Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1947)
■ni aaKMilH if jTgBjMfiiwi'i mi' iV4-4a ■ ■■ ■ 1 - ri. iij . ' T ' H A Spanish . Forty-two rwembfr* o the S & ijsh Club savif fter the regu ai st Tuesday jnig . r . C. Boyd, pifcsidi •' After concl i (I I Seef ivi on Pi iim ss meotl , I ai cording ’ i. Mo yie Tf T+hr ■ CHUiailM AS ! 1GREE " ni - !•: (I ! ! 4 fl: 111 t» [Amerilcan form ■ jenir pri2es from Mexico ‘ to t ie lotteria wipn; lotpgrapt s for the Aggiptynd tihn of the) Longhorn wefe ;ome TINGS r- qil^RRY . ■ ife HAPPY MEW II < ii ■ ; - CHR .1 •,! STMAS •-'Ml r ‘i -f n, a n c i e s I j|l hi 'ii lil i -i- CPFAMLANp North Gate 1 H J L B/ftTMMy /UNEJS SMPATy) i.: ■■ \. ill _ .. i 11 • f 1 K: WfbD^GS AVUmXSAP'ES f//fj (Mads, m/mus THE MC If “St^ilfig ITe^as Aggies” } u ?' Ill 14 FR/ENDSHtf 1VCE STORE ; 1 0 fl.K (M K 0 the 1941 r —r- lUx' ^ i • ]- i ■ ^ : 1 U— Miw" 1 ! s i • 4' , The Batt^ion .44 ~1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 ll A MONDAY, 1947 bandman, fahd Profe^or L. V. Hal- brooks of {the state department of vocational' agriculturt, College Sta tion, last week accompanied C. B. Johnson, ^airman of the Calf Scramble Bhying Coftimittee of the 1948 Houston Fat Stock Show, on a: tour of the Buckwood and Tucker Hereford ranches at Manor. Purpose of the tour was the opening of'the Houston Fat Stock Show’s searclji for 157 high-bred calves to be used in the annual calf scramble division of. the show. Cunningham, chairman of seraipble cdmmittee, said ticipated in the annual Southwest Debate Institute held in Austin Friday and Saturday.;, Affirmative team]' laurels went to the University of Texas, South west Texas State College, and Wichita Univers ity, Kansas. itive’team winnewj repre sented the University of texas and Wichjta University., Aggies making the trip included JohnjT. Miller, Peytort McKnight, Bill Bumpas, C. W. Howard, Bill Dowrjard, and Bill Wilson. Dave the calf that the buying committee stopped at the tWQ ranches, ;15 miles east of Austin, to look bver the pure bred Heprford stock Uiere. He said that this was the first stop oniai tour which will take the committed, to many other ranches before Jan uary whertlcalves will be purchased PonitAon Open At College Post Office Examination fpr <{he position of Laborer-Custodial Service for em ployment with the Post Office in College Station, was announced by The’Chiil Service Commission to day. the position is a full eight hour a <Wy job paying $11700 per year. Stall dents are not eligible to apply, j Application forms may be ob tained J at the Post Office; or from the Director, 14th Ui S. Civil Serv ice Region^ 210 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas, Paul H. Figg, Regional Director, announced. — Engineers Invited To SAM Meet ing A|! epgineenng studi nts who are members of societies in the School of Engineering are invited to Attend- a joiht meeting in the Chemistry Lecture Room Tuesday night at 7:15 as! guests of the So ciety for the Advancement iof Management. V • I 4 In extending the invitation to all dnginieenng stutlents, Chairman D. K. Andrews of the SAM stated that W. W. Finlay, vice-president and general manager of the Guib- erson Corporation, would be pre sent rs Debaters Orate In A"*!- # X 1 !• ' IffM Thrlee Aggie deb; ims par- 1r Ho|W]ijjLTuli .-•"'V y—- td he HOW J)*e.!p & 17 — 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 n.m. . 1 i . . Spo nsored by EIKIRTICI LTI RE SOCIETY exas A. & 1W. College ft j , of SBISA If ALL I j in I | ; IN lehl in the main dining room f If f . f SOLVE V(it R CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEMS til : Mi I 1 liFl ii 'M ffl i '"M if ij> aormitorfis,, and! onfers i Horticultire Dejiiartikienit. ■ 1 ■ •n , i Orders fjlr bpxjds iof Texa$ grown citrus fruit will be taken in the dortnitorfesii an$ oniers may tjtlso be placed with; the secretary in the 1. “Ext 2. Impt 3., Mars Pricfcs oi these “Gi ? t Boxes” art as follows, with shipping charges jiot included; I if M i ill- \l: M White, kai:e” (12 Ruby Red Grapefruit) f ■" 4., i iRubii ! !' l ^jOrar 6, jlMix 7, Mix I if utlive if: ed Bamboo Mexican Picnic Basket llmixed)..:.... (jjltijjefriiit, Seedless Bushel •Mi- Red dra ir Standard firuitji Busfiel box Standa e; Ll TeKasi ;Special,‘ Bushel box Gpupefruit a Led Gr White Ruby i \ •>4~^ 4- Re^ Grapefrujt and Orangi i i ; \ : r. - j',. I .f ■ i !>: i • I- l 4 Standai nd Orange 4 I ! ' .•c: eraw It erate ^ prajjte J Ushel boxM. Bushel box '1 |T*' $2.25 4.25 3.60 ........ 4.75 4.60 ... ... 6.50 -•H 410 6.25 3.85 4.35 5 7 .. for tjie scramble. The two ranches are Owned by F. F. “Buck” Wood, Houston re tail lumber dealer, apd Jim Tucker, Houston insurance Alan. , ,(' ; f ; jTV | What’s Cooking? | AGRICULTURIST .STAFF, i:k0 p.m., Wednesday, Room 207, Good 1 - win Halil Refreshments will be served. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7 p, m. Mon day, Sbisa Hall. Bpnquet. follow ed by speech by D. C. Greer, state highway engineer,; on “Develop ment of Expressways in Large Cities.” ASTRONOMY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Monday, Room 39, Physics Build ing. AUSTIN CLUB, 7:30 Monday, Room 108, Acadertdc. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, 7:30 p.m., December 10, |?oom 308, Aca demic Building. “C” VETERANS COMPANY picture for LONGHORN to be ma^le Administration Bldg, steps Wednesday noon. Uniform number one with service caps. DENTON COUNTY CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room 303, Goodwin. Plans for Christmas party. HEART OF TEKAS CLUB, 7:30 p. ni., Thiysdayj ME Shops Lecture Room. m 7 FISH AND GAME CLUB meets Tuesday 7:15 in Ag Engineering Building. Film “Realm of Wild-, life.” Refreshment^. HORTICULTURE SHOW, 12-10 p. m., Tuesday and Wednesday Sbisa Hall. Sponsored by Horti- cultuie Society, r INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTI CAL SCIENCES, 7:30 p.m., Mon day, December 15, Petroleum Lec ture Room. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB, 7:30 pi. m., Tuesday, Robm 310, Ag En gineering Building. Dr. V. A. Little head of' entomology department will speak, i MARINE CORPS RESERVES, (Former Marines), 7:30 p. m., Mon day, Room 129, Academic. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CLUB, 7:30 p.m., DecemlM?r 17, Petroleum Engineering Lecture Room, i ; -J ; PRE-MED AND PRE-DENT SOCIETY. 7:30 p.m,, December 16, Biology Lecture Room. RADIO CLUB, 7:15 p. m. Mon day. Room 106, $E; Building. . RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p.m., December 16, Room 203, Agricultural Building. SAM, 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, Chem istry Lejetdre Room. STUDltljjT SENATE, 7:15 p. m. Wednesday, Sbisa Lounge. WSCS (ALL CtRCtES) A&M METHODIST CHURCH, Christ mas Party, home; of Mrs. T. H. Terrell, 303 Guernsey. 7:30, De cember 1;5. YMCA FILMS in chapel at 7:15. “The Football Parade of 1946,” “the Nativity,” and two other .-ports idols by Look Magazine. »wil — '• U ’ —d I 1 — V T --|-U— '• m frh jL a with remittance to; the Student Activil tie* Office. All ods .hould be turned in by. 10:00 A. M. of the day before publi- eation. (7) ; ; )R SALE—Cocker pupplen—all ideal Christmas gift. 2600 Todd. colon. Bryan. d ,| j ’ j' ^ IJ j jp . Return to Church, Bible Solution To | > •, Mg Present Problems “The family must come back to its religious and Bibical basis if it is to solye the major difficulties confronting us today,” Daniel Rus sell said at the Wednesday night meeting of the Lutheran Student Association. Russell, of the agricultural eco nomics and sociology department, pointed out some of the difficulties of this post-war era that are caus ing more than a third of all mar riages to end in divorce. “Not Reno, Nevada, hilt Chatta nooga, Tennessee, with a record of three divorces granted) for every marriage license isud, is the di vorce capital of the United States,” Russell said. Research has shown through Secular surveys that success in marriage depends upon good char acter development., And, Russell emphasized, character is developed through'the teaching)) of the Bible and church and through training in a Christian home* STl.Ri.tlfG dhoWing; flf Silror p«t- HAVE Y6u STARTKP YOUR 8TJ.RI. ‘"ST? RequM a personal Dely Fine | Art* Sterling ms and explanation of our exciting ^.Jb plan, ito obligation. Mrs. Roy; N. Gififfin, distributor, Box 5122, Collette — urimn, uisurioutur, uox . oiz Station, Project House 4-D. ANTED TO BUY—Pair of Army sur plus BINOCULARS. Contact Jl-Sgt. Nor- man, Rosa Hail. (4) DR SALE—|i0 acres fronting on Highway 6, nine miles south of college. W. C. Hall, Box . 420, College Station. $30.00 an acre, W cash. )■ — ...i THE SCftIBE SHOP - Typing, tnlmeo- graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6706. 1(W7 East 23rd, Bryan. (7) l^OR SALF.—Servtcycle, excellent condi- tkm, reasonably priced. SanderKon, Box 1983. or 232. No. 14. Tima Coronet Header' New. Week Houie Beautiful Johnson FOR i'CamBtia. prefab. IT REASON RATESt 1 i n Magazine Agency, Book Sore. Box 284, Ph. 4-0 14. A?.E—8-room house wjth bktt * Available spring See Angus Dickson, student) owned bouse No. project houses and tennis FOR SALE—BeautIfu 1 stone fing for the Genuine stone, set i sell for % original valije. Ri Dorm 7, 3M. Box 6801. J . . BARGAIN - Serge blouae—6f7 I jl; ae battle jarke t- $17.50: sergf : pant* $12.50. jShoemaker. Dorm i, AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gitlf girl. (Jocket siutniel puiadii Ranch. 1 seven miles soutl Hwy. 6. L. ;B. IVlt. m FOR SALK—Baby buggy •>$; O.lfi $5.00. Pldy pen—$1.00, Ca 4-6094.: 1 LETTERS— (Continued from Page 2) erans and corps fnembcijs, who can not behave like gentleinlm (not like a crowd of adolescert. children) should stay away from social func tions of the cortege. MURRAY COX, ’49 CHARUE ESTES, ’49 A. S. BARADA, ’49 “E” Battery Artillery ’ use WtKilifc ; ■ ■MfciiiipB'i.g ; 1 IT 1 ' IT , ■■ T. r Toll iUI mb lo JlUi « •* TOR SA Box 5. ii. $97 »- FO* oni 20 FXIR 8ALt-a itew A-B apartrnem gas rang!*" with <den nmtruU. Terms If de. »wedj Wifson-lMarrie Co., one bkick fMW I <^1 UH FOB SA uEf--8 TWrins I we W REWAitj for Information leading n|<R«ry i*g Imv dark -brown Father * tWo 14i#ter bag and co iteats. •Cthratef ■ M. Arrington *ttm|)ed 'b«|lf u nd ngtol. NTHD ility Va/Aihk i. j ■ r CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT Old and rare Gians, China. Lamps and; Bric-A-Hrae. | Many items for privati: iwngll. AILY 9-12; 2-5 and Sun- 1 collection of; owpef. SHOWINGS pAlUY day afternoons Nunie M**on Field 504 Ri'StwpiMl Street Phone 2-7644 (2 Blocks Off Highway 6. S.) JUST ARRIVED We have a new shipment Get yours today while there « ! styte and color. i ol Hollywood *tyl«. $26. bicycit*. IW.I |E —Prkwd right. ght ■: f each. Dorm fc b|nk; |3iltego Station. g at ; Mhdle. Lost from blus. tifght Novrmber >t|, "pustiip Pand Bryan. Che-Wr AfM; Annex, Box 541. JIXLLj ^ TO 1 UY — ReanOnably. eraifel for move in 4 ira*(i,, College View, Box A op saI'u i Sfe Hi lj-7-P ,1 ( used wa«hin» madhit 1. WlHon-IU-arrie < the bank. College " ontiatin k Aron Onp lioy'x bicycle, 26”. i-f)., College View. Iced ajniiary. 200H. 7 heap. ijU 1 ' jllMr.l I, .1(0 ' ii ■Hr ‘..d prie niiai . ■ in in » j ,41 r ()f this fi:i is a : i rilatoop^ T :i;i: I 1 |’ SkmI luggage. (hoice I' 1 ; 1 1 h 1 i 1 #'.n • . ui utitii hi|ili|riii *<i 1 ,;iiiini;HnHl;If r,iiiiHiiiih:.;isi:..-liJU CARS LAST , LONGER . d n r / with under-coating' , and a i: j : /l -.l Quieter, Better ; j Ride A sprayed-on coating that covers ■ under - body surfaces with a tough “Hide" which protects against; rust, absorbes body and fender noises. You will be surprised, ALL MAKES TREATED ' —ONtyY— j 821.50 ' BRYAN Motor Co. N. MAIN PHONE 2-1333 Mr » CLOTH 1:3 '! . I i i Wishes and evi MERhfc^ one of you i'll f! and J j: YEAR i > i • ; •i b ilil — if ■•'!! ¥ HI ,, i i t jviiry MORRIS smokers to PHIUP MORlj Yes, the HnW? "I ■ IT ii j what other srhoke*!; SMOKING PLEAS' Mjfci So for jierfijct sr S '; li ; k 1.1 V uVe ever enjoyed! knew what PHI^ they’d ALL change ill .; il ’ i I r ^ v diiji hoiite t|i get...PERFECT i .. try a pack BETTE -4.r n ill .L|l ♦ U S ill l] : - H It 1 J I ■ m ok -4 —■? 3