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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1947)
• I it' ■ ‘ : •7 t / * v Battalion f '<*, V F Tl 1 T T O F T A I Q Cj jj • 1 ; , . | ] : * i I 1 f li , |4r'i P*(«t ? ' r ' TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1947 Four Parties in Texas Now Wkat't all thi* fuM about Texas being a name four major Pyyf in^Texaa, two of them Democratic and two Republican. Far from having too few parties, we have too many. £ weeks ago the Republican partly of Texas became split, in a manner similar to the split among Democrats a few years »Ro. Texas Republicans may not cast mangi votes, statewide, but in Republican national conventions the Texas delegation carries plenty of weight. It sometimes seems that the Republican party of Texas exists solely -for the purpose of voting in convention ev- •fy four years, then curling up in a corner f *nd going to sleep. According to news dispatches from Dal las the state Republican leaders have fallen out over whom to support in the presidential race next year. At any rate, George Hop. kina, state chairman, was supported by two-, thirds of the state executive committee in ousting from party office Alvin Lane, gen- eral counsel, and Harrs McLean, finance chairman. , ^ one of those believed to be p edgHd to Thomas E. Dewey in the next Re- publican national convention. Whether Lane and McLean are working for some other Re-, publican candidate is not known. However, oi I th- *®FubttcgB Club °* haa been urging K. publi- cana in Texas to taka their party seriously Texas Hypocrites... Kvnrybody talks about racial diacrlmina* Uoo and not tolerance. They discuss, they ■dvtooi ead they condemn; but all think with blind oblivion that their houaee Is dean Suddenly, eesmlngly behind the back, race £5 jta ^ “ d • vwybody loopholes in the law are ferreted out by many in an attempt to evade ‘'obicctionaT rulings. Just that Is the case in Cuero, where a recent segregation made between Latin- American pupila and other children in the public schools brought to light other auch in- cidents in the state. Because of political or social standing, public officials condone these practices in many cities. , The law has been interpreted to mean that no child can be separated from the reg ular public schools because af race or color. But the loophole that has been capitalised is that a student may be segregated on the ba- sis of a literary test which discovers s lan guage difficulty or other deficiency. - Tsually the facilities provided for the Latin-American students are inferior to the regular schools. Even when these “step- Mother India... August 15, 1947: The birth of a lusty sot of twins stirred newspaper readers from their summer doldrums. Bellicose, yet strangely pacific; racially disparate, yet poa- OI raaistan w« delivered from the womb of Mother India. Su|M‘rviaing their birth were English ob stetricians itndoubti'dly labor pains were present, but perhaps this is the first time that such pains were mors noticeable in at tending midwives then In the mother herself. The shades of history have been drawn on tragic India. The era of Imperial lam, eco nomic js’iict ration, and exploitation are paat. The white m*n'a burden haa been lifted from the ahouMers of a “superior" race and ahift- ed to “heathen' backa. Tories of thepaat—Cllve, Warren Hast- Jnga. Wellesley, ftavelnck. Curaon - have bowed to social lets of the present time. In- dia haa taken ita place In the British Com- monwealth of Nations No longer subeerv- lent to British control, the two Dominions are now on their own. Economically, Bmpire preference agree ments will place India and Pakistan in a pos ition which should ultimately see great in- duatrial development become a reality. Both of the two new nation* will profit from such agreements The remainder at the work! market will enhance their chances of success ful sales of sorely-needed raw materials WKhgodlgtou, amount, of oiplUl, thTh«> youngsters should mature rapidly . , . k ^o- Th6 w pe ^!f? r b ? und * r y settlements, the many hundreds of religious sects, the lack of racial homogeneity within each dominion and the praximity of the Russian Beer ap^ and make genuine campaigns for election, in- '*for tl steed of just runni._ . group has been publishing * stive the record.** This „— t— • "The Two-Party Newa, urging conservative Democrats, so often in sympathy with Republican objec- tivM, to swap the donkey for the elephant We believe Texas should have two major parties. During the history of the United States, there have been two fundamental schools of thought on government and eco nomics, roughly spoken of as the Hamilton ian and the Jeffersonian. The Republican party, with ita antecedent Whig and Feder alist groups, has usually spoken for the Ham iltonian ideas. The Democrats hsve frequent ly wobbled from the Jeffersonian basis so that we have Jackson Democrats, Wilson Democrats, and Roosevelt Democrats. But certain lines of thought link all Democrats together, except for the Texas Regulars, who revolted from the Democratic party a few years ago. Their philosophy Hnlr^ them more closely with Republican thought. Which is one reason the ‘Two-Party Newa” has been urging the “Regulars** to come over Into the Republican camp. • Now that the Republicans have been split ao badly, they have probably lost their chanm for a heavy vote in Texaa in 1948 ^ We bslieve it would be heal- th L^ r . Tex *J“ * abU# * <*°oae between candidates of either national party, without feeling that ont party’s candidate, however excellent, couldn't possibly win in Texas children" are allowed to attend classes with all the other children, they are discouraged : c r M^ ftam “ yo ' th * ph “- 0 ' It haa been seen, however, that when the opportunity Is given time, they prove to be a credit to the school they represent They are conscientious and capable students and their ftew" 14 ** ° f * V * ry chano * to excel in We agree with Dr. H. T. Manuel, profes- sor of educational psychology at the Univer- Bty of Texas who says, "These children want no special privileges, but only opportunity. Latm Americana wish to be participants m the drama of life rather than mere specta tors. They want reasonable security, edu cation and recitation as full-fledged metn- , r* of the group. They want democracy; democracy wants them/ Such incidents as these cropping up in 7. exa f T bow hypocritical the people in States are at times, especially when Latin Americans still must strive for ln °® e °f *he largest and seemingly most tolerant nations in the world. pear to assure India and Pakistan a lively political future The Colossus of the North * "M—illy interested in all the exciting events which have recently taken place at waitin^wm d S r * t SLi, A E? Ucy of watch ful ™Ung will undoubtedly be pursued by of ficials of each of the new nations. Both Pakistan and India have had the most persistent problem which has faced governments duntped right into their . immediate consideration ... a social problem the magnitude of which is all but Inconceivable by most Americans. Illiteracy, disease, superstition, and a lack of hospitals m’MLBhnv ^ th* more l>r o bl»ms The two dominions will ""b a f> rconomlc or nollUcal position oomparabls to that of Canada. New Zealand 2U ny of dominions until the nee- ••eery social seeds hsve been planted For iu* world’* people, fbr the benefit of msnkMT tcemendmisBo- «*1 improvements must be stressed bv lead- •rs of each government ... aoctally In- dia sad PakisUn face years of struggle. It m BOt a ii U ? tion of l *ffing one's aetf up by his own bootstraps. A planned course of ac- an^ U * t u be # ado,,t ^ andfol,ow ® d * It Is the or»F»ortunlty for which Indians have waited hopt that oppor tunity will not be thrown away. wlf 81 quibble ov#r our democratic TiL ♦ fe / 0m r / 1 roTn th* National Auth- - Handbag Indastry, f * that 7°men need handbags as much as men need pockets and that to tax and ^ ^ 18 —TIDE Ht Know* Which Side I* — H* BETWEEN THE BOOKENDS ... Firsthand Report on Saudi Arabia’s Worldly Position »r Mrs. wasem ArasM RsaSw’s ASrinw Thlg to s atrelfh(forward m- •«»"( of tte •nwr»*nc# of s HttU- ‘‘"owii nation mis the msdeta world. lu author to an Amoriesn wlnln* onetnoor who Invwtlf..^ tte natural ranouroo* of Saudi Ar- abU at tho raquMt of Klttg Abdul Ail* ibn-flaud, travdlnc ortr SO,- f 00 "‘ir, ^ ^ rwrton* ntror ho- SnT® a n0,1 M<)»lorn •■•oetsMos with uiu any ouwr An lean to wdto on Saudi Arabia. Bar* to firsthand information on tha noography and climaU, waUr •upply and tranaporution fadlitiaa of a new nation, ona-third tha aiaa of the United State*. Mr. TwitchaU daacribea the eustonu of tha conn- try to ba ancountered by foreign wntara of naional Ufa that Kara hitherto been little more than legendary names to tha West ern world. Ha includes a hiatory of the powerful ruling house of Saud and an outline of the political ad- ministration. Lastly he considers tha position of Saudi Arabia in world economy —Ha contact with the West, ita valuable o.l and mine resources, and future possibilities for Saudi Arabia in commerce and agrieul- , ture. His report is illustrated by photographs taken during his trae- , els in the Arab kingdom. A APPEAL TO THE NATIONS by Thomas. Henry Bolt and Company. Tha subject of this book to the knotty sad urgent problem of evolving a workable peace while is ttill time. Thomas seas tha world rushing into a third and more appalling world war, davoUl of constructive leadership equal to the task of preventing it. In aix chapters he analyios bril- llantly th# various proposals that Hava bean triad or outlined In the P** 1 ; Thte* include peace through I 7.' P*** ‘hroufh the l nltad Nations, peace through | fear, peace through world com- ! m «"*•», peace through world or ganisation. and peace through preventlva war or appaaaemant j Thomas points out trenchantly tha Inadequacies of them all. Ha restates tha problem, die- rusaea the seedbed areas of war, S f li 1) K N T COMMISSARY Rw 214 Houftoo Street EVERYDAY PRICE LIST Nn. * Oan Libby Tomato Jukm, ISc The Battelhm, official College Station, noons, except during Advertising rates ' tion Roon* I. am af The Battalion^^^H Thlsir' t *3*-«ick 7 ^ I) «r at tbs ‘ti-tSu -Ademabtn —Tto Bo PWced On No. Stt can Hnwna la aneea and cbm Ma t < Mteg*. Kpanma PMda . . 14c • 80 pterda from Bus Stop a Open Monday—Wednesday Friday — 8-8 PM *>» Veer Sporting Oooda Noada JONES SPOS GOODS the problem of Ruaaian and Eaat- ern Europe. Bto four roncluding •hapten contain Thomas’wrapra! ponal for pease—his appeal to the nation. 0^ world F Tim b.s.c #laments of his argument are dto- armament and the liquidstion of should taka the Initiative In world •f tha laauaa and tha minimum Price of peace. .y*** ^ *® defeatism or despair In Thomas outlook; his proposal to constructive and practicable, and hie expreaaion of the whole eitua- tion to with clarity and vigor. Civil Service Jobs Open to Engineers Examinations for the position of Engineering Aid have been an nounced by the United States Civil Service Commission. With salaries ranging from *3,021 to *3,307 a year, the positions to be filled an located in Washington, D.C., Vir ginia, and Maryland. To qualify, applicants must p»«« s written test, and in addition they must have had at least 4V4 year* of engineering experience. At least one year of this experience must have ben in a specialised en gineering branch. Appropriate college study in engineering may be substituted, year for year, for the required experience. Nary Improves Radar Device . . . New GCA Spot Planes »p»rng|> (OCA) radar equipment te asetot piaMt Itidtogln over- la now retdf for op- tw ® »rtr dariMfTi* tower rontrol para tors are Mown the exact po- •ition of ax approaching plan)' and ^Thto to the first bwtallation of tetoipi^ The eeveh sad hetehl finding antennas are on «7-fo<.t steel towers to help eliminate tha f'rtted clutter" or radar echoes from nearby obstacl.-* FjlteWr ImportaXi in this la- atelkdion to the inclusion of aU hutni—1 tin tbs airport control tower instead of ta • eopvmted station on the field. All interns- tkai received by them to fed to a control room located directly be neath the visual control tower, thus eliminating the need for sep arate crews ter instrument-weather and normal contact tower opera tional / , / . 7 Basically, OCA to equipment lo- The AVALON GLUB !• ML W. Bryaa—Rwy tl SoUclte your patronage Wo serve the boat of food— ^iJOODJDf SBABON fU*D cmcnav Air Ocuwttttouod — Beautiful Dance floor. Bor lleoar. • aftSSFU Mil,at aa airfield whtoh ponalt* tround operator* to eewn the sky *i'd Artirt approaching plane, •voa In heavy fog and dense over ••rt, when ptiota are entirely ua- abto to aae the airport. Thaos grouad operators communtoato with the plaito by evdtaary aviation ra dio, directing th* pilot to the prop or approach petion and d„wo a propte jBis mm teNilte 4 Bib On# of the new devtoea te be em ployed to 0 separate very high tn- identification Indies- radio / r L hic , h n ' nh ** on * com W en larged teas the bearing of any plane coamurteaUag with the tow er by voice radio. Tha plsne’e ex- act position in Motion to the air port to thus indicated. The other new device to a radar height-find ing antenna which the operator CM poirt in aay direction, and ia- medjately determine the altitude of the plane. DIAMOND EDGE POCKET KNIVES A SPORTING GOODS Hillcrest Hardware 2018 OoltafB Road Engineers ... “THE COMMENTATOR’ Yoa! SUBSCBDB AUGUST 80 Rdfhrtmtioo Day Only Per Ycmr AIR CONDITIONED Opona 1:00 p. M . Ph. 4.U8I — 8 DAYS — 2 Big Frmturvw NARZAN and the huntress^ AND DEAD of NIGHT’ —Al»o— Neo Sport* Short PALACE BRYAN Wdtey wad Saturday MAURENE OHARA M u Homestretch COMING-. Pvme Saturday Night — aday, Momday aad Tuesday DONDeFORE hi 'll Happened on 5th Avenue Tuesdly - Wed and Thursday COMING.. Friday and Saturday