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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1947)
r\ | B a t ta lio'ii 4 - v EDITPRIALS TtAMMOfVC Page 2 Second Verse, Same Song... AHAtk-v ^ .... THURSDAY, OCTOBKR 4, IMt UwMepoteutan WTO tl Jut. oTtel ‘ crowd * 111 o''* 1, the « T(>x *f!, Hit name: Henry StMwetl, '‘ u ^nnt-nd,r.t llne unh^rt'ti i m *«^ te «t. Every r, W1 i t .^L- tht J 8 - PPPP l‘t»8«Wy for the SJ2d?L2i22S5 ?» Thus, Dr. L .A. Wood*, State Superin- dlayut* with fcfc (Dr, Wood i) offlee. nanflmtion of the Minimum Salary MU f\9\ t Wa 4 f ♦ i~i — ■ ■ ■ P luiicnrac me naie wouw nave to attack by Texarkana Nerroea, I .4111 1 t - _ w .7 l l7ZT£Jil? v ''* for f>ro »cttted Peo- ft attack by Texarkana Nefroea, ' >KUP *' lf and when that large • f ? r !**« still require equal educaUoo- gro^forra^y^i^^ ^ op|)ortunraea in apite of the exhortations RThniwnfi Twu ^ 1ina Khoc >l hae 1,600 Negro of **** of the lees enlightened southern ■chotaaUc* with approximately 400 in th* cavanera. the listed riwirwu ♦u-VI'T a > 1 ounwell now twr^U^f h! “ askin « the Dun- “P.. 0 !' ^"dlted h«, since cavallera. WeM, the above is merely a ripple In the pond of Ignorance engulfing Texas. Both LIFE and TIME nudge sensitive Texins this we^k with their descriptions of the new Tex- Red Tape Stops Wheels... i RoH l x.' ^ 016 P aras 't'c growths ana ttle wheela ^ a democracy and bnngs it to a stop. There are times wht*n and mvestigatton is cor> jijnendable, but so often they bin me mean ingless delays, bordering on the ridiculous. Lme ench growth, called “security in vestigation", recently prevented an Ameri can scientist from accepting an invitation to represent this eountry in a Eurofiean meet ing of the Committee on Science and its So cial Relations of the International Council of Scientific Uttidha. Dr. Bart J. Bok, as sistant director of the Harvard College Ob servatory, was to present an official state ment of the Uj S. Atomic Energy Qommis- ■ion on security regulations at the London conference. He was unable to obtain a pass port. after weeks of litigation, in time to at- tps meeting. Lufit-minute attempts to get the passfcort included a wire to Secretary of Slate Mar- Dr Bok s sujienor, m>. Howard Shapely of the observatory and frwrtdent of the American Association for the Advance- Youth at the Helm .. the Dem when thi had pla J. Howi ment of Science. When the passport application was filed, the astronomer was assured it would be is sued within a week. When he later was told that security investigation was delaying is suance, Dr. Rok wired the Federal Bureau of Investigation. KR l chief J. Edgar Hoover replied that the passport matter was wholly in the hands of the State Department. In Washington, state department pass port officials confirm Dr. Bok’s version of the incident, but they refuse to offer any further explanation. Our prestige on the subject of mterna- tional cooperation of scientific achievement will be hurt by this event The impresskm left in the minds of other nations is a dubious attitude toward our true intentions. At a time when « uncooperative actions scientific channels, this our stand for a World united to help man kind through science Now hope for the Democratic Party ap-‘ peared 1m* week when Um Democratic Na- Uonal Commutes had |5aced before it tbs name <* tatter J. Howard McGrath, 46- ysaMiUi Rhode Ulan dvr, for jiarty chatt nym. Th* committee is ex|iectsd to elect the vofe. ful eoUn without serious opposiUon The choice igdicsted the pattern for the HH8 preeklentlil campaign McOrath la •RMeted to appekl to liberal eUments within and without the party, aa well as residents of heavily ixpulated urban areas and conavrv- atlve Southern Democrats. A man who can satisfy the various elements of the party Hated above deserves a word of description. As listed by the "New Republic" (Aug ust 4, 1047), McGrath's voting record is rather impressive. He voted for the confirm ation of David lilknthal as Chairmen of the Atomic Energy Commission, after the let ter's neme hed been dragged through the liter by doughty oM Senator McKellar of BOnSgsee. He voted for the Greek-Turirish Aid Bill, by which the United States agrees to send $400 million abroad without the sanction of the United Natons. Senator McGrath demonstrated hie sym- pathy for labor by casting ballots both against the Taft-Hartley Bill as originally C rented on the floor of the Senate cham- , and later to surtain President Truman’s veto. The Rhode Islander cast aside any He'd Be Handed! Want ads in Dallas Morning News hare been amusing to readers since J. T. Freeland, s garage repairman, broke a campaign with an announcement he was going to hang him self. He set a date, and explained his desperate act was motivated by Inability to take care of all the business. Then. Freetauid’s person al ads rejected imaginary entreaties of cus tomers ingaMist his hanging himsMf, because who would flk their care? ~“A I w ay ■ thinking of themrelvea," ho* wrote. ! * When the Sept 10 deadline passed, Free land announced in the iwraonula he had doubt* concerning his internationalism by voting down an attempt to cut foreign relief expenditures (the Kern BUI. for which Sen- ator 0 Daniel of Texaa cast on* of the four ■UpiKirting Votes), HI* itand on some of the more "oonaerva- live 1 measures aeted upon hv the Senate can be commended by liberala: Senator Mc Grath votod against the income tax cut, avainat the lobby!**’ Wool Tariff iu, and he voted for continuance of rent control . . . a measure which, unfortunaHly, was named by the s. naU. —-w-wi r— %#J? n,y i.. 00# grnt *1*" wd,u b Senator McGrath a record: he voted for the Rmi- Bulwinkle BUI to give the railroads of the country'the right to agree on rates. This, of course, simply means that railroads would be exempt from provisions of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Perhaps it'* not too late for him to renege on this particular «Hp According to reliable rejKirts, McGrath wa steady, sober family man. Perhaps Democrats can depend on his not being ar rested for drunken driving. Gael Sullivan wtmg chairman of the committee, fell afoui r ITu j in ^ manner *nd has not as yet lived it down. Republican and ‘imWndent- £ r T r L t ' throughout the nation nea«uined this story to such an extent that raind readers received the impreaaion that aMaut - lare «ny. and armed robbery in one act. called off the hanging becauae he now had ample floor apace to expand and take care of more customers. A News feature writer found that Free land s ads had had interesting results be sides bringing new business. One woman telephoned to ask him if his apartment would be vacant when he hanged himself, another if hia garage would be for lease. He received at least two gift ropes. A ^Jj y8tr * oW wt ’ GI ’ m arried and with two chUdren. Freeland didn't know he was going to bang himself on Sept 10 untU he read the first ad in the Newx , A bsfore he had employed an advertising man. The Battalion Mm Baualkm, offiiUl r*WMf»|»r U* of (fellHN Itailtm, tmm, id |Hiltll»it«d five III afleinuon, NM*4 Murine h<>U«i«yi «tui •a«m IUM mum I wi-tkiy, r«t« |4 e*r lit rewMMMer qf the Aarieultural and llwhaakal Cello*., of ‘ ‘Nvt IlnioR a week and eltvulowd cvoi ^OMMlr^lluo noilod. UMrt.wU. Mil .... .ch.*l ymr, Adwnutnf rau. film UBKCKf »' ?*** Advwtl.lnt r*w« furni»Kod on roc«o.i a RS^wgiX'te'aa-.“A , at'Sfagia, ted to jl 1 1 tois i - --* — * . amAiaeus ss* to„.i jHaBHFHM MM BMPriMM »IMP® ^MM"eMv Ml 1 tret wa** *f <>•»— >u . v *:r I-*** t*e A4t Of Ceetiw* •# H**tA 1, IM* Member Ajhxwtd College Prm —■■ ■ ' • • ISSaTitTS* CHARLIE MURRAY, JIMMIE NELSON...! ..Ge-Mtton JBJm pgs*. inF.-g*.-t DevW aollsMi —*. tetie SulPr K'J^T ASeSTiaiii ** IxmIo Murvan. Kaeeeth Bead — - -, r ^•p. Brere .’J'. Hcr-irl S; WrtWn —■ * *1 .Cdweaha MtarW Xee.n JL wli u^tSSLre. - MM * M Don’t Shoot Editor Now; Newspaper Week Soon Over fe UAL IWtYtE LA., Oct * (AP) i dog or bMU • dmlnt ‘ R- Kv DAVE.. Nobody borM f To-Ani Tbfc. howovrr, k Prw* enjoys no ftuch immunity. Aa Maal, it fc healthily opon to eatcaUs and kind word* ■ One «ko is ready at aU tiawa to Imi-a kmahl. (a iu defanw ia E. P. Adler, wko haa spent wore than sixty two rears in the minds weelfl noas and roach- id the conclo- slen that the American Prew than I ta friths, IfewfphMs JKTZ are eontinuhw hare in days ... 1T_.. thaa they over were. Ftw people sin In s bettor pool- ttoa to neu the dmnroa In Uo wwlpapentsld thenUU small, B PP*ry, wMts-hsIrod publisher. t wraer haa aymbollaod -IsxaiMM wMeb^a dalirpspor. in llllneta. falaaourl and Nvhraaks *! 1 •ftoreUy known load- •r in the smell city ntwepepsr field -a dean who never want* to be come dean emeritus. When he went te work before histhirteenth birthday hie stariint wrekfy wafe we* rare minus s dollar-hia father paid a pnrter the dollar each weak to toach youna E. P. bow to am type. New*- papen were saull. handset, print- cd on flatbed presses, and their n«wa coYerare of event* ouUidc their immediate communities w*.« yenerally poor. ‘TV '"rention of the web press and the linotype, the development of press associations and wirephoto changed all that," Adler recalled Adler is optimistic over the fu ture of the American newspapers i?* 1 t ^* t redk>, television and facsimile transmission “wifi never run them out of business. “All a newspaper publisher has to do ia to put oot a good news paper—print the real news—and PW Yoor Visual Problema ^ Consult DR. Cartto* R. Lee OPTOMETEWT *•* 8. Mala — Bryaa hellsoll his newspaper *1 right, he said. ‘‘freododi of the press Is onO of *e strong points of America. I be jW T> there etIH is freedom of the pressesnd I believe there always "I Mb no threat to Sewspap. r* rising coots which must be wet by rtfelng the delivery price *nd the rates for advertising space But, there.mast be aa end to this problem of rising costs nonx-time ndt only for newspapers, hut for every other bustnees.” ! m WATER TOWER ART Dear Editosa, /* bimidt," fs not only journalistic '•rtms to porfeetton, bub also a constitution for all two-por- lloUyWWiltmiM-up Bette Davis Says Motherhood Cood For Movie Stars ■ pprnrs oroughly w iround the d a Mouse, h never a complete testified, -ontn *h0 By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD, Od. 2 TAP)— needaen ervument for 1, Judt teft a look at Brother* She appears vibrant, youthful and thoroughly whistlable at she walks aroupd The Warner let In slocks and “A woman *MMui, n ska has become a mother. Aa for ths future, Bette esti- stod that *he haa two mart pk- tuiha to make alt Wkmers under her preeent contract, whkh has a bit ever two years to go. “It now toy about s year to prepare and make a picture, M she said. "R shouldn't take that long, but that" how they do thing* now." She haa several dramas Hned up ■or her. bsV strangely enough she d like to do a musical or com- «b. But dont count on R, folks. Good musicals and comedies are as ****** ** « steak dinner* these day*. Bette wBl probably stick to her forte, tragedy, r \ ■Sry* •Whte and sounds • • - Elisabeth Taylor proudly show- 1°* ■»> autographed picture from five ‘•Cynthia" sdmirem ^Cecille, Annette, Yvonne; Emihe and Marie Di«*» ... Barbara Stanwyck on the “B. F.s Daughtek” set, fanning sway smoke from Van Heflin’s cigarette and cracking, “YouYe not going to louse up my clo«o-up" .. .Busy George Murphy using a walkie- talkie to keep in touch with his •ocretary . . . Jane R issell made up as a 75-year-old for ‘The Pale face, but still looking like Jane Russell . . .> GHEE B R VAN livthf « restore. f the ^ the editors of the Batt would ou I tearing the flesh from crisiy lit JWr* writing inaMieus 2 Njn sn effort to prove the* I Hore a few SMgeeUons In ss< r« ^ "I'*'* plrei (1) That lw ®re* r fw tlw tester tower to be entirely cltsr of paint st sll times, tl»4y should climb to the top (come ireMlngered dawn) and remov« *\ l . Itotot with a porer napkin Intoned telth s drop of llgkisr ^ ord * r for tb* editor to "guide those idle hands,- he ahould ask them to paint an orange marker directing him to the next tnsin bo,ind for TU. (S) That in care the editor happens to be wearing a senior ring on ^° oU • • • Nte f>n« when mritod down makes a nice frat pin, and the boots would make an ex- reflent traveling case . . . espec ially if the editor were traveling away from A. A M. Loads and loads of paint, CHUCK MAISEL, i9. P. 8. Free lessons in "How to breast-stroke out of a floated room" wfll be taught each night on top of the water tower. Love to have youM! TODAY-nil.-SAT. CAST GUANT —In— (Si! 13SK«? I air conditioned Opens 1:00 p.m. Ph. 4-1181 M<l!)i | \mi i. ^ M IT! ir.s loiu-s Sportinu (hmhIs HOTARD’S CAFETERIA FEATURING DIBHE8 OF INTERNATIONAL FAME ' . y*"- • I k * '. j and the best In— M0UTHERN AMERICAN CXX)KERY e e e Your Own PcrsonslUy reoo * d « l a » rhoSamph tkkM la our Studio AGGIELAND STUDIO «wU** Attko hot *1 IVt«re Frames — ffcoto-t opy — Kodak Flnkhl \ H LAST DAY “Golden Boy* Starring • Barbara Stanwyck William Holden FRIDAY — SATURDAY BOK TURKEY REX HARRISON KMUiimK ACCURATE REPAIR SERVICE Week R.L McCARTY JEWELER North Gate Tons Today Real Rebel YeU Sought by Texas Story Teller By jack *mmc* Associated Preee StkH the Mexican "Grito" so many times x But MU have never heard {an su- »::n5r*“- ^ Uree here one I* the 4 atUc Ton Worfh a "One point In the hook Inteiwet- •d mere much that I am uking it And that is . "All my hfc tog of the rebel poll hot I have rettoo if you can give >• the rebel re»l. m I hare been hear- yell hat I hare WED RECORDS New and old favorites 25e Snppiy of new popular records—also Fans, Record Flaym, Combtaatton* BRYAN MUSIC CO. 402 North Main i«l ‘ IA “lb although ha it edtou ia the ia hard to _ insista he's heard "“no. » reys^t been, and «fua ^ sa^m mmn u te« • jrall which ceotisuad for aov- ersl seconds—the sponuneou* cx prc»*ion of »trtmg nien, exultant charge' .”WV he doubta if May of the Mindful of confederatas still Hv- agte# mmm irkph record. Ij, wed flke to compare It wltli similar 10 ^ U UY * munj’ extinct vol- land of New Zea- L&M. Food Market] FWEE DELIVERY ' to COLLEGE STATION ^ Ph. 2-6189 OPEN AT 5 O’i r i-r No cover charge for dhttag DINING & DANCING chef from Balinese Room Specializing in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FP( FEATHER CLtR Fin Fonthar Hood f . i Ph. 2-1*73 GUION HALL last time today - 131'’ p;f" ■^Sfo K| vn : , ayaps.' , 0 ;. CONING: FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCT. 3rd. R 4th. HF:! . . 1 Shi<;>n YHfc f^OHVY • SUNDAY w J , j jA MONDAY [ I ’I \m v tm [cuSkl ■ t wKE wm '\