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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1947)
i t NEWS IN BRIEF jSfSS? JwmtR AUSTIN, Ttx., Oct 2 (API— S > l Bea !, ,0rd H ' *'Sv^acy hiAj? rtte **k bUlldinr 5“ "*3™ »ifn> CntkUm from m !»« a,rain>t him ^ " i f ht *•“ > »Ut*. T!?, 1 ' ui to th« AbU«n« Rer»mrur Nawa had b«*n SiSw'niS M that ha J.7^Jl? T*f T * njr c ‘ rTO ">*t*nro» ran atainat JaaUr. ■AND" l::- $ 'S&'o ii^Tn TOjr«„r,ts: ‘{amr^ *' ^ wna -in W.'g.B Nlmiu «f Sfflffirssa r?i J V *5!" “ "» Fait at Taaaa Oat. U. STORK A 0 r , ‘ , ' l rv , ^^ A " »y inahoR^’!^ 1 ^; JA* WMIANS WASHINGTON, Get t (AP)- Sanat^ Knowland (R-Calif.) urf- , Pm ? i,nt Traman to limit Rua i tlk,w * d 10 fn tar the Unltad Stataa to tha aame number of Americana oarmittad entry In- to jhe Soviet Union. T roU Truman ■ftar tha Russian Foreign Minister 'kolinad to permit any of 12 mam- bera of the Senate Appropriations Committee to visit Moscow for an inspection of the U. S. Embassy there. The Russian action also bar- rod John Peurifoy, aasiaUat secre tary of state. INDICT PRISON GUARDS SAVANNAH, GA n Oct, 2 (Af)- A Federal Grand Jury indicted ■f '**<*'* and four guards at a Clywi County prison camp near Brunswick, Ga., where eight Ne gro convicts wars slain last July. A*} ms charged wRk violating ehril rights of tha Main men. JLW. Ill BERN DAN<;kr NtW YORK, Oct. 2 —(AP}— „r* tt#r,ori * ^ orm#r s «•^- tary of War, sajrs that "Worid War Three lisa dead i American Library—23 Volume 47 rpsuspEo m ns ytmtarof a ckratu a** collet,i COUtaafe STATION (AaMiDd), TEXAS. THURSDAY. PC f RY- Number Due By 8 a. m. Tomorrow Deadline for Six Positions * IfVSA Extended to Tuesday Dtadlint tor candidates to ft)* for on* of th« six offices until 1 ! ^ V ro t# 'f R !lJ tud !I. t lwiT!? t ‘ on h# " bwn “taadtd «uti(f yiitertUy**^ 1 ^’ ° CMm 1 0ridy C,Ub Mm>r> takiniVi?!?^L^. d t l -- IUm " ,Ut#d th#t tW °** ii0n * tome time was pming quits torn. pli<«l.',| Slid rmi f tlainy VetfM MttdsaU Rttorssted la •Uhe Office s{ lludsnt Aetivities hefom I p. m. Tasedi*. Offices to he filled are president, vice-presi- m+l-mm+Uj, treasurer, parlia- »»<« ■•rgaant-at-srma Hn"oting ’will jb, conducted through tha dormitories by house masters, similar to thA'giBipu* wi«le election now uml.-rwayjBtl lots for nan dormitory veteran rtwi«la will also be run in The Battalioa for the six positions, Represents! i»k of the VSA Will not be eWctad this “ th» «»*w student government ■et-up will off-act this former council. A VSA constitutional amendment has bean proposed and will be vot ed upon as soon as the club is re organised this semester. Club Column To Carry Notices Of Future Meetings • Hos dead ahead” unless the «wrried by the Ba »i«aa people drop their "buai- mcegngi will h» usual attitude." r helically by name, divorce suit ,h - IV BITTIIM rua iiai NORMAN, ofLAVOetTTtAPl -A mam bet af the UMeandie a< atudant sanata thiakR BhrtnU it tha University be given a atmose to at tend home font ball gem* without warning about whit U>\«io with juniar. ; > The student senator; FeerUI Ragurs, planned la Intreduee a bill in the senaU yeetenlay to toovnie free care for ehUdren of Unlver* ■Ity of OUnMaa etudonu during Sooner home football garnet. , ~ "NEAR SHOOTING SPRINGFIRLD, mas -<AP)-A rCtaidlan WAR MASS, Oct 2 I ~M r .. 3 ...- Methodist ... Gordon A. gieco, said yes- today that Amortcan "Rugged Individualism” end Ru-- «r ( om- muniah were “now at the point of conflict just short of a shooting fwar." j, NEGOTIATE IN HOUSTON I HOUSTON, TEX, Oct. 2 (AP) —Under a last-minute agreement rUswhedf Twceday night the Long- -Hhoiemen’e contract was extended for a limited period, While nego tiations on a new contract continue, it was reported. The contract e*- pired at midnight. RAIL WORKERS ASK BOOST CHICAGO, Oct *—(AP)— A formal demand for a M per cent wage increase for more than 860,- 000 members of five operating rail load brotherhoods has been made by the unions an the Nation's eaniM " U. 8. RECOGNIZES BULGARIA WASHINGTON. Oat 2 <AP)- The United States has extended full diplomatic recognition te the Communist . Dominated Govern ment of Bulgaria. PIRBS BURNING OUT CONROE, TEX., Oct | (AP>- Kaglag forest fires which have ravaged thousands of arrea of East Tetas Umber land during tbe past week shewed definite signs yes terday of dying out AdJ. Gen. K U J<< dr.lared sft^r snotbe. aerial survey of the sres BRITON ACCUSER ORKEKH LONDON, Oat. I (AP)— Rm. •..urg. H Hahon (O.-Tes l, a member Zm ek to —_ IT 7/’* ■ m 6WWBU •f,} 1 * * og>t •• will he foreign eld, sceueed Bfnn government Hsrrelu ftpR.' IllUry Greek TEXAS GOP TO MEVT SAN ANTONIO. Oct J (APi- A lUte-wide meeting of Texaa Re* pubUcsn. has boon called for Oct 9 bare, R. D. Bayley, sweutlve itotory of the H.*ar T-'unty ( ommittcc, said hrre Because of the great number of chib notices coming to the Batta- ^ n«^ry to ee- tablieh a epocial column in which all notices will appear. Th°U|h called “Whafs Cooking thte column will differ from the column of that name previously carried by the Battalion, in that ill be Hated alpha M, rather than by Sn^SBftS eUek of the Wteht bodnre the teeue la whteh pubiMation Is desired. Te keep up with events. It is Uul •» dtudents sean the list of mootings 44^, Annex Apartments Are Available For Vets and Non-Vets <Mrt«r» for marrtol vtl- and non veterana art available at the A. A M. An nex, the Housing Office an nounced Wednesday. The apart ■mnts are those add by hechetee officers stationed st tbe field dur ing the war. Rent ie |12 per month. Bach apartment consists of throe rooms, including two bedrooms and a Bitting room. Although cooking facthtto have aot been inaUlle? bot putaa aro allowed, and can be used in the sitting room. Famishing* include ope dinette •uite. a cheat of drawfn, tables, and dormitory cote and chain. Aa •cobox can be obtained from tbe colloge for $1 a month extra. > Wamth for the quarters is sup- UrB * Jjwc* beater to the mWng room. The sise of the upartmont wiU permit no other dements, but eiectric .ieating unite may be uswl. All shower and toilet facilities aro outekfe, the Housing Office P'liniod’ M, t. There is no running water in the apartments Inquirk. lEu be nmd. at Room 100. Goodwin Hall. Radio Workshop To Meet Tonight flnt meetiag at 7:N this evening WTflto of the Adminie- tr.tion Huildllig Thoro will txt a special need for women voieee. Veteraag* wivea and I* the v)fhH|^ are invited for audUbu.. At least twenty or twenty-five actors and bey Will b* in charge until offi « are elected from the etuk Tentative plane for preeenttog • Haro oa the rsd.o h.vr t^f, t st K-wisv sfternoowftoPdS —— Co. A Composite To Be Presented Plaque Tonight Comptuy A, CompoHU, will receive the Ooneral Own Moore Plaque tonight at 6:80 from Dean of Men W. L Pen- b®rthy, W. O. Breaaaaie, aa- sigtant of men, haa announced. The presentation will be Made at the retreat ceremony in front d Duncan Meat Hall. Although the Signal Com pany. which actually won the plaque, no longer exiata aa such, the award will ba tnodt to the composite company, cl since a portion of that outfit a —„ com prises the winners f rem «« with the office, proper m- Uo* (tentimU l— ■ » . Placement & Personnel Service Available to Prospective Grads By HORACE 8CHINCK , k ., ^ m,n »" ““ l“‘ fo-rmind tt A. * II. - union, « to holp th»m In (*dn> til* cold cnnl world. Th« offlc* of HteMM nd Pmonnol lUltUon*. Room M0,*. tlon Building, earvea that purpose Over l ooo firm* maintain con* "to the Placement Offlee. ■eih ha* at om. time or another ca led on the office for seniors te fin positions of various types. No eseeutiv* peeHione paying |«5.o<K) a year aro open, but the office can plaee ambitious, hard-working, In dustrious young men in respect able positions. last "year. W **" <*«»tols cainnot be presented to Captain Elmo Liviagaton, nvtmU [ tu ^ Signal UMpa Company Rid the office maintains a tamHeta present commander of the comixwite company, will re ceive the award In tonight s ceremony. Appointment In Regular Areiy Info Received by JWoy M.8AT., announced that ia- Jonnatka was received from The Adjutant Oeneral , i Of- MHntiaont. Mi the Roffulsr Army u,„tJTC jntagrotionlsw unknown as Public i** Na llL , , | r, Roroee appolntmonte in the Ref- RjfeaHbiKi Ii«t. of officers to be appointed In ,S5 boon set up by the Army Com- "^frod. Appoinunoat Hate will be (flspntcbed by officer ec “f* tr ^T 0 " 1 Washington, D. C to Amy Headqeartaro from which l- ot teternphk information will ha relayed to offteers concerned Rrory effort wiH be mode to Hove he appointment Hot pubttahod be- for* their presentation to the Presi dent. Further information mav ba ■*. Executive Officer. MHttary Science Department Reac rocord of each man rewteterod. When reprooeatatives of bus^Ks ^ , lt * ,u * tr y risk the compua, this A. Horsley, Dirwtor of the Placement Office, and Lucian B. Morgan, AoaUstant Diroctor, ar range btervieom for the itudcnU. To roroire full hewefite from the Ptaeoment Offlee, seniors who plan to graduate in Jaaaary, Juno, July or August ore urged to do the fol lowing aa aeon as po.Mblef * * 1- Fi*o • rnittmien rocoH with J the (MMaaTKii •N tot'^n fllTn. 01 * 9 ••• ww9n riling S Discus. Harvard Man Joins Architecture Dept *«*■. s Aiw* Jr hu bMi. named aasietent professor of archi tecture of Texas A. A M. College, ■teat AUea received his bachelor of architecture ttegroe from the 0b? tU ?„ d * ,rm ,f,HB in 1M7. Allan was born in Moskogaa, kUhonm^js 86 years old, mar' rtod and has a yt throe Mr. Allen tar o period of two years, "W* «• •prot 0. btetrueter. Ho haT had MtotoSj!** ‘ *" (W *>***' The now oaaistant professor wttl N0TICBI QaaH eveilabio all Huiidia, at 4:*WyVr. mBSm Throughout the year roproaenta- tlves from various industries ar- me on the eompua to interview job eppliconte. Now warnings aro given the seniors several days in advance of arrival, beesuse in 1939 throe sophomores grabbed a repre sentative end sub^cted him to all manner of indignities before they found ho was not o freshman. The purpose of the office, which cooperates closely with the facul ty of the college, ia to assist sen ior students and alumni with em ployment matters There It no charge for the service, but unices complete registration record is Will Film Life Of W. H. Alexander, Red-Head Pastor * * • • Dr. WllMom H. Alexander, prin- e pal .pmtaar of Rellgioua Empha- ■k w ** k ■Pring and also the hero hie life filmed soon according to an Associated Proas diapateh. Ue Bonnel and his wife. Gala Storm plan to create the film of the tall, red-haired Oklahoman. Alexander the 82-yeer-old pes- First Christian Church gJgMwto City, it a former Go)don Glove, heavyweight boxing champion. During the war Aiex- andcr aaryed as a war correspon dent for the Daily Oklahoman, the <5Wto«* CUT Times, and the Christian Evangelist Alexander k** been a band leader, a theatre ■aeter pf ceremonies, a newspaper corrsapomtent, sod head of a youth center, i Don Hanks, president of the "Y" CaMuot, says every effort ia be ing made to obtain Dr. Alexander for two spookhig engagements •otar, and four next ao- J 5k I « \ Oa 26 in Race for 4 Vacancies On Student Life Committee Hurricane Damage Slight to Oyster Project on Coast Dr. C. C. Dotk, h**d at th* biology dupgrtiMnt. haa rt- wlv^ t rwport from Dr. 8. H. Hopkina, also of A. A II., ■*&*« WMjtone damare was neg- Texaa A. AM. Founda tion Prujott Number 9 at Grande lelo, Louisiana. Similar reooarck unite maintain* •d along the gulf by other agencies were severely damaged. Dr. Doak, coortinotor of project 9. says work will not be interrupted on the oyster mortality study at Grande Isle and Dr. Hopkine wiU continue to spearhead operations in that area. At Port Aransas, Texas investi- gallons will intensify on project work, since additions! physiologi cal equipment has Mwn installed Ernest Powell, A. A M. fish and game graduate, will be tranuferr.d from Grande Isle to assist Dr. Gordon Gunter of Texas Univero «ity who is in charge of investiga tions in that area. Chemical and biological research teams will continue to operate at A. A M., LSU, and TU; eupple- msating the field work on oyster mortality. Official fTrogteteutto l Dieeuse emphiyment matters With your major d.psrtmeM Itoad Mi ths Placement Offi.e iPtnaRy, Mniora aro urged to wateh their departmental bulletin boards fee employment settees. S39,M() Street Repair Project Now Inderway By W. & STEELE The street woM new being done •m the campus wlTpStbS re traffic VS+jEl bp m driving comfort, T. X nro, manager of tbe college fwtraetmn program. statedyS- turtiMiy, The Board of Directors at their » ttrs r« Psirteg campus stroete and eon -tructlng one new street, he caid. All of the old aepbaH stroete are patch coat cover add l^lhg leveled Up with a and then a rock asphalt ranntng from the North Gate to Guion Hall k batag resurfaced with one inch of MphalL The gravel streets wore thoroughly scarified and lev- * "L ^ ®*Ud. An seal coat will go on top of the base. The new street which straight en. out Houston Street as it runs betwemi Sbte. Hall and the Aggie ta2!f.J nn ,k! r ^ Cu fM tow “ r,i rf lr rtn * fc ,h 2,, tr *n‘ c congestion et the post office, Spence stated. Th. HousUm Street entrance will be eloeed and a street running paral lei the Sulphur Spring;, road will connate with the aew street. The two streets will also he con- aeetvd on the south end tearing a small triangle There will be tore pv«ng lota for post office patrons - » the area between the two •ea, aged Rtieete. When thte te comoletad - ^ {be iagoteg and tha outgoing traf fte wfll use the new stroteTwhieh win be a no parking area. Adriatic* Stor/On Pruning Reprinted f JNro^FMm. afrieuKunure — llteTO deimrtment at A. Fhm .ad ifSs w AdrU " Thte past .wtater of the home c ^ tj™*}** w* explained wil as the advantages and die- » of throe pruning prac- For all non-dormitory students, to be mailed or 0,,k ‘ on w 8 Student life Committee (Four to bd tbetod. Bepstch all but your four choices.) Block. FarHg F. Brunson, Arthur B. Humpaa, WlUlam F, Chambers, Chatter H Cuillnan, Joe if. Hanlsaty, W. D. HATfis, Jeee W. Harnden, Arthur H. Hood, Scott E. U Howell, Cotton Huddketon, John M. Llndkjr, Vick Moore, Jack W. Nelson, Gene A. * Parmetee, John J. Poole, John T. Settefaat, Marlon E. Shepherd. Jack Spillman, Pat Y. Sutherland, Jerry Terry, John D. Thanheiaer, WUI H. Thornton, Charlee Ward, Jack L. WUliama, Sam 8., Jr. f Willis, James H. Athletic Council (One to be elected. Scratch all but your one choice.) Ackerman, Clifton D. Lapham, Arthur L. Brennan, Thomas C. Overly, Charles R. Buck, Louise E. Palmer. Leslie L. Kuera, Marvin M. Schodde, Rudolph L. Tifhe, Thomas Area Representatives “ ch * re *- Non-dormitory * c , r * U:h ‘H hut on* nun* for the area In which they reside.) DAY STUDENTS - BRYAN Bond, Kenneth Z. 8te*er. Robert C. Jr. Buffington, Milton A. Wright, Charles E. PROJECT HOUSE Hill, James R. DAY STUDENTS - COLLEGE Denton, Alien E. COLLEGE VIEW VILLAGE Duaek, Edward D. Thomas. David B. VILLAGE AT ANNEX Westbrook, Tom H., Ill VET VILLAGE 1 Saundan, Deny W. TRAILER VILLAGE Beardalay, Wilson H., Jr. . Signature — — Arse thh deadline set for tomorrow momlni at 8, the )us-wld4 election for U With tl — election for four members of the Student'Life (ommlttee, one mcmbirXf the Athletic Council, end dim ropresentatlve from eucli nmi and dormitory ia now well underway. I . TTfi Rsliota were distributee ysstout 1 — ■ lay— — •roslsf throughout all durmi- by the houwmsRtan or ea- QmRi dermieriks are rotlht eakr foe their roapeetiro itaUrej I vriarsn* ressa, se well si for their reapac. live represantativa. ths racas, aa wall ft roproaentativs. Ffan-d.rmltoiy otudenU wU| use •iballot print* h ills issue, Wilting for both Committor* and area retosewtatlvaa. Tha printed l-ollot uhoted b« filled out and ); r, ’ u »bt to the Itadont Room «», Good win Hall before 9 a m H Friday. wnce atadente have not yet mov ed into Mitchell Hall, that repre- roaentative will be elected later, probaUf next weak. By that time rttoonts aaaigned to Mitchell Gu.ul.i b<- moved into their respec tive riK>ma. Filings far Mitchell wiU be reaccepted, and a separate election conducted to choom- one repreaenUdv*. The 26 a^irants for the four eeata on Rto Student Ufe Com mittee aro m follow: riMk. rant* r. run NNkro U H.mpjw. WflHw f Italia*. Hang tkukbkr*. ClwMar H., SI Pmo, »—■ *" *- Uradoi CS W. X.. Tyler, B4A 5^7^ J T J- root KawiaT.’i.^u'VcI” aVei^TS*. T'ail^Ji. u. Neri, SmM K. IL, Mkaiea U . MM rt aVMAi NALL ss^•.!r-i. , 'hsr^. ,,, WALTON NALL f icJSaBl Arrh Vita. ■rm. LA r w nah»MiaR. Jta« J- Daltaa. VM T- Net AftearfiR x Heuetoo. Uuair N—Wp- Tre-Law . Uneaaler, Areh WlaMSaro. CB fihl miHaa la the AtaMa Omm* CUhm IX. fan Waeth, PI MR . rkRam ram P« L •** AnUmta. Iktitmla.ta |* M a If _ JwWWse»W i » Wv te H*w» taataaekWtva* eha j POSM I Vitae. VM **t«l M.. UtaeMkRt. MR DORM I MS nun* Bbaw ■ftlRrtekSta ua *ac ttIVVr. ftamu ?«L»wS*afcii5 jTbmVJSI, SOMte • ^■gwahiH n—aa B. W«mr. iwt ISart.'urh.*- ! BOHH T J«e JL. Port Arther. Cl W. Kenneth W.. Fort Starr. Vn, Pattereo*., June* W . HenAenon. VM OOBM S ‘ fXWjMk Dnrtt. Marlin, Pm-Mri LentherwanA. M. 1.. Bennmoe.t, Ch* ■Hint t rvnlta. WIBtana Y.. LUlMh Adten l.ivineaton. Khnn C.. Ktawn." pi * dorm II Owtrr. DneU T.. Daltaa. BA Mattel, Chnrtee A.. Sna Anton it., ME Pnta. Henry A.. Baa Antonta. LA MSMM l| > CryntaJ Ctty, AtaCan i a* A. Ootae Craek. Ch* M«r SrauafHn. A- Mnaatar C%, La^ OKU It c, Horae, H»UUl W.. _ Steyntaaa. Waher, Baa ixiatc h ham A D, Jr, Tana Moan II Lna fen heef. Mm W„ p, Poole John T.. Port Arthnr RtanfieA. Wllltam /.. Herefota, A»*A ttata. Cheater T.. ftact Worth. Pta-ME Ch* IT ■ALL *«*., r.' .x.Tu. a* Mitchell to Open Saturday Noon ■ AM Ri A ■ ■ BART BALL tet’fej’frjsuxa UW MALL Sh Onhreatan. Cl O Dwyoe. LReerr ball ! '•XLWZZ.'U W-. Bryan. CB Baal. Kenneth 1, Pomna, LA Wrleht. Chnrtaa A Menantaat. PB fBOJBrr MOIWI abba MIL Jun« aJ TataU. IB oat rrt'Otorra-t oLUW* Dratan. Allen A. Daltaa, PB COLLBUB VIEW VILLAGE Dnata. BAwnrA D , Thrmaa. LtavM ... Temple, PB Mertaaa. ME MKT AH PltLO VILLA (*g Weathnook, Tom M.. Conkana. Arete vrr VILLAGE MO. I Saunders. Harry. AhMuta. Arch WAIL** CAMP ABBA ^ 0*n»A4ey. Wihoa H.. Houston, A*' AN NIX PRKSMMKN •*“*•«» at the Annex will eleet three mm to tore* on the hoard at repronontativee. One aaaa «gj bn rhmea toBta BnttaUon 1. Cadet Cotpa; on* from ■taanlMt CnAK Coepn; and one from •■tons th# frmhmnn veteran* at the An- ao*. ( . to candidate, of enrh W the Agnjton^ C%nM»Cro^,,T BAA JxX. Don * . HXhx. W. Daltaa. CB PHta. BUI. Keren*. LA ■ntar. Janhaoa L. Daltaa. BA . HnlMta. Albert W.. Daltaa. RE SUtaa. BA win L. Ctan^Atth taurdivant. Albert L.. Then***. John P . Wa WWW. William M. Delta*. Fro-Med BATTfL>ON • VBTBBANS fcajatryim. m . 0 f tombari to th# Imdsnt Ufs Committor ths four MSB VeSMTtng tha high. Ml numbnr of votes will bs ths final ssteotiona. Tha nest tour bjfhrot mon In that raro w«l bi slrorMlM In caas any of tht duty fleeted mrmhprs drop from arhool or Brsduato st mid-term. Ths om mah rorelrisg th* high- rot number of votes In the Ath- '•R* Council rare will bo th* final e*ioit'*. Tho noxt highaat man will Mdyo as his slteraate if h* should rosign from school or graduate a ^ procedure will apply to all dormitory and area repre- OMtatives, with th* socond man in Mch group as alternate. There will b* no run-off *|*c- tion* in case on* man in any rac* do** not receive a majority of votes cast Two Members Join Engineer Faculty Two additions to th* engineer in f ‘Acuity were announced todat F. H. Alexander Jrr has resign ed from the U. 8. Geological Sur ray to accept an assistant profes Mrabip te the geology department MM* Allison N. Platt, petroleuc taMareh worker, ha. been appoint ed instructor in chemical engi taring. t™* 0 *** <* Mariett Oritep, Ohio, and th* Umversit Mf Cincinnati, recontiy mada i grouad water study near Livings ton, Texas, for the U. S. Geologi Surrey, and before that wa ronnoetod with the Soil Coo.erv. tio.» ( orpa and th* National INto Platt Is a Carnogi* T*ch grad has spent fire y*srei th* field roroarcb iaboratoriro o MmCmUs Mrulwm and Bocony Vacuum compante*. ■taMra.irysssrA&i •iiM, th* HreriTsOmr. Mtnmi Wsdnssity. Tb*y n ■tore lata th* refurnished don tory at aooa latarday. Oaly thoro stadrou who ha hnM MriBMd to Mltehofl Hill u bo aHowsd to mov* Into that dor