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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1947)
VJ m ^ i. ■ , •V ' DOME •riEEir AUSTIN, Tm., Kept 23 (AP) N»t»d fulkluriM and profpmor J. Pr»»k DobW’a ronnartion with fk$ l nlTfraity ot Tpim “hu tar- miiutrd a* of 8*pt. U.” U«l- tarrity PraaMaat T. 8. Painter declared today In a prepared atateMant. PETKOV HANGED SOFIA. Balfaria, Sept. 23 CAP)—Nikola PetkoT, pennant Wader and foe of the Conamaniat Party, waa hanged at 12:13 a.m. today in Sofia'* central priaan on ckargen of plotting againat Bui- Carin'* C« niaia a i*t •controlled k'ovarnniept. Both the United State* and Britain, denouncing kin convic tion an a mlacarriage of }**tie*. had arged the Soviet Union to participate in a big power i view of Petkov’a caae. Volume 47 nmUSHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Anlelud), IIXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1947 Number 81 -Level Student Government Adopted FOOT _ MEXICO Whether Mexi 30-30 aha re the fight wi State* againat diaeaae in Mei UTH COSTLY Sept. 23 (AP) I could continue ita of the coat of kh the ITn 11 e d the foot and mouth quention lalprin., ♦ All Student Representatives Elected by Dorms and Areas Student government will operate on three 1 Most important change ta in the student different levels this year, under a reorgan- representative body, all the member* of ixation approved this week by the dean of which will be elected, whether cadet, veteran men. | or non-military. Elections will be by dorm-’ — • " - ■ 1 1 ettoria^ except for atudenta living off the campus. Thia body will function primarily through ita •taading committee*, one of which will be the Student Coundl. diacuased here today. A high-ranking Mexican official I who declined uie of hia name aaid laat night thaj Mexico would be unable to continue her 30 per cent | •hare of the co#t because the coun try waa "hard {>re»»ed for money." KLRBRRfi IN ACCIDENT WILMINOT0N, Del, Sept. 231 (AP)t-Kobert J. Klelterg Jr, Klngavtlle, Teaaa, owner of A» I •suit, one of the top racing thor oughbred! In the nation, today wa» •t liberty on hla awn ipcognUanc* after ha waa arreated y«iUn(ay| , on a rbarge of reekteae driving. The Rev Al«* U<>r»kl, *a»iatant I rector of bt. Melena'li t'athulic church, Bellefonte, and Helen Kle berg, iti-year-uld daughter Ilf the . Tevaa rancher, were Injured In a| three car colllaion, , MKXICANRKVOLT MEXICO CITY, Sept. 23 <AP)I Unconfirmed report* reaching here | laat night aaid a group of approxi- matoly 300 armed men attacked I an army headouartera at Balaaa In the atoto of Guerrero killing the | guarda and fighting with a detach ment of aoldiara. • NEW STORM IS MILD MIAMI, Fla. Sept. 23 <AP)-| Florida'* second tropical storm in a week, nothing yet to compare with the disastrous first, hit the west cowat today and swirled north • northeastward threatening the peninsula with flooding Vain and the Atlantic coaat to the north] perhaps with destructive wind* • FOR STORM RELIEF WASHINGTON, Sept 23- (AP)—The American Red Croaa aaid it has appropriated 31,000,000 to meet “disaster relief needs" of stricken families in hurricane- swept Gulf States and Southern Florida. "t ft. Dominy Resigns as Manager Of Student Confessions to NTSC The Student Life Commitlrt will . i •. • dtffgr only bt minor detoila froirf William W. Dominy, manager of concwaionH for student rfce “ t fmrt activltie*. haa reaigned, effective October 15 to accept a pos ition a* aaaiatant buainese manager at North Texas State College at Denton. Dominy waa born in Waco, in 1022, graduating from Taylor High School in 1888. Ha4- of the committee S!‘ Tv-vrw TECH HAS PLENTY ROOM UJB10CE, TEX, Sept. 23- (AP)—No atudenta were turned , away from Texaa Technological Collage thia fall because of inabi- r lity to find housing accomodation, college officials aay. More than 1.800 students are living in campus dormitories, and • rooms in boarding houses for oth •r students are mora plentiful than expected HTOKM LOSS Baton rouge, la,, Hept 2s •-(AP) Storm damage to real detltial and buainesa property laton Rouge from Friday's tropl on) hurricane b^jmen estimated at * II0O.INI0, hut losses by farmers in . the sraas strueb by the s|«rm ma ; k top 33,iHHi,lHKi, unofficial eatlmatA bp ju R. U. Indicate J \NK WtTHKRR W Kim TRXAN 1 Lott Kept 18 (AP) eJbtitN* Jan* Wither film producer Wdllatu r an honeymooning at >• clobed place following i nage here Haturday Moss ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W Moaa «f Odessa. Texaa. |j J* f • "DOLLAR CURTAIN" UHARGRD NEW YORK, Sept. 23-<AP)- Yugoslav foreign minieter Stonoje Simic late yeeterday accused the - United Stotea oP trying to iaolate Russia and her Eastern European followers behind “A Dollar Cur- ■ tetn." L \ STUDENTS PROTEST WATRR PORT ARTHUR* TEX, Sept 23 —(AP)—For the second time in a week, students at Stephen F. Aus tin High School in suburban Port Acres here walked out in a strike, protoating the school’s water sup- • ply. Pupils staged a day and-a half > * strike laat week but went back to classes after the school board ag- V reed to stady the water situation. ARMED FINISHER 2ND F, 1 attended A. A M. until February 1843, when he entered the Army Air Corpa ae a cadet He received hia wing* aa a B- 23 pilot from Laughlln Army Air Field and waa sent overseas to the 8th AAF. Dominy flew 47 miealona over France and Belgium, concentrating on railroade and highways After serving hit ton- month tour of duty, he wae re turned to the Htatee, He waa plac ed on reaerve ae a first lieutenant In November, 1843. Dominy wa* released from ser- vice In Florida, and 1 within three 1 da ye. he wae enrolled In A. A M. to finish his education In agron omy He received hie Bachelor of Science In February, 1843, and continued for one semeeter doing graduate work. After working for some time aa a building contractor, conetrurt- ing housea in College Park, he ac cepted a position as assistant man ager in charge of student activi ties at Bryan Field. He served in thia capacity until June 1, 1847 when he became manager of stu dent conceaaiona at Bryan Field and on the campus. As manager, he was In charge of the news deal ers and the concessions at Kyle FiaM, the Snack Bar, and ta dorm itories. Dominy married the former Mias Virginia Wilion of Thornton, Tex as, in 1943. She attended the Uni versity of Texas for two year* be fore their marriage. They have one child, Dianne, who ia two year* old. “I have enjoyed working with student activities as well as the many other people I have con tacted on the campus,” stated Dominy, "and I regret leaving such a cooperative organisation. I shall retain a fond memory of A. & M. and all the fine people I have worked with," he concluded. 1 W. W. DOMINY, manager of student conceaalaaa, baa resign ed effective October 15 to join the staff at North Texas State College. 1 On Sale in Dorms Town Hall tickets for tkis season are on sale from aay housemaater or firat sergeant. Boyd Rogers, student manager, announced laat night. The 1947-48 Mason will open October It, with soprano Fran- cea Greer. Tom Kcott, belladeer. waa previoaaly booked for Oct ober 4; however, ha has post poned hia engagement until Jan uary. Members will be: Fonr non-military stadento elected from among veterans and non • veteran • non • military at*- deals ia an open elec tie*. The cadet colonel; cadet exec* ntive effleer; presidents of Ike- sealer and Jnnior einaa. w Co-editors ef the llattalian. Nine members ef Ike faculty aiaff: W. L. Penberthy. desa »f ■•a, chairman; C. U. "Hpike" NS Mu | Daniel Russell; M L * i sablon; R. U. IVrrymaa; G. t. Pot tor, G. W, Krhlesselman, R. A. Lynch. The Mludent Life rnmmlttoe eo*. ordinate* the efforts of all other com itt It tees connected with student life. It meets on call uf the chair* matt The non-military student Npre- aentotlve on the Athletic Council will be elected at the same time as the Student Life Committee repre* < sentotives. j * Student representatives, who will meet quarterly and select l standing committees once a year, will consist of 24 men elected from dormitories, and 10 from student areas off the main campus. To be elected from those area* are: one each from Veterans’ Village, Col- 1 lege View, Project Houses, Trailer | Camp Bryan Field Village, Collage . and Bryan; and three from men at "Little Aggreland" (This group will name six mem- bars on its hoepitol committee; six oi an Exchange Store committee; tlree on a Mess Hall committee; I t fi »e on athletic receptitm group; five to run elections.- These com mittees will function constantly. The Student Council, which will meet the first Wednesday of eve ry month, will consist of four ca di to and five non-military students, acting as a standing committee of student representatives. '• *. J Henry Doyle Only (Joilflty (^llVSt X-Rdy Student ' Service Begins Nov. 5 Fm* Service SponHored by llimon TB Ahmoc* »Stale Department Ne^ro Law School NEW YORK. Sept. 33—<AP)-^ Armed finished aocond to Polynes ian in a six-furlong spring at Bel mont yesterday in a warmup for bia 1100,000 match race against Assault next Saturday. Tho alx-furlong was run la a ■issling 1:11, only a second off tho track record, In spito of a sloppy track. These pics snapped at College Night tell the story belter than thousand words. 1. Dutch Hartman, senior Yell leader, In action. 1 Dean of Mea W. L Penberthy having hia say. j I. Barney Weich. asleep standing up. 4. Pres. Gilchrist smiling into the mike. 3. Frensied Twelfth Mas. 3. Bark field Coach Harry StiUer giving (be low-down. 7. Jim Stev-1 ens and the Yell staff caagkt on the down-beat. 8. Homer Norton making a premise. Peat Controller* iTo Meet Sept. 25 Peat control operators from dif ferent parts of the state will meet at Taxas A AM College Thursday. Sept 23, for a pest control oper ators' conference, according to Dr. H. G. Johnston, head of the En tomology Department. General problems of insects, control of ants, structure of in- aecto and bow they breed will be diacusacd during the one-day meet ing. A luncheon will be held at Sbiaa Hall fbr those attending the conference. • , Some 30 pest control operators *9 expected to attend tho mooting. a ! Gull Feather Puzzles FrosL Evans By Loais Morgan "Nature still rules the roost, daopite modern arientific advanc es" was 8. L. “Jack" Frost's com ment on the Gulf Coaat hurricane he weathered in Pensacola, Fla. laat week. From and E. F. Evans of the Evans reports that the service waa cause of high water. The Gulfport the best he had ever seen. | radio station was operated with an One unsoiveu myau-ry that is emergency power unit supplied by still bothering Frost concerns a sea the National Guard and waa uaed gull feather found in his room on |y j^y weather reports and Friday morni closed theH mng. night All windows were before in antici Texas Forestry Service were at- P* tion of * to ™' »«* F* J** 1 tending a meeting of the Southern morning the feather was there Forestry Director* when the storm Leaving Pensacola Saturday hit They watched from their ho- morning. From and Evans saw tel window as the wind peeled even greater destruction around strips of alate roofing from a near-1 Mobile and Galfport. Water was by rhureft. They report that meet 21 feet above high tide between destruction occured in Pensacola Gulfport and Biloxi, and the trees between the hours of three and loft standing were stripped of fol nine Friday morning with the wind tag* Some well-cpnatructod build reaching a velocity of 102 miles ings were badly damaged, while per hour in some places. frame buildings nearby were un- Both Evans and Frost were im- touched, pressed by the methodical manner Frost talked with a retired navy in which local residents went about admiral in Biloxi who said that preparing for the storm. The San the storm was the worst in twenty Carloa Hotel, where they artre years. National guardsmen, sol- staying. waa uaed aa a refugee diert and Boy Scout, ringed the center for people who had lost Gulfport are* directing t their homes. A standard breakfast, assisting refugee*. The By MAC ROY RAMOR AUSTIN Tox., Sapt. 23, (AP). — Thirty • naven • y*ir- old Htnry Em»n DoyU of Autftln whm tht find tnd onlv student to enroll In the law I ranch here of the newly-created Texas Ntate University for Negroes, A former srhixj teacher and | groeeryman, Doyle pah) his |82 registration fee In! rash and ar ranged to begin hia class work to day which coincided with courses offered first year law students at the University of Texts Five persona will teach Doyle In beginning Inw claam Doyle had appeared In the court case brought hy Heman Marion Rwcatt In which Kwvatt had at* tentptod to force his entry to the University of Texaa law school and which resulted directly in the ret ting up of the State Unlvenlty for Negroes. Doyle also had ap peared before legislative commit tees when the Negro Univeraity ' legislation was in the formative stage. Doyle, who said his father was , a hod-carrier in the construction of the State capitol, filled out reg istration blanks in the school's temporary quarters across the street from the capitol and told Chwrt X-ray* for ntudnntn, family mvmbvm, and ruaD 1« nU of Braxim County will bogln on Nowmbrr S, Dr, Jvaala Whktacrt, chklrman of tho publicity otmunittAO, haa an< douncod. Tho Hraaim County TubrrmloniM Aaatiriation, in cooimra* linn with tha Rtoto Health Depart,t . meat, la wtMlutftlng the care find- j ing survey free of charge tit every person willing to lie X rayOd, According t« Dr Whltam, wh# chief of the division of rural home resaarch with the Agricul tural Experiment Station, the chest X-ray* will not Inquire persons to undress Information regarding tho outcome of X-ray* will be strict ly confidential between the phyai. clan and person X-rayed; emergency calls. All power lines and water mains were out of op eration. Frost ta grateful to the weather bureau men for their good job of of hia intentions to devote his time locating and predicting the pro- primarily to hia studies and sec of on, eggs, and coffee was parallelii to all Friday morning, and | oxi and the Gulf between nr fport waa closed be- gress of the hurricane. Otherwise he would have left Pensacola Thursday night and probably have been overtaken on the road by the hurricane. Pensacola residents assured Frost and Evans that the hurri cane was not their best brand and invited them to come back some- tiasc to see a .really good one. Both men assured them thaft they were sufficiently impressed to akip the next one. They report on* cm* of traffic and a theatre operator in Pensacola highway whose sense of Uming was per fect. He was showing “Gone With the Wind." ondarily to work in the afternoon His wife is a student in business school here, he said. Heart of Texas Club To Meet Thursday The Heart of Texas Club will hold its first meeting Thursday night in the lecture room of the Mechanical Engineering Building at 7:30. All students from Brown, Cole man Commanebe, Mill*. San Saba, McCullough and Eastland coun ties are urged to attend. The X-ray machine to be aaed will be (daerd in convenient places ia Br)an and College Sta tion so that as many people aa possible can be accommodated The service will be continued from November 3 to possibly the Utter pert of December, according to Dr. Whiter re. As yet, the length of time required to perform the cheat X-niy* for the commu nity cannot be ascertained, so an approximate lime haa been esti mated. 1> The free X -ray service kas al ready been conducted in several Texas cities and colleges, includ ing the University of Texas and Baylof. According to Dr. Whftacre, it proved ao successful there that further can* surveys have^ been started throughout Texas. Further information aa to the sure mg date af the X-ray eenrice will ha announced later, as soon as preparations are completed. TUBERCULOSIS ^ASSOCIATION* Tkr earlier found the nooner cured T uberculoiis: The total number of war casualties among Texans between May 27, 1841 and January 31, 1843 ia 15,734. More than half that number of Texans (8W7) died of tuberrulosia in the laat 3 of these same year*. At vastly lea* coat than for war, the enemy tuberculosis can I be conquered provided all cases are found in the early stage.! How that can be done in Braxoe County will be told another day in this apace. Watch thia - '--tov-