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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1947)
T —- T ■ • V < ' 1 / PUBLISHED IN THE OF A GREATER ARM COLLEGE Vohimt 4? COLLEGE STATION (j I), TEXAS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1947 Number 90 Bill Brown Appointed Corps Cadet Colonel aughik^Name(9|m|SeM Krueger, Jackson, Shannon, Lewis -- Command Regiments • l Sullivan to Play For VSA Dance Aug. 23 Five Winners in Key Design Contest To Be Announced in Tuesday’s Balt Johnny Sullivan and his Houston orchestra have ao> \ cepted the invitation to play at the AH-CoUege Dance Satur- day evening, August 23, it was announced early this week, i The dance, under the sponsorship of the Veteran Students . Association, will be held in the Grove from 8 'till midnight. Sullivan, who has been playing at the Houston Plantar tion, received such an ovation at the Senior Ring Dance in May that he was asked to make a return engagement Tickets, selling for $1 and $1.50, stag or drag, may be purchased from any officer of the Veteran Students Asso ciation or from any dormitory representative. Students holding social aa.^ ssment cards will be charged $1, where as tickets for non-paid members will cost $1.50. I. H la Next Issue ^ Winners in the Veteran Students Association key de sign contest will be announced in the next issue of The Bat talion. The five winning designs will also be printed at that time. - Let'a Make Thin Dream Come True Teague To Visit Greece And Turkey on Inspection Tour By F. F. Block Representaitve Olin E. Teague announced Tuesday in an interview that he would leave next month with a group of congn ssmen on an inspection of Greece and Turkey. The purpose of the trip is to see how money borrowed from the “t Uni tod State* la batnf used for tirook and Turkiah aid. Boforo flying to l»niinn on tho first lag of taa tnp tho group will apond a fow days in Waah- tacton aad Now York CRjr, visit ing (Ha (lanaral Aaatmhiy of Uto U. M. 0. and making final prop- araUoas. Tongue tkougfci tk* group would bo abroad for about f woobs, apond. ing I wooba in Qroooo, I wooaa in Turkey, and a work in other part* of Kuropo. Toagua addod that h« hoped to vtalt aoeto of thr foreign uslvofitloa wWrv votorana art at* tending under tho 0. I. Bill and observe condition* at those place* Teague conaidered being a mem ber of the inspecting committee an honor, and aald that Charles A. Baton, chairman of tho Foreign Affair* Committee, was responsible for his appointment When asked about the auocess or failure of the recently adjourn ed 80th Congees*, Teague stated be was unable to Judge % A&MUantrymfn Win Top Honors At Hood Rifle Meet Ayfts Infhntry advancptl ROTC atudsnts took tho high est honors In rills competi tion at Cnmp Hood this rum mer. Colonel 0. 8. Msloy, Jr., Com- mandant and FM8AT, announced Monday. Scores for tho match will bo sent to HsodsusrbgfA -Army Ground Forooo, for comportaon with ro- sutta of similar contoato held In summer camps in every Army area. The winning school will re ceive the "Warrior erf the Pacific” Trophy, a small statuette donated by the University at ' a period of on# year. Rill Brown, senior pre-mod stu dent from Cleburne, was appointed Cadet Colonel for next your, Col onel G. 8. Meioy, Commandant and PMSAT, announced Thoradny. Bo wil command the four regiments on the main campus and the two at Bryan Army Air Field Annex. Brown was first sergeant of D Battery, Field Artillery loot year, Housing Office Conducting Survey For Apartments The Student Housing Office is repeating their house-to- house telephone canvas for available apartments and rooms for married couples, Harry Boyer, Chief of Housing, announc ed Wednesday. Approximaely two weeks will be required to complete the survey Boyer said. Member* of tho Hous ing Office staff spend several hours of the day telephoning resi dents of the Bryan and College Station area requesting their coop eration In reporting nil spnee which can bo used for bousing. Last year a similar campaign yiaUied about 10 rooms with kitch en privileges and over 100 indi vidual rooms for single men. At that lima residents of Bryan, Cald well, Hearns. Navaaota and Snook wato phoned, but fow vase and winner of the Caldwell Trophy for the outstanding cadet. Executive Officer of the Corps of Codots is Billy M. Vaughn, Bus. incss end Accounting major from Temple Hc-wea Albert Bantu Scholarship winner |eat spring, and bos been o distinguished stu dent for several semester*. He was in D Infantry last year. The first regimental comman der, Jack A. Krueger, is o Business 1 Accounting major from New Braunfels, ana is a distinguished student. He was first sergeant A Message to Every A&M Man in Texas On August 23rd the citlsena of Tex*s will vote upon the College Building Constitutional Amendment. The Amend ment carriM the endorsement and support of all sixteen Tex as State colleges and universities. It was overwhelmingly approved by the Legislature. A fivo-mlllion-dollsr building program for Texas A. A M. will be made possible If the Amendment is passed on Au gust Sard. Like the other sehoofc, we need these added fa cilities badly, Laek of claasmoms am! laboratory facllltiea on (he campua la one of the big reasons A, A M. la teaching and housing students at the Bryan Air Base Annex, 18 miles from the campua. p far as I know, there la no general or organised op- ^ A M position to the Amendment. But It la In grave danger be- ‘•Communlam and How to Combat H*\ testimony given cause of Indifference and lack of Information on the part of by J. Edgar Hoover before the House Committee on Invest of A Battery, FloM Artillery, tost your. . Jock E. Jack ton, second regt- A WsMtol commander, U a veteran student from FarmomBto, Texes. He holds tho Air McdofiritB four dusters, the Good Conduct IMh end the ETO ribbon with two bronsc battle stars. Serving in tho Army Air Corp- .luring the war, Jackson was aa aerial gunner. He to an accounting major, and in B Squadron. AWjForee, last year. He to atoo a dtotingutoh- od itudaoA. Ralph L. Shannon, electrical en- _ neering student and a member of Vet Company 1, toot year, will head the third regiment this fall. During the war. Shannon served in the / AridMe^btlfli Theater, and was chief techniciaa on an Amu-d Forces Radio station. Hto home Bonita, Texas. Another electrical student. Gene B. named fourth res dor. He to a from Terrell, her at A year. listed below to a complete rooter of promotion*: Baud Cayt* David R. Howell, ( ommen der; 1st Lt. William B. LaRoeht, '-in-Command; 1st Sgt., Jos. kinaon, First Sergeant; and Carl B. Whyte, Supply s,-r Kawanians Hear Hoover Disc On Un-American Investigation the voters of tl.g utatc. A. A M. men, the ex-students of the other state schools, C stlon of Un-American Activities last soring, was prsseuud y transcription at ths Kiwanians luncheon Tuesday. Th 1. to judge beCHUKP w __ Hawaii, for thia had been his first term, bat ' a period of one year. he thought our having a Demo- High man for the Aggies was "■Be President and a Republican William H. Whitoett. of Seguin. a "V • healthy sitaatian. * I Marino Corps veteran student. He “T™* rivee the Government a much scored 193 points out of s possible needed balance of power”. Teague 110. Fifty-three Aggies averaged continued. 178 in tho contest, Concerning Veteran legislation rolUeea in he Southwest 11****®. * I ** ,nber ^ House romtltid teX Hfle mee? I oui* Affairs Committee, grant- l.n.”sut» Urn,,™,,. OkUlwiB. - 1 *«« ««"«”•. M AAM. New Mexico College of Ag- 1 * or V ricultun and Mechanical Arts, Ar- ” t kauu Um«r,lty, Crtiu ClW. " ^ IT at«te TWherm Oklleee 0r * 01 Cn *ST , M to pass SB meres* i ^ subsistence, a suitable bill for Prairie View AAM, and Texas A. ^ tor|u| b<mgtaf( , bill MUb . * I lish a higher ceiling of wage* for High-point man far Camp Hood <>„ the job training, ends bill TV »Uowing mors compensation for the fus P. Cavil of Praiito Vtow. ; orphans and widows of veterans. Teague stated he had introduced T?* 1 ' f np s bill to sid orphans and widows. tish-bame rrot lo ^*** b^rrubi.bock. Assist With Utah of the Tnft-Horttoy Bill (consider sd anti-labor in many ciretoe), Antelope Research Deuartmsut of FUh lind Gama I mid the courts would got rid of and tha Taxaa Cooparattva the defect* > Wlldllfa Rssaarch Unit «t A. . a ■ m,., , A M. hs« been roquasted to ssslsl A A,lvl l , OUltrVlllt % ll siuT adataa Is ss oiiomIv# study L_, . _ * 7 J 1 gjB To Attend Parley imhasfi whs now holds ths tho A J - fw* ».h, .““k AZjSXiZ 2. 3. Discuss and promote favorable votes for the Amendment with ev*»ry person you see Vote youraelf, your family and your friends on August 23rd. Devote a few hours on August 23rd to en courage others to vote for the Amendment. The biggest job we face is getting out the vote. I know we can count on every A. A M. man part. With your help, August 23rd will be an important date in the history of our College and of higher education in Texas. Sincerely, A. E. “Red” HINMAN, and friend, of education In Texa. muat take the lead and do I‘""•"W 01 ' w »" lo • n * <, ‘o the group hy radio .tatlon KTHT the work if the Amendment it to be paaaad. I" J n ?"_ *!_ . . . j/ . 1 am asking you to do the following: Ag Field Trippers Lutheran Pastor fir >c- ^^riS^riTe 1 tMu Ksr z In hto study of snta>lop. ■ Busch- poultry sod poultry nor he* found that lhey oat very In Texas, tittle gross, evidently preferring: | SVgWifeS Aero Head Attend* do not thrive in competition with sheep, which also cannums woods. While in Utah, Buochnor will work with Dr. Jos sop B. Low, toed- or of tho Utah Cooperative Wild life Research Unit, Logan, to make a field examination of the pro posed antelope rango. Florida AF Show Edward K. Brush, now hood th* Aeronautical Engineering De partment, represented A. A M recent air exercises hold by the AAF Air Proving Oround Com mand at Elgin Field Florida Hoover, in testifying before the committee, stated that passing a law agaiast Communism was no way to fight it. Vigorous and in telligent Americanism with eternal vigitonce to the only way to com bat Communists to the United States. The party has already been outlawed in the minds end hearts of all true Americans, Hoover con tinued. "In fighting communism we are J not combating o political party but to do his actually a way of life, empha- m port ant * iMd Hooves. Thia way of life has nothing in common with our form of government, and it is th* in tention of the Communist party to destroy the capitalist system. The F. B. I. is doing everything to prevent their overthrowing the i mted States by force and viol- President Association of Former Students | • n <* However, Hoover reminded I the committee that it was not the Visit Stockyards Twelve agricultural students en- rolled to livestock marketing and K. Riggs, instructor, visited Fort Worth Monday on s field trip to th* market, Wallace L Giles, s member of the Fsokera end Bioskyordt Ad ministration staff, addressed th* ■roup on th* enfureontont of U8 >A marketing rules) Waiter Hto*. field man of th* atookysrds, rebi nd the y»r»L‘ fu»rU«iu Odes 8ie»th, manager of John flay and Com pnny, talked on the function* of a commies ten kouaei and Ted Oeutdy discussed newspaper and |||^|r||0| 9HPWH jludents making the trip worei Billy I, gMSerk Jiibert C Janos Fred L folllnt, Tkeo P. Prim, ■ i iMWCBlMLlbBtT T, Bspor, B. F, Qfsye, B. A, fetodek, AnMi Dmmmi, Jr.. Bob Moffat t. end WlUtom Hottond. Dorm 9 News Stand MoweB to Dorm 7 At National Meet Rev. Fred Mgehroff, AAM Luth oron student-chaplain and pastor the College Station American Lutheran Church, toft this week to attend tho annual staff mooting of NilliIMP ‘Dubsran Council's Student Berviee Oommtoaion. Ing is scheduled for th# Do Seven Foundation ot Racine, Wts •onsin from August 1M1 On his return trip Rev Mgehroff will rislt ths Ptritotot Rorvtos Crin- mto* ton's sfftoe In fk tengn m MMI The news stead located to Dor- ashary » hoe boon swvod to tho ^a _ - M gy oa 7. O. L. Martin, memofer, has Mortis. Tho move of the hmtsBstieo ages to Dormttortoo 1*. duty of the F. B. L to moke commendations, but to pre | facts and protect confidence. Many woll-meaning liberal progressive organisation* era noth ing but tools for the Communist party, Hoover pointed out This to true of yuor labor unions, certain youth movements, end a few in tellectual and creative organisa tion*. By n proo-M of draeit and misguided emotionalism, they hove managed to infiltrate into key poei- tions. In many instance* only 6% ot the total membership were able to capture the controlling office* to some organisation. There ore 74,000 Communist members to the United States, ac cording to the Hoover record moat of them residing in the state* of New York, California, Illinois, and Ohio. However, the real menace are thoee who do not officially be long to the portly but act in ag reement with all their principles Hoover thinks that if everyone will become conscious of tho thirst of the Communist party and ac tively combat K, we can to the long-run defeat k. >, U. Col., Jack A. wxwn momtori Mai, Henry A. •cuttve; aad G*pl DfS ham. Adjutant. -Manlu BsttftUoa n% J Luker, Bseeutiv* « ■'n,l U.^GuSSh?' fit ply Sergeant v. J •r (ompagy tafMMT Capt, Jam** W. Alexander, ( om maader; 1st Lt John T. Wtor, Sec omi-in-Command; 1st Sgt. El via B. Chapman, First Sergeant; and S/8gt. Aaron Charles, Supply Ber- goont. ‘T” Company Infantry Ut Lt James E. Kunkel, Sec ond-In-Command; 1st Sgt Letood G. Stewart, first Sergeant; and 8/Btt. Billie B. Wale., Supply Sergeant. Artillery Betts hot. Hq. Maj. Nathajntri R. I>>»thorw,Kvi. 1 "mmander; Capt. William D Bar nett, Executive; and 1st Lt Frank R. Hardin, Adjutant -A” Buttery FJt. (topt. James C. Wtoktor, Com mander; l.t Lt Thomas R. Par- omu, Second-iW-Oommand; and S/8gt. Doyos;/ R. Block, Supply Sergsont ”B” Battery FA Cant Marvin L. Jones, Com msndor; tot U Jack R. Jam**. Second in Command; 1st Sgt Bur- See APPOINTMENT, Page 4 V. J. Day ... 2 Years Ago.. • Aggies Were A U Over the World final srraagemente fnrl»ulMtog p|t)rill V, J, j I, However, *S ihsl up fi hy "Duhs” Hebhs It seems that wine, woman, and song wore the order of ths day oa Auguat 14, 1141,. , V. J. Day, Bes Fes, eerier F. K student am JUrper, was on Ward la land, Corpus CkrtoU, Toast, when the MHts of Nina surremterad He use on duty that day as the poor fellow had to remain on tho past m bn irri. intPI III HE Utm mfia^m III graft Ij^ gkgMI 1 fig# kg sraraalra wv r™eefr*raer fy* riura*f™v»» we»ra^^ris| I ^sri vwratfW and paroonags near tho A. 4 M, mtid Fun, "There wore sojmo, •smpue, gala for every seller I hot day 1 1 w \ In iq i in I \ . ' IT, , , riST* I rws . * V, J, warning we* Ilk* any other I WO Extenilionrni I morning tor wmon Hsm , - _ . maud who wts stotlonod st Oar- Attend 4-H Parley ; I mM^OAamal as4rf I si u *^toraAa4 A fhMI a 1 su4#%mm • Yl raa,, - *. _ as a _a I WWTWfuM DAIOfllPm WwfIB eAr leril\IfiiVl T State NyrnuT rirtlk r*" "toorty, "All of the fitltenry tin XI rl: Sir moltow”, M&. supenrisor for th# A. sxmd aooerte. "The women Were rnu. Extension Service, attended a hissing tveryone, there was a earn ('onf..r,r»cJ JhSToJZSaSZ \ KH*5s; , It ing on top of the cars, ana every - tons this week. The conference end. ^ Upey-turvy.” While ed today. | trying to fight his way out of the Tractor maintenance work to i crowds, Hammond was picked up 4-H Club* originated in 1P44. This ; by two afeef?) girls who hod a conference to designed for mom- convertible (believe it or not). He bon to exchange experience* and returned to the bam early th* next successful togwlquaa sad to eoor- morning so the next liberty seemeu dinote literature on th* subject. 1 could toove Rill Hetehktoo, veteran student from Courttoud Atobsma, was to Idas Austria, with tho Mih In fantry Division They hpd just eomototsd sight wooks of tratoing Oermsny and had rrlrimpd to upy th* elly they bod wrested from ih* hand* »f th* K»uut# torer and s half month. |M*viuueiy, The Austrian Frauieina were s* gbd lo hrar of Dm Mod new* so wore lloti hhIs* and hto huddle* T»>*( ■Bwbwjh AtRwAfMA mtuy •ooa for tho second Um* Hous ton was to a turmoil "E was ex- rise to drive one blosk" Si«ht Quito and aevsral frtortda 2v*wwsa tv* 5: Muetrial Bduraliot mo ■AntMto, op (luom war fmm Son An had returned front s C r Irw en th* U J.R, Ft before th* Abeul twshto •ksosii that night Khmu * 41 day Hrahlltatl JsSe. _ „ JRI to* hmarine Beit Cnmp ( ommandet gov* each man three can# if b.. r some "rink lad/” (gyro alsohol to the untoformod), 0M toffMgl sh cohol to solebrat* with. Wcb-i- declare* that of win# and song they had Iw had a pient, women but wonderful time just the (The Fifth Infantry Division wh« being redeployed to the Pacific Goa Gallo, Economics senior from Houston, waa ovcrjoy.d when he heard of th* surrender. He j home on whet would hove been hto tti right Quito and ravoral frioruto hod s party si ill gMN fipg, ffes i«si day wsa sprat to rraupoful AtogJgflpNMhTWlq serving no t|w storraft .wirier, CVF 107 with ►4,Chftoto uf hto ajwsMnsg to* day wm routine with two gra. rasl quArtsta sotts, and mitorad Hto4>pciation. Y*e, that wo* a mem.imbi* oe- «mpto Ivory one let hto *81? '^ws and raleaeod the pent uf emotion* of throe and s half long, m»«ltns years of war, shortages, i.n.) hardships. The entire world u *' J-ycuRly greeting the sdven- of s new poriod./HMOe. prosperity, and happme^wuro just orsuad the corner, /