Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1948)
'' # v ■ ■ r i"''' '■ ' “Pr : MONDAY, MARCH 15, 194? iction •m ■ STT iW ■ I I ant Physiologi From Near Eaton, fietiio • ysiologi^t vith tHe IJj S. ent of Agriculturfe at t& ’visor to Near E^aten c< crop production, arrived fork March 10 from He has just compl e Near East in assi; •j Ae United y i • j iltural Orgarjiza Nation^, is country Decern kij 1 who until' last ?H«>v m issigned to USD A wori H , The 54*year-0ld coitqn ist was accompanied b3 Since his'arriva in the Utl.' A States, Dr. Eaton .has p: Ae FAO in Washirjpton Dr. Eaton commented ihi l| much as his trfp tolok ; p ace dhe ’"winter, he cou d not g indication of crop cjonditiioniiiin ’ lllear East. However, h< : s "Egypt iaoks to be in wc ride ifhape. Thie country hig uy yeloped agriculturally: a id the pfe pie are interested iii mote e itend< Utilization of the Nile Hivei : 1 i He added that ht wasf in e^este the land-holding sch enie ere a half- icre ^ dere is held bV a family ahi i ad by it with great iptensil y. j “The other count) ies, % i—; m . . .till Eaton said, “are interested in the utilization of farm machine; new plants and the wlhole works.” Before returning, Dr. Eaton atj- tended a meeting of the FAO ip Cairo which was held* February 2-14 to set up an FAO Near East - ern subdivision. As a result, he wa s invited to Turkey to inspect agri cultural development there i ami Turkey has applied for represenp tation in the new Organization. \ Dr. Eaton is a native of Aurort Nebraska and attended the Univer ity of Nebraska before going ti eorge Washington University ip Washington, D. C. He received both is master’s and doctor’s degrees rbm the University of Minnesota For MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Jottps Sporting t iooils ROdrs. Main Bryan . Ph. 2-2832 I ‘1 i% a Buy Junior Prom Tickets Today Tickets for: the Junior Prom to be held Friday evening^ March 19, must be purchased be fore this afternoon at 5i Class I Pre udent John Orr announced i todi iy. , • Tickets'to the dance will re-* j main on sale through Thursday, '•but the banquet ducats must be bought today. ! FRED C. SEALE ELECTRIC CO; Contracting - Appliances .Fixtures P.d. Box 292 Dial 2-6424 Bryan, Texas l * r '- ■ ‘ V A! I- > N A r&. Boy, A UNDERETTE i nf if -'f !*• 1. i! ’ ; 1 I] j* ri K 11 »*l . ji -• I. !V; t!’ l: r, w '•K' - r - m igk-' a* Hffil Co. r '■ 5:|Hi In the more than 30 years that he had served with the USPA, he has been engaged in agricultural rc- seard Flor ire than 12 years, Dr. stationed in Riverside, worked in the ry and the sal- r&'las well as ith brancheB of the Uni- Calif omin. LAUNDERETTE is \n iborhood.”i 'LL • $0 jth Side,: College Station ii ! i IhL: Other made bronze MCG il- ' - ’S Original ' " 11 r r • . •• with beautifully hand- ne porcelain base in O' Eaton w California, where he Routyidouix Laborato inity laboratory the research versity c Mrs. Eaton is u ifattye of Hast ings, Nebraska. After a visit in College Station, the Eatops plan to gjo to their farm near Auibra, Nebraska^ At preseht, their address is FAO, United Na tions, Washington,-!). C. AF, Composite Units Win Corps Mareh-By Review Company A Composite and Flight A-Air, F[orce, were winners in the retreat march-by rcjview held Tues day, the military department has annduncpd. . j j Other'winners on] the left column review^ include Battery E, Artill ery, second place; Batery B, Ar tillery, third place; and Company B Composite, fourth place. Company A Infantry, Flight B AiiJ Force, and Company B Infan try] werp second, third, and fourth plape winners in the right column review. 1 Flight A is comrjianded by Cadet Captain] Ed Hinkle! of Temple, and CoBipany A Composite is under the command of Cadet Captain El mo; Livingston of E'lgore. At the present tjime A Flight is first in the corps in drill and in spection points, while Company A, Composite is second. ON TH 1 Hi mrrzrr il|U CAMPUS r P*P/ATC !:■( ) I n “But I tell you the dean isn’t inT’ r raith Addresses Ag Researchers On Mechanical Cotton Stripper The story of an industrial revolution in the cotton fields of West Texas’ high plains through the development of the nechanical cotton stripper was told today in New Orleans to Southern agricultural research men. Harris P. Smith, pro- fessor of agricultural engineering and a member of the staff Of the Agricultural Experimenter Station, addressed thie collabora- 1 t RESULTS - . l (Continued from Page 3) hoina A&M; third) Atkins, Texas; fourth,: Hoff, Rice* Time 1:58.6. Shot Put—Wop by KADERA, Texas A&M, 46 feet 11 inches; second, ! Graves, Louisiana State; third, [Miller, Oklahoma A&M; fourth, yoUNG, Texas A&M. (New record exceeding 45 feet SVi inches mark set by KADERA in 1947). 220-y^rd low hurdles—Won by CARDOLN, Texas; A&M; second, HALL, .Texas A&M; third, Vails, Baylor; [fourth, Bcjren; Texas. Time ? U < ! Pole Vault—Tie'for first between TATE, [Texas A&jM add Chapman Louisiana State, 12 feet; third, Dean, Oklahoma A&M 11 feet 6 inches; tied for fourth; BODEMAN, Texas A&M, RICKS. Texas A&M, Waltevji Texas and Lowther, Louis iana State 11 feeL Mile jirelay—Won by Texas A&M (HARDEN.* HOLBROOK, BILD- ERBACK, NAPIER); second, Ok lahoma A&M; third, Texas. Time 3j:l9.6. i (New record exceeding 3c27.0. Mark set bv East Texas in 1943.) J | rs’ meeting of the Southern Re- ional Laboratoi-y On Texas studies h processing mechanically stipped lotton. The mechanization of cotton pro- uction in the West Texas high lains area has far outstripped that any other region and at the Same time -has contributed heavily (ta the growing importance of this region as a major cotton producing area, Smith pointed out. Level ter rain and low annual rainfall made this development practical he point- id out, while a short growing sea son ending i ln a cold harvesting period made mechanical harvesting 3 l! • i - i Economics Club Spring Party To Be Planned Tuesday Night j •, ji | j The Economics! Club will meet Tuesday night a( 7 in Room 307, Aciideijni.c Buildipg, to discuss the anHunl Spring psjrty, J. T. Miller, president of the [organization, an nounced] [today. What’s Cooking? I AUSTINCLUB, 7:30 p.m., Mon day, Room 108, Academic. Selec tion of duchess. • AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER ING SOCIETY, 7 p. In., Tuesday, AE Lecture Room. Speaker repre- |entative of John Deert Plow Com pany, Houston. ' AMERICAN CHEMICAL SO CIETY, 8 p. m., Wednesday, Chem istry Lecture Room. Cjeneral Elec tric Company representative to fepeak. ; AGGIE WIVES ; CIRCLE of A&M Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m., Monday, home of Mrs; B. U. Mur phy, 207 Milner. ASTRONOMICAL S O CIE T Y, Monday, Room 39, Physics Build ing. E. E. Vezey will speak on if’Supernovae.” j, AIChE, 7il5 p. m., Tuesday, Pe troleum Lecture Roorp. BRAZORIA COUNTY, 7:15 p. »n., Room 326 Academic Building, Party. ' ECONOMICS CLUB, 7 p. m.. 5’ ru ,u hecessai’y to expanded production, i. “With multiple-row equipment,” Smith said, “d farmer in this area can plant large acreages and pro duce much more cotton than the average size family can harvest.” Principal developments now are along the lines of improving me chanical strippers and processing methods to remove the maximum amount of dirt and trash from the cotton. Mechanical improvements are being made, and at the same time A&M researchers are discov- •ering other important factors which influence the final product, Smith told the group. An important factor beyond me chanical improvements in securing the best results by this method is the timeliness of harvest, Smith stated. Cotton harvested before Oc tober 1 yields much bettor and is of a higher grade than that har vested later, with November har vesting proving much more effi cient than December. L (Tuesday, Room dOjT, Academic [Plans for annual spiling party, i FORT WORTH CLUB (Officers) |7:15 p. m., Tuesday, Room 118, cDorm 4. JUNIOR CLASS, Monday, YM- |CA LOWER RIO GRANDE VAL- fLEY CLUB, 7:15 p.m., Tuesday. |Cabinet Room YMCA. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB, 7 p. m., Tuesday, Room 810, Agricul-j tural Engineering Bpilding: Re freshments will be served. NAVARRO COUNTY A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Academic. Se-' lection of Duchess and plans fori Easter party. i NEWMAN CLUB Executive- Committee, 7:15 p. |m., Monday, YMCA. NAVY RESERVE OFFICERS Organizational Meetirjg, 7:15 p. m., Wednesday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. i ' PRE-LAW SOCIETY, 7 p. m., Tuesday, YMCA Assembly Room, ] Speaker Dean of University of Houston Law School. SAE Tuesday 7:16 p.m., M.E. Lecture Room. VOLLEY BALL CLUB will not meet tonight because of tennis clinic but will meet Tuesday. i '• .jA. Wide Selection of Fine Woolens is Now Here! ' ! , .. I 1 ■ . Included are the finest fabrics loomed in this country and abroad ... in a wide choice of smart, new patterns. Let us take your measure now for that ojw suit. prices are so very reasonable, and A ■, j? Sitisfactipi teed I n is guarai I ! j|f you for the suit. Mr. jE. Hertz, Mgr. .... will measure jiLeon B. Weiss (Next to Campus Theater) ».i ..Mllll i.MHII.i Phone Courtesy To Be Shown in Movie ii * 1 i fij I The movie, “Telephone Courtesy” Will be shown at 4 p. m. Tuesday ip the YMCA Chapel, W. R. Horsley, director of the Placement Offict 1 , announced today. The movie, was shown sometime ago to the young ladies in the cler ical and stenographic employment groups of the college. According to Horsley, they were enthusiastic and complimentary in discussing the film and many remarked, “My boss should see that too.” Aggie flayers 1 Present Drama To Annex Freshmen a® flee. 10:00 3^- NEW Brysn. We repair wi<1 22 mL^hone* 2-1SM. freshmei at. Little Aggieland. This is the first time that a production by the group has been presented off 1 the Campus. i j-. The Little Aggieland Show will begin at 7 p.m. and the price of admission will be 25 cents. Producing the play at the annex will present a problem in adapta tion to the groujp due to the dif ference in the size of the stage. Adding to the difficulties will be the lack of the same facilities used in the. original production. Members of the cast and some of the stage crew, went to the annex Sunday afternoon to work out an adaptation routine for the new stage. Staging productions on unfamiliar stages adds to the tests that are presented to the cast mem bers as they strive for better pro ductions. ! ' r The cast for the production at the annex will be the same as was used in the Assembly Hall produc tion. Betty Jo Cook will play Hed- ^ da; Bill Krause, George Tesman; *urt[7n Lite in April. Slut Phyllis Silber, Mrs. Elvsted; Art Staufer, Judge Brack; Sybil Ban nister, Aunt Juliana; Milt Frenkel, Eilert Lovborg; Nell Arhopulos, Berta. and I I Offic. M CO.,. HOSPITALIZATION or all r dent insurance M low u S with the world's Unrest ncl. and accident company. Mu Health * Accident Aasoci student repreaentat! Resident C-12-C, FOR SALE—Clean 1M7 Ford dh|i> Coup* by owner. Recently overhauled. Heater good tires, two spares. Ji Re$fjfe, C-ll FOR SALE—New 6 eu. [Easy Spindrier wi mefeiintn aa described tie- p will i.ouln from you the to take to complete •ments. AH studenu rrouaa are n-gm-t-d tact - — * cture Roan* at anaduatea 194S. Werine*: B:Od p.m. , January 1949. Thunuiay, June, 1949, Friday, March ith | tH •'ll. or with you such In formation need in oi in ordfr to tell us what i' take in the first term Sid term summer school, r»d s prior acmes ten 1949.,. lion : will be used by the phmninr for techni- , courses and the like. 4 d in order to inmiri- that (T iu« attend In „ <*f your course'need*, j H. W. BARLOW Dean of Enirincerlnr T 1 C B Clerk'w the Registrar’* Office leave March 15 through March new Fric riced right. See Parker, AAM ANNEX AGGIES—Leave Mir shoe* at A*M Annex. Exchange Stdrft for rep B; Wv? 1 PrHou rtv-B uesma Prices are same aa bdr main M who Col lego _sbop._ Fast servijee gut ra: pairs; Col leg Holidk Boot Shop. TIME ANNIVERSARY SPEC I 40 wpeks, $3.42. Churchill!* ucator rate, *4.26 per year.. Magaxihe Agency, College Hodkjj Store. 1 7o| ]|J i- L The Pest order for AAM<rings will leave and |on | April » and the Miniature-Order April naehlnet 115J .j; 1 ; \ “lug Committee has authhriaed de- f;| rings to. students wh<i*lu. mid- grade* indicate senior wJa*- the clone of this semester and College prior to September 1, ing this action; it is the intent *“» to favor only those stu- graduate Before th<*. 1949 held, < Ring Clerk. ) TE tnteed, J \ . LOST—Short coat. Ground, Foil Return to Student Activities t ward- i LOST—Ronson cigarette ' * “ft •agravi USHES EUROPE VERY PROGRAM GTON, Mk'pch 15 r ER SpIN sent tutrda 1TON, Mk'Pch 15 <A>»- jrs'pushed methodlcaL toward a final Vote Senior Ring Order Notice Delivery of senior rings to those students whose mid-term semester grades indicate sen ior classification at the close of this semester and who enter ed college prior to September 1, 1945 has been approved by the Ring Committee. This action applies only to those students who will grad uate before the 1949 Ring Dance. The ring clerk at the Regis trar’s Office will be on leave March 16-20. The next order for senior rings will leave April 1, and the miniature rii)g ohier will be sent April 15. “Sam.” Lost during supper mts at Sbl sa Hall, Wednaaday, March doll $61 1. Thi ’ Non Ratio: -».■ ■ M} —Brown Sheaffer Lifetime ti n. t between Dorm IS and Sliiwa. t, Dorm IS, $17. TJ| r ' i STU-j Summ ft I I? Austin Club to Meet Tonight A special pieeting of the Aus tin A&M Club has been called for Monday at 7:30 p. m. in Room 108, Academic Building. A duchess to represent the club at the Cotton Ball will be selected. dollar reward. Return to Sam'tyl Nonrl pisxell or Box 729, College LOST ably between Holt; ^ • | — .Ip I 1 . — ATTENTION: ENGlNEKRllNl DENTS who expect to gradkiate it ... School 1948, January 1949 [or jV'e 1949 j! The School -04 tjgglnyrling v l hive For Your Visual Prpb c| Consult Dr. Carlton R. OPTOMETRIST *08 8. Main *- Bi Phone *(-1662 MOTHER’S • $5.00 for $2.45 AGGI Coll ote ved | ort the $5,3^0,000,000 European Re- glcAcry pn.pram., ' i 1 to ird^! are now open at 6 A. M. EXPERT RADIO REPAIR Guaranteed FLUORESCENT NOISE FILTERS -< —At— AL’S Radio Service Aggieland Record Shop North Gate . - WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED IN . . . fil ,, : | [ ;. [', | ' !• } SCHOOL SUPPLIES - BOOKS EQUIPMENT 'i; ' i I p : ■ COLLEGE BOOK STORE North Gate College Station ONE 8x10 BEA “ALL PORTR, Proofs to Sel jtioh, Texajs BREAKFAST : Closed Monday KONGO INN OFFER $5.00 for $2.45 DIO y 1 MILITARY SUPPUES ALTERATIONS SUMMER SERGE : f ! ' . 1 Made to Measure SHIRTS — SLACKS Order Nqw for Quick Delivery i iP ' 1 H NORTH GATE SMITH’S PHONE 4-4444 11. ■am* ■’ r — ii A (.{ii .J. One Half Price on Gift Items K - 1 -i WEEK SALE STARTING TODAY ; -or •/ m i BLOSSOM SHOP Bryan, Texas '» • 11 I 1/ -K 1 it ' Ifha 4 H 7 ■ ■ ^ ^ i ’ 4- : j j'' 'j “Ser —THIS AD G< “ 1, B’Yelrs” IB FOR 150c ON[ YOUR ORDER— ! See this Syl0 In March Ladies Home Journal NE FOR TON •IN A NICE FOLDER" tisjfaction Guaranteed irk. • i I i ii L' s .■ 1 \ ■b\ . * ■ • r Key Sak* Supercha dwindle* imporfafll 1 iff [j 1 t ( i ' i ! 1 breasted suit in Botany bii^on detail adds tfliphasi* to Iprinf'i ntw**t color*. I ' r' .• 1 usual •: : ■ ith. 1 .4 jifcj r v i — VI 9 II ! i 1 I