Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1947)
A • K iVEIFS IN BRIEF I i i WILL DISCI 88 KOREA NEW YORK, S* P t 24—(AP)— , Runaia'a Andrei Y. Viahinaky late yaaterday lost a vlgoroua battle to bar diacuaaion of the Korean quea- tion and the Italian peace treaty in the United Nation* Aaaembly. The Auembly alao approved in cluaion of the Greck-Balkan ouae- tion in the tfenda, with only Rua- aia and fl?« Slav aatellitea voting againat it. The vote waa 38 to 8, with 9‘abaention*. CHAMP RODEO OPENS NEW YORK. Sept. I4-(AP)~ The world’* rhampionahip rod*o • which annually glvea half a million New Yorker* a. chance to gllmpae what remain* of the once Wild Weit, begin* Ita 22nd run at Mad- g icon Hquare Oanlen tonight with • the firet of &3 performance*. ( RACK DOWN ON OOUCEKH hX)RT WORTH. 8#ot. 24-(AP) ' —A crackdown by Federal auth uritiea in Fort Worth and Weat Texa* point* aaJpereona chargini veteran* price* above thoae liatei in the aalee contract* on houaee waa promised by U. 8. attorney Frank R. Potter a* he announced a Lubbock arreat. STOCK MARKET SLIPS NEW YORK, Sept. 24-(AP) A selling flurry hit the New York stock market in the middle of the last hour of trading yesterday bringing loaae* of 81 to around 82.40 a share to some leading ia> • y aues. % . Brokers said they had nothing specific to account for the sudden desire to sell auch stacks as United ? ' States Steel, Schenley, Anaconda. * Texas Co., Standard Oil (NJ), New York Central. American Tele phone, American Woolen and Chry sler—all down. - Kj. ~r-f I - S PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE Volume 47 -V OOLLEGE STATION (A^ eland), TEXAS, WEIWESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1947 Filings Open in New Student Number 32 ment Lipscomb’s, Madeley, Sbisa Rate First on Annual Survey 12-Month Average* Show Black’*, Grill I*owe*t in Drug Store* Gafe Gategorie*; Ba*ed on 100% High, 70% Low RESTAURANl'S Adriance Took Flight Lessons With Fiorello Life and Athletic Council WOODWARD SILENT DALLAS. TEX., Sept. 24-<AP) —Dudley K. Woodward, chairman of the Board of Regents of the University of Texas *afd he had “No comment” on the University’* dismissal from the school of pro fessor J. Frank Dobie. i , RICK SETS RECORD HOUSTON, TEX.. Sept. 24- (AP)—Rice Institute has its larg eat enrollment In its S&-year Wa tory and the present total of 1,881 students Is expected to climb be fore late regiatratlon la concluded. Iasi year's record enrollment was MH, BOOZE 111 RNH ALPINE, TKX.. Sept. I4-(API —A fire which started with an as- plosion burned on* person severely nnd destroyed a liquor *t ,,r e * ,M I two warehouses here. A prellmiiu wry estimate placed the damage at 1180,0411). MRS. COATS AT BAKER FORT WORTH, Sept 24—(AP) —Mrr. Alma Coat*. 24-ye»r old English war bride snd former WA C corporal who was requested to . leave Texas Weslyan College be cause of being tin expectant moth er, will entar Daniel Baker Col lege’* pre-medical a c h o o l at Brown wood within the next ww days. BAT FISH. SAYS KRUG | | WASHINGTON, Sept. 24—(AP) ■ —With meat and egg'prices soar ing, Secretary of Interior Krug suggests eating more fi*h. BRITISH MINERS STRIKE LONDON. Sept. 24-(AP)-Six thousand mine workers employed in nine 8cotti*h collieries were idle yestetday in an unofficial atrike for higher wages. Nam* Kept, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar, Apr May June July Aug Ave. \AM Grill 8ft tt W 1 II 44 1 12 | 62 | 7ft 75 8ft 84 82 71 Vg'land Inn 93 8ft 78 .... 90 64 84 78 91 73 94 93 8ft 'ollegc Inn 81 88 14 1 M 1 98 88 77 1 74 69 .... j 76 Juncan Hall 91 94 ' 79 *#•• 19 98 03 100 | 89 79 88 90 89 finute Sand 1 1 wich Shop 97 90 1 72 ■ 79 18 100 87 94 89 88 4,abets 78 81 84 74 47 82 79 77 78 84 89 7ft lay's 8 Bar «... ... | ...e 92 86 81 86 tblsa Hall *1 94 86 w 0ft • 94 ; 94 1 72 .... 1 90 tVhlteway 79 93 69 81 M 84 75 70 86 90 77 77 \nnex Caf. 82 89 ... 77 » 86 89 •» .... 86 Vnnex S Bar 86 t - 19 89 88 72 94 j .... .... :| .... 83 • DRUG STORES | Name Sept. Oct. Nov Dee. Jan. Feb W- Apr May June July Aug. Ave. Vg'land Phr 88 8ft 94 72 87 88 1 M 83 9ft 82 91 95 85 Hack's 78 88 ' 64 70 76 80 I 77 84 63 89 94 92 79 ^aoey's ' 91 89 67 V 91 87 89 83 91 87 82 72 83 'reanrtend 97 88 92 1 79 74 •T 93 80 » 76 71 9ft 84 Heorge's 94 H 9ft [ 91 85 | 100 i •! 1 91 88 8ft 96 91 Lipscomb's 87 90 | 97 TS •4 i 04 97 97 93 100 88 96 92 Madeley 9ft 92 i 92 1 M • « 00 89 j 100 1 “ 92 100 97 92 (See ANNUAL HEALTH SURVEY. Page 4) Other Improvements Planned • • • t Carpets,i New Lobby Fixtures Transform GuionHaU Theatre 1 ♦ RP ' W' * »•»••• ■ • • * H) Leuia Morgan irty year now head of the horticulture de partment, watched a Maurice Far- man airplane hurtle craaily acroaa the air gtrip at Foggia In Italy F. H. LaUuardia, later mayor of New York, and hia Italian trainer hopped from the craft acreaming worda at each other In Italian, presumably insults. Each thought the other waa landing the plan*. LaGuardia, who recently died in New York, commanded the iquad- ron in which Dr. Adriance receiv ed hi* pilot's training. Italian pil ot* were training the American* and it wt* thought appropriate to have an Italian-American in charge of operation*. LaGuardia i came to the outfit as a Ki-Wi, the name applied to ground officer* who, like the Australian bird of that name, can’t fly. It was a de sire on LaGuardia'* part to rem edy this that led to the incident of the berserk aircraft Wrecks and accidents were common occurrence in the Italian bi-planes used in training, accord ing to Dr. Adriance. One pilot fell 4,000 feet from hia open cockpit After cracking up five aircrafts, a pilot was dubbed an “Austilan Ace.” Walter Wanger. movie pro duoer who made “We’ve tyjver Been Licked," missed the tide by only a slight margin. Dr. Adri ance’s experiences were not com pletely free of mishape. The ab sence of a parachute, however, was likely to make the pilot cautious, Dr. Adriance obeerved Of hia two years service in Eur ope during the last war, Dr. Ad rlance spent almoet a year in It aly. The remainder of the time he spent In Tours, France, where he served as pilot for noriol photo grapher trainees. Department Heads Mast Approve Changes in Courses Student* desiring to add another course to their curri culum must present a written nUtement from the heed of the department concerned, that there is room in the class for another student, accord ing to H. L. Heaton, Regis trar. "This statement must be submitted to the Dean of the appropriate school. With the approval of the Dean, the re gistrar will authorise the change to be made. Department heads will also make all transfers from one section to another in the same subject. Monday, September 29, will be the last day that courses can be dropped without a grade. It will also be the last day on which new courses may be added. (See Editorial "Nsv Student Government" on Page 2.>— * 1 ' 0 Persons wishing to become members of the Student Uft (’ommltUa, non-military members on the Athletic C/OuncH, or Student Life representatives should file their application# in the Student Activltlea Office in Room 209, Goodwin Had before Tuesday. September 30. There are 4 poaitions open on the Student Life Commit* tee, 4 poaitions on the Athletic Council, and 34 poaitions aa rttircsentatives. The latter group will have one member frC« - T- »■ — i 1 'H^Muh of the dorms on th* catnpoo. and »n* mrmtier from each of tty following-. Vet Village No. X Trailer Village, Project House*, ('dilate View Village, Village |t the Annex day students in Bry an, and day students from Coll Station. The freshmen from', Annex will have three repr tlVo*. 1 The election for those offices will be held on October I. Ballots will be provided by th* StudeM Activities Office end drill be dis tributed to all dorm student* by the respective house master*. Fn the corps dorms the senior cadet of ficer (highest rank) will be rea- ponsible for distributing the bal lots. After the ballots have been Quarterback Club Meets Tomorrow: To Hear Coaches Tomorrow at 7:30, meeting in the Aaaembly Hall, the Aggie Quarter- hack Club will inaugurate a series of meetings designed to bring AAM fsna in doeer contact with play ers, coaches and the athletic ait. uation at AAM in genareL. Sponsored by the Battalion, the Quarterback Club la expected to give interested football followers as much “inside dope" on AAM strategy, and team strengths and weaknesses as the coaching staff deems feasible. Thursday night, in Humble Oil To Air Six Tilts This Week-End Hy Mark T. Nolen - AAM ha* » big timt cintma houM now. Guion Hall Theater had its face ttftad in a big way over the mid-semester holidays, and now presents s more comfortable and plena- ant atmosphere for movie fans~ Various other improvements are on the schedule for completion in the neftr future, among them, curved display boards to fit the columns on the front of Quidn Hall. These display cases will facilitate uaing the • center doors as the main •ntrandR’.'i v On entering Guion Hall jiowadays One *ee8 the new ticket office with its gfnple glass walls and shiny plastic. Then, he real izes that he is standing on a fine, new carpet. “That’s not just a carpet,” Miy» Tom Buddy, manager of the theater, “that’s a Mohawk Wilton carpet, the very beat.” The lobby is practically unrecognizable under its new paint and with ita naw fur nishings. Specially made display boards and in enlarged candy counter produce the transformation. When the lobby furniture, which is now on order, arrives, many people will probably prefer sitting in the lobby to attending the show. In additibn to ail this redeceration, fluo- Feed Experiment On CitniH Mola*Me* Being Conducted By Arvel L. Baker A feeding experiment to deter mine the value of citrus molasses in fattening steers ia being con ducted at A A M. College under the direction of J. K. Riggs, as sociate professor of animal hus bandry. The molaases is made from the juice of citrus peel and pulp, by products of the citrus industry. The Texaun Citrus Exchange of Weslaco. Texas, has supplied A. & M. with the citrus molasses for the purpose of determining the feeding value, conditioning quali ties. and palatability of this pro duct According to Riggs, there are four lots of steers in the experi- See EXPERIMENT. Page 4 Aa the football season swing* into high gaar, Humble Oil A Hr fining Company broadcasting crews will travel to both coasts and points in natween to bring fana the aia big interseetional games in which Southwest Conference teams feature this week and. At 7:88 p. m. the Texas A. A M. Texas Tech gam* goes aa th* air from Alamo Stadium la San Antonio. Jerry Duggett will be at the play-by-play mike, while Kddle Barker fills la on color. The game will be heard over stations KT8A. San Antonios WFAA-WBAP (878 kc) Dallas- Ft Wortk; KWFT, Wichita Falls; WTAW. College Station; KFDM. Beaumont; KFYO, Lub bock; KATL, Houston; and KR- IG, Odessa. ’ marked and signed by each voter, they will be collected by the house master* and senior cadet offioer*. addition to a talk by head cbach l^y "U1 then be counUd and the Homer Norton, and a discussion ** ,u ' 1 * . w,th . th ' hslIota wUl bl of the Texas Tech football team ^ ,nt0 th « 8tud » nt Activities by Botchy Koch. Aggie Coach who 0ff,c * scouted the Red Raiders last Sat Students living in Bryan or urday in their game with Texaa College Station, other than in cam- Univeraity, a film will be shown pus dormitories, will vote on bal- of the Southwestern game played lots printed in The Battalion. Th* on Kyl« Field last week. Koch .ballots will then be brought or will also explain methods he used mailed to the Student Activitie* in scouting th* Aggies’ future op- Office on or before 8 a. m., Fri- MIMMlIt * 4*y. October 8. Th* meeting is open to all Aggie In th* Student Activities Office fans, and (M, Battalion welcomes gU th* voted will be tabulated and them to a better understaadiag of i the result* announced as soon a* AAM footbal through thv Qear possible, terbaek ( lab. Hoiipiul, Exchange Store Committee* Are Announced AppoDitmentn of faculty member* to two committees of the Student Life committee was announced yeaterday by Dean F. C. Bolton. Named to serve on the Ex change atore committee were W. H. HoUman. F. W Henael. Ernest Langford, J, C. Miller, W. L. Penbefthy, and J. J. Woolkul. TEAGUE IN ENGLAND SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND, Sept. 24 (AP)—Another group of ■ member* of th*,U. 8. Congress i bent on studying economic and political conditions in Europe ar- ; rived here tonight on th* Queep Elis* bath. All member* of the House Com mittee on Foreign Affairs, th* par-' ty Included Donald L. Jackson (RCalif), and Olin K. Teague (D- r tfit). A , , "Barring * •|n»ci*I season of Congress, w* will lie over hare un til iHwando’Ct 14 •““l Jwkavn. AVC NI’KAKN IT WASHINGTON -Chat Patartan, national chairman of th* AmarJ- ran Veteran* Commute*, today ad vocated the restoration of th* 8a*- ond War Powers Art and a oua campaign to expos# pro ing aa th# two major stops naraa- aary to halt ”th# kind of Irreapoo . albt# and tllagitlmat* price rigting which has bean taking place. Paterson said that restoration Of the -Second War Powers Act would give the administration the power to Increase aupplie* of scare* resource*, to limit th* pro duction of non essentiel*. and to dfctrtbxt* scarce materials such as steel and grain in such a way to eas* the inflationary pressure. Bridge Club Meets The Veterans’ Wives Bridge Club will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the YMCA. AU wives of ex-servicemen are invited to attend. $4300 has been apent to bring Guion Htll up ticket booth, to par with the better theatera of the itate. Improved projecting equipment and com- * fortable seat* were introduced during the past year. AAM now looks for a way to get Rai®*. JACH shannon, a Compooite, stand* Up-to-date pictures to make everything com- b»^»»p la nig white buying a bar of randy from fM* | | .<i ■—**>. rescent lights have. been installed. Above. ERIC N. CULVER. B Engineers. grU Ms Some ttrket from MRS NELDA CRANE at tiukon's new Serving on the Hospital Commit The program leads off Friday tee will be G. RWilcox, E. night with the game between Bay-, Narnh, T. W. Leland, G. S. Meloy, lor and Miami University. Th# J r -** tn d W. L. Penbeithy. broadcast, piped from the Orange Six student Life representatives Bowl in Miami, starts at 7:08 p. will serve on each of the above m., with Ves Box at the micro- committees. phone, and will be heard over sta- The duties of the Exchange See BROADCAST. Page 4 y . See COMMITTEE. Page 4 This new procedure will replace the one formerly used In order to obtain a greater number of vote* and to repreaent a majority of tha student body. I Applications for th* six V8A offices will he accepted In the Stu dent Activities Office from now until this coming Saturday. Th* six offices to be filled are presi dent. vice-president, secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, ami parliamentarian. OffJcere will be elected for the fall seme*ter only, according to the cdnetltution. Tool Shed or Garage? Whether Tools or Car Occupies Garage Is Rev. Fowler’s Poser Pre-Med Students Must Take Test A graduate record professional aptitude test must be taken by all premedical students who expect to apply for admission to medical college for the Fall of 1948. Appli cation* will not be accepted until this test has been taken. The test will be given on th* AAM campus on October 26. In order to take the test, registra tion cards must be filled our firet. The cards may be obtained in the office of Georg* E. Potter, pra- medical advisor, room 13, Science building. This must be completed before noon on September 25. * By Kenneth Bond "The first impression and a very lasting one concerning the AAM College la the general willingness and the serious thinking of th* students," says Rev. James F. Fowler, minister of th* Church of Chriet at College Station. Rev. fowler, who resides In th* parsonage adjacent to th* church, located at tn* corner of Church St. and North Main, has been a resident of College Station for tho past year Prior to hie cemlng hero, he spent two and one-half yetra ot the Control Church of (hriat In Temple and two year* at th* Nhomrnck Shores chureh of Chrlat In Dallas. Rev Fowler, on* of five «hll- (Iren, waa bom In Thoru<> Springs, Tomb, In 1911. Hi* father haa n a Minister of the Chureh of Chriot for the paet forty yeors, but at oreoent la working on a il-retired baala. Bov. Fowler iduatod from Breckenridge High tool In San Antonio, In 1987 and attended Abilene Chriatlan Collage. He majored In K bit- and education and received hia Bachelor of Selene* Degree in 1942. Transfer ring to 8.11.U.. Rev. Fowler ma jored In education and psychology ond received hia master’s degree in 1948. Upon graduation ha married th* former Miss Lottie Netterrille of Nashville, Term., who also received a Bachelor of Science Degree at Abilene Christian College that year. She majored in home eco nomics They have two children, James Jr., four years old, and Lois, two. Althoagh the children do not know It yet, their parents have high hope* of their follow ing th* traditional line of church- work. hia favorite hobby by placing them on rollera so that he can move them abaut. As he is quit* interested in woodwork, he has designed and built all the furniture in his chil- dren'a room, as well as some of I th* furniture In th* rest of hia| There U a continual strugglo to homo. Ho also built som* of th* | seo whether Rev. FowUr’s car or j furniture used in the church U- hia woodworking tqola occupy garage. He haa aolvtd part of houaing problem for tn* I the mfm tools of brary located upstair* in the rear! of the ehunh He (a fond of badminton and! plays II often. Although he say* that ha lan't a champion by any mtana, ha apent considerable time playing with the bodmlitton olub on the atmpue I net year Tha Chureh of Chriat will have 1 two visiting minister* •luting the S ng «fMN year Dr. 0. C rer frem Memphis, Tann.. will ere during Religious Imphai Week and Evangelist Trine Siam from Kentuahy, will eonduct a I Revival during th* early part of| \ OVFItt Regular Sunday and Wednaaday night eervicea will be conducted at th* Annex for tho boneflt froth men. by R. In the The servicee, L Nolan, will bal Chemistry Lecture REV. JAMBS P. FOWLER Charch of Chriat Paster "AAM la a great Institution,’' aaya Rev. Fowler, “with students going about in many way* pre paring to become th* men of to morrow. We hare receivod good cooperation from the facutly and I aoyuciatty from W. L. Penberthy, the new Doan of Men, and I am ran it will continue.” Gj TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION* Tulirreuloei*: The oarHer found the sooner rured Tuberculosis roused the death of 17 persons In Braro» County botween January 1, 1941 and Daaembor 11 1948. Our Hoalth Unit record* show that in those same year* 6 time* aa many persona wore sick with tuberculosis as died from th* die- mmt »am *»m» testa!