Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1947)
tj I'v 1 ' 1 ■ w !| • ■] * v i'i -rr'V-J f’ •' • r : ‘ f | • \ v ‘i ! "! . ?■ ^ ^ from this angle | Aggies Leave By Bus for Tech Game in Old San Antonio Wr LAttY (XxtnwTN i * . p , * ^ — ^ * -One Gridders Make kp SliKfavorite 8WC Teams Win Have Big IntersectkmaT W«fk; Travel to California and Florida rflOnf Football definitely atepa ' “ coBafe etevana the country over befin a Iona jaunt that will end. for some of the fortunate, in New Year's Day bowl games. And with the advent of the weekly Saturday-afternoon head* knocking sessions, moat (ana, through force of habit, if nothing •1m, uataally turn to the sports oohimne such aa this ene to eee 1 •hat the "eaparta" (meaning any one wMt a typewriter and a let of faith) have to aay about who la (oing to trample whom. So, without further ado, leave us take our hat in our hands and make a hurried journey across the nation, stopping here and there to crawl out d a limb Pint limb: Texae AAM vs. Tex- • as Tech—The Raiders, with a stout line and ample reserve i should play havoc with the running attack. But we have * enough faith In the good arms of Jim Pash ion. Kt«n Holl- mig and Beryl Batv to hand the Platter u> the Aalet. 17 «„ with Jmh Ballentlne chipping in with a ftold goal. Didn’t climb out far •sough you »ayT Okay,. HoUnug ouchilown Winkkr ?•. Winkler •»,, gon win reap tomorrow, so L Will throw the first tnu pose to Prokop. Hull not enough? Weil Kadors eearea second to give r Aiglea 14*0 ieod lidt Tech srorss ! Wfore half. Ballantlne'> field «»e! fomes In thinl iiuartor. We Won't tiler lose how the Afgloa will P VmIp final TD bemuse then I know as much at we do Hecnnd l.lmhi Teiaa vs Oregon •-Oho fine day, the day before Pearl Harbor la fact, Oregon rams to Austin to plav the Unghomc a game of football. Unfortunately, the Wehfnots played anything hut football, and they were a thor- * oughly desecrated bunch of foot ball players t ?) when they troop ed back to the Northwest Country the next day. Pinal score In the ■ game was believed to be 71 to 7 still contend it was 78 to 6 or 87 L Anyway, flotasday is the day the Oregonians have been fighting the war for. With paace resUirW, and Texae again on the schedule. Ore- win reap its revenge, come say the (air dtiaens from Oregpa. All ladkatkmi point to the fact that Oregon will bo “high" for the game, and the Longhorns do face the disadvan tage of trawling MOO for the game. So with thcoe fee ton WoMpf' to keep the score down well take Texas in a close 40-0 game. L.S.U. va. Rice- The Owls are supposed to be the boat of the Southwest according to the ox- perto (aotice how often these guys get in the nows?) and L.8.U. la suppeaed te be nothing more than a mere contender tor the Southeast title. All of which should make the Owls favorites. So, for no other reason than a hunch, wall take LS.Un and by two touch downs, no loos. On second thoonfrt, make it throe. UI.U. 26. Rice 7. t We'vc crawled out on enough limbo at this point to earn a rat ing as Lumberjack “fust class" se we'll eall It a day oa that on# Don’t map too big a harvest back Inf theae "forecasts" financially. Pmhahle tuning lineups fop mb Tesss AAM Tsaaa VMl fMljll A&Ufs Jim and Tech’s Bernie Meet on Gridiron Sntarday By ARTIUV BOWARD S The CM1 War had nothtag on the Winklers. Saturday night in San Antonio's Alamo ttodium. two members of the Winkler clan, AAM’s Jim and Texas Tech’s Ber nie, wiR butt heeds as opposing The game will mark the first time that the two brothers hove mot on the gridiron both hi the rob of took let. They ployed last year whan Jim woo o o tackle hot thio trip out, they'll he foes to face. Jim has to right tackle wMeh will put him directly Ofpatote Rernie’e loft tackle posi tion in the Tech forward wall. Both men are scheduled to start, the fireworks should prove interesting Hr mis was one of the eatotpnd- mg Hnaoian for Tech la mm u night, Teiit ARM Kuwait. , lull. • < • > • M I . ■ tf niigeia although some mathematicians Judge, Texas. Tessa Tech J, 8u T B. Winkler Irp| meOtiu.m.i MjflHB Ai Wit kloe (letiys Higgins ..1,^.,.., j,,.. Moyers •nib I 0. Lewie Welch J W Thompson raehion B Hmdei Dusek . ..1 Bn Offlotola: Harry Vintr, Referee Missouri; Charlie Trigg, Umpire, 8.M.U.; Johnnie Radford. Hoad Linesman; Charlie Hawn. Field - ' / when' Tout wont areund, not through, the Tech line. Standing on oven six foot and weighing 880, he ie (too pounds lighter and two Inc Km shortrr than hit Aggie brother Boasting 81 years against Jim’s 80, Bernie has a years ex perience over his In other. Bernie (•Mured at fultbaoh In 1»48 and tpohto la *# ami '46 at Tosh, onnipon, no mo you on a serv • i team In the Navy lit 1144. But Jim pmhaMy will he able mm of himself, He has W htot two years al mi tackle and will have mom years nf eligibility after this mason. Jim too ployed • pood fame last weak and It fom with out saying that hall bo In then imrmnf lomfirniw, *11 l«S« Intramural Play Starts Today The 1947-48 Intramural program goes into full swing today with games scheduled in basketball and team tennis. j In basketball there will he four games a day with the first game- starting at 4:18. Both the little gym and the big gym will bo used. ‘nitre will be five team tennis matches daily. Theae matches will begin at 8 o’clock and courts 1 through 16 will bo uaad. Intramural Managers and Offi cials have been meeting regularly studying nils* and mechanics of the various sports and are ready to begin work. Athletic Officer* am reminded that entry cards for flog football and volley boll are due la net later in Wednesday, October I. bun this i By LARRY ROODWYN > The Texan Aggie football team, 41 stroag. left college by .vowed intention of gaining tome bey timet Texas Tech in San Antonio’s Alamo Stadium Saturday night . With last year’s 6-4 defeat stW the R* Tech Quarterback \ Tech Flanker the hands of the Raiders still fresh in their mtede, the Aggies appear ed confident of riywtahhahing their superiority over the Raiders which stretched through six preceding games before last year’s upsot. The team seemed In amUr £oodi frhapa aa a whole a!though P« e Wee Smith dafinitely will not See action. “Automatic” Bohn Bel- lantine still nursing s sore log, ie expected to round into shape to the extent that ho will be used for extra points, providing of course, the Aggies score. The Aggies rWe a one touch down favorite but the Raiders, ad mittedly not up to par against Texas, art receiving staunch book ing in soma quarters. A sellout crowd in the ridnlty of 85,000 is expected for the game, the eighth in the series between (he two club*. The Aggies have won six and lost on*. Both teams fe expected to throw the boll around a lot, with tfce probshb- winner being the one that con tacts the most with aerials. Before leaving, Head Coach Ho mer Norton said he planned to start Howell and Higgina at ends. Tulis and Winkler at tackioa; Stautxenberger and Overly at guards. Gary at center, and Welch, Cask ion. Goode and Dusek in the backfield. fewest Hawkins Cable-pattern Anklets Hand-tted cabioe qlvo a ronl foothold on I ash ion to the#* Wilson Brothers sock* Expertly turned out in soft oombed cotton yams. Comlortsble, rubber treated topa stay snug Pick from smart, new fall colors! Leon B. Weiss By Gam poo Theatre Jletei a (pod Up!! COMl IN AND HCK THI CLOTH FOR YOUR PAUL CLOTHII NOW . . . Stvoll new numb* fo choose from in w TAtoa voua aoTHit roe row now 10 THAT W1 WHl HA VI IN0M RtAOT WHW MM CORKY - HURD CJothiem College Station CRYSTAL GAZING By Panl Martin As the season progresses. It is getting increasingly hard to call the shots straight and a bit further o lot of pmdicUon averages will be shot as many of the teams are likely to win or lose when they aren't supposed to. Starting off with the Aggies. Coach Nsrton's charges win run Into trouble. Dell Morgan will have hie Raiders ready and they have what it takes to give any team In the conference a hard fight. The Raiders marie some mistakes in Use game against 7AL last week. They won’t make the same mistakes this week. Though Tech is still said to be out of the 8WC eta as, they have a squad of about the same sise as ASM Less three men, this Is the same team that beat three bf Its four Southwest Conference rivals, including AAM. last year So the chips being where they are. we'll give the Aggies the nod by about one TD. i plus, of course, a conversion i I With T.U., it ritould be simpler Look for- a tog margin Horn any 9S4). The boyo from Oregon just haven't got what It take* to stop the speedy Long horns With one of the fastest teams to the nation and with a T form ation that seems to be rllcklnf.4— — ■ . - - — Texas shoo Id coma out | bul il t0 ^ •^ n ^ on the heavy end of a one-sided w *ll do this time. •core i Providing the FYoggi -a are dick TCU should be able to handle ‘"g■ we ll give them the nod by two the Oklahoma Aggies but here ~? bou ‘ 1 ^ there la a hie IS* At nreeent SMU VrU1 °P* n Santa more is s mg ir At present, nir% tnd thouU1 encounUr no dif Jim Lucas, number one toeeer for ftculty there. The Califomlane the Frogs has been out of uniform played football last year for the for two weeks with an Injured first time since the war and have- arm He will probably be able to n't gotten back Into the awing yet toa4kt*«e<to «• Also making the trip were: Ends: Wright, Pollock. Whittaker. Prokop, and Davidson; Routt, Flowm, Rook, Dupree ami Setts- gast at tackles; Sacra, Turley, Bennett and Greiner at guard- and Kills, Guly and Callender at cen ter. Backs making tha trip include; Smith, Hollmig. Anderson, Bur- diW, Dew, Baty, Daniels, Kadora. Hallmark, Grton, Yales and tint. Rice • L S. U. Game Headlines Nation’s Grid Games This feck JOHN T, MH’RMMW 'i i Ths Ptfukln I'xrtifp (4 ID 17 gnts wall umforwRy thlk Wkekend it throe Mb Itmm und riRhl miUthfulinK HUnriNKP U«m»l tllU |tv» Jus (!oll* un « ohiruto to sxfftlito hte lung* for old P U. Hthdlni the list fo the tuneln to be held In tfoton Rotife befnro an exported 40,00*1 ♦ fans between Rice snd LJ U PI* nds hM PfoS made r v Jo* Smith get In a few licks but certainly will not be in top form. Na*t on the HOI of paaaers are Lindy Berry and Johnny Sherrod, both sophs Berry. Wichita Fall product, looked pretty good in the All-Htate game s year ago has earned one letter, In the opener last week-end. Ben ts Clara bowed to California by a 83-7 tally and California hasn't got what Matty Bell e charges have Arkansas should take North Texas State with no more diffi culty than they did N W Louisiana CHURCH OF CHRIST *8 U N D A Y Bible Classes I Worship Hour Youny Peopte’s Meeting j._L Evening Worship »! | - j *^ WEDNESDAY Ladies' Bible Claw Prayer Meeting Song Practice i. v THURSDAY Men’s Training Claas. — . 9:46 A M 10:45 AM. .. 6:15 P.M. „.7:15 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 7:15 P.M. .8:15 P.M. 7:15 P.M. f XOODIrtM. SWSli. I'M COMl 1 CUM I * rvi PUT TMSOUOM PM MUNOMO CUM TOOSV. (VIRVSOOV'I CALlM' CVISVlOOV TO SWl •nrnieviie miMcn ii tm m* %>' Better Homes Appli. Center BRYAN FIELD SERVICES (Meriting in Chemistry Lecturu Room. R. L. Nolen In chirp.) Bllblri Cfoaa »*i*#«0t»*k**»#*t#ft******» •*♦•*»»•••*#*»*••*•**«•*•*»•• *•*»•**** 10:15 A. M. Woralilii Hour 11:00 AM Prayw MwUm 7:15 P.M. WKDNKMDAYi Prayer MririUng Better Homes Appliance Center - t ' 1 • , Hbwm N. Main OdeMBa Favored In State Title Chase A DALlJtS, Tex.. Sept. 26 (AF)— Odesea'a Brones are the current choice of Texas sports writers to repeat as State Claas AA high school champion, a poll conducted by the Dallas Morning Nows re- vaslsd today. The Broncs received 29 first pise* vote* from the 38 sports writer* taking part In the firxt of th* Nows’ planned weekly polio. Second piece went to the Wl- ehlte Fall* Coyotes—who handed the Bronc* their last defeat In quarter-final play In 1945. Running behind the top two were Corpus Christl, Thomas Jef ferson (Han Antonio), Tyler, High land Park (Dallas). Wexahaehlv, Brackenrldge (San Antonio), Aus tin end Longvltw. Four of th* top ten teams ere from the same district — 15AA. They are Corpus Chriati, Thoms* Jefferson, Brackenrldge, and Aus tin. Ing on home gmi Lit? th* xtlghl favorite over the Owls Number two on the Hat Of big games this week-end pita Choo-Choo Justice and North Car olina against s still powerful Qonr- [ta team even without Trip pi. lumber three of the big games has Navy and California t y I nig up. Prom the Impression everyone got ftom last jnaars Army-Navy tilt, the Navy la expected to put o« a food show, no matter who the op ponent is; and California with one wd game behind' them are Well t for this one. Noteable of the Intersections) tilt* is the clashes between Okla homa and Detroit; UCLA, a power from the Pacific: and Iowa: Mtn- neaota and Waahington; North western and Vanderbilt. Also there la the Tenao • Oregon affair which is the return game of th* 71 th 7 rout five years ago. Texas Is plenty strong and Oregon it weak but perhaps there won't be a re past performance. SMU tabes oh Santa Clara out on the Pacific Coast Santa Clara probably has n’t been told that SMU is 8 TD's better than they are on paper, ao the Mustangs will probably be in for a good aft'-moon’s work. Bay lor tangles with Miami Friday night In Florida. The Bears are in for a surprise if they think they have something after winning last weak. I T this is'Tint of them. .Lookout! In the South Difke ve. North Carolina State (even Duke fav ored, Feathers with hie State team Illinois has loot strength since last yaar namely, Ruddy Young.) Ifa* brooks vs Indiana, Ohio Hthte vt Missouri (Ohio State la due for big things this year, and th* first gome la the time for them to Ahit): DR. N. B. McNUTT DINTI8T Office In Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 1-1 Oft f 4 Wyofc'Texaa will let anyone know they have been In a ball game);. Florida va Miasisslppl (things are totpbeted of Mississippi now that they have beaten Kentucky > Georgia Tech va. Tennessee (the winner of this one might go places In the National ratings). fulane vs Alabama (af ter a dismal season last yaar, AI* abama will try again to draw the spotlight of the Nation* footlmll fane with the same team (hry have had for thd post two years.) In th# Mld-wret Wisconsin vx Purdue; Bllnol* va. Pittsburg (Pitt ha* been building up, while ,J) 1545 (Brown) $15.95* th (White) KEN HaLlORAN. *40 The Radio Shop 1 Block Wwit of P.O. On 26th last week. Look for another run away here by about 48-0. Baylor's chances against Miami look fair but this will probably be rtoee with Miami having a slight edge. Football In that part of the country la weak this year ao the boys from Florida should only wind up with the big end of a 18-7 aeon Leaving the beet till last thr Rice-LSU tilt may have national repercussions- in that both teams are rated near the top. This la a tough one for both teams are good and the final count will be close We’ll give LSU a alight edge here by about 13-7 t The Most Complete Baby Shop in This Area — We* carry fo stock: Oothfog — Beds — Mattrmaea — Batheacttew — Ramdncttm —Play Pens — High Chairs — Car Seats —Totdy SeaU—Sterilizers _ Bottle Warm era — Even-flo Bottles — etc., etc. Dm Our LAY AWAY PLAN . | r t " r - ' • ! ^ ^ - I I ft* 1 | \ * • ' ' Mf ‘W, • ’ jj r. ‘V Hi Price* BeanoaaUe ME1 GIFT AND TOT SHOP ! 1001 8. Colfofri Avri. / Phonri 2-lfllk Bryan. Texas Hour. 8 SO A M —6 P M. MINI j • AA 1^- S fvtwlx Wn OVOIIOOIV now V MYII. lYS AMIRICA’f WAYS TO MIALTH Hm r-. i lriewmcol>> Do- afonodl Medan* I Make* motel*- hwlldlof ootyl fxcitlnql Pool Not a fodl U*o *♦ home! •* a mml itart now I A bollet body ter better hesdth.Ask court** by RUhord Kilo* *1 Hollywood, tettorl THE EXCHANGE STORE