Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1941)
TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1941- THE BATTALION -Page 3 or- M ra- ing Lha ar- tty cas Bl ast ig- id- of nd ies int ies ige to- cal i 1 / f ] ^ » H- ? t k * > li; •« MUSICAL MEANDERINGS By Murray Evans Not for many moons has Artie Shaw recorded anything like his current “Stardust.” It nas every thing to give it universal appeal, and it must have been just about what Hoagy Carmichael had in mind when he wrote the original score some years back. The first chorus is taken by the first trumpet, and although it is good, it is still the weakest part of the record. But Shaw comes to bat in the second round and you forget all about mediocre trumpets and concentrate, all ears, on the finest clarinet take-off to date on this old favorite tune. From there that fine' violin sex tet of his goes to work and makes you wonder why anybody ever started calling them “fiddles” any how. A good trombone half-chorus and Shaw again on the latter half take it out to a smooth ending, ably assisted by a soft violin back ground. A slow, loose rhythm, with a prominent bass and distinctive chord progressions throughout, back up Shaw’s ace soloists to make this his very best effort since he organized his new 22- piece orchestra. Anybody that •doesn’t go for it is an incurable jitterbug. The famous Ink Spots will be in Houston April 22 for a one-night- er. It’s a little hard to understand how these five negro musicians will play for dancing, for their type of tunes are more on the novelty side, and their rhythms are a bit too slow and soft to pro vide enough volume or tempo to keep an ordinary dance going four hours. It may be that other musicians will be added, enough to make a full-size band, and that the Ink Spot numbers will be featured by the quintet at intervals. At any rate, it will be a good show, and I understand that White Ink Spot admirers will be allowed to attend and that there will be a section provided for them. Eleven families cooperating in 1940 with the Extension Service of Texas A. & M. college as whole farm or ranch demonstrators re ported their incomes were between $231 and $500. The average per family spent for food was $116.07 and the value of food produced and used per family was $430.20. A Social Splash Will Bring Us to the Rescue Don’t let something spilled spoil an evening—when we can be depended on to dry clean the garment that’s been spoiled. We ARE experts. Aggie Cleaners ; .C LOT H JUST A NATURAL This natural tan is called Wicker. It suits all complex ions—and if you’re bronzed by the sun, you’ll find it par ticularly flattering. It’s also a “natural” for warm weath er — airy light, washable and wrinkle-resisting. One of a dozen new shades in our fresh collection of 1941 PALM BEACH EDITS You’ll be interested in the newly perfected fabric that’s smoother to the skin, and the modern tailoring touches that insure fit. And perhaps what you’ll find most interesting of all—is the price— Cotton Queen and Her Court The eight girls above are the beauties selected by a committee of students from the Agronomy Society to be the honored maids in the Tenth Annual Cotton Pag eant and Ball on May 2. On the front row from left to right the girls are Dava Raginson, Honeygrove; Laura Gainer, Me nard; Margaret Trulock, Paris; and Edith Ellison, Denton. In the back row are Connie Bindley, Fort Worth; Ruth Tilley, Shamrock; Sara Gillet, Whitewright; and Bet ty Bowman, Mineral Wells. All eight girls were first se lected from the 100 entries in the T.S.C.W. Rose Bud Festival. From these eight Miss Bindley was chos en as the Queen of the Cotton Ball and the other girls were designated as duchesses. In the lower picture is Miss Bindley with J. T. Anderson who was elected as King Cotton by the Agronomy Society. Anderson is a senior in K Company Infantry and is from Garland. The committee who chose the queen and the duchesses are J. W. Pinson, J. H. Robinson, J. H. Spann, W. M. Rountree, R. B. Hartgraves and Anderson. Cotton Ball Plans Advance With Background Under Construction By E. M. Rosenthal The plans for the tenth annual Cotton Style Show, ’Pageant and Ball, which will be held May 2, are more nearly perfected at this early date than those of any pre vious Cotton Ball, according to an announcement from John H. Robinson, business manager of the $17.75 Slacks $5.50. Three-Semble $24.50 (Sport Coat and 2 Pairs of contrasting Slacks) (flaldropgfi “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Central Boots Are Good Insurance! A good disposition is your first step toward success. Comfortable boots keep a fellow smiling. DON’T BE SATISFIED WITH LESS! 323 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas A. & M. Student Agronomy So ciety. Already members of the society are at work building the back ground for the forming of King Cotton’s court. This background will be a colored scene of the Land of King Cotton and will be located in the back of the Memorial Gym nasium as a setting for the corp- nation. Those members of the Agronomy Society who formed the committee to select this year’s Queen of The Cotton Ball and her duchesses report that this year’s girls are more beautiful than ever before. They also say that their task in the selection was quite a difficult one since the girls were selected from the beauties of T. S. C. W.’s Rose Bud Festival and, according to one member of the committee, they had to pick “the beauties of the beauties.” Connie Bindley of Fort Worth was selected as the queen of the Cotton Ball and Pageant. Her duch esses will be Laura Gainer of Me nard, Margaret Trulock of Paris, Betty Bowman of Mineral Wells, Ruth Tilley of Shamrock, Sara Gil- lett of Whitewright, Edith Ellison of Denton and Dava Rabinson of Honeygrove. Sanger Brothers of Dallas is sponsoring the Cotton Style Show. Their representatives have been on the campus several times to look over the setting and have expressed themselves as being well pleased with everything. They plan to bring ten professional models to display cotton wearing apparel now being assembled in New York, Los Ange les, Dallas and other fashion cen ters. Mrs. Margaret Wedell, Sang er’s representative, says that this year’s Style Show will be present ed in an entirely different and novel manner than those of the past. “The floor show at the Pageant will present professional talent which is sure to please the student body and their guests,” Robinson said. “We are sure this year’s show will go over with a bang. Most of the boys have worked on the last two Cotton Style Shows and feel that they know pretty well what the public enjoys. “Everything considered we feel that we are offering the biggest and best Cotton Style Show, Pag eant and Ball that has ever been given on the A. & M. campus,” Robinson concluded. A silage crop can be grown, harvested and put in the silo for about $2 a ton. “Would you mind giving this canary to my girl in Salt Lake City?” Silly of us to expect that much service from anyone. We’re so used to giving su per service ... we attempt to do the impossible. You can depend on us for the finest in oil, gas, tire fixing and other auto service. AGGIE Service Station North Gate - - Dial 4-4684 Twenty-Two New Books Purchased With Mother’s Club Contributions The latest list of books bought on student request has just been released by Mrs. W. D. Thomas, loan librarian. These books are purchased with funds contributed by the various A. & M. Mother’s clubs throughout the state, and are placed in the Browsing Room up on their receipt at the library. The latest additions are: Arnold, “Hot Irons”; Caldwell, “God’s Little Acre”; Curran, “Pia no in the Band”; Eaton,' “Quietly My Captain Waits”; Glasscock, “Here’s Death’s Valley”; Goodrich, “Delilah”; Grambling, “AP: The Story of News”; Halper, “Sons of The Fathers”; Hilton, “Random Harvest”; Jamieson, “High Frontier”; Mar- quand, “H. M. Pulham, Esquire”; Martinez Zuvira, “Black Valley”; Monks, “Squadrons Up”; Nicker son, “The Armed Horde, 1793- 1939”; Otto, “Things and Ideals”; Perry, “Hold Autumn in Your Hand”; Riesenberg, “The Pacific Ocean”; Rippy, “The Caribbean Danger Zone”; Stegner, “On a Darkling Plain”; Taylor, “Walt Disney’s Fantasia”; Valtin, “Out of the Night”; Wylie, “The Army Way”. Suman to Address Petroleum Engineers Tuesday John R. Suman, president of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and vice-president in charge of produc tion of the Humble Oil and Re fining Company, will address the Petroleum Engineers Club at a banquet today at 12 p. m. Chester Naramore, executive secretary of the Petroleum Divi sion of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, will accom pany Suman. ry TENSHUN! AGGIES! Let’s Take Those Spring Holidays In Full Stride . .. And you can hit that stride with a new pair of dress shoes which can also be used for regulation wear. A pair of real dress shoes that are suitable for campus regulation wear . . . THAT’S NEWS . . . THE EXCHANGE STORE “AN AGGIE INSTITUTION” in 1 WHITE FILM HE1EH fi OY dates, proms, parties...for mix ing with odd slacks for sports... for casual and more formal eve nings... for now and all Summer ...for coolness, comfort and style. Washable, too. See them at your clothier today. Pastels <£ T ^^5 and deep tones, too. -*- • • Palm Beach Evening Formals (white jacket and black trousers), $20. Palm Beach Slacks, $5.50. And by the same summer wear specialists—the new Goodall Tropic Weight—top value in lightweight worsted suits, $25. GOODALL COMPANY • CINCINNATI T A I LOBE D B Y_.G_00_D. A_L L ' n juLcii))i / f n omt M t G r N u I nYI: lcTtm $3250 Prize Contest. See your clothier jor details. I