Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1947)
J i t ALI.ACR I W*lf*r* Km ranrdUxI an apnaar. LlTTlJt HOCK, Oil, id (At)— nhm «/ fnimiup vtM«|^MkWn| Han- n« Arkanaa. of the, ry A, WallaM li Had «-h«lul«l h.rr mtot* conffrrnw for hwMMifor Novamkar 1ft. Bronco Inn Sunday Special : Oct 19th' Rot«t Young Hen k Dreaaing Qlblet Gravy -i Cranberry Sauce Cream Potatoec — English Peas — Waldorf Salad — Hot Rolls Apple Cobbler — tea or Coffee ^1 AA /* College Men FALL TIES S* ■■Hf n • i ii r Coma In and tea out Am auortmcnt of Arrow tlaa ttpwially dctigntd for lh« colUgi man. Thfty defy wrinklm and knot Ilka a draam, Arrow lie* will plaata your.ajft, your hand and youa wallet ll and upi ^ f Arrow handkcnhicli, |.)) up. Hi CLOTHIERS < and Bryan ap^w ms ttL.-U OmCUL NOTICE —■> IJAAt Nortra fta w 0it4»a oh» o»fw* »m tar tiw OUT w Omthm it*. mmm «m to Mk MhiMe Im4« a — M.iAto »mam a WWB . OnmS wng The Battalion Pit* 4 THURgnAT, OCTOBER 16, ml CLASSIFIED AmOtnOM KMGINXKM •MHmm'i ma fttan. Ik «toft M tto Saftonir* UrKENEIK-RALDWlN Rt'BINKM rnl. DR. ALBERT NOYES. JR^ pre.i- d«nt oi tkr National Ckoaiical Society, will apeak tonight at 8 in the Ckcaiatry Lcctarc before tba local Mction. He vill apeak m the aabieet. “Ftocrfateate and Pbotoebeaiatry.” PIANO LESSONS i la Naalt Hall m Campua. Mr*. T. H TWiaa, Jr. B.M. and rivarWnrad taactor. Call t-6M6. Visit Texas Hotel Information Booth By J. K. B. NELSON Asy Aggie needing s place to atay Friday ac Saturda> Bight is Fart Worth akould go to tbe information booth ia tbe lobby af the Teaaa Hotel, where a rep- NsaatatWe of the Fort Worth ARM Mother a (lab will be eii doty. Naatea, addraaaaa. and diree- liana Is bomea that will accom modate an Aggie overnight will be available. The Aggie Use ia Fart Worth ras he reached on the Hemphill 48N blorkWa, getting off at Kellia Street. According to Will iam l.. Kvaaa, pabMeily r hair man af Fart Worlh ARM ( lab. A|- giaa will hav« | belter Mich- hihing rhanrv by "dtiwaalream lng M a haul faor Marha fram the Hemphill-KallU laleraeeliaa. 0—id wt tto OSr at Traaai towwrr, tto CHf tto rtabt lu reiart aar a A (aakWr'i ar lertlfM a Teaaa Saak, aajrakl* »• tto ortor at Braaat Laaeferg. Nam UMI eftare refreator cere— la (ton- af tto CNr at Cetlae* Button. Teaaa, la toad. h«okli»n>taa and aaaortata an aaonnt mat Iraa tkaa Ova {%%) pm beta. Dtal I aatl. Snran. Trtaa. •ant at tto laremt poaatkb toul bid. laatedtaf wniMarattan af atunutaa. nuat Menmpanr i«ah bid aa a joafatom that. If awardad tto (eotract, the bidder wUI erometb rater into runtrart and el- mtae tooda. aa ontUned in the •pertfWa- Unoa and kartrurtk*. to blddrra. A perfomanae toad, to an amount of Oae Haadred 1140%) ear teat of tto poo- t»a«t prier win to rraalrrd. Attention ia called to tto fact that nto than tto atiatantHB wane ratal pre- railtae la tto locality ia wktah tto Oark If nrfaraud for work of a ataiiiar char- arter, and not Icea than tto eeneral pre- railina rata of per die* water of laoal toHdaya and ererttow work, atoll to paid to all la barer*, workmen and meehanira (■played In tto conatrotUoa of pabllc worka. and tto followta« la tto (aiMral preeaBtoe rate ia tto City «f Cellaae Sto- Uon, Bratoa County. Teaaa: ! «111ilji! POS BALKi Jai Can to men fpeil. (tan ke rata at THaBatT IMraSa totwraa Itiii a to. to tiM p.*. Bee Owner Ferrert LOST I aiata wallet (toward. Ua*e er rail at Kn«toh INflw. J. R. Nareay FOB HALS t Bta air to I reotaae ton- rhlara; raeHflw at half prtoa. MB4 Todd. Bryan. JUST ARRIVED, new rhtoraeat of •toaalna fall drr«M at Retoy Sraa Dtom ■top. bit Oate. Coltoor Btattoa Caleb tto drat Onto Bna oe «Hee oot today, ton •top anl la etyto tomorrow. Store toon %m Am to • to pm. — you our cxiH'rt UNIFORM ALTERATION SERVICE CAMPUS CLEANERS POE SALE l Direct fram owner, *IT Ford forder redan with entirely new to motor, traarmlrtonn. paint and upkototerr With ordinary rare tkto tar rhuuM afford i yean of pptatomiptod traarpnrtotloo at only tto root of tto tow amount of car and all It asm per at Or. Bor at Kart Gate rhopptar rrater bt tween l:M and 7g4 p.m. FOR RENT: New tow. flee room* and' both. Near ram pur. Wtot'a your offerT Mast furatoh referenda. Reply Bra 17*1. Coltora Btottoa, Teaaa. WATCH FOUND: Bw Mr. W. P. PMto at Kyto FtoMn CHARGE UNION UNFAIR BALTIMORE. Oct. 16 -(AP)- Govemmant repraaentativaa pre pared to tubpoena certain anion documentR today for introduction at tbe NLRB trial examiner’* hear ing now in prog ret# here of charg ee the International Typographical Union and ita Baltimore local 12 engaged in unfair labor practice* Labor ,u Carpenter* 1JTH Maronr i u S Yeo 1% 4 Tm It, a Tm 1% Kleet rtctanr Falaton Otoaton i to a 4.4# it.aa ita* Tm Yea IV, 11.44 Tm IV, Tm IV, ll.m Ym IV, nea Yro IV, II Jt Tm ivt it.aa Tra tw H.aa VMMt ija Bhrat Metal Wrabrat IJ4 Tto watraet price Ctov la latofeat brarina time warranto, and tto City Craned will an or after tto I I Yra IV4 11.44 rtoe will to paid by tto bearing time eaeraata. Taira Yattf (Mr Ta A N T * • mrLT NTATION •TNFamy-nve Yaara Service statloa Rapenence With Cotn- plete Line of Service SUOon AaiBaaorltt and a Specialist in LMhriSMlMI H . <-• -r Call and Delivery Sendee Phone 4-1120 EAST OATS . .. Oetokir, 1147. paw aa eedl- mm* ambvtotaa tto toaraam af War- raato ta tto maalranm mnraat gf «||.. •aa.aa hearina tatovwt af • rau a* te mmi Sara 11% i rat (ent pm aaauaa, Hi watawaa ttviady *etv a rartad ai Mraadlag fine#* <||| yrart fram ttoir ufe*srw|AS5s ee Btotton. T*4*a. au. M • luaraMar ,g ih* (*r tto in par. (ftrallwM* What ties go best tirith an ARROW > button-down oxford? toy WW||| •ad tto prairamar maat agra* to talirm ■to warranto at raai pHm ta tto patag oRh wham tto City bar made eerk am Mayor City af LANOFORD ■ w Omhie Btai b<a. T*«ar CIO ASKS RATIONING BOSTON, Oft 16—(AP)«—The CIO called yeaterday far alt lm- mediate aeuion of Congrea* to bring back price and rant . ontrola and rationing. •.. ailfl Greyhound farts are mifpiiTy lew# tm Oroyhound olferi mighty tow faro# to af/ parti of ths ' nation. Chock with your Ortyhound a|tnt, tha vary nasi tiro# you plan a trip, Orryhouml Bus Tprmlnsl N«rik (tala Hmm* MIU ( oitage Mtattara GREYHOUND ARROW ties, I of course! But in particular, Arrow'* univenity wlaction of wool plaida, En|lnh typa foultrda, aolid color kniti and Rripad oxfordi in coll«|i colori. ' ’ lit your favorkt Arrow daaWr for Arrow tlaa-top choka of coiltsi mas from tuati to coaai. $1 and up, f !■ ^ S CIOTMM MARI TMi MANf taad tat feat tow atm af "Tito wVdiI h| fleseT (NT NMN warn w 6nh wbNW wtii. Whn toi bStm Dam,, OaMli mR a Ca., Im, ta Im ttoh Hmm, NtwTathia, N. Y. ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDIIWIAR 0 MANDKIRCMIIm • IBORTI ftHfiTI M&IS atead tmmuifiei, foo- it’s the pen preferred above all others! ft n i \ COHAMA plaid prints Tuba, wetuw like cotton $1.29 NEW SALYNA CLOTH Titian Tan Phantom Red Black Olaca Chocolate I1.B9 The FABRIC SHOPPE Your Exclusive Fabric Center 218 W 26th Bryan arker w.orld’s most wanted pen 2 -J. • Recently, the seniors in leading universities voted Parker more wanted than the next 5 makes of pens combined. Here’s added evidence of tbe tremendous Parker popularity which has ah ready been proved in 7? surveys in 29 countries. aThe reason for such popularity is simple. In your hand, the **51’’ balances with eager, hand some poise. If starts instantly—and writes with light and pretfureless touch. So smooth. Pre cision-glade, only the **51” is designed for satis factory use with new Parka Superxhrome—the J super-brilliant, super-permanent'ink that writes . dry l • See the ”51" today. Choke of custom points and smart colors. SI2.50; $15.00. Pen- als.S5.00; $7.50. Sets, $17.50to $10.00. Parka V-S Pens, $$.75. Pencils, $4.00. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wisconsin, U. S. A. and Toronto, Canada. L ' UFj , > $21 CAIN amN aw AT—foe iatofsttiag. fiw Merita about Nfkw “SI" Frm Ram k oa yoar owe 0.1. maartaaca or ratal* wbai kaprwnad to mow (Hoad. S2S.OO for oacb ttory urad Jam rapon tbe faata. Siorim are JudfN oa tacia bIom. ' AN tauan barama oar propen.-cann<g b« rataraad. AMrm: Tbe Nriar Ft® Compaay, Dept 08-47. JaamvMa. Wb. \Cbm 1417 ta Vk. Vwto. »•- rwagm M taa StapN-Bfuttuvna Cohxt ta 60* |^ f |j|j ont ffvon oth#f Mb* * ! Su^'TWiiantnci Kaapt ta on C - .nol briiHanco at tong at We pop* lotto. Oa Wa ovorega, 11 Watt mora yet^iioo! to t^oa goear^^^aat stondo'di raquira. Oto, f/OhatktodN Tkb ink octoolly dftat at ft wHtaal Orta* to ft Waat fgMar Wsa ordinary take. i. * 1 a o Be among the fint to (Ul your *‘Sr pan with thh brilttant, drywrirtag ink. S coiora to ckooaa from: Super B ut Super-Grata, Super-Rad.Super Blue Black, Supor-Hack. Permanently packaged ia protactiva metal. I MNMMUiAffT C010IS COM M ... JUKI TOMS fOAAYf The Exchange Store PHILIP MORRIS offers the smokar an a*tra btnsfit found in no other cigarette. For Phiuf Mobbu k the ON E, the ONLY cigarette recog- nisad by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely lcs|teitsting. \ ? Rnm«mb«n Lcsi irritation means mors smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Phiuf Morris smokers know, they’d all change to PHILIP MORRIS v: Tama Aggtaa TRY ...TODAY