Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1947)
i t PAIRS' tfcvnsr *"-' r THt BCRIBB SHOP Typing, mlm*ocm>h «««. ——iir iviUKRT SCHOOL.: 1WT U RtaMtt minr *- MMlr MM. A|M 1 hM* hr Mr «r Sf |Mr. saMag wrattM at KMarsartaa graiaala u> (hart* t-VTSl ton TOUR RADIOS. For Your Furniture Needs - .-4- See L. ( lavtou Furniture Co. FIRST >3 CUyton Furniture Co. N. Main Bryan ATTENTION- Veterans Wives LOOK YOUR BEST— Make an appointment today with • The College Hills Beauty Salon Walton Drive East Oats AfmmoR tctcran atvotMTa: Lari. Maty «Mfc aa4 uaflaMMI faral- •taijr Mak aa4 uafl i.aUaM* at tav aaat. Ml* I TOR BAUC: aa4 (taaa. mR in* at FACl’LTT WIFR tap far aMMtwa UMT: KacUM BprMnar-taaanl mar kind hMoa art »MU. Rauf? M. D. FMMa. FOR BAUt: B Ft. bm vaur coator I uatai UM CatM Mata or aau «.«0M FOR BA LB: t» •fait DBtta MM 4U. ACCIES -BIG SALE- $37.i>0 Kudins For .Mr M L ‘ ^ 126-W l A \ -tAtJ TAYLOR’S Campus \ ariety TtM Rataru. Dana 14. FOR BA LB: IM1 DaBtu , Dana Ml VIOI.INIBTB NORTH GATE tartati t MR I 4-ll« taaUB la Ma BaptM Uattar aaautt Mia 0. M Oh trntat bmi ttaM Bara WHS OFFICIAL NOTICE M ... ah raw* ■ i ■ i •i■•• 11 il ■( n i ini • (■ • 'I' ] “ iinii) l•| t • 11•11il 1 F a Fmmm. Ixaa Th* orataai* •til Of lira _ BOL BOBB MABONir LOMR BfawB mmUm mTEm U. 0.. A.FiAJirtiBf p.M , Ttar*£rTia Itf* Matt Work M MaaWi D*«r«a l«4a* RaaM tap flmr OM Aawrlraa laftaa Fm* |Mt Niwm at Tralkt Ar*a Ma. I, Bkllr'ltXt AU a»«ik- J. FRANK IHiHIK-n. m»» of J. Freak IMS# (alwvf). Homh. •Mii folk tor IbL kaa kooe rmt* p4 froet I hr rotia of IhTUatweiMF »f Tmm forulip whWh hr Mord fMrir-Ihrrr roora bio. (Al'J NewH Headquurten Across From Kylr Field Estahlishetl prartWally all 0 TW oppattunltr •aralagR ahoaM OF PMTOICa - ~ p^patral laPuraUirr taklpa for tW prMMt ara •paa. Mta vta tata a • pluraWa MattM with att •aataB to aaaWt with iinf And tW hundHing of • lataaatarWa. TW arala i W JO par War far atw W prr War tar aaparWa- AMWtaau art attOrO War* of tW rolWft wark. Announcing the ■ op P III■■■■ mrw laMi to rr^mvrr tW offWt of IW OopartaMat at tWir oor- IWat eoaroa intro. J 0. Pottor ,-IbaO. Dope at PSr»ir» A Brand New — Budget-priced INFANTS ami CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT All Nationally Advertiaed Rrandk!! .Inver’s Togs and Toy Shop (Fnrmorly Joyce'* Ti»y Houne) ft Ctillngn Ave. Bryan f BCRBDVLK CRANCBS L Aap WaOaat Ontrap M aOO a aaana Mart paanat a wnttm .Utmmt froaa tW OaprtMaat ccar.rmd. that tWr* W a plact tat tW cWm for htaa. Thia atatooMat moat W pMoraWd to tW D*aa at kW SaWoL With tW Doao'a approval. tW RopWtrar will W ao- thBriaoO ta aaoho tW ehaago. la tW •ill to tap. flaptetotor Itth. vtl W tW Oap that tourtM caa W dropped •at a trod. It will aWo to tW dap oa which arw eounn ma; iddad. H. L. HRATON. FRRMRDICAL BTVDBNT* All pmndifal atadtwU who tappet to apply for oOtoWoloo to Medical raltope for tW Fall of 1*4* oad wW tav. aot takoo Ocwdoato loeord Frofwlowal Apt I i Taot Moot do oa Wforo appllration I W iinptii TW woaa awcii toot to W pivoa oa A. * M rampo. will occur ao Ocaotar M. 1*41. I* arOar to ukt Ikb tool, ropietrotiaa card. Moot W filled out. TWp Man ho dhtolaod to Mp offie. tatarOap, tapaoMW* 11. IBM. FmSmOImI Miliii Roam II. lotowM Blda B & A Prof Attends Personnel Parley R L Klliln* of ihr bu*ln*a* ami arrounUitii ite|iartmBtit r«Fr**tnt •4 ASM el B M«y DhIIm Fpi •omitl Cwnforomo Htlil ilurtnn Dm mli|<llp »f M*|>i«mlwr, Amnn| ihp hiilijoi't. illartiaaeil imWM ^)WiMl>Se* and Fun* •f Ihr FrrBtntftrl D#|iHrt "CoftlrBrt NpRnllittlnRa,‘' italtl " ^ft^ktadilt ! xx'a ted acroM from the Athletic Office la the new Prats Headquarter*, to be used for offices of the athletic roach** and a> a place to hold ronfmarta. The coach** who will be located in thia building include Harry Stiteler, Frank U. Andtr*on, Mar ty Karow. W. N. “Uncle Bill'’ Jam**, Charlie DeWare, Botchy Koch, Johnnie Frankie, Wayne Cure, W. R. Steymann, and Tom Pickett On week-end* when ASM is boat at Rporti event* here, thin build ing will be used a* a pres* head quarter* for all press reporters, newsmen, sportswriters, and sport* radio broadcasters, stated P. L. Downs, Jr., athletic job manager. Typewriters and desks , will be available for early file or color stone*. Iced soft drinka, coffee, and sandwiches will be fumnhed J reasbox official* during all home ootball game* by thia office. Downs will alse have an office in thia building. Sports writers and pressbox of ficials can pick up their passes at the Preas Headquarters, and use it as a place to contact other newsmen. Offices of the Director of Ath letics W. R. “Bill" Carmichael Head Football Coach Homer Nor ton, and Basinets Manager C. D. Ownby will remain in the Athle tic Office where they have pre viously been located. “Thia will not be an information buraau, but a place parents of athletes now in school can b* ns- listed in locating their sons," aaid Downs. “It will b« our policy to mimol* goodwill and fellowship ’or all visitors to the Athletic Da- partment. Frees headquarters will be mov ed to the new offices miw being constructed under the stadium as soon «s they are completed Expect Truman Report on Food ■ WASHINGTON, Sept 26 (AP) President Truman readied a food report for an anxious world today as n preliminary step to disc ing foreign help measures with Republican and Democratic eon- greaslanal lindara npxt Monday. The chief executive invited re porters to the White House today for his first news conference since his departure for Brasil late Met month. Secretary of Agriculture Ander son disclosed after a special cabi net meeting yesterday that Mr. Truman not only would make pub lic today the report prepared by his cabinet committee on food but wld accompany it with a state *nt of his own view*. The cabinet committee earlier this week submitted recommend* Uons which wore Mid to cnll for a voluntary rationing program «t home and a colling os grain w porta te osae the pressure on do mestic prioos. ore plonnod for tho regular moot lugs st Till p m on Mm Maud ml fourth Msitdari of etch month aek I >eiinmg, club reporter nit- nounred. Newman Club Commun ion la on the first ami third Sun days of onch month at the liM Mam In ftolnt Mary's Chapel. Religious Calendar LUTHEKAN STUDENT SERVICE Assembly Room on second floor of YMCA Rev. Fred Mgebroff, Pastor The Battalion U|- Page 4 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1947 Sunday School and Student Bible Class, 9:80 a.m. Worship Service, 11 ajn., Cabinet Room ★ BAPTIST CHURTH One block north of North Gate Rov. R. L. Brown, Pastor Seaday Sunday School. 9:46 n. m. Morning Worship, 10:60 a. m. Training Union, 4:11 p. m. Evening Wurshlj^Till p. m. Prawr Mooting. Till p. m. Nursery st all services it nii’ini of cHKidT One block north of North date Jamen V, Fowler, Pnetov KIM# School, fill i, m. Worship Hour, 10 41 a. m. Young I'eople'a ( lass. Sill p. m, Evening Worship^ Till lyon. Udlet 1 Billie Class/piOO a. IS, Prayer Meeting, 111* p. m. A. * M. METHODIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGAM- On# block east and one block north of North Gate Rev. James Jackson, Pastor Sunday Identical (Morning Worship Service*, 9 and 11 a. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. M. T- F-. 6 P- m- Happy Gospel Services, 7 p. m. Wedaeeday Wealey Fellowship aod Choir practice, 7 p. m. it HII.LRL SERVICES YMCA Chapel Friday Worship Bonrtces, 7:16 p, m. Cultural ttosSra^^ilK s. m. , ‘ • | THE A, * M, I’KKailYrKKI tK (IURUM YMCA chspel lteV( Norman Anderson, Pastor Semi* t Sunday Miaol, Pi411 s. m. Morning wnrship. II i. m, Westmihsler NtUtlenl Fellow .hip, fm i, m. Kvenlog Wnrtnlp, 1;lKl p, m, ZATION Assembly Room, YMCA Official meeting first Thursday of each month Discussion group every Sunday at • 11 a. m. ★ SAINT THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH South of the campus across the drill field from Duncan Mess Hall Rev. 0. G. Helvey, Vicar Sunday Holy Commonion, 9 a. m. Church School, 9:46 n. m. Aggie Coffee Club, 9:46 n. ». Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 n. m. YPSL, 8:80 p, m. * SAINT MARY'S CHAPftl, Two Morlts mm of North (Ji Kl, Key, J, H (ilrusner k ■ Rw, T, J, Valenta, 1'bnplhino Sunday Sermon, aod (Viaonuolon. 9 Hhd It a, Ni-wkiisn (juffeo Club, 10 i CoofhMlon* before Ms** * I SuMay moroioga Oslo • v iUSWI i "Mulualo Manatom* nt," “Kaecu five Loaderahlp," “Hupervlanry i sod Raooutlv* Training," and “tm ploree Counselling.'' Approximately 8(0 men from colleges and Industry of the south west heard such prominent speak •rs as W R. Sprlegel of North weatern University; W. W. Fin lay of the Quiberaon Corporation Thomas R. Reid of McCormick and Company, Inc., R. R. Gilbert of the Federal Reserve Bank, Dal las; and Robert L. Sutherland of i the Hogg Foundation, University of Texas l'S< !W>!N<'ttmuti Uni) Dinin'0<i. II Newman Club activities will be- f in this year with a dan* at SCW October M. Important plan* for this, dance will lie dlscosscd Monday at 7:16 p. m„ during the club'* regular meeting. Other tenatlvc plans liebween now and Christmas ronxists of n Halloween costume party. October 31, and a Rlce-Univanity of Hous ton Newman Club dance at Hous ton, November 16, following the Rice-AAM game. Rt. Rev. C E. Bryne, Bishop of Galveston, is expected to address the club sometime In October. Entertainment and refreshments McGregor Triple-Threat Cord Shirt: Super-soft and luxurious Crompton Corduroy* . Colors you will want— maroon, oyster, rod, tan. So# these today .... i' 8.9A A & M Lutheran Student Service “A Ministry of Frteodly (taldaare” REV FRED. MGEBROFF, Lutiiermn Student Pastor CHURCH SERVICES A. & M. Campus Sunday School and Studenta Bible Class, every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the Y.M.C.A. <up stairs) Assembly Room. Worship Service, every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the Y.M.C-A. (up stairs) Cabinet Room. J * A. & M. Annex Lutheran Students Bible Class, every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the Annex Chapel. Worship Service, every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the Annex Chapel. A cordial welcome to worship with us is extended to all. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION MEETINGS ! \ A. & M. Campus The A A If Lutheran Student Association will meet on the Second and Fourth Wednaadaya of each month, at 7:lfi p m., in the Y.M.C.A. (up stain) Assembly Room. A. ft M. Annex The A A M Lutheran Student Association at the Annex will meet on the First and Third Wednaadaya of each month, at 7:15 p.m., in Barracks T-347. You are cordially invited to become an active member Here’s the one I’m really glad to put my name on They Satisfy me c ! *