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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1939)
Batta I ion Sports Spring COLLEGE STATION FEBRUARY 7. 1939 PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 7, 1933 Cadet Cagers and University Team I Meet at Memorial Gym Saturday Night »T B. c »JUr OATBS 4 BattaMoa 8»ort* Uitor Satarday Coach Hub Me- ‘'i QttUlaa'a Acgk eaffara moat Jack Gray's Steer fhra her* at CoUaga, bat they will be the uadardoft aaw that Cap tun Sammy Dwyer is in eligible. Dwyer waa the only let- temaa on the aqoad. Thia way ba a break (or Woody Varner, jnntor aquadman It looks to ba a sure tking now that Woody I wfll gat bb latter Harold C. Welch, who has bean counted Ml aa one of the mainstays of the pitching staff this ye (married Mrs. Frances Copeland of the Lavender Beauty Shop in Bryan Friday night The ceremony was hold la Hearne. Arkansas gave warning to the rest of the baakKb< dobs in the La Salle Barber Shop Stewart • O'Ceuaer COLLBGB STATION > 8HOB SHOP Plaest of materiala. Expert ip. Beliefec ties raateed or money back. Dl Caagelesi. Prop. circuit this past week-end. They bowled Baylor over in two gamoo and knocked them out of second piece. The Aggies still have two games against the Porkers. It was reported that Kyle Mc- Phail, big freshman tackle ineligible, but a recheek of his grades shows that he is in good standing This writer reported that Mar shall Kobnett was about to go un der in his studies, but he « through in grand style and la not oven close to the border line. Unde B.lly Diech has called hie University of Texas baseball team together. Offkisly they cant start practice until March, but they can workout on their own hook. The Aggies will probably spend the rdbt of this month limbering up and get ting in shape. Jade Cooper ha! re turned to school and wfll be fight ing for a place on the squad. Jack was batting champ last sseson. Norton started spring training this afternoon. He waited a day longer to start than ha had plan ned to that the boys could go home between terns. Most at the aften- noon waa spent in giving out uni forms and explaining the schedule for the spring. ThsM wfll prob- i b y be scrimmage games Are Open Saturday afternoon. For many years the Aggies have had bub Kwkrabbit” backs. John Kimbrough is the firet big man to be ks tha rear cordon in many Upl with a team meeting and the Norton and his Aggies their 1939 season today the Issuing of aaiferme for practice to approximately to men. The afternoon was taken WELCOME, NEW STUDENTS COME TO SEE US ANY TIME - And Meet Yonr Friends Ber« Best of Foods and Drinks at Popular Prims . THE COLLEGE INN North Late yean. Now the coaches are plas- niag on putting some weight back then with him. Big Eoel Wesson is going to the baekfield as it Bolus Motley who has been shifted from taekle. Finis White may go in as a blacking back. Finis is another 200 pounder. Art Adamson’s swimming team was hit below the belt when John- failed to pass the necessary amount at work. Dent forget that game with Tex as Saturday night. It is certeialy going to be worth seeing. Every man in the eorp can do him part in helping the Cadets that night. Ernie Lain, the 236 pound Rice quarterback, is in a Houston hos pital. He was operated on for ap pendicitis. Hs will miss spring practice, but Coach Kitts says that it ki better to loae him ia spring practice than ia the fall. Troop C Cav., intramural baaket- ball champs will go to Austin Wed nesday night, March 15 where they wfll plays the champs of Texas op Fite Nitej •' Papers Representing Three Groups To Be Presented at Oil Show Right or Wrong? A 2-minute test for telephone users isabing of suite Norton nays that all positions are wide open end that there Buy be so see surprise* when next fall rofls around. are 19 seniors reporting six letters. Fourteen lettered lest fall and wiD all be in there this spring eteept Marion Pugh who,will miss the grind because of a recent opera- •it-r. It appears as if there wfll be s wide open fight for the Job left open by Dkk Todd. Bud Force, “Bams” Smith, and Bill Coaataer will be fighting for it Three lettermen end* are ready. ‘'Big Dog” Dawson has been shift ed back to end where he starred as a freshman before lettering at tackle this past season. “Junior” Darby is beck. He is another six feet five inch 235 pound sun. Don't be surprised if Darby and Dawson sre tbs two ends next year. Ernie Pannell and Joe Boyd hav* the inside track on the taekle Job*. Routt and Henke wfll be the under studies. Marshall Robaett and “Rock’' Audish have the Inside track at guards. Ed Robnett has been shift, ed to guard from the beckftold and may give the bunch a run for their monif. Tommy Vaughn has the insid. track at center, but will be puahed by Henry Hauser, letternun center, and “Butch” Herman who lettered SPRING FOOTBALL' TRAINING BEGINS AT UNIVERSITY AUSTIN, Feb. T—The calendar claims it is still winter, but Urn of- Texas footballers have blithely disregarded it and stented their spring training A; full mouth of fundamentals .in.I play polishing it in stem fog some 75 athletes who will be can didates for Dam Bible’s third Ixmghorn Unm neat fall. Coach Bible plans four intra- squad games to spice (he session —Fob. 11, 18 and 2S and March 4. Absent will be 10 lettermen who finished their eligibflity last fall— Ends Joe Roach and John Peter eon. Tackle Bernie Esunas, Guards [JGmI HMkaa and Charley Naieer, Centers Roy Baines and Glenn Jackson. Backs Wally Lawson, Itm Boyer snd Bill Forney. Most diffi cult to replace will ba Rhodes, all- conference guard, and Lawson, who did most of the Steers' p*—«ng snd kicking and much of their ball carrying. The coaches hope to pick up a lettered tackle to repines Esunas. Barekell Buriinson, winner of n in *37, did not compete last fall because of heavy school work. He has indicated that be wfll take part in spring training and resume his varsity career next season. Allinson and Co-Capt Pary My ers would give Texas a peir of Mg, experienced tackles and might auks it possible to move Don Wil Hams, 220-pound handy-man of the line, back to guard in Rhodes' place. At present Williams is listed as a taekle, the position et which he finis'll the *38 season. If Bible chose, he could plaa oa an all-1*tteman team except at Dwyer Ineligible for More Basketball This Season on Aggie Quintet LEGISLATURE - RECEIVES,BLL ON EDUCATION The ^'technical paper fro*ja . , . , , , . . turned In by students in H ' ^ ■ 1 “ u group mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, and petroleum en gineering will be chosen sometime before the first part of April to ba entered in the contest sponsored by the Oil World Exposition which is being held in Houston April 34-39. There will be one paper from the chemical engineering group, one from the mechanical enjfineeniiK group, and one from the petroleum engineering group which are to be chosen to represent A. A M. Papers will be presented by students from the various engineering colleges of the southwegl which includes as, Oklahoma, New Mexico, sad Louisiana. Eight prises totaling $300 will be given as cash swards to the stu dents presenting the beet piper* The papers must deal along the lines of ofl production, refining, or drilling. L The Befl System 4A.M0 □ WRONG □ 2. Owe of tee first usee of vacua tubes was fat telephony—yaurs I fore couuuerrial radio telephony. > «MNT Q WRONG □ y B. The leqpet telephone cable tued by the BeB System eoutaias 2424 wires. "X. * mmro wrong □* 4. The Bell System employs about a» many people as live In the dty ef Dauon, Ohio. RfONT Q WRONG □ iM-llll! ASSILVkULY | I HALL | center. Finis White, after playing almost at every line position is going to the baekfield as a blocking back. White can play any position on the (field. Spring practice will be in order [for thirty consecutive days. Nor ton is Manning oa having a game scrimmage nearly every Saturday afternoon during thia time. Todd and Rogers will probabh be the two hardest men to replace Pugh, Jeffrey, and Moeer will be trying for Rogers place. Marshall Spivey may get the nod at Todd’s place, but he is going to have to get down to work in a big way becaose there Ms several more who have their eyes on that post Kimbrough, Motley, and Wesson will give the Aggies three seen o six feet and over 300 pounds la the baekfield. That sounds like e powerhouse team from the coal mines. It is figured that Norton jrfD work his teams ss unite. He may have a power teem, a shifty fast team, and a team that ia fair in both. Mach time win be epeat ea p defense, a department that tha Ag gies have been weak in for years. Malar. Jackson, the only experisne-1 yean of the language in hie high ed center with another year of ell-! school worit Other requirement* k'lbiUtp'wiU not be ia school next fall Otherwise the all-veteraa team might lx* composed from Go-Gap- taia Nad McDonald, Mike Sweeney and Shelby Bode, ends; Myars, Al- linaon, and Bill Kliman, tackles* Williams and Ted Dewson, guards; John Gill, quarter; Beef os Bryan and Giily Davis, left half; Bobby Moers, Nelson Puett, and Charley Haas, left half; Bullet Gray, full back. of 5. This Is pest el a page 1 a dtosMecy publish*d la «h, \ niird Stales. RIGHT □ WRONG Q (\ 1 AlWSSt I iteasoslf 1 7 P.M. and all day Sunday. RIGHT □ WRONG Q 0 :»h i- m i l. ti i.i imiom: systhai E. N. HOLMGRBRN. TEXAS administrator for tha AAA, B. F. Vance, assistant administrator, T. E. Ratten and Woodrow Wallace rs returned from Mkaisrippi where they sttendod a oonfervnc.' ob the work'of the organisation. The House of Representatives of the Texas Legislature Friday dved a Mi which would pro hibit foreign language* and matbe- matk* aa requirateenta for bach elor of aria degrees and master at arts degress tax any of the in stitutions of higher learning sup ports by state funds. The bill would also apply to bachelor at •dance ia ‘xbiration degrees mater of science In education de- ,frees. ^ Lon E. Alan p( of Carthage is the sponsor of the House Bill Num bar 401. Representative Joseph White Jr. of New Boston fisst mentioned the | of ettadnatiag foreign lang- - oagee from the requirements for a bachelor of arts degree a month ago. He indicated Friday that be would strongly urge the paanga of the bill as presented by Repre- Alsup “I find that in some of the eoU leges that a student who wants to get s degree ia hay of tee social sciences, such as history, govern ment, economics and sociology, in law, or ana la adaeatioa in order to be equipped to teach, must take aa a prerequisite toward that da- gras at least six semester hours of mathematics and either twelve or eighteen hoars of a foreign lan guage,” the bfllh sponsor stated "This requirement depends upon whether the student has had two u A M.*s hopes for a victory over the University of Texas Long horn bnaketeers here Fate 11 hat* taken a setback. Per, it was teamed recently, Sammy Dwyer, captain of the Ag gie quintet and only lettonaaa og. the squad, fc inelir'bU for further intercollegiate , comjx tiuon this season] withouth * to this offset | Dwyer’s ineligibility was seaa as a hard blow to tes Angie tanas. Hie ineligibility came to light) wfljh th* 1 posting at first ti-im final gT*d«s Coach Hob McQuillsn i< *xport ed to name game captain* for tea rest of tha announcement yet been made. Dwyer waa one of the Smoothest players on the ti-imi-Rnd had fir ured largely in the Aggie attmm during the first tank if in many eaaes more Gorman, Ital ian, French, and the like, than he n English, or even hie miaor subject,” Mr. Als ;p stated In ex plaining hie porpoealof introduc ing the bOL ■—4—k ■fr me the student to take only twenty-four hoars of his ma subject and twelve hours of his minor subject and twelve hours of English." h j / "After mate - deliberation!- and thought on the matter, I have corn# to the conclusion that each require ments are 'jute a little bit out of lias. Just a little bit inconsistent It means in actuality that the stu dents have to take as much as, snd The Appropriate Gift for February 14 WYATT Flower Shop Tan 95 I’hone Hryan suoussmiuw Two-Year Lettermen In Sports at Texas To Receive Awards. * AUSTIN, Tex., Feb. 8.-^At their regular meeting in Gregory Gym Thursday night members of the ’’ Association voted to award letter-sweaters to two-year letter a In all intercollegiate sports, Wallace Lawson, president of the Association, said. The body at the sweaters will be orange, with white leather sleeves and white Ut ters. The sweaters will be identical for all sports. It Was Mdad at tin meet) to hold the annual Spring Dance of th# Association soon, but the date will not be set until the next meeting, Feb. 16. Tuea and Wed. |Feb. 7 and 8 - 6:30 p. m. If REMEMBER BOYS: One way to make her remember you althoinrh yoa are are far away ia to send her a Mg hoc of Valentine eaady. Come look at ov srW tion of candies by: KING PANGBI HN . ! GADE • • I ^ ! i 'it THE AGGIELAND PHARMACY A. & M. Men Attend Hi-Y Conference Three men from A. A M. attend •d Hi-Y coaferuacM during tte past week-end. J. Gordon Gay a ten t- M. C. A. attended the North as Hi-Y Conference at Amaril- where ha lad a section of 100 college students ia four discussions on general information and coflege Ufa Thera were 660 boys at conference. Gay left last Thursday morning aad returned yustef at coon. David Thrift, Cadet Colonel. Dan Russell, Head of the Rural oology Department, took part tha program of tha Central Hi-Y Conference at Corsicana. Rus sell spoke on leadership. Thrift Is a speech to the anti ferencs on "What Should Yen Do When You Get to College?” So- Texas THE STUDENT WELFARE Committee will hold an impertant sting toamrrow night at 1:15 ks tea bantyaet room of tha i l Following the banquet tor thoee who attend, a number of im portant topics wfll ha discussed YOUR COMPLETE WARDROBE j CIS AN UP — DRESS UP 1 I 1 M ! .11 ‘ .II Let Ua Cleaa and Preaa Your Uniform and (It# CAMPUS CLEANERS (Over Kxchange Store) X WERE YOU ONE? We Served 11,280 Customers ? \- Last Month BRYAN CAFE 1 Send Her Your PHOTOGRAPH Surprise and delight her, with your own photo graph; a welcome, natur- armMBB as evidence i that you’re her Valeu- tinel Quifk sittings; Ba inexpensive as $1.:,0 a portrait. AGGIELAND STUDIO -— WE |APPRECIATE Year First-Term Baatesas, Aggies JONES BARBER SHOP i—to #! ‘ , f Lai aa hare your valeatioe gift Bat, utd well deliver or mail our candies ia time for Valentine. , 25* to $5.00 ] “Free Motorcycle Deli very" We Pay Pottage Anywhere in Texas • Jj - CANADY’S PHARMACY Phone 60 or 560 — Main at 26th - Bryan, Texaa — ——