varied Program New officers were elected for the Campus Study Club at their last meeting Tuesday afternoon in the YMCA. In addittep to the elec tion. a program of interesting high lights qf Scotland and Ireland was presented by members of the club. Officers elected were Mrs. H. L. Heaton, president; Mrs. P. W. Bar ker, vice president; Mrs. J. D. Neal, recording secretary; Mrs. A. W. Melloh, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. E. Adams, treasurer; Mrs. J. T. L. McNew, reportejf; Mrs. Dora Barnes, auditor; Mrs; G. E. Madeley, parliamentarian aijid Mrs. F. B. Clark, historian. Mrs. R. O. Berry introduced the social program. Several musical numbers were presented by Jason Moore, A&M faculty member, and Lamar McNew, student at Consoli dated High School. A review of Scottish and Irish folklore was presented by Mrs. F. B. Clark. She discussed many of JUDGES CATTLE-DR. I. W. RUPEL, above, head of the dairy husbandry department, is judg ing the dairy breeds at the Tulsa Livestock Exposition which ends today. * * i 'CST Desires iong Requests two lands. Displays of Irish linen were pre sented by Mrs. W. D. Harris and a skit on Scotch-Irish humor was given by Mrs. I. W. Rupel, Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. W. D. Harris and Mrs. W. T. Cooper. il area. Slightly i:ooi The San Antonio A&M Club will hold a meeting tonight in Room 205 loudy Academic Building at 7:15, it was and announced today. , . Mod- The purpose qf thQ meeting will be to select a duchess for the cot ton ball ami pageant. Final plans will also he mafle for the party that is to be held during the Easter! Holidays. Anyk Aggie from San Antonio who is Interested in attending the party must be present at the meet- I 1 ing. winds mild .• il ’■ jk “ ; The TSCW campus radio sta- ‘tiqb WCST wants Aggies to re quest song dedications to certain TeSsies over its all-request radio show. According ='tp Betty Durant, program manager, ‘‘Several re- qaests from, Aggieland for dedi- tions to Tessies have come to r campus station. We would ;e to be of greater help to Ag es who want to say hello .to essies. Wcj shall be glad to de-‘ our entire dedication and re st broadcast to this purpose.” /‘Just drop us a card with the of the girl and the Title pf selection ited and we r Is listening,” Faculty Members Will Hear Haskew 7 ii M imj; , ;■ I I j .. -/•. x. .Ail ii- i-— - d Iv . I. L. 5 the well known authors of tho'se s jve student and young people’s program. They have worked long and hard to raise the initial $25,000 and their efforts have at last paid off with the granting of the addi tional sum by the executive board. “The pleasant surprise came when T asked the Board for the money, which I wasn’t so certain would be forthcoming. But, without a question or any instructions on how to spend it, they quickly hand ed it over,” Brown said. This is the second $50,000 granted to College Station’s First iBaptlAt Church. In 1941-42, they jusunted that much of the cost of constructing the present audi torium. Tp ■ j* . I ]) ;! ’ [I “We hope they still feel generous, because our plans for young people are not completed yet We still have the idea very much in our minds to build a Student Center on the order of the center being con structed at (Texas University. If this goes through, it will be located across the street from our church,” Brown added. The Executive Board has already granted $100,000 to the University ier a student center in Austin. :|j L. D. Haskew, dean of the col lege of Education at the Univer sity of Texas, k will speak before the regular spring; semester meet ing of the faculty of A&M’s School of Arts and Sciences here on April 6. ' Haskew, who served on the Pres ident’s Commission on Higher Ed ucation, will speak on a subject related to the improvement of col lege teaching and in-service train- ing. ' ' ^ FI : ' - “Dean Haskew is considered one of the outstanding authorities on in-service training and the improve- r/ School of Arts and Sciences. Ut.l ||: [ I ; i’.-L : - UMT Likely; Selective Service Doubtful; ERP Already Pass Baptist Board Grants Church Building Aid By CHUCK MAISEL :» ? | ; ; * J i J., The State Executive Board of the Baptist Churph approv ed an expenditure of $50,000 to assist the First Baptist Church of College Station in erecting a new educational building, the Associate Press reported today; The remain ing $25,000 needed to start construction has already been raised by the local church. The new structure is to be lo cated adjacent to the First Baptist Church oh the site of the old par sonage. Reverend R. L. Brown an nounced today. Although the date qf the first ground breaking has not been decided upon, preliminary plans have already been drawn, he added. As they now stand, the blue prints call for a two-story brick building in the same architectural style as the present church. A large and ornate lounge for students, young people and their guests is to be one of the main features Of the interior. There will also be a student recreation room, a kitehen, and a dining room, Brown pointed out. The major part of the space will be allotted to an auditorium and some 14 classrooms for Sun day School and Baptist Training Union. ( ' [ ■ ' ' k ’ ' Brown stated that the education building has long been a dream of the First Baptist Church memboys who need it td further their exten- WASHINGTON, March 18 <*>>—■ Congress split down the middle to day on President Truman’s plans for storing up the nation’s military strength with universal training and revival of the draft. Party labels were lost in the shuffle as leaders divided over the two measures Mr. Truman said are needed to flex the muscles)of a country that has become "the prin cipal protector of the free world" against communism, ; , | The upshot seemed tQ i be a tr(?nd toward giving the President onp— but not both — of the manpower raising laws. Universal Military Training looked like slightly the better bet although the cards are stacked against UMT in the House right now. As a third step to halt the agres- sive march of “one nation”^—Rus sia — Mr. Truman also called for quick arid final approval of the $5,300,000,000 Marshall Plan for European recovery. The Senate alre^ly has passed its bill. And, within four houra of the PreslderU’s SdRress to tW gress, the House Foreign Affairs Committee stamped its okay bn a similar program. The chief executive told a New York St. Patrick’s Day banquet audience last night that the big is sue in the world now is “tyranny versus freedom.” “Our faith and our strength,” he said, “must be made unmistakably clear to the world.” Bluntly. Mr. Truman accused Russia of trying to sabotage the peace and' of seeking to bring all of Europe under Communist sway. The still-free nations that; rbi main, the President said, this country must support with its; full strength—“military, economic and moral.” And he said—as he had earlier in the day to a joint session of Con gress—that this nation must be strong to keep the peace. He warn-? ed against “the insidiops propa ganda that peace can be obtained solely by wanting peace.” “We will have to take risks dur^ ing the coming year—risks perhaps greater than any this country has Mr. Truman used; different wo; before Congress:; j “We must be prepare I j to p| the price of peace, pr assptfedly shall pay the price of wi n” In that address, the Pjresid made only 'minor channel as went along. j i a But in talking to the Bt. Pil f rick’s Day dinner tn Nev York 1 made a major text) depar ti re win he lashed out by name at Hen Wallace, the third'party! presidlf tial candidate. After asserting that ze mil beware of those Who ar • devotlji themselves to sowing tlj? seeds disunity among our pe >| le,” (See CONGRESS WlPige 4) Chaipnte] e, Hpaserl Armed Servi itjtee! told 1 r ton; that aj te thaw to be w (id Selective in Andrews (1 i? Armed Servi itteej told reporters far at ai temporary draf NY) ol Com- ashing- “would hat t would (jhU limit- Service.” He|! explain ed thisj meant calling up men 18 to LT, “with; none to be cajlled who 1 ’ ” ’ ischool or gainfully ) . j " ij ; iijc, ■^■ikiii; need only 300,000 ■il"tol 400,0010 met),” Andrews said. ij Andrew's said a draft would not nerve as a substitute for Universal (Military Training— "something in' the hank for tjhe future.” ifs. UMT PLAN I l ijre‘ ifi htyh bmplojied.,” I! M we might 100,0010 met! N itary Training, says that plans in dude One year of service for young jirwri between the ages of J8 and 21. After six months of basic train- Bell Telephoiij Representati To Address If ■ 1 X' - of fclectH Friday lobm. tr of bne.cM lent, ifi i. He llSasi for mire! of whjcli mne Ltb-i a th|«] it to pro- Irvin Mattack, represei tativcj the Bell Telephone Conij any, speak before a meeting American Institute of Engineers at 7:30 p. m the Chemistry Lecture fl Matticki'is a mem Southwestern Bell Tele] puny Information Depar headquarters in St. Loi been with the fcompan; than 20 years, about ha he spent in the Bell Teh oratories. H e uses abc sand pounds of bbuipni. __ sent some .20 different'dpmon tionS. Equipment ranging first model to tfle la model willjl demonstrations. The crystals arje part of tbeji demons r six mojiths of basic tjie iraint'e may coihplete his ivga)* iof 'service ip a specialized mi neb of the armed forces, or he may tiakq any one of six; different alternatives, Swogcr said. He may joiin the regular army or a minimum period of 3 years. He may become a member of he Enlisted Reserve Corps fot ve years during which tme hi {would be required to attend per bids of summer camp training. 7 He may apply, and )f accept ed, attend a US Military, Naval, t' l ! m attend a US Military, Coast Guard academy, ile may join the Ni folleg in RO National f his.home;commun- Hcrmg a 4 yetar course ly ! attend a technical ajnd pursue a/Course of ram mill d ip t|( diffej rties lifil Ai tioh. [ Mattick shows tha< 4’hen efi {St N; tals are activated ‘ijiu chanim m they creatje electrical |i ergy,! .ml when electrical energjji ps app ii to them they become | fiechap agejnts. 1 Tickets for admissiin| are and are available at trae Electr Engineering Office or life m EE acfl ulty members. Pers6ns|v ithout lies kets will be admitted sifter all ’ rhb have tickets have beifn seate< - been called upon to assume,”, hii* declared grimly. “But they are no) risks of our own making and we cannot make the danger vanish by pretending that it does not exist. “Stradivarius Among Choruses j . 1 j. ; 1 'j • j ■' j '!T : j • r ‘I Westminster Choi 4 in ROT( ! He' m#y school apd Utudy as outlined by the War De partment aad receive p techhi- ciaps rating in the Reserve Corps upon completion of the![course. Or, he may attend a special government subsidized /technical school and take a selected teehni-' cal course with government aid. | Swogcr said the UMT nAogratn iwoulid attempt to place trainees m near Home as possible. Thq pf- | jfect UMT will have on students at A&M will depend entjircly upon ^he fording of the bill when passed y'ikjongress, Swoger sajid. tOA EXPECTS ACTljVE DUTY. Ifi;ed J. Benson, president of tho SBn.Jjos County Reserve Officers’ “ s^iociaition gnd a member of the val Reserve, says pe expret* tnettbeifs of the ROA tio be called ajetive duity if UMT] ! is passed. By TOM CARTER The Westminster Choir, which will appear on Town Hall March 22, is famed for its rich and ex citing choral music. Composed of forty voices, the group’s repertoire includes spiri tuals, Indian and American folk songs, the masterpieces of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, the works of contemporary composers, as well ias the traditional beauty of church music. The choir was founded in 1926 by Dr. John Finley Williamson, conductor of the group, and is trained at the Westminister Choir College in Princeton, New 4 Jersey. Non-secterian, its students come from all religions, every part of the country and all walks of life. Since its initial tour, the Choir has toured throughout America, Canada and Europe. The group has made eighty-six orchestral appear ances in six years with major sym phony orchestras. A portion of the music for Walt Disney’s “Fantasia” and “Hymn of the Nations,” under the direction of Toscanini, \ furnished by the Choir. The Choir has been described by Arthur Rodzinski, formerly con ductor of the New York and Chi cago Philharmonic Symphony Or chestras, as “the Stradivarius among choruses.” A Spartan discipline rules the members of the Choir, both at home and on tour. Intensive physical training is required, with diet, rest and exercise important factors in the regime. Strict adherence to of the fear is able* C ul ^xpiects it to be on |i voluntary BOARD FAVORED UMT he Board of Directoirs of Texas in October, 1944, went on ‘Coird ias favoring Universal Mili- lyi Training with certain provis- sj. Tin their statement at that (See UMT, Page 4) , these regulations: is on eons why! the choir ^ give 42 concerts in 4! European countries wi sickness. Scorning the theoi must be a numerical tween voices wH)h mi to counteract the heaM bass (forte. Dr. Williamson says J ,j “the pate voices are the foundat on of thin structures. The soprajids fonte ttye steeple. Their tone shijn ld be (lefir but delicate, like the [fine 4 0l ' ie spire of a Gothic) cathedral.’ 1 ! It : ere 1 '■'> j usiic critics are lavish in their . se. of the bass section of the qir, comparing it to the famous base of the Russian choirs. ♦The slipsihop methods, the lack of discipline and musical taste cf amateur choirs have long been a IjtatKet for criticism by Dr^ William- soni The effectiveness of nis train ing; is proven by the fitet that every graduate of the college has been plated on his or her advantage. The college offers to its students such facilities as piano and organ stu- and a rapidly growing library. i TBSf sf 5 ■ \. Aftm r yiS'd I I i ■i • >4 , Hi HMMM It *■ L. r.; I - i 4 • iVr-fn ■ -r - I- mi w l ,, ' r ~ T . l * r ‘ mmm