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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1947)
4- “-4 1 " -yH A iveifs IN BRIEF 4.JJ. Tl . TECH STUDENTS KILLED SAN ANGELO. Tm., Sept. 22 (AP)—Seven person*, four of whom were believed to be college students, were killed and one other critically injured late Sanday in a . fiery track-car crash 30 milea southeast of here. Members of the Ralph Elliott family of Brady were riding In a pickup track, which caught fire . after the accident All were killed. .The others were occupants of a sedan and were believed by Capt. Ray Butelr- state highway patrol man, to be Tevaa Technological College student* returning to Lub bock from ,the Texas U. football fame in Aji*tm Hewitt Allison, captain Texas Tech trackl squad, Clarence Har less, a football player for Tech and the player'i wife were reported k)IM in Us crash iKUiotl w is ranch foreman for (L H Whiiy, Hrady, chairman tv . Um ABM Marrd, PI RUSHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE Volume 47 COLLEGE STATION (AfgieUnd), TEXAS, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1947 Number SO NKW PLOMIDA HTtlNM MEW OMLKANM, Nepl iwBNlMfiawartttaiB sqaar I J » MlHfmeatNlnaa eqaared eiesdi breese an wmihera • cart rmt«l •*•»« »«r> aa a ssortaii Uwpiral lare ahaei )ua( N mil*-* aoiilhwrat of ike keys hesrlaa jrjNHMte winds on a nerihwara Epitaat - The earning* went up from the Klorlde Keys In I'alm.Hearh even as Ike ha Ur red peninsula wad Ike ravaged gulf reaal frea Biloxi, Mias., In New Orleans * counted 19 dead and sntloualy contemplated flood water* left by last week's kavoc-wreaklag hurricane. Reorganization of Alumni Staff Approved by Former Students x Davenport Wins First Quarterback I Guessing Contest ■ .,* T A. mutirt won the »*(-hiMr QunrUr- ALAMO IK)WN8 BURNS SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Sept. 221 (AP)--The grandstand and pad dock of the old Alamo Downs race I - track near here lay in virtual ruins | today a* the result of an early fire yesterday that caus- image* estimated between j and $360,000. GIFT GIVEN AUSTIN COLLEGE SHERMAN. TEX.. Slept. 22- (APf—Gift of $600,000 to Austin College, OO-year-old Presbyterian HOT OFF THE WIRE—!a The BottaBon office nowaday* raa be read the latest sews aa It feme* off the wires. Two AP tele type machine*, aa the oae shown above, have been installed, and are la operation from 7 a. a. to $ p. a. dally, except Sunday. Here MRS. NANCY CAPERS, left, and MRS. LOIS WYATT. it i kv aecretarie* is the Office of Stadeat Activities, sad CHARLIE I IHHTWflV yIPII MURRAY, co-editor of The Battalion, aean the dlppatchee from 17IVI1 the Dalian offk|. . ■ *4 ' | *$77,500 Budget Approved; Reject English Teaching Aids, Microfilm Library; *4# Longhorn W ork East Side Has More Spirit, But West Side Is Funnier Needed on Staff Work on The 1948 Long horn ha* already been start ed by Tommy John and Bob- K. R. McqUILLBN, eteratira aeeretary of Ihe ARM Former StadenU* Aaaorlatlon, resigned Saturday night at Ike meeting of the aaaoelolloa'a rounrll and elaae agenta. New Leave Policy Inaugurated by V For College GFs By Arthur C. Man. | dy to caHit “un/*'^ ^ c * UJ f Ime. ha* been prepare,! and will The Aggie section ha* all the oth « r hof* 4»dn t have a chance |, H ^ ■ * “ h | Dsven tiallallon Arm latek nunUral for taut Hatur dty's ftHilhall garnna with a perfael, four far four Mlling, on SoMlkwpel games Davenport, rest. •lenee IlsteJ as Nimnt I*. UpgaH Mali, piikeil i-erret lly ike vlelories of Tex a* A# Mi Texas ami Arkan* an* and T.U.tVa lie with Kansan. Thg pftle. Iwn llekels to Satur day's game with Texas Terh, will ike presented to Davenport by the Battalion at Thursday’s meeting of the ARM tfuai1«'rl>aek Club at 7:30 p.m. In th# Assembly Hall. Davenport was given the nod over seven other entrants who pirked the three winners and the tie because his scores more closely resembled the final tallies. Daven port’s predictions with the actual scores in parenthesis were: ARM over Southwestern 40-0 ( 48-0); « . 1 1 17 A 3K; r Inaugurated by VA siana 47-0 ( 64-0); and T.C.U. to tie Kartsa* 13-13 (0-0). Pete Scamardo, Room 316, Dorm 12 placet! second, likewise all win- . . v : ner* and the tic, but failing down A new policy na.H Own HI k.. u;;ir ,- on Texas, whoa he saw as only I RURUratid by th® Veteran* oy wiiuamnon, co-eaitora or , two w j nner over ^(j m i n j g t ra tj on regarding ab- the yearbook. A schedule of dead It) Jimmie NeUtm y IMatts for a r»n»rgaitiwtllofi of pgraotmel of the AxwicU. I Ion of/urmer Blutlenla toiwmilt rUecutivg Htwrutary K. K ileQttlllen lo aaaume olher tltillex wure atnirtivwl by Iltn fmm* oil of thk AdMwlNllofi rTtoeilnii Ml (’olleiin HulunlRy nlirht, MoMdUbm 1m ekiMMiiNl lo be bamm iMretlttr of the lb»* > vplupment Kuml dutweetllhg I Mtuleraoit Hhuffler, when Ihe 4 rsHrganixatton Is • ntmiletod In attehllng M»4fuUti>M1 m- llraMtent, Ike nanell CXpresaetl Its sppraeiaiton gf kls tong mew'd «f service by a stamtlng Iritoite «f New Veto Receive Subsistence C,becks Early in November Veterans who entered achoola and colleges thia fall may expect their firat aubaia- tence check early in Novem Inatltution here, ha* been made spirit, but the west side is funnier.' to '•Jf* 1 tom. . . , „ . ., from the ♦*laU- of the Utc M B Overheard ami overseen at the 3 # Convince,! beyond all doubt Hughey of Charlotte, Tex.. Dr. W ARM-Southwestern game: that Tech was going to beat Tu, B. Gucrrant, college preaeient, an- 1- t'ompassion raffled the tend- “ ne h ®“ b,> ® f uuestionable wis- nounced SatoVday " »>rea*t of one elderly female who <*«» decUimed long and loud to • sat on the west side. Observing the |Tour Battalion cor- BAYLOR ENROLLMENT SOARS [standing masses, she "^yked, “Why, ttoau- podr things. I know • • ure ^‘"g, tried to place a sma be posted soon However, the now is a lack of stuff members. WACO, TEX., Sept. 22—(API—I they must get tired. They should A nsw registration record existed sit down." Saturday University I enrolled, exceeding the 1940 record 1 at 8,771. late comer, were still | pushing the mark even higher. TO HRTt UN WAR DEAD HEW YOHK, Sept, n 1 API Tbs Haw Yolk purl of rwUikatiun aniHtlimwi MklUi Uy Ihal Iks as main* of itoi fust Amspkari wai d'a'I »M l-s KiMtHh'l fi'*!M Loio |i,ass and li'a " 71-yard run sgtag xbs ■ wager, but old cannonball's wis dom was not that questionable. Your correspondent will have to -Re I ML »I, M. *MMhl sops ml L. | W wa 1 h - ' l*m I fRfHM (mm • V IhiiiimII) dmu.g iim too »*ik mmi«o*I hi. diiUs# Mi fyMMBf, - . Mtoxaiiswi, s tdivai t AMHl 1MVM MKMI1, Hill jtk 4AHMHH, MsiH M (Ah FHiMtst king • xtnl bf Mu tniMiix ahil bis toiils, Iba fi'Mitai FlMia Mtpsecp, ImilHlptl tkk Al hltlweetl, I'MSHIhI illi- gsitiln# sblp itiita De tlgHur gulitl^ toiuiWt fnt PoHhgsl t foHitef mmitotb, now AA, ntiii hi* 48 yea e "to hrlils sluited o-tti*rists It was believed they might gi from Lisbon to Kratire, tint no an . nounrement was made of ttodi plans. HOUMTON TO HEAR WAlUCR t r HOUSTON. Sept Formar Vice I’reaidenl Meary \. j‘ Wallace may speak here Novem ber 12. Virgil Arnold. Houston attor ney and former pre*ideiit of tht Age Limit 1/eague of Americg. Inc., said he had received a let ter of acceptance from Walladr to appear here on that date. Arnold said a huge mas*.meet ing would be called. Senator Claude Pepper of Florida was iavited. to,* Ar nold Maid, but he ha* made no scceptagce *0 far. PLAN TEMPLE HEARING IVnnsylvania Grad loins R&A Staff Hubert N ktevensum of hbarwii, IHMiiieyfvaaHt, has joined Ike busi a,rooming depaiUMeld Ulaioi, (tar nmnowed Me «t)toStl*|i ti »a»4n»Mni a toirtoe awmbtoanl imfotp rHihlhg 1" A A ll lx a l*Hdna's nf iMXr WnixeHiily and Penn Sinte pbeee to H*H-i»ed bit .haebslof abd masie) of afi« da Ife fmntetle Jtneked as puklte aeeotodaui w lib Snivel I Welting •on MMpi'nmpany, t'lexxfandi Ohtoi cos! aVebnnisot with Saitges Cnn strvrilmi Companr, ami •iwounlanl alth Fiatornlly Management ( »m pany, both of Slate College, f*enn lylvattin, Stevens,m la s member of the Ameriran Association of Univer sity Professor*, Nntionnl Asaocin lion of ('<mt Accountants, and the American Accounting Association Two entrant*. N. F. Buenx of nence, and leave of absence of Law Hall and Herman Collier of veterans while in college under - . . . I Walton, hit the Aggies' 48-0 mar- Public Law 346, the G. I. Bill of f mm Ur I * in ov,,r Southwestern on the hernl Rights. . . .. . . ^ , _/• while J. J. Dempsey's prediction of The new policy will eliminate all 1m 3R -« thmg to » requirement, for report* of ab- •" «- T.—T.». T.,h «,ncM of v«t,nn, to th# VA. Ho. workers " game | ever, when the veteran drops out Clubs ami societies must reserve Stories C.'Secrest who saw Ar- of ^ , U 10 '[ uch 1D •pace in the annual before Oct-! kansa* a 56-0 victor over North- extent that his conduct and prog- ober 17. Hometown clubs will be , Louisiana was the closest ( rw* »re no longer satisfactory, a report must 09 BUDmittM at j, cost of $8.f0. Societies and L J«ck Medlin of Dorm 16 * ln wHkiMiwwiiif.sRntrwiawSffrernilF limp nw tu'ntmwrmHi •up that always homes prepared. gff t t SJfteS 1 r„ «r*v. i*5 art .1, h. Mn'l t.» mud. dm 1 ' ‘ "• * • granted only one-third of s — » ■mr»iimp tm py letmwf.’ -KKwnr? eeive space up to one page, which in no less than four entry blanks 10 • m Tt applause M.yulllen me l. Met- ribuies were ns Id by Former Senalor Pemime calfe of San Angelo, atld •* F*- Hamblen, former president of the association. The main feature of the new budget was the establishment of a Former Students' Opportunity Award Scholarship Endowment, 1 w uv _ u In addition, it sllottod $2.50(1 to her, the Veteran* Adm.n,stratum ( - 0I|)t wjU , ^ has announced. colors and standards, and *uffi- The initial payment will include cient f UIM t, required to operate tho 11 suboiatence allowancea due Association office. Stricken from 1 from the start of the semester th* ongtaal budget, recommended through the end of the lost full by th * executive board of the coun- . suboiatence period before the ^ wer( . two objectives which the ^ check is issued. councilmen considered out of their No serious delays in payment of 1 realm of duty to the college. One feet, the new poUcy wtll in for up to IB days of subsistence allowances are antici pated, but the Vetorans Adminis tration is advising student-vet- erana to be able to meet personal financial obligations for at least the first six weeks of the fall term. The time-lapse between date of enrollment and recoipt of the first chock involves two factors. First, a veteran generally is not entitled to receive s subsistence allowance until ho has been in A ichila Fall* Club \\vv[s Da vim Head 1 Charles P. Davis, senior pre me,I student in the Cadet Corps was elected president of the Wich its Falls A. R M. Club Wednes I day evening at the first meeting | of the semester. Assisting him for the 1947—48 year will be Bob McBroom, corps | senior, vice-president; llyhn W. Harris, veteran business and ac- | counting freshman. secretary- treasurer; and Hal E. Dungan Jr., [ management engineering junior, reporter. Heading the tenative social cal- I endar is the annual Wichita Falls aftsruuon to ru.'i '.IS I ,JS.i r fft y ’ 11 ur, toUrai lists of ttlub, smdoty, anil ibum It, '••D ,,,^,1,01. sm dq, 11, Tbs l-odgliorn ofDcs. Vanity Esir piciqiv:* im,»| u •nhmilM l-ofotv Ffittoy, Dtovtu to» 1$ lb,as 4 x I glossy finish ttf • gab piti game because |M)ople a lbs scoiwboanl for Wilk a bad Word fur tb* M-ara- huftfli and a tHWHiisa again to smios orapaiad I Mayto Friday. MMkUi* UIaIM M tukk In uUii. Ill ^ JM? k UilAtifgx ato’nradM nf rjSf iirl’ JMlabJ ks tks kraMdgttl fni a naw nasi piMoM-, opy Mi to.ytk ttadHtoM. wildi-attIHg far iks loMoai hh«*i aht) onr fnil l*ad)il- ibrHMttal |«,*e PlttoHM imt aalia>l 'to VaHliy Falf •ae|htH Mil ► r» 6 Fati* pa* »< tko dar- fltb fd m ito VaMitv Miming iwa MooibwMtotH plarM* to plarvd in Ito Mint t avintin* in Ml A“*““ 3 *"*‘** L **“ fc *“***‘* oWyi - .. iggls dtoMlng Hoitps StuntxliyRarloii Takr First Place R nwi I Inin |.ihjar 1 Pto a'* ■•Hkii _ x MH-s a lap sboohl Rill Miller Heads \&M Newman ( lull Hill Millnii an Elaiilrjral K» Mating sindsni Dmhi Kan Ai ifn, tp# slsfit d Pjsstdspt m towntsp i Inh rtidax mgbi 1 '•kit nffleeM at. Vlt's PttffM iihii rwaV AatiMiilutni Kdt Inn, /tMtn Kan AntnHlHi Kmxi of these objectives was s provision Ito supply modern teaching aids and mechanical devicea for the English and speech departments in the amount of $10,Q00. The other item which failed to receive ap proval was one which would es tablish a microfilm library und projector in the college library for the use of graduate studenta. Through the establishment at the permanent opportunity 01 endowment, th will cost $25 Reservations will be ami picking the Aggies to 1,0th ; * ny con ^ lt ' ve l !*‘ I taken in The I-onghorn office, win and lose, the former by scores rn * , ^®. r *. or ‘luxrtora. Where the ,/ os 7 u A I. 7 period between semesters or qu»r- Jr to, 7 6 ’ 4 (including aummor .ession.i ^ is longor than 11 days, or wham it is shorter than 15 <lays and lbs j veteran does not ro-onroll for the following, semester subsistence continues fur Ik days, sod then slops. It will to cuiilinncd when thu veteran ru eitynlls. Imvs »il| kg lygMMi Hill MHlMr, so Hbodriral Httgi ! htor to I. wImhi iKlp 1,Mating stmlMMt Dmmi Kx« At'l" "J** to'iny pant Htto ojM| pps n)m it .1 Hrastdapt uf tits * ,b#l Nmwwmp llttb rtolsv Mighi fto olltat MfDt-vM xt** Vito PrasldsM Dull ploeb, Aaib-ullMral Ntox b Hitt' AoiMMlHi HatoaHHy Uoibotn of Hok WMlIijy. FaleDMl FHlIbtotlbg, firs bolpwo 1 slot b p m M*oi fimn Miynlxtol I’sik. Illij Traarat day Ibtooth FHilayi at, waller Kattr Mtokinleal no- Asnint Paveritks WltirtHi tnust! alnaHiog, ftoin Dallaai Historians, by Fridav, Fekfuafy Jltb Hally. Civil FnalnaeHng, ftyn . j .1*.; n„j - .m .•.iOk w irf, bHstmss, and bther bnHdayx are m ■!) the month, covering the sllowancas due for th* previous month Thera- fora, • veteran enrolling during th# lattar part of Haptamber or dinarily would not raoeive his first chock any sprtler than the firat of November. The Routhwestern area super vised by the Dallas Hrsnch office is Mpeatod an enrolltleoi of mors BMlM Bafiott, assist an, prn f*.*s„r of engineering drawing, won , , , ika fit-si I,tui... a*HMt 1 •-,,1,1,4 wi 11,,t July I * It will Include all sprtn Pnloy favnrlie* iiiiiuee* muri alnaartkj he euhmlOed by rrlUMV, February Jlto Helly.i ivii eit|amr 6 They iHgsl to 8 » 7 glossy flulab 1 l*eeos| afiil Carlos Ariill bus! pnotox. glneeUng, from Fofi I Al present, The DM* Longhorn porter .leek llenny, Meebsnlesl Rn- MM* •el, a#ek ekftFfM leave al loped eaeb Veto»')i« siodeni gbder ♦to D I Hill fkls pHteilee rasuli ed Hi n„ieb eXeessivs paper oora atoi nfiap daiared suhsiatapea ebeeks Mr alloplng 19 days hatwean ae yslars* nr al tne end hi the Ho tdkar|lMu UXi.iaHi World tk/ar (I vat orans In rulleges sod unlvureHist estlipale far Takas Is 7k,ll7l» IV *Tt*x Mfinix mi rill- Is whaiiuled lo to delivered on rineering, from IWn Antonia! iwladad, tka total will be trail In E f liSGtaam guild*, and Natwi $,|d7 Hii|irl Amtuiinrra .lersey (lmm|iiims radr, Far# endowment pill amount to $60,000, and will pro vide interact sufficient to award one scholarahip each year on a permanent basis. New colors and standards wU> Ip provided the Cadet ( orpe ,u •apuieioanl those donated by 'he aAm Mothers Club- Amirriiiig to a report by A> rtatioa Via*-FrMid*«ttMBi|fad well, Tesa* ARM ■xiag lusHtulion tales 11, Ike paraeniage of e* slu- ■PMIJ. arinx hi Saudi#, ppn (be grajtd IfMMBHH it blare stunt trobhyMt Smithwest (las Model Champion- shli ship contest held Fair Park in Dallas Barton's entry in the stunt and g in It will Include all spilng Informal talks were mede by iplon-1 * nc '*l «"'» MMUte events, #hicb ( .t„,p| t | n ,, «nh Father J. B ll..., last week at delay In this "mp bringing the welcoming ad excass of 10 days for most men Veterans who want to «ave en- haplalns, with Father J. B. OleD ||y| rmfnt ran arrangt to have tkalr I manl, aanaonred hv Htutlh- ,li-rse a, #pu ti ship of I hr Texas Jersey ( r a| ( lub's gtatawide shew In Wmo Friday night, Dr. I. W. Rtfpkl. kehd |of the dairy husbandry depart rbamal •ev rattle Tbr HUHtrll year's annual. v .1" m"! wr,r " TT ' mf . subslstenca terminate on the last i Kpea. Fsther otalasnar, s veteran ^ of „ MmM(4 , ri (hM w#lv1nf 11 #11 , , , 1 Non-milltarv student* *hould to !° rt # automatic leave, which is charg. precision flying event was judged! .T" n ' uu *fy *tu«isnts should be- ed the Aggies for their spirit of . ulf - inil _ n iiu,.m-n, on the precision with which the <f ,n b * v ' r J( *" l flu, 7 m “‘« ,0 ‘ l>«rtlcipB«ip„ and willingness to do * ' numerous maneuver* were (ksr- i 1 Longhorn, Tom- their best. Father T. J. Valent. : formed. These maneuver* included m >' John -fo-wl'tor, ha* announced pPPWn ted new plan* and encour- ANtrOtlOtllV (J tin loopa, wing-over*, inverted flight, . S l tU< 4 ent * .» B> n ®*»*®'iHtoi’>' aged the seventy boys at the meet- » outaide loops, figure-of-eight., and 1 "“T 1 ’ i ,u 7 tu r^* t *k' ,n mg in their attempt to raise money \|ppta I oillrtht inverted outside loopa. I j ^^dnesAiy of this week, f or the proposed new chapel south ‘ rt , , . , followed by C, D, and E student. 1 the ramou* Over 100 model builders and .w 1. 01 r • n1 P u ' , WASHINGTON, Sept. 22—(AP) —A hearing will be held it. Tem ple, Tex., Nov. 1 to get .vtewa of farm leader* in that area on ag ricul tore problems The meeting I ‘heV'B^elntor r*V* Ch r ,U ed .K by f H T 2 * Tbr banquet will be held at (R-Kan.) of the House Agncul- th< , Wichiu Cwatrj Club. tore Committee. | ( O n owt< j b y a dance . at Sandy RAYMONDVILLE QUIET iRUffiSJ*' *J* k ^ Iowt RAYMONDVILLE, TEX., Sept I , r be next meeting of the club 22—(AP)-All V quiet on the will be held in Room 208, Aca Raymondvill. sclfool front demic Building, at 7 p. m., October Bernardo D. Serna, chairman of i t Dungan reported, the Lulac Council here, said the ; 2STt» '.—'o* 0 .? um^ San Antonio Club To Amarion .iua...u lun ... M- plan Dance-Tuesday tM. I . A os.Tw.JTa Final plana for a week end dance LA GUARDI A DIKE U, o A | amo City" will be NEW YORK, Rapt M-fAP)- Tuewlay sight at 7 11 in Fiorallu H. LaGuardia, 64, tkrae JOk, Academic Ruibling, whan the limes mayor of Naxv York and H*n Antonio ARM Club meets, Joe lamer director general of UN-|Wo|pman, pres Meat, kas annuuaa HA, died HatiMNlaj 7'ba fiery p»til beat, in a ram* since . - r .,, . ..through the remainder of the week. fliars from Texas. Oktohoma, and Th< , ^ hwlul ^ for non . I»uisiana compete*! Several nat- mi|iUr , tU(lenU is „ f 0 l| OWM mnal records were set in the speed 7 events, including speeds over 120 s*pumb*r jj.j* m 'l f * P- r hour. I SSS-” October 2-4 Oclobor S-n October » II October 12-15 Oclofecr 1S-1« Ocldbor JO-22 Keserve grand champloh was Draconic Lovely Lassie, shewn by the Heap Jersey Farm of Buds. The champion bull title went to Draconic Royal Baron, owned by Harman Keep of Buds and D. T. Blmmone of Fort Worth. Mara than 1,000 persons were-! In attendance as Dr. Rupel an nounced the winners eligible for j| a - naa t An . n t . llK 1 The Astronomy Club will hold the national Jersey show at Col li!' "IS™™, 't' I > u meeting this semester to- umbus. Ohio. Mpraxseil Ha nn« » Ihal a BindlHHi ii> laitfaHtat)l p»"*ram hr rtrtin-d Mil in iitHvidv ttuor seal* Hi Rfly ilium, atui ratih.i dlrartaii lha at •i , uMvr iiiiatil I" glthr) Ihe nra. e*Mty infnrtaaliHii la Intmalaia a lirtigram far the pravtainn qf the ruaafrtirtlun funits Jim Nnten «■• named Aselsian! •eiietat) of the Asso. Will adit The Texas Aggie. HtOlJKiY ULUM MFrriNG All Aggies who are Interested In Biology nr related ftalda are In vlted to attend the nrgsnlaationm meeting of the Biology (Tub, which will be held In the Leetura K»om of Science Hall, Tuesday at 7:.10. All old members of the club are es pecially urged to attend. when he rollaitaeil 1 Mia health hail keen Ual June when he 1 eperallufi which t!la< Maaftalttu Infill tl iiitt wHrP»*l“ ^Pvv“f v-raw vYVffvl I a vxral leader had ^ ay night • hame, falling sin#* underweal in Iselased an Ik )alla* Manager To AddreNH SAM ....A-B ..C-MC r-o-H l-J-K . I. M N <i |- y R-. TAJ-V W-X-T Z Dick Price, president and owner loVta IriHlriK tOF of Price Motor Coanpany, Dallas, a • IX 0 4 L! > CC will be principal speaker of the JOIIIS te&A ^ tit 11 student Society for the Advance ment of Management Tuesday eve ning at 7 p. m., it was announced ject., over coffee and donuts be- nj ht , t 7.30 jn ^ , 9 of th<> tween masses on Sunday will be hyilict bui , di ETrryone inUr . I this year and all Cath- ^ in Mtronomy U invlu<1( ,011c student, are invited to join cordi ^ v „ 0 'Bryan. pres,- lin thi. and the other rarvicea. d<nt A of and tel escope studies have been planned for the term. An active project of the club will be the construction of a 24” telescope, which will he ex ceeded in sise in the Southwest on ly by that of the McDonald Ob servatory. Edward S. Packenham, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, has joined the bus- Ag Mag Grnies Off Press in November The first issue of The Agricul turist, bi-monthly magazine for : the School of Agriculture, will be published in early November. Studenta who have not yet sub scribed to the magasine may do so py**: ?*™r**™r r* ln * M ln ** husbandry or poul- engineering lee- a. an instructor T. W. Leland. de- try huiban<lry offien, in the Dean *«aCS wfl, K* in h ' > ^' 10 . urK ^ »• of Agriculture', office, or in any and the aamaater’s program plan- Lombard College, Illinois, and did ned. It was stated. Price's subject graduate work at the University for the evening will be "profit 1 of Illinois. He is a member of Pi Sharing—A Naw Flan for Employ- Gamma Mu and Pi Kappa Alpha. ring Building Subscription rate for the entire 60 rents year la All management engineering ■tudenU, at well as those interest ed in the society, are invited to attawl. Th. ilaiwe la srhedulad far Hal unlay night after Iks ARM Tea aa Tart, naHhall game, Walp ■tateil, and final pi spar* turns will laai ItiMlIta Ml I Km MttatallHA All Nah AhlrniUi AitfWi iN ft* FFA Menu Tonight The ARM Callagiat* CkaiHar af ihe .Fnk#ra Farmers af America will MMI IlHa event ag al 7 la Ik* Agriraltiiral Nnginraring l*eri#ra Mimm A iftavte, cntHtol "the WhHe Haak," will ka akawa Fencers Meet Tuesday Th# ARM Fencing Club will hold H. Initial meeting of the same# tar an Tuesday, “ In the north s ME'* Meet Tueridav V TH# local chapter of tha A8ME will hold the firat meeting of tha currant semester at 7 80 p m , Tuaa4«y, In Room 804, Meehan leal Building Organisation of the so- All man Intoraatail In this apart ciety far the aemeatar, and plana ara Invitwl to attend this meeting j for the aetivitle* of the year will It ia eapeetra that epaa and ka discussed at this time x will fi Rept II at I pjn. ■tanjs of the gym eataa In this apart T2 Grad Joins B&A Staff as Instructor Edward C. Cams, of HaskeB, re cently joined tha business and ac counting department staff ai A. R M„ T. W, LpHinit, Rapertmaat head, has announced. Cass graduated from A. R M. in 1942. Returning after four military service, ha work and aenred as 1 sistant. Hs became atructor September 1. Spanish Club to Meet A meeting of the Rpanisk Club III he kale ~ sato squads will he farmed th ad MgR to th* ragtiUi folllr Usi year th. i**m fo *ral out of town ms to hsv* more Iht. y*sr dB ■All students majoring in mschan leal sngtnrarmg ara urged to at] land this meeting A apaettl iav|> tatian la NkatMlad la any eagH*a*f• 1 tng student who wishes to attend. The show ended in Waoo Sat-1 urday with s parade of chiRnpion* and an afternoon sale. Director of ASGE To Speak Tuesday Oscar H. Koch, a member of the board of directors of the Nat ional Society of Civil Engineers, will be guest speaker of the stu dent ASGE Tuesday evening after yeM practice. To be held in Sbiaa Hall, thia will be tbe first mapting of the student chapter for the fall someator. A member of the firm of Koch and Foxrier. consulting .-ngineer* of Dallas, Koch is noted for his work in the municipal field. Aa a director of the national group, he rspraaanU District 15. j HB aabjact for tho evening will be the alms and objectives of the ARCS. All aivil engineering atudonta and faeuHy members are invited to attend. Refreshments will bs serv ed, Teeeday sveniag at * ‘ Build- will TiM ta Ream III, As'ademD B* lag. H waa annau wad Friday rrtmary purwaae af tka masting is to vloct effiaara and alan aatG Wllttaft fagm (k M 1 urrmtil Kassil Wvvta mua* vtavi™ wratrarai 11* *i»v8Sl l i to sttand. In IB I’t. Arthur Club Meet Hurt Arthur ARM dub O’-1 Tweed ay night at 7 1 af tka AeademB he fur tka earning year LO i .•UBERCULOSiS ASSOCIATION* Tuberculosis: * The earlier found the sooner cured Watch this space for news about tuberculo sis, oapec tally in Texas, and Braxoa County ia particular. • 4 . - i ily 8 years, from try 1, 1943, to Jan- 1, 1»4«. tuberruV In only 3 January wary loaia rausod tka daatk of 8887 persona la Tax* a. Of thoaa dratka, 4111 were among wane aaraona, 3188 smona UtkiAmerisaRa, 17n among nog roes, > i