Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1947)
Is I!: ’ ,! ; Wi i Outsi Prohi * !/ e|s D aase?a«rrsKs,;sKsaa \ \!! i I i E Jrmited to proFiding u obi whicj! will enable ^n-fathlet r t ) play f<) board, rooni|, laundry “ard iuitiot; The confdreijce als i 1. Allowi fhr the [prrtiaii^n ojf tiudy" li; df > f a five-man cjbmmitt e !to bowl game$ * :r * l u ^° bowl game receipts, cltide a study iff whe hei: the fefence will llipit bojkl part tion - .. 11 •.:][ 2. Vote^ tci jdeterm golf champion j^y roiij 3. Wiped off the Isst' •eniainirlg wartime regulation v ihi^ i ■•1 TUT •TV' ated Here TuIlS'lSht'tt S ® 'Fanners Show Imprownirnl in F :J - > i 1 ili ^ 1V n TIT! DALLAS, Te>,, Ddc. 15 —<^)-U[The faculty d of the Southvi'e^tT 6i fertnee Saturday prohibited einv of outside aid to at] iktes. ; The cbnlEerenc Vit jbi afi’niual fhll meeting un agreed to this propi)s!il it v^tobld include a or other (Md. j [ I Executive i Sicretar4 Zanies ;H Stewart was erhjpower d o investi gate any reportted vioaton|of the new proposal and to na ce ji cjcdW-j mendations for pena tits toj the athlete 1 and to|the s<ha >l. [ Stewart said the amount of aid which'noir can 1^ divert kn •athlete is limited strictl r to that provided by the schod. - j : j Under a conference 'ul ng, which Jhnains unchanged, uchool alid in Irm mlmi 1 v g Soccer Qub A cpld rail! anci a muddy field ffr ipitioi). j' rhip wi 1 ill coh- cips- ,j ! he the id rsbin .1 VV*V. ; ...WV.MJ * * C1 r^pqred the A&M Soccer Clhb tjerday as they:? downed Allen idemy 3-1. The game was play ed on the intramural football field behind the baseball'diamond. No score was made in the first 45-mihute l half, blit the Aggies made a Indore early in the second period when Plinio Junquiera took a pass f r( >tn Dicli? Mendoza and kicked the ball through the up rights. Allen Academy then bounc-| ed back (witti a sciire by Duke on •a pass fj-om right ^center. Both, teams were .unable to make and track and field—Rich, Hods- H^al for the next 20 .minutes as ton. Date of the track and field they kee-sawed back and forth An ?baake1 bull teams to hayrj mhrt* thar 124 games scheduled if j opponents dvok the 24-garoe limlt| were ser vice' teams. : 4, Spring athletic ^iyeiitfi awarded to: gyvilmming, Te^as A;i& lege Station; Fencing—Texas, tiit; j Cfoss-Country — fCMS M, meet wias set as May 1< -1 Dean Robert A. Lef ati Arkap sas, presided over the futility mee;t mg aityended by D. \V. Williams, Texah A&M, J. O. Bragg, Bji|ylar, H.'E. Bray, Rice, E. D. Mouzon Ji Southern Metho<iist, Byron Short] [Texas, and ; Di*. Her ry Har| of Tc>(as Christian, i !■ lj012, Hal, Pumpc Uy 49-yard field goal to give Yule a 6-6 tid with Princeton] Kelped by the Wjinl.'the ball balrely glazed made a Align man then fouled Dick Men doza who promptly made a goal on a free shot. Junquera scored; again for the Aggie team in the Igst few minutes of play on a 25-yard kick which sdiled in the upper right comer of the goal over the head of the Allen! goalie. ". | The water-soaked ball held the Aggies back considerably in itheir second consecutive' defeat of the Allen team. The Bulldog goalie i.lso helped to stop several of the (i&M scoring threats. The smaller Allen team was '■ : ■ * '“.pedthe Houston Bearkats 65-55 in Huntsville ili the first o|f a tw Thf^cwdUm* wih be flayed here Tuesday flight at V BSi / mi mm j mn (it.'j V l\ K p. m. ! • i Pfi ' Aggie BBly Turhbow and D. H-' ning an d with seven and a half Watkins of Sam Houston shared m i nu tes gone., the Aggies had high-point hono>s;[fitti 19 tallies everything their own ivay from each. There were fgw substitutions with only seven mien On each side who took part in!the contest. A&M took a slight edge h^ the first half,' losing the lead Only twice- and more often keeping four to six points in the lead. Tivo buckets and a charityj by Mike Garcia and a charity by Gene Schrickel placed the Cadets nine points in the lead with three min utes left to gd in the first stanza but, with the clock running out, i . t 1 u r i i i i I < V. Watkbis and Don Walker of Sam :on cam^ fteld goi..„ _ through the hoop, the last bucket Houston came aliVe apd dropped als three goals and a charity with five Seconds of placing time remaining. The half-time gun sounded with A&M leading 31-29, Immediately after the intermis sion, the Bearkats came back strong to rack u|p a bucket and two charities to take over the lead. A goal by Bill Batey, two by Turn- bow, and two by Bob Kamperman put the visitors back in the run- there on. K .. ,,, . , . The Farmers]'tried fewer goals than usual and Completed letter than 50 percent. One * third com pleted is : usuaHy conshjered ; good shooting. Game: Statistics [A&M . “ ' TurnboW. f j : Jenkins, r Kamperman, c i Batey, g? Schrickel, g Garcia, g I Moore, f Tg Ft Ff Tp 8 3 B 19 • •- . ! I SMI’ team begins pract Bowl. Vi j t—2—F— UO/\K v» /\i,i\r,n (Ml Vies in Dallas for their New Yeairli , J ’ total Sam Houston Mitchell Watkins Walker tilkins . Birchet Phillips Ellisor : i total 27 8 12 65 Fg Ft Pf Tp 2 0 5 4 8; 3 4 19 7 1 !3 15 0 2 1 2 2; 1 jO 5 2 4 2 8 10 1 2 22 11 Il6 55 Steers Defeat NT For Sixth Victory AUSTIN, TEX., Dec. 15 j The University of Texas turned on j its ''fast-breaking attack ihl short spurts Saturday night to defeat the North Texas State Eagles, 60-49, fpr the Longhorns’ sixth straight victory of the season. The Longhorns exhibited amaz ing accuracy frpm the free; throw circle, siiiking 20 out of 2!f |r»8, as the whole team popped ip goals to outclass the Eagles and sweep a two-game series. — bogged down in the mud and un able to make many close kicks. Cap- tain ( and outstanding player for Alletj Academy was Duke. In a<K dition to scoripg the jo ne counter, Duke broke up many of the Aggie' pajsses. ; j The teamwork bin the Aggie Soc cer Team was good in spite of the*: 8 Thp r k ' rr t" r r good passing set up these points, trouble Satuirtay night vhep they Both tehmis substituted freely in journeyed to^ HuntSyi|le. This ON KYLE FIELD —*4, Bj . PAUL martin Improved Brand of Basketball Played By Aggie Cage Squad in 65-55 Victory . hi ii i.. I . . .... 1 j — JJ c lOfiONE f f •''' • r ■ ; ; .. t V J MAKES A HAPPY CHRISTMAS >‘rvl. Ki L ' i? MM i / :l mp 1 “Mis W m DON CRUSHED it -if THE u cnvi your department ElXCHAN “Sirving Texas : >. > .fiV Jji®r REGENCY . \ " ,1 I :. VN J erc’s the gift to make eyes shine like Christmas stars! Exquisite qual ity, beautifully packaged Mqntag’s lionable \Vriting Papers, an im- ariety to fit every need and taste, e and dear, delicate colors, lined Id, silver and ddckled edges. Do nkling in our stationery ! i ■! ; 'll I i in a .wir order to let the plhyerts clean up and take a rest. The A&M Soccdr Team Will play Texas U. after the holidays, ac-: cording" to Jimmy Manfarchev, manager-player of the Aggie team. No definite date or site have been set as yet, but it probably will take place in Austin, with a return engagement hero later trouble was mv the form |>f the tall, experienced Sant Houston Bearkats who made a gamb of it 4- \ ^ /j Mm !' Mimatvrt hat. box, certificate he can redeem for the Stdtton pf hu choicel t He’ll be pleased that you gave him a Stetsbii — and glad [that you let him select his own! • t : f '; He just firings us Itlic handy gift certificate and thooses his favorite Stetson frojn our wide range of neivStyles and shades. Drop in sooh for his Stetson Gift Packigj*!. CLOTHIERS College and Bryanj — nr from start to finish, tfikiijg the hull awaV fropt; the visitors time “ and again. Too, thei F a r m e r S miss e d eight charities which should fiave been part of the final sccji-e. r A b;c 11 e): brand of hasketr ball has been p 1 a y e d, b u t should M a r i y Karow’s; chang- , 1 es continue ‘tfl Martin play the kind of ball] all j season they did agaiijsf the; Bearkats, they will make thum&elves felt ill SWC circles. In this column, we need not laud; the Aggies fof a perform ance exemplified in the figures: Against the Abilene Christian College here December 1, tjhe Ag gies turned ia a pretty nice game. Twenty-six fijefd goals! were made in 64 shots at the bucket. Free throws were f | of 24. A slump was seen in the fiirst of tfie two-game series with tlie visiting Southeast ern Oklahoma Teachers. Even though (the Gkdets wfin, t|hey hit only 12 of 56 shots in the field goal department, [and 14 of 30 iharities. In ^the second tjlt w ith the Savages,;'free throw percent age improvedjjlT of 25, fiut the tries at: the hijeket dropped to 10 out of 63. Thas? was a hew low and in.the hext clash, a fsinglje game with the East Texas Liens, 16 shots in 74 attempts at the bucket con nected. This 'makes a season total of 64 field goals in 256 try$ and 55 free throws In 98 attehiptsj. Satur day night, jt|c Aggie hardwood squad dfimpejd in 27 thickets in 52 efforts. They also tallied 11 char ities out of ID. i.j . j Centelr Bob ! Kamperman! was in on the rebounds, and, despite the fact that opposing center [Murray Mitchell is six feet seven, (Bob is 6-41, he directed metre than his share, of the! balls intjo the hands of red-clad receivers.'! On the of fense, hb dropped 12 points through the hoop. Sajm Jenkimj; carr always I be counted ph to handle his end Of the work land alternated w ith Batey ©n tljd floor. Mik<| Garcia/ i also came thijbugh with two buck ets and g charity that enabled the Ags to hold a halftime leap Pf 31 tjo 29. For a moment, Mike looked l;ij>e he did at his best lajst y*‘ar and we’re hoping the flashy guard continues to come along. BATH SALTS Months of fragrant, silky soft baths in this appealing new version of Shulton roses-and- spi :c bath salts! Handsbmely bottled in Stiegel-typc gla|s. Mi ■■ - M- Also complete; line of ;• OLD SPICE MADELEY PHARMACY South Side / ! i : :i . f / iT X : J. ’ / i! ! i Helena rubinstein’s heaven-sentIK ■ ti 'ii' tell her on Qiristmas—she’s your angtel! c «Hng, sky-bound fragrance—’'rought to earth by ena Rubinstein. Scintillating bouquet-blend that nds the endearing angei in the must worldly woman. IAVIN-SINT PEtFUMI, 8.50, 7.50, 4.50 HIAVIN-tINT IAV Dt TOItlTVI, 3.25j 1.75, 100 AVIN.MNT COL09NI COMFACt, l.SO flui*, if ! ' 11 4, / : i t;i! \l i w,5 %> J Id i l i. i / :/ I (with Penn State In nJ A real hand ft Ito choose at a] ptfee jvirgin wool wo^s :. I' U Don’t forget on and ai All Wool Shirt Red, green,. (;ol<l $6.50: v m me \ \ A \. TBl E IVOKSTEI) SUIT M.l ! dlvj. 1 ; \ Suitable for the Christmas Season i\ j ' j| I ■ '• .. V If it’s your desire tb step if [ T ,[ ^out in a suit that is real ly srhartl . . . thi our store and be fit : j . ' ' ionc of ours . . . visit edito \ CHRISTMAS (ill'TS See our largi sleieve tailo tive, dressy Lingerie is an! ej sliiis and gown Cozy and wa! Robe Sets Linen Handk;eirchieL; jw th nice selection df pat:(rus Those' are jjust i " ‘ irjie and let Gc ■/ T ii / .*'! • holb Next' u Ij rw^lcpihe, i;i \ oi’fed wforsted suit foi' yo i equalled at auy store. J.00% Jlffti . Ij, J at a fair price. fa. ■■■ r, .i In. l eautiful Ties > Shirts, stinias Special— : •All Wool Sport Shirts Dig heavy plaula i, I $7.5o [ i 1 FOR THE LADIES ,u i-rl i T ; ectiM of Christmas Blouses-*—Long irts-fOLbifcori Oirl Blouses ahd fes- 1. I \ j I : -I ^ ^ . lovely lace trirpmed gift. u wit Robes—Crepe Gownj and P[ioi|ioub blacjk Sheers. ; hard-rolled hems .k . , estioins." Some in jour selections q I] WEISS C aw t>ui tbeatie • OUR NEW STORE MANAG p HI; j :: j [i 1 • ;Ij. ; “Have you been in our newly ari*ange( It’s Santa’s store house Ter Cne • ! T .•[ Won’t you come in today : I in appropriate ejlcd iricL s A ■ ! t fi j Our new store liiqut 3 8 A AGGIE RADIO >11 « LI ■[. T m We know that we like ir 1 17 that you 1 . * / m j I y° u ie •" Ml ;.~.i M J .. kpi* •{ • ' • 14 ' ' ji 4ur Va! mm h'ti 1 f, ii 4W e ope I ; Ii !;„ iCi’i ;ji ‘J i \ I X !• 1:: *1, -/•I; ~ 'rr i I ■4