Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1941)
Page 4 Texas Section Of SPEE to Meet At Rice April 11-12 The Texas Section, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Edu cation (S.P.E.E.) will hold its tenth annual meeting at Rice In stitute, Friday and Saturday, ac cording to the program issued here by H. C. Dillingham, professor of electrical engineering at Texas A. & M. College and secretary-treas urer of the Texas Section. Outstanding engineers from all of the engineering schools in Tex as will appear on the program as speakers or discussion leaders dur ing the two-day program. All phas es of engineering education will be covered by the speaker at the meeting to be held on the Rice campus. The annual banquet will be held • in the Lounge Room, Cohen House, on the campus, with J. H. Pounr, of Rice Institute, vice-chairman of Qampus College Station 15^ to 5 p.m. — 20^ After TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Jimmy Cagney “Oklahoma Kid” and “Meet The Missus” THURSDAY ONLY GABARDINE Leads for Summer! • Color-Rich Patterns! • Stamina-Packed Fabrics! • Wrinkle-Resisting Weaves! Men’s Sport SLACKS 3.98 Go gabardine! Enjoy sum mer at its smartest! Make Penney’s your next stop to inspect this brilliant group of the season’s top- notch patterns—twills, her ringbones, diagonals, cords and stripes are all represent ed! Whether your taste favors conservatively plain slacks or new pleated models—we have the pair for you, and at a price you’ll be glad to pay! The Thermometer is Shooting Up! Prepare NOW to Keep Cool with Men’s Towncraft* SPORT SHIRTS 1.49 Fabrics that breathe, styles built to relax in, colors that pep up the spirit—you get all these with Town crafts! Porous cottons and rich ray ons in short sleeve models with convertible collars and the popular inner-or-outer tails! ♦Reg U. S. Pat. Off. J.C PENNEY CO “Aggie Economy Center” Bryan, Texas THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1941 A&M Architect Plans "House of the Month" SELECTED AS “House of the ^ Month” at President Roosevelt’s Conference on Home Ownership, the above plan was designed by Ernest Langford, head of the A. & M. department of architecture. It was recommended by the U. S. Department of Agriculture for either city or country residence, and it is planned to appeal no only to the prospective owner of a low- cost private home but also to the developer planning to build in quantity to fill defense housing needs. Both for beauty and to insure long life, the use of pure white lead paint is recommended for the original coat and for painting in future years. The old reliable paint, approved by government experts, is outstanding in its durability and keeps an even surface throughout its long lifetime at a minimum maintenance cost. The bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms have cross ventila tion. An insulated stove in the k-ru ^ Ft kitchen, together with mechanical ventilation, will keep this room comfortable in hot weather. And in sulation under the room in the first floor ceiling will keep the whole house comfortable and will save fuel cost in winter. The floor plan layout is about ideal. A hall gives access to every room in the house except the dining room. The living room, din ing room and kitchen are well re lated to one another, and the re lation holds for the bedrooms and bathrooms. Large windows pro vide plenty of light and air. The screened porch suggests many con venient uses. Complete building plans are be ing made available by the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the price of $1. Included with the plans is a cardboard cut-out model of the house architecturally drawn to scale. The model can be colored to enable the builder to visualize exactly what the completed house will look like. Texas Women’s Press Association Holds Three-Day Convention in Bryan Walton Delivers Address at Session Held Monday Night Dr. T. 0. Walton, president of the college, addressed one of the sessions of the Texas Women’s Press Association Monday night during its three day convention in Bryan. The Monday night session which featured his address was held in Maggie Parker’s Tea Room by the Bryan and Brabos County Chamber of Commerce. The convention of the press as sociation has attracted newspaper women and writers from all sec tions of the state for the purpose of friendship and furthering an understanding of their profession. Some of the visiting newspaper women were taken to lunch Mon day in Duncan Hall by members of the Battalion staff. Approxi mately 50 members of the asso ciation are attending. This is the 48th annual convention for the association. Sessions start ed Sunday night at 8 p. m. in the First Baptist church in Bryan and will last until the closing session -fthis morning. The executive board-f-ernor of Texas, spoke to the wom- met Sunday afternoon at 2, fol lowed by a musical program. A poet’s hour led by Mrs. Albert Dines, poet laureate of the asso ciation, was also a feature of the afternoon. Nancy Richie Ranson, poet laureate of Texas, read one of her own compositions. Pat M. Neff, president of Baylor University and former gov- en at the' first night session of the convention Sunday night. The sessions were presided over by Mrs. Cicero Parchman of Hous ton, president; Mrs. Ross Woodall, convention program chairman, Huntsville; Mrs. A. J. Buchanan, first vice-president; Miss Ruth Douglas of Denton, second vice- (Continued on Page 6) Experiments in Quick Freezing Started Recently For the first time in the history of A. & M., a class in Commercial Canning has started experiments in quick-freezing vegetables. This class, in the department of horti culture, is being conducted by Rob ert F. Cain, a graduate of Texas Technological college, who spent his first two years in college at A. & M. The first vegetable to be process ed and frozen by the new method is broccoli. Various container man ufacturers have been contacted and samples of their merchandise have been assembled, and are being test ed. The method now being used is expected to improve the quality and condition of the vegetable to such an extent that housewives will prefer it to the so-called “fresh” product available at gro cery stores and vegetable displays, because all of the freshness is re tained in the quick-freezing pro cess. Step by step the process as it is now being. used is to blanch the fresh-picked broccoli in live steam or boiling water for from three to five minutes, according to the con dition of the vegetable. The stems are trimmed in two to three-inch lengths for firm packing in the container. Hard stalks are discard ed before processing. After the steaming or boiling the vegetable is rinsed in cold water, allowed to drain and packed in the containers while still moist, and frozen as quickly as possible. The freezing is being done at the animal husbandry department freezer locker plant. The contain er is first placed in a vault with a tempertaure of 15 degrees Fahrenheit until frozen. It then is placed in zero temperature vaults for storage until use. Later in the course the students will use asparagus, cauliflower, peas, beans, spinach, blackberries and peaches. The public is invited to witness the process and ask questions about the findings of the students. the association, presiding. Dean H. B. Weiser, of Rice, will deliver the address of welcome and J. W. Kidd, Texas College of Mines and Metallurgy, association chairman, will give the response. Other speak ers on the banquet program in clude: D. B. Prentice, president, S.P.E.E., Rose Polytechnic Insti tute; and H. E. Slaymaker, British Consul at Houston. Dial 4-1182 for QUICK DELIVERY BLACK’S PHARMACY East Gate NOW NEW BUS SERVICE BRYAN - AUSTIN Via Giddings 2 DAILY SCHEDULES LV. BRYAN AR. AUSTIN 9:00 A.M. 12:10 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. Direct Connections in Austin for San Antonio and West Texas Points One Way Round Trip FARE: BRYAN - AUSTIN $2.00 $3.60 Kerrville Bus Compani], Inc. “FRIENDLY SERVICE” J SWEETS to the SWEET EASTER *£91 To Your Mother and Girl-Friend From our large assortment of Easter Candies, you can pick a lovely gift to satisfy every taste and desire with these famous candies to choose from: Pangburn’s - King’s - Whitman’s Joan Manning’s - Gale’s Aggieland Pharmacy THE REXALL STORE Keep To Your Right at the North Gate. The SMOKE of Slower-Burning Camels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR and 11* 7W£ S/MOKES TffE Wt/mf mmmM LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested —less than any of them —according! to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself CAMEL IS THE CIGARETTE FOR ME. MORE FLAVOR. ANP THEV'RE SO MUCH MILDER m : T ESS NICOTINE *« the smoke! Yes, science has confirnaed J-* this important advantage in Camel cigarettes ... traced it right down to you by measuring the smoke itself. Obviously, it’s the smoke you smoke. Camel’s costlier tobaccos are matchlessly blended into a slower-burning cigarette. That means no excess heat to flatten delicate flavor... freedom from harsh, irritating qualities of too-fast burning. Extra mildness, extra coolness, extra flavor— and less nicotine in the smoke! So—make that switch to Camels today. Dealers everywhere feature Camel cigarettes in cartons. For economy—for convenience—buy your Camels in cartons. B. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem, Xortb Carolina Sam i L K ■w.-vs., 11 Pi T „ c* m BY BURNING 25% SLOWER than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested—slower than any of them—Camels also give you a smoking plus equal, on the average, to 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! % tfh 111 THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS