Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1947)
r < * IMI01I ▼ f v/IlVUUiO^ Due in Cowtown Friday l orty Gridders to Make Trip; Nortomen Set to Stop P* r 9 e d Progs Free-wheeling Triple-flanker Offense they exneet 1 "H 1 th f air with footb| dl« »nd maybe give them a little more than omul.°Ll he sr , r ° Und - a fort y mtn Aggie football team Thuraday completed final - ne ,y u j, myt Friday morning at 9t60 a. m., arriving in ‘ 1 — ^ . J )n v at l T «£i7-,? ud, J u,ni Q uiet confidence was the keynote ],^ Utld Tbmuday, replacing the spirited horseplay h. 1 ^L < nIl C u 0m • r < No^to • roJe ^ inil < h* HWjltlU oum for optimum oo th* ■■M Moyer h*» • «u«Jily ease wK*n w* play th« what The _ the afternoon th™r“lu »"|wJIj.‘ Wd Tb ' md * y • r * 1 ^ ctn » tht ‘P irit «< I hi*d[L < u3^^ ,#m * r « Norto 1 vole#d • nKl * l y oror Um ram* and W »aw_lUU« «*VH far opMmleia <* Ut« AffcUa' part "Duu-h MbMr kaa a aUndily lni»rovtni Uam at TCU and, a« ii uauaily Uw caat whan wa play On rrofi, wo haven't the ilightMt idaa what ha’ll throw at ua, Tho Kroy. ara ubM aa a f round Uam 'hta Mar, hut wa can |>n>UMy aipact Plenty of abort paaaaa laturdv. ,, » , ^roUtf from a doubta wlng Mup taillAr la i»ma way., to AAM'i ara •xpretad to throw a wiia mae atyla of attack M tho A|«i.v (maturing handoffi. iwtopa. and •hurt pataca. Mayar'a famad “triple-flankrr" j- M i offanaa, which taada flva man la to tha aat w c™’ w ^ h »a run TCU formation* ayalnat tha varalty. The Afylaa go Into tha rama mlnua tha aarvica of Jamaa ( aah- ion, firat-atrlnt quartaahack and ai»nal caller, and iaoega Kadara. aacond airing fullback who la atill nuraing a had agkla. Tha aituatitm ** ‘t 00 ^ 1 t,K f the tame line will aUrt agpinat tha Purplaa aa opanad againkt O. U. and LSU. Stan Hollmlg, tha eonfarenca’a leading puntar and mnnerup in yard* gained paating, wUl ukc over ( aahion’a quarterback dutlaa, with Rob (ioode. Ed Ihu«k and Barney Welch rounding out the backfiald. Norton hinted^, a po*aible ahift in the Aggie*’ offensive tac- tica againat TCU, espacially in re gard to tna ground attack, but declined to comment further “Wait I’ll tall you," tha vtUnta ■MM -A aellout crowd of 30,000 will fcff a ^ H0rTWd rr0f SU<lluw ' etth 6,000 Umporary Mata being erected In tha and tonaa to acco- modaU tha haga turnout. Tha game will be tha 43rd rw- nawal of t^joaiant rivalry, be- gun batk i« m Sinew that time, m 24 while TCU re have been for AAM are: tip*. Prokop, Whittaker; Ihklar. Tali*. Sette- Routt, Goode, and . . Stautsenberger, Dupree, and Sacra, «»lar» . .Gary, Blia, Guly, Ben- Mttj VMiterhaak* ... HoUmig. Baty and Hallmark; fullback* . . . Duaek, Kadera. Daniel*. Yatea; Frog Passer "GAZING Rice Tackles SMU, Arkansas Meets TU in Top SWC Games Owls Favored to Open Conference Slate Successfully; I c\as Top-heavy Pick to Maul Arkansas in Memphis _ iy PAUL Tune again far another round ya olde crystal rarer re ■ M * ’ but Matty Bell and hia the Axhanaaa Poriar*. the 47 8WC reaakn against TCU in the last of a series •f four road gamaa. the Aggies are doe to ^ 906 •f m)mi well b* a M •core. Still deploring the loaa of star martarhaek and touchdown toarer Jimmy Ca*hion, Homer Norton's charge* are on the rebound. We've contended all season that the Dutchman is due to upset a few sure-fire conqueren this year but the Crystal Ball wit iprir.kled Hberall . J P They beffin for kee P« in the Southwest S«tupday with a full slate of three ? n w renCe TeX “ 40 Mcm P hi * for a SW C duel with taJb ua AAM u, TCU u. witlf *if Porkeri Ji nt “ °l ^ ^ *ttractions of the week, vyin* Looking at tha future of John Barnhill's wl *5 tlig iinportaiit Hice-8.M.U. pame in Dallas. T.C.U. plays host to A&M in tht? third B,y,or “ T ““ T “ h •” J ^ shouldn't nrovc to., h.n.,* t' r n— ^ ■ M H I •houWnt prove too happy for tha . •a the blond# gentlaman will probably be tossing foothaH. all ovar tha Arkansas* md of the field. Here wi t | call R Togas, 84-7. _ , „ R, ro haro a atruggle with 8MU but PMl Martin ! V Owl# sbould be Kitting on all sia in thi* v I encounter. Doak Walker ha* carried th.i p na u. UimwJ wm. rtw|h lilt. «iul •III coMtou. M b. I.cubl. «,th , cmp'ul l N.vmk.I.M.r— ^ J It loaka like Hire by 19-4. Del Morgan and hie Red Raiders have eseenttaliy the aame team that downed three of Its four iMthweet Conference foe* last year hut here the Baylor Bean oror Tech at laaat ■4. The Bruin* wartnad up enough Mt » w r* 1 to pul1 * •o-rollrd upset on ArkanMa and Indications are that they are still hot We'll live ■sylor the mal here. T <. S B a ((a H o n PORTS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1M7 pTZ Lee« Jealin. T. C. U.'e veraioo of Bobby Layne, will he o« the threwtag .end of the Psreea agalaat tha Afgiea Satar- day. Four Intramural Teams Hold Foes Scoreless in Flag Football Openers Fmir of the five opening Intra-+~ muial flag football team* won to •core | touchdown was tlwir game* this week by holding Wmgbacks . . . Good, Welch, Goff. Smith, Andersqn. Burditt. Daw Qraene, Anderson and Ballantine. Aggie Bees Bow ToTCU ^ogs. In Fort Worth Hoys «i11* Import tint C/i«iiii yours! By AIT HOWARD FORT WORTH, Oct. 16 <8p>- Th# Aggie BUM bowed to the TCU Polywog. laat night in a battle on ort Worth's Farrington Field by j More of4M. The Mfrsting tatty cam# ia tht last 40 of play what tha Wags drove to tha Aggie 6-yard line and Hickey pasted to Dunn tor I points. A" Inureeption by the Aggie* 9 tkf VCU 47 yard strip* eat up •»*«• of plays leading to the M# Aggla aaore. Moore rerriad tha ball la arorlng poaition and UlMar Mdh the pigskin acroas tha their opponents scoreless Dorm 8 took its opener by a 20 to 0 score. Lee for the winners excellent work on the ground by bit teammates Layne and Rose.' Taking an early lead, A Air roree hung on to its advantage to beat B Engineers, 7 to 0. Mayo crossed the goal line for the Fly ers with Hinkle making the extra pofaM, In another dose game Bijrell Hall took a one touchdown \ u tot \ from Law Hall, 7 to 0. A P. Wiley and Sam William* each scored a touchdown with Sherrod making an extra point aa Mitchell Hall l* c « 5*^ ton ***** •corelesa in a 13 to 0 Win. Tha only loaing team af tha day «r ' £ Northwestern • Michigan Clash FOR THOBK WHO DEMAND THE BEIT . . (oUttff Shoe Repair North date finish Una. Meyer converted to put the Aggies ahead in the first quar ter. TCU lyaasd the ball game In « * riod • auatainsd 47-pafi drive. The Aggies threat- •nH twle# but a tumble on the TCU on* yaH Una and a holding l" n **Mf .*»« the aii-yard atrip* muffed the attempts. A week pea* defense waa avl- dent on the part «f tha Aggie* which aaat them In the final wore. The famed "T formation aa wall m •Ingle and double wing play* were used by the Aggies with en- tire team aubstltuilon used. ■alas, M'fcr-Urklar, R«y,iiy, Moga, aad Molbsrg showed they «"uld bear watching In time to 111tUt*, • By DON BS'GKLKING Leaving the southwest con- ference for a brief scan over " the other top football games in the Nation, two important Hehu'? G *r ,00, " “ ^ lifhu for tha coming weak-uad. Michigan va. Nortkwastam and nui wwconam's th * ,, ' id - numerous! .V wl " •Wroct the - •P-tliKht Michigan, after rolling will be heavRy^favored'orer’ twire ‘ S “ Vy ov * r ^ orn ***' Nol ro Dame beaten Northwestern. | ln k ,* n . w * n °v«r Nebraska, n. .M, , ji",: fcsrfls 5 r . A .r P r I'urn, The Oklahoma Aggie, to up. r\ ( r r,rl ^. ^ roll tear I ( olumbla, MMssipp! in a close i ywv need. Keep PAUSE FOR COKE F RELAXES GOL 96% Federal The Hall a* they fill in defeat to^rm 9. 26 to 7. The Aggie running attack will find itself smack ap against the 296 pound frame of John Cooks, starting tackle who is the only three-letterman on the '47 TCU sqnnd. ■ The Rice - Southern Methodist game matches the pre-season fa vorite. Rice with a highly raggrtlad Mustang eleven currently riding high on the flying heels of Doak Walker. The Owls, despite their 11-14 defeat t* L8U and a 7-7 Ue with patent Sautham Californl, are generally favored to knack ljf«tty Bell's Ftonles from the un beaten rank*. k "py layorRa to hand Arkanadi lU .reond confer- ence loaa In aa many weeks when ihc two teams collide at Mamphls The Longhorn's hlgb-gvared of- fen##, sparked by bullst-armed Bobby Uyna and flest-foote.l By- T°" ^ •ttroun- ter Iittl, iifflcult in Punduring tht Porker'* afrectlc defanst °** Rs surprint' showing ngaln* Arkanaa* last week, i* a ■jroro pJ"} favoriU to administer the third defeat to Tech by a con- ference team thi. m r. T.xa. and A«M knocked off the Raiders by ■cores of 33-4 and 29-7 and tha Bears while not expected to ap- fufTf ; th ??* m *nrlns, anticipate Texan* rOU b* ,lf *' n, * t*** CI1NDERKU.A PorUkle (llothc^ Waiilier * I . NOW, wa bring jmu that power- f«l midget-washer In a brand- new, improved model. baby, powerful QENTI.K aa a aa a giant IUFE for sheerest fabric* . no njhfclM ... no agttatinn Vacuum-action prlnrlpla. Henry A. Miller ^ Co- 2 Blocks No, Port Office North Gate will prokaUv decide the Biff Six champ. The Sooner*, with Jack Mitchell and that rough Okie lina, are definite favorites. In the Weal, California’# Golden Bears continue their fight for su premacy on the Pacific Coast in a battle with Washington State. Lynn Waldorf’s Bear* will be heavy favorite*. Another Pacific Coast game that may have a de cided bearing on the outcome of the Conference race is the South- wti California-Oregon Slat* battle. The Troyans and the Beavers are about aqual but the Trojans get the nod. Topping the Intersectional card *• *• Yale-Wisconsin game which would turn out to be a very close ***•. *f A9»«wl by many hut Wisconsin • supporters arc Here's how they shape up In the VMLBOIfl • l * CLEAKBR(X)K BLITTER ! ™ 69> y : rah: rah: rah* Just watrh FUfMELL’M run ia- tarfenmeo for y«Ki and break right through that price ||ap! Herr’s uRerr you’ll find f (W d values tiehrer about. There\ no “kk ktug” about high food costa here, for our skrlvrs •wa d gnmdstaad full of vicll- known food*, frnnh, Jak^r meats and farni-frrah Fridfty — Saturday undoubUy be one of the rlopcRt 1 game* in the Nation. The iport* •crib## are pretty wsll dividml a* to who th* winner will l* although Illlnola gsU the nod bsaauag of the fact that they will bs plating on their horn* grounds. Oklahoma ami Kansas tanglr in Norman. Oklahoma, in a game that •y n iwi .7.7 L in a rinse win ovar Tolane, Vamlerbilt to con-' jlnua falling by topping Kentucky,! WU over Boston College in a FH. day night gams, and |n the closest * n l^s Houth, Alabama to shade Tennessee. FOR THE SMARTEST NEW STYLED MEN S JEWELRY ..... HiCKOK and SWANK. •9® our aeloction by Complete line of Attie Jewelry and Gift Novellh h. 5 CLOCMERS CoBege ami Bryan FANCY RF.I) DRUt NH N APPUS . . . lb. I0r CAUBUEMA LEMONS UNCIJC WILLIAM RLACREYKI) SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR ; NF.W CROP TF.KAa ORANGES • I'ouad Mesh (tag 49c MB. MONTE TOMATO JUICE No. so# L ifr __ GARDEN PATCH VAC-PAR CORN PEACHES A i« oa. T 29f LIMA BEANS ’ IS oa. 35c PlliSBl RrS ftOtC. 3 lb. lie ORANGE JIICE... 11, IMU t.ARDEN- PIvTSIEET PEAS ... No. 2 lit FUSSELTS SUPER-MARKET