Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1947)
1 To Bf TV* Loti tt mm Bui r«nf*rr*il % Mllml l^f*, l! Jum»» & iVJ Anm Ml Rom Lodff will bo »Ml>lod In ronforeiitf ibU work by Dtfn^ team* ln>m th* Adorn Roydtr lot aoolor from Jomoa Patton Hlpp, a IMpMlyi junior from Ml No, 77* of WoMom and roaoa Union Udca No I2U of tbo la Tombl Ittb n Vi vvliTfVlIlj Unlr* ratty. Wcatbrook ^ ins Guessing Contest Tom R. awordod U (bo ik will bo aoot ttobato at Urn X. * I v , .. ! WBean You Are in a Hurry tor Supper . . . Drop by George’s for a Sandwich 1 »• vtoi, v l - • h GEORGE'S f • CONFECTIONERY Okla. City A & M Club Plans Social Tho Oklahoma City A. A M. Hub it planning a gct-tofcthor Satur day, October 4th, from 9 a. m to 11 a. m. on tho nwisanine floor of tho Bihntom Hotel in Oklahoma City. Coffee and doufhnnU will be nerved at thia pre-game rally and all atudonta and ei-atudonta are invited to ottond. Toeh claeh on the hood brook's predWtion a wore AAM P Took 7, Texaa IB Orefon <1, Rice IS LIU 14, 8MU 80 Santo Clara 7, Arkanaaa SI NTSC 0, TCU 7 Okla. AAM 11. Ekvan Aggie* called all of the winner* but Weatbrook'e acorn cam* the eloaeeu to being correct. Thoee who picked the winner* wore: Thomu H. Hale, R. E. Beck, T. R. SplittMvbor, Jam** D. Ma- marchev. G. D. Carpenter, Chari** E. Murray, Harold H. Coe, Bobby Lee Williameon, H. T. Holland, and & L Boyars. I" r ZENITH RADIOS CONSOLE AND TABLE MObELS AU Typra Mid Prim r \ - All Typpn of— PAINTS - VARNISHES - BRUSHES Qu*< A 4£: I* on* of 0 m) ftYfjfag # ( t h* A|ft* » C*!- terbaek club thia weak. Waatbraek lW0 "I* 1 will reeelr* the ducata by rirtuo of hio predWtiona of loot wook'a U I J * ** ■W feotbell cornea Involving BWC Roaa Lodfa are a*peeling to re- team*. He picked all o( the win- eeire their eharter from the Grand | ISTand eoK rlthui 5. ^.nT!f Lodp of Teaaa when It eoneenea eolljnc the aeor* af the in weco on litcpnibop nto, Stated meeting* of Sul Roe* Lode* are held each eecond and fourth Thuradaya at T.HO p.m. with called meeting* for th* purpOM of conferring defreea on moat fir et end third Thuradaya. Ail a t u d * n t and ataff member* who are Ma»on» are cor dially Invited to attend and par- tklpate in thee* meeting*. The lodge room is located on the top floor of the OM American Legion Project Houae at Trailer Area No 6 on the southaida of the Campat. Battalion r*i*4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1WT OFFICIAL NOTICE .raSet M* I, wwOmM* m Heart of Texas Club The Heart of Texaa Club will have a aoelal Thursday night. All member* are aaked to me* In front of th* Mechanioal Engi nrcnng H , Uling Bt A Ride* will dad to the Fort Worth Club To Meet Thursday The Port Worth A. A M. Club will meet Thureday evening at 7:80 in the Science Lecture Room, it was announced yesterday. Officer* will be elected and plana started for the annual Christmas dance. All students from Fort Worth, including veterans, art urg ed to attend. km * * - ■* dp provided city park. Port Arthur Club to Meet The Port Arthur A. A M. Club will meet tonight at 7, instead of Thursday night, as stated in yn- terday’i iasue of The Battalion Th* meeting will take place in Academic Building. Room 108, CLASSIFIED ADS kirAIM lueta **4 r*M#*f*M *a 4 m*m, Ail »«ri mimaWai Lmo* A. Hast Cl***, *Imw « II4* IKK *4 X101 BMOr Tratay, aummefapli lea. Sraowo. Nmh. |.«1m imT tm IM, layaa, ATTIINTION KNUINKRM - ,t,(*nr*, • Mrth vkaH *i Dm roa auiT m mt\ It t Tmwrllff. I. P. Smith i •Haim* ^ ft rip f ii f|t«4p| it li kflMf I Wrrtae*. WrH* A. C. (iariwr. Hoi ITT*. Caltat*. Mm hr**4 WmlM hr* jr ii»r rioiivory I nufw- 1*4. ria«* unW am hr HmhaMrr l>»i*rtm*al. | rOM BAUtl ONlwr'i ihort real. Prar- UraUr m«. 11m W-40 i .11 H*a I *W. MM7 ttom «iM aja. 4. t *S *.ai. FOR SALK: 1*41 DMoto coarwUhl* or tr.4r Jor Rrm*. Dona S, loom Ml. lo« HU. Tyler AAM Chib to Meet The Tyler A. A M. Club will set T -aetk aiidil Royal Falls County Club To Meet Thursday Night The Falla County A. A M. Club ^wlll hold its first mMttng of th* Fear Thursday evening at I in loom 108, Academic Building. AU member* are urged to attend, aa officer* will bo elected. Galveston Chib Meets The Gaiveaton A. A M. Oub will meet Thursday night after yell practice In Room 189, Acadamic building. Officer* will be elected. A.\ HENRY A. MILLER CO. ii T ' 7T i_ *» 1 i K >r all your houaehold need* whether an apartment or the largest home Henry A MlttH’ Co. Hardware and Furniture N. Gate — Phone 4-1145 We Will Deliver —r- Kaufman Club Meet The Kaufman County A. A M Club will moot Thursday night at TtSO In Room 108. Academic Build- In^. Organisation of the stub wUt piece at the meeting. WANTED: Ma4r«t to wort from It OS to lt:4t m4 **# to l*M. to oUwr hour. M Croamland. ColWe* Stotlon. CXPKKIRNCED b.b r >lttor CkiMitoi .a* ; to*. Raw. by hour. 4» or w**k. Coe- ! tort Apt. Baa Colkto* Vlr*. LOST: Parkto II black. cap, to- | r**vH i. K. to W.lto. H-«. ■cwp^l. Bn. |«lt 1 Baytown Gub Meeta Tonight The Baytown A. A M. Club will meet Thursday night at 7:80 In Room 104, Academic Building. John Walter, founder of the Tlmoe of London, earlier waa a member of Utya'i, ooar-opocu- latod and failed. — Say It With ... 4 ROSES (Wr Always Have lOieee) AGGIELAND Flower Shop . * Flowers for all Orcaaslona Fh. 41212 Johnnon County Meets The Johnson County A. A M. Club will nwot Thursday night at 7<80 In Room SOS, Academic Building, Officer* will be elected and plans for a fall aoelal will be made. t Latin-American Meet The Latla-American Club will meet Tbnnday night at 7:90 la Room 183 of I ^ftco We offer you our expert UNIFORM ALTERATION SERVICE CAMPUS CLEANERS the Academic Build, re will be elected. Eastland County Meet The Eastland County AAM Gub will meet Thursday night at 7:80 in* Room 383 of the Academic Building. Plan* for a Thanksgiving Holi day party will be discussed. AX CH.E. Meet* r The American Institute of Chemical Engineer* will meet Thursday night. Starting Lqgtttinp Ignition Specialized Service on , STARTERS — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS - TUNE UP Bruner Battery & Electric Co. J 113 Eaat 28th Street — Bryan Using Part* From Original Equipment Manufacturers ^ o»>r Edfcnon build* the moc casin aryl* *hoe »ith a room- inns that proMiict amts- ing comfort. And the sturdy mucuhoe 1mm it*y p*t for katting imartncti bccauac the thoei art msM right p4d Beaumont Aggie* to Meet Bi>aumont A. A M. Gub will meet Wednesday night at 7 In Room 108, Academic Building. ion MIR The Largest Electrical Appliance Store in Bryan— Com# in and aM ua for Urge or email appliance*: Radio*, Electric Iron*, Stu dent Lamp*, Floor lamp*, Preato Cooker*, Coffoe Maker* ... . and many other uaefula UNITED APPLIANCES, Inc. urn A Washington Ms. Phone t-1400 ‘a Get Your Uniforms . . . TAILOR MADE Pink Slack* Fink Shirt* Green Slaek* Green Shirt* Boot Fimt* X INSPECT ./**• • r The New and Improved NEWS STAND NO \ f ^ fi NEAR SB1SA HALL I OFFERS YOU ; < l-tie •'•I MAGAZINES - p ! f ‘' I i NEWSPAPERS i iitt ; . u Hnj r SANDWICHES 1 ji If SMITH’S COLD KS . / North Gate Phone 44444 ml * •- — COOLEY GARAGE '* I AUTO REPAIRS ^ la.i ★! ICE CREAM Li \ (Terms If Desired) WASH and 11.75 Pm Pick-up sad Delivery Bonder — — Friendh Courteous Henke Phono 4-m» i i * ' t. Acrooa from AAA r* Boytit Corner — CANDY ’ll |; i 4 : TOBACCOS J jl-4 •1