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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1947)
r r : :' Page 2 — 4 r i ! 1 ' 2 urHn : 1 \i B attali on ;■ rtf-i. Soon i ide—nand * ' V ( ! L talesman. Knightly •t ; i!r Irith at out noisie—certiin forner igain l^t it be kn<()wn Qoajch Homer Norton I - . s I# • the same volume of students have once that their opinion a is not what it could Shortly aftier th rang down the curtafli mal football season,|{ t(ie j vodces jof vari ex-students across ' themselves heard an of the press—made that they were out pired contract.; . ! ler of i \ ! , IV' 4 m-ihh j ^ i ityNDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1947 Gcntlet Aiglie i; away f: Wants gardless o; t •« it 82413 loss; to Tdxas on a somewhat Ins pired contract. Granted that ^ football coach Should students may hav dignation, it being used is hot djesired resultsi j After all, the avo 1 rid of Norton” woul field winning footba state begftn to make through the med um known tia one and all ► bhy; Norton’s uriex- ous he re- 5tar-Tele- gram—or ithe JHoustOn Post has to report on the subject. In the meantime, those same stories ih’tjhe papers|of the state are making the task Of getting high school players at A&M increasingly harder. ' ; What is Worse, the former students seem to be taking their time about the whole mat- be a This leaves the coaching staff in very tjl e same dilemma as last yeur. when i n imay n(ot d that the former; La Sis lor their halt will ' I . i ; te metiod produce the & purpose of “geti ing be (to enable A&\ to teamst But how, we ask, is A & M going ho get the material for these proposed! winniigi t payers are scaired a\|a: r ‘ llcity? V ! by its very nature c jn posed to be its fundamental goial! The money; probjjfyly (fan be raised with- j out the help of the iievspapers. And even ; if it can’t, publicity! tl rough the papers of the state isn’t; going? to f , J 1 -J ! 1 Wanton 1 the adverse f ub- a signed bo .j . • ' i ■ 1 1 t i [ ; • ■ for causes 1 We fail to see thepogicf in’a publicity that, considered ‘kjts what is s up^ coach. ter. much spring ti while the Controversy flared. If something is going to be doji^, let’s get it done now while some Semblance of organization still remains! lining was Relayed for two months itiro And one more thing: We hope the ex students ijiave taken the trouble to consult Norton on this issue. Nortjm says he hasn’t! been contacted by any former student on the subject. Who’s kidding who? T? AfteC [all, if Norton isn’t willing to ac cept the money, alj; the gold in Port Knox ' pfcU" 1 ‘ ' IS IT WELL' ii 1 li ffl ' M i il I ' L_- 1 v ■ f L Rocks in His Head Kfa. tm.ii-- 1 i-1.1 rgi.Hiliii , , 1 ‘Be Different and Lesson mum Sti The up to Ml and a m Letters to the Editor _ GETl' BETTER f LAYERS ms if high school won’t pry him away from his post. He has ntfact that is irrevocable except and losing football games is not sufficient cause for firing a lake any Aggid-ex In sb<j>rt, if the Aggie-exes want to buy up Nortpn’s contract, fine. But let’s not shout it’from the housetops until the money and the coach has agreed to is in the 'bank take it f' - Four personsdead and nine are in jured because the I ft isiouri-Kianshs-Texas Lines, like many oth|r!! ih the Uiriiitea States, Dperate cracki h|gh|sp(eed passenger tning thpc’ with the primitive days. Two ftl-K-T trailis on near New: Brau if fl i Political of 1 • ! J 4' iithbds of stage-coac which Crashed he ad ds Wednesday night older system, the rr ost have gone on killing employes and passengers ^ ' because i they dacked the safeguard ^ich Adams skid it vras a crime to lack, which the ICC asked Congress to require,'and which Congress authorized the ICC to require. “Wanton carelessness” and ‘'excess of ence” are harsh words. It they ap- e railroads, as jftlr. Adams said they 0 the ICC witmii equal ac- l V jj\ . ’ [• —St. J\ouis Poxi-Dispatch The; big eljectionS>4ar! is almost upon How 'djji we know? Front the increased quency Uvith which that bldj political hot tato “inflation” is be n^ pjisskl around, course. j The President ijasj ajskCd ICongress Si; definite legial powers of inflation if it c publicans throw I u advocate a vblunta The lawmakers pan mans wished,'lose sime v a vaw v. 4 ]/la 1«: k 1 iv 4 loading their shot^juiis with' “opposition bungling 1 * j !y After theicongrissiopal d a fainting rppll ! L (vhat id knowh as the were operating in tirpetable and, train primitive method offeifepitcfting, [They lacked the protection bf the blbck signal system.; Yet hi fitterstate Commerce Commission • recomr lendpd to Congress 44 yeaVs ago that the operation of passenger trains withpujt this pnotpctior)"be outlawed, and 27 years ago Cc iigfreks gave the ICC the power to prohibit it Sixty-five years igt) fie president of the Union Pacifif railnaj,! Charlies Francis arelessness’ on M-K-T? Adams Jr,, said what he thought;; of oper ating trains without the block signal system. He said {t indicated ‘|a degree of wanton carelesshles, ©r an excess of incompetence, for whicll adt quate prbvision should be made in the ckmiral law.” In other Words, it was a crime in fact and shoaild be made a crime under the law. Yet regularly ever since, the' railroads incompe ply to tl did, the!’ apply curacy. : ■i Game to; ciit the bean stalk Re nt nuesi toj rise. The tbeit hanJilB at this ^nd y cdntfol! policy, which for to try yield to for his play it ■1 5 ! we branch into] a house, of mirrors. If the Republican plan, passes J but doesn’t work, they caij back out saying “We only wanted oluntary methods first!’, and then Truman. Since the president asked he can aws as an “ace in the hole’ Editor, The Battalion HlUs off to Blake Alilsoh and W. G. Burgess, and the “bird” to the newly organized “Aggies Un limited”. I wonder jir these “deep thinkers” realize that; A. & M. has obtained only two men with spefc- tacular football reputations in high school since 1944. 1 don’t mean that a player has to be all-^tate to be good at college ball because some of the best player^ were no- bodys in high school, but it is evi dence enough that A 7 . & M. isn’t putting out enough to get the better ba|l players:; j I’ll bet that a big percent of the “Aggies Unlimited” Were Mr. Nor ton’s “ftiir weather friends” in 1943, wheh Norton hail a handful of green freshmen and ‘the sympathy of the spoils writers. When he wound up /bat season jin the Orange Bowl, be had acpprrfplished the best coaching job I’ve ever seen, without looking back oh the 1939, ’40j a*'d ’41 seasoiis. Now Norton is v facing some of the best players in the US with a isiivell bunch of men who play better than expected On spirit and guts. |j . So if the “Aggie* Unlimited" ever get $30,000 together, they could use it intelligently and sell A&M to classy ball players like Walt Lippman from. El Campo. BOB DRAGO, ’49 TALE OF A SHIRT—III Editor, The Battalion: 1 have been, reading with inter est the recent letters regarding the efficiency (?j of the college laundry. Lpave us not be; too harsh in speaking of said laundry; they aren’t totally inconsiderate. One instance of their thoughtfulness and generosity js tljie ca^e of my new white sport shiiit which I was veily proud of. It ; failed to re- tium when I sent it tO' the laun dry, but in its place!was some oth er Aggi'e’s ragged undershirt. Not being able to figure a fair deal in! this exchange, 1 hustled over t|o [the laundry with my gripe. Did; they meet me nith cold stares? Bid they deny their rais- ’ cantroh policy, wmen they hope th pasd hi Dedenibejr |9. The next belongs to the G.O.^.-(-c(lint|roik4 Congress. intorrm to ftlr. Tru- omeintary face, ibut . . j>r hold it as he^ees fit. By looking ^ OW they bodily tlrow me at the card, thhougH the ieyes of either a can didate or a public servant he gaips tremen dous latitudes of political maneuvering. The entire affair resplvek down into a complica ted poker game with a time limit. The party in position wheh the election bell rings will get the pot. And what are the voters to dp while the , CkpitoliHill shift is beipg pulledl?; The labor- dent’s plan;i, and r|m ini their, own, the He- ers can fight for higher) wages. The business mocratic campaign Jjt&if [promptly ‘ ^ “ “' u_ ‘ L * ------ -- 1 ^ seisim also unload tHe baiL<| o ' chntierjtiDn from their hands tempjoiiarily. ;;If thleyi reject the Presi- omptly starts man can raise his prices. They can both pay! phrases about more fpir their morning eggs, use their vote wisely ih November, and be thankful they , p ; i ■ • rp Sent to' us by oifr Bdustolti! correspondent is this clas sid typotn phicalierror: “MOTH ER OF FOUR SAINTS, DROWNS IN WASHiNG MACHINE.” The story bdlOw that head went .on to say! that Mrs. So and So “drownpdjin a ^asliin^hfiachineTollowing jcisionis made, aren’t politicians. Reporting arrest of woman-in $107,000 embezzj^meint, St. Louis (Mb.) Post-Dispatoh said: sing a ‘IHowever, Miss Myers refused to statement! at the prosecutor’s office.” An itenp from 1 Daily Newts read: here gave birth to -r v n ; H-4ii V.-In a stjoify. de41irg iwith meeting in St. Loujis* TT krv 4' of the Slqan Kettering Slinstjtule.” WieBaiiiUon ' of die: News cdnjtributjojas win Hall. (1 209, Goodwin AH-Ament i N- The Asi ted to it or Snot ol Rights of ^tiAn i • ; L •j; : 11 ! A he ad that ran in the first edition only Ont, in Chicago Aj lio [stein sow hear ei ;hi calves.” the scientists’ wrote “. of Peoria (111.) Journal: F Eon G SKIRTS ARE IMMORAL, MORONIC PASTOR SAYS rr : •ijvU ;r INTERESTING note in petty larceny case in the Nciic Oiiearis It< : )n: “Police sighed that he had been a petty thief as far back as 1800.”!:! .1 11 Battalion, o<fic ; of College Staition. T x afternoon, elxqent du ring feondays; and exanli lished semi-w^kly- pufsetiptidn rate $4 par school year. Adverttyihg rates furnished on request, al newi paper of the Agricultural and .Mechanical College of Texas and the City :ajs, isj.pi*)l!ished five times a week an^' circulated every Monday through Friday ng hohdiys and examination periods.] During the siunmer The Battalion is pub- sifieti fadl may I Entered u Office >t Col the Act of Co; I ret s ik entitled exclusivi ei wii ie «re)dited in the paj ti h of all o her matter h CHARUE MURRAY JlIMM VWt Lindley Ferrii Block David ley :k. Duke ' Selikmdn Mack T. No!# i Tom Carter, T# I * G. Martin ■■ . iiobbk, mgy i>e made by telephone; (4-5444)1 or ait the editorial office, Room 201, Good- fa j placed by Ujlephorye (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room rs ienoer... y to the use f ited in the paper and local d° o her matter herein are also » — , Associated Collegiat Member re ga Editor -Mkaaaiai!; *•.< Press ill embei* of the Associated Press lication of all news dispatche ipontaneous origin published ches credi- herein. ' t- Editon .i.FotiUir* Bd.u.r Writer. Paul Don Eiu|eli Mai I Sam LWifoW.. W. Maurice J. D. mtt, D. W.” “ WUwd; fji HoweJI Jr. , , fi!2iSraL!e'’6usfe K. Colville, t,. Gray • ’ .rwented nationally by National Ad- ir.y Service, Inc..<at New Vork City, — Los Angeles, gad San Francisco. iti ..Co-Editors Sports Editor t 1, Andy .Sports Writers ..Cartoonists .... ton D. Kiel .. r i * M CERTAINLY N0[r! They offer ed to let me keep jthe itmleishirt — PALACE LAST DAY “Great [ Expectations ,, ;, I: TUESDAY ■ j ; ■ t [ THRU SATURDAY in place of the sport shirt thtey had lost. Wasn’t that nice of them? Another instance of their thoughtfulness can be illustrated by the fact' that! afte!r teaming al button off ope of my khakij shirts they sewed it back on again. The fact that it I was 1 seWed 'on about an inch from the,holp jt wits sup posed to fit is immaterial. To prove that they aren’t whole heartedly cruel, I sent them a pair of socks and they! only shrajnk one ,of them. This shoivvs they are will ing to see a fellow halfway. Sincerely, CARL HUMPHREYS, ’49 ★ COMMON DECENCY Editor, The Battalion: In regard to the recent plogram put on by the sitiging group from TU ; we have nevter Seen speh dis graceful conduction tfae pajrt of a gpoup who call themselves men. Aggies have Had,: and should have, the reputation of being gen tlemen, but after pn expibition sudh as this we] wdinjer bow we] stack up with ’ the publije. All By MACK T. NOLEN Some people firmly believe, in law and ojrd Some others are emancipated and look on laws regulations for the herd but not for themselves. The firm believers in law artd order] state with feeling that it is law which keeps societjy from getting ojut df kilter, and they cannot cortdone flagrant viola tions of the law promiscuously committed. They a,re at a loss tolcope effectively with; creatures such as Milton. j j ' 11 : ' i ] - j Milton was a rock, just a ; common, everydky Stone sijich as can be seen along a country lane tor lying senseless in a stream-bed. A believer in law and order would have noticed nothing unusual about Milton, but Milton was definitely out of thej ordinary. In every generation there is always at leaslt one creature who will not string along with eom|- iimm practices merely because they are practiced. He has a mind of h)s own and gives It exercise- just because Papa and Grandpa wore button-qp shoes is insufficient! reason for him to wear the same style footwear. The fact that Papa aqdr Grandpa were Democrats doesn’t create a desir in his heart to become a Democrat. Such people are called by various names—mtn-conformist. radi cal, revolutionary, and others alluding to diff degrees of insanity—but they don’t change much for the names they are called. , "MjW Milton was such a non-confonpist, radical, uhd r tri iV - ^r 1 revolutionary. He believed more in his own ihtelli- ! u )tneq< i gence than in the intelligence iof the other rocks. t, ® n8 .•as roundly censored fojr this. For a P^ rs ’ f ■ Mi there no mal appro’ with it wai An|'»: prosecut c should | A .fam< semi-ei ton’s d( ini 1 P i; [ hi hi* t feeling nr Bu preach^ madb beini Naturally, He was long time Milton submitted to th|e dictaies of society, but each time he knuckled do,wn, his heart burned hotter. So much anger accumulated inside him that the others began calling him qi “hot rock.” He didh’t deny it. i ' J H ' i jj . . Then oiie day it happened! The other rd<jks I: Lru jii v haven’t stopped talking about It yet. Milton br^ke 1 4 . , ], the supreme law of thp land! He was not content c r. m it.« with misdemeanors; he was a pjunger at heart, gnd he infracted where no stone had ever dared infract, He broke the Law of Gravity! A party of young human beings had come irtto the pasture for a picnic (one day. Milton noticed that human beings move about whenever they feel like ags it and he admired them that there were no laws chat and have fun. One mood with an eye to for it. He noticed that they Milton’); They vl)( out fof • ‘T1 the ddflefida hi c r i m j! misdenu chante' fdrema recol that jib made n ample laughed and chatted apd had fun; and he wished ^h® r forbidding him to laugh and of the boys, in an expansive impressing one of the girls, picked Milton up in his hand, j “Hey, Alice, look how far up in the air I cpnj [ thrqw this rock," he shouted and, drawing bajek his am, let Flight Milton sail. I was a new experience for Milton and through the performance, as those who were there know too well Idji not an altogether unpleasant; one. A heady, ex-, huberant feeling spread through his being and thrilled hirti to the extreme. Ah, this was the life! While Ijo was still in the process of going up, ^ A] 'd :itorf| something Snapped inside him. So high in the air, \j£Sliltoni with such broad perspective, he saw clearly the kindly] and ut c r e a tti not to jut to up sc MB [but stii; beings love F' justicq say apo Cile bin verizen Mr -prej H jvh MM riain > njy? R<is} yert th- hpp u 1 frpjnji he noidp fate r i n(|l lilng. i nj< ti» Bimply (jidn’t qualify. I Hoy were kihd to Milton during the (lomstructedi for him a special chair ) plhlch he Heard the ringing pierora- uj'lym. Theq the jury (not qxnctly c ihtested ft) filediout to deliberate 1; r; L'rnoon US affohl Id t built ne never convin fifty fec( away , and he moved into sCrvicje, | and ithout acarijigj the une. Having con* bo cidefl to apeak aW>. Jhat ineas, trtUy .4*n ugainm I any r rock effrontery to try to fly'. And H trial ; b al candidate held forth fbr the jnki in flowery terma that] rocks louied to fly -it juat wasn't right. L il|/lawyer; wa» flown in py the lihman fadings who) made Up Mil- Itiiri himaelf was allowed to testify if ^ndtiis arguments were full of were n in the abioids roceedlq of rocks."' .[Jtot ho aVnil. The human in opportuni sccnre the*e privileges fob opportunity and freedo perspective, he saw clearly tih pettiness of the life ho. had been leading. What did there was a scrios of childish, an-j >t mean, wpai did it lead to? The old life led to noying remarks, Which fimillv had noth,n P bu, | a continuation of the same monotony, to be stopped by!a member of the but h ? r ? the air, so fresh arri clean and pure and faculty 1 ' stimulating^ was an unparalleled excitement. This takes us back to the days Milton made a quick decision. He would not when we were in junior tm-h come Hownl Thebe was no reason for him to come school Wheh we ’gbt too nbisy the • <,own except that all rocks were taught from in* principal or one; of the teachers ' f ;"icy that (hey^must come dowm when thrown iptb would get Up and give u^ a Uilk underpWajijdjini on courtesy, and this was tio more than thi^t when Spike White was •“forced” to call the “boy$” down fpr thehj rude actions. ; Occasionally, ja slight remark might be taken jas a comipliment, but when someune is performing and some >“witty'individual” tosses a penny upon the stage', it is the height of rudenbss; Suel| things as these are ■ permanent black marks against everything Aggies have ever stood jfof. J Surely wq can control our emo tions long enough to givfa proper apprebiation to those who arc do ing u$ a service. AVe suggest jin the future that those people, both vet- i See LETTERS on Page 4) ! ;. j the air. Mi ton then and there dedared himself free from the restraint which had governed his life. From noW on, he would live. V ] f 1 j The boys and girls in the pasture, astounded at .such unseemly behavior ih a stone, went home and related to their parents* -the phen«Hnoqeii. i^he parents scojffed and asked what kind of punch had beeh served. Then the parents came in pairs and foubs to inspect this starting thing for thehiseiyes. Sure epough, about thirty feet in the air, with out any support floated Milton w’ith a pleasant smirk painted across his face. The parents checked their spectacles or determined to purchase a pair at the earliest convenience, rubbed their unbelieving eyqjs, signed pledges, pointed, prayed, and some even wept. Milton was too happy tio pay much attenfidn to them. He was emancipated. All night long he continued to float, anc) the next day a larger crowd gathered. Scientists and philosophers and ministers and mathmaticians de bated heatedly over how it could be. Milton just floated. ! I ! . ] dkjii othdi- ij>s 44 empil he Ok 4 o| ihe to )i rth ! (d a d u f| s If f ilpto (jiuMt d dn’tj! kindly] ;;j npaln kjij with HO It eyes tqalt strangi n jsat joti to* Of pep cig u H My sdn^ S condepinl cause [njy ffl T Him if ■t the bpii n philoqo >1 have ha I; to they IjiH 0 IM S tliat of iocni too whs ilifff beings! c mm is the ;lr lUbb or you i ijust j]b; * It diHtuij is • the use they not be djstur compMiElh are MU lij iiu| you id 1 jnot t)e|e ice<J >n t ton QUEEN Opens 1:00 p.m. 4-1181 LAST DAY c£mme&ei* r .~~ CARY COOPER Adventures JVtarcafPolo BASIL RAfHBOBE Enmt Tran • Caoree n»rbl*f » Features Start 2:00 -.4:301 - T:15 4 9:00 ' plus): Louis - Walcott Official [Fight :j | ficitj|re^ /l STARTS TUESDAY “Jungle Princess” TODAY AND TUESDAY 1 SHflHiY TEMPLE | FRANCHOT TONE GUY MADISON WED. — THURS. IS! I THERE’S SOME SWEET LITTLE SOME BODY YOU WILL W ANT TO REMEMBER TEUi^XiRl^TMAB ]j . . . j|] ff M it’s small to give clothing because fashion has lifted children’s dlpthes out of the functional into some thing out of this world'. ... f) ' r ' r -1 1 \l l * * 3 • i ,v;* UI ■ H • j} ;jXI ! i ; i •• |.| J * * ' L * ’ i . . .[ and if;you must tuck in a Toy for that extra surprise. But be sure that you get them both from Joyce’s \ ‘ '[j V ; - j .• I! ?: !| JOYCE S TOGS ’N TOYS 608 S. Colie re Aveu i ‘ i ' A I' I L Ph. 2-2864 FT ! WILLIAM IRENE J ' WrtH EI2A8ETB t EDMUND GWENN-ZASU PITTS rtr MICHAEL CURTIZ k— MISSION f ft^atinee Nights 41 GUI0N of l, df jhingij.” peeling j something of the sort, a blow. He realized that liunifAn ■jeat-exteint air-'-just blowt They qlyi KpeqfheK which praisl* their 3(URht‘ss' b ut don’l meftil all they arid equality. He tried toirecon- juidge’s sentence. . . “tg be pul- ill (cough) dead.” ‘ his cell in the. death block, but was stnipk by the : ■ i .1 tim, lobk of Bqcmed d (he man. Tull [and (gaunt, them esidej Deforc) he <jnugh|t himae|f. selves to KiKiak, the , beside Milton ana iktarted c ihe Ci i<| and ibis voicb was genjllc and ejieve kqu Realize why you are kbe^n a philosopher yourself, be- b tings anj rfeal pnilosopheit. Even •io TSiqcr strahge and eccentlric are •auke ltd arHve in such a state, they land cvaluqtc and rejeict, and hidiCve right. Your position is like ‘(pmip twq thousand years |g0. iHe it.'jHe wotuldn’t let less intelligent i.L ji:Lj as >Tm must.. This must be approved is no compromise. j)le| to] 8e|e iqtne(me dare to (jo what lemgved. The e to] sep fonie i ’p, afraidjtp dd. And the people will iiibo thinkling otf acting Ia n {manner 'thtdr SpeWhed. d c Jor [(lanng ;to i be different, but i ne the hammer’s blow alon)!. There pc< Elje Whp Willi receive it with you, and theyiyjijl da]e'pejf'mjorej aariiigly when you have been reduced: t^jdlust, I hope consAlat to diistj I hoy this will be .some small ulm, : [T l • ii ! Softly] He understoold. He was bein^j < j-usbf it ill to powder. Hie wa^ being thrown into a |ml. jrtd (Ac irippleis(he Caused would' spread; pnef infreas^ janl finally; embrace the length and tae. water! Tt—^ 111 THEATRE TUESDAY nZt?* ce •- m n M J . J I