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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1939)
PAGE 4 NOTICES' •OWDULB OP BTBNTI: F«b. 10—Picture Show, Benefit ^ A M. Ufle Teem, Anaemblj Hell, 6:S0 p. m. P«b. 1 (^-Architectural Club Dmm, Mcm Hall, » p. ■». until 1a.hl Peh. 11—Baaketball (aag, A. A M. n. T«uu UntTertity, Gym. P»b. IS Id IT inc.—Municipal and Sanitation Short Courae. Plh. 1ft Kr tertainment Series, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Guion Hall, t p. m. Feb. 17—Picture Show, benefit Preaa Club, Aaaembly Hall, «:S0 Feb. 17—Baaketball fame, A. A M. ea. T. C. U., Gym. Feb. 17—Marketing and Finance Club Dance, Meaa Hall. 9 p. | tfl 1 a. m Feb. 90—Baaketball game, A. A M. ya. S.M.U., Gymnasium Feb. 23—Picture Show, Benefit Kream A Kow Klub, Assembly HaU Feb. 24—Entertainment Series, Poequin Trio, Guion Hall, 8 p. m. Feb. 24-Field Artillery Ball, Mess HaU, 9 p. m. to 1 p,- m. THE BATTALION SWIMMING TEAM Members of the Varsity Swim ming Team and aU persons wish ing to try out for the Varsity will please report at the swimming pool ot 8 p. hl Tuesday Feb. 7th. There will be a meeting Wed- Maday February 8th at 5 p. m. at the swimming pool, for all persons wishing to try out for Freshman swimming and diving, Vidor R. Kennedy, personnel ad- daor for the Civil Service Com mission and Soil Conservation Ser vice, will he here Wednesday to discuss rivil service with seniors. Meetings will be held at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. in the Agricultural ■ngineering lecture room. NOTICE AG ENGINEERS The A-S-A/E. Society will not moot Tuesday night, but will meet Thursday at 7 p. m. in the lecture room of the Agricultural Engineer ing building. L. F. Livingston, past president of the A. 8. A. E. ind now manager of the Agricultural Extension Division of the E. L Dupont de Nemours Co. will be the BATTALION STAFF A meeting of the present staff ef The Battalion and all students not now on the staff who wish to become members has been called for Wednesday night at 7 o’clock in Room 122 Administration Build ing. The meeting was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was postponed in order not to interfere with the U. C. L. A.-A. A M. de bate. All students interested in any phase of Battalion work are nrged by the editors to be present •Wednesday. VARIOUS TYPES ’ f(Continued from PH* 1) C. W. Csesey, Ru^n Jeff Davis, Hallsville; J. WaRsr Hsmm<«, Tye; Steve Collins, Mart; J. R. Brannon, Jr^ Carthage; George G. Chance, Bryan; J, H. West, Bishop; C. H. Day, Plain view; C. B. Wardlaw, Del Rio; Roger GiDis, Del Rio; G. W. Cunningham, Del Rio; Edwin May#, San Angulo. T. A. Kincaid, Sr., Osoaa; C. C. Cannon, Sheffield; Marsh Lea, Ft Stockton; Fries Maddox, 8s water; Walter Booth, Sweetwater; Pteij Ear-wood, Sonora; 'Adolph Steiler, Comfort; E. W. Harrison, South Bend; J. T. Snead, Amsrillo; W. B. Mitchell, Marfa; L. CL Trous dale, Houstpa; A- T. Potte, Harlin gen; J. E. Ward, Ban Benito; Lon Alexander, Childress; John D. Rog ers, jflmvuota; R. L. Batte, Cam eron; John Underwood, Denton; J. W. thy, Fkdnvtew; L. L. Mackey. Longview; C. R. McClure, High. Reagan McCreary, Calvert; V. C. Marshall, Heidenheimer; F. R. W ff Brsdy; Walter Maloe, Hal- letuville; Tom 8. Senter, Ahrarado; J. L. Ladd, Sherssaa; A. 8. Hew lett, Nemo; G. Ed Renfro, Lillian; W. E. Baker, Crawley; Richard King, Corpus Christi. Jay Taylor, Amarillo; Dolph Briscoe, Uvalde; H. F. GiU, Alice; W. W. Turney, El Pam>; J. M. West. Houston; H. L. Kekereot, San Antonia; John C. Buna, Fort Worth, (.oorge Jones, Marfa; W. B. Warren, Hockley and G. R. White, Brady Texas Maaofactarers Texan manufacturers who have already accepted invitations to at tend the meeting include: W. R. Archer, president, South Texas Feed Co., Houston; Hines H. Baker, Humble Oil and Refining Co, Houston; R. L. Blaffer, chair man. Humble Oil and Refinh* Co , Houston; H. CL Bdud, superinten dent, Higginbothahi-Bailey-Logar. Co^ Dallas; A. L Bminard, pref dent, Beaumont Iron Works, Beau mont; E. W. Kelley, Kelley Manu facturing Go.. Houston; L H. Kempner, Jr, treasurer, Isaperial Sugar CoJ Sugar ' Land; Arthur Lefetpr, Jr„ The Texas Company. ■Htelp. . T J. Sock well, Rockwsdd Bros. & Go , Houston; W. C. Trout, pnv; (Mn^iRafkia Foundry and Machine Go., Lufkin; E W. Wier, preaident Wier long Leaf Lumber Co, Hous ton; Wld-Porter A. Whaley, exeeu- -IV. vier president and general manager, Texas State Manufac turer v Association, San Antonio, wka'^fU be accompanied by mem bers of the association. Walking Backwards into Marriage? That’s Subject for Friday Lecture BY BILL MURRAY J . | j You would not think of attempting anything so foolish ae to walk backwards, blindfolded, off a stage or op a flight of stairs. Even In the most ordinary daily operations you require dear vision, under- »landing of the subject and knowledge of ahst Bee ahead. Bat in taking one of the most important steps of life—getting mhrr .-d mu-' people do something equivalent to walking backward with a blindfold on. la nine cases out ot ten, people wall into marriage with a complete lack of preparation* 4 for this important step and with la deplorable lack of vision of what lies ahead. So says Roy E. Dickerson, who is an authority on marriage and family life, and be will proceed to sobetantiate that viewpoint and explain what he can do to improve the situation, in our own lives. He will be here at A. A M. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10 and 11. Friday night at 7 in the chemistry lecture room he will lecture to the general public on the subject "Walking Backwards into Marriage", the theme of which is deacribed above. In addition to thia main lecture, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., Dickerson will speak twice on "When a Couple are Engaged," for Marriage and Family Relations course classes (Rural Sociology 815), Friday morning at 10:00 and Saturday at 11:00. And he may give another lecture for the public in the Aaaembly Hall, Saturday afternoon in connection with the abow on the subject "Understand ing yourself” Dickerson uses the most modern end entertaining ss well as educa tional methods in his lecturing. Frequently in his lectures he uses steropticon slides and moving pic- STM AND PUBLIC OPINION RUN PARALLEL ami institutions. From 1938 be waa director of activitiea ef the Grand Council of the Order of DsMolay. And be has served as seerdtery for Y. M. C. A.’s in a number of plae- Among the numerous books Roy Dickerson has written art "So Youth May Know" and "Growing mU) Manhood*, books for young people widely rated as the bate in their field. Some of the booklets be has written are "Getting Ready to FaU in Love”, Things That Gount in Courtship", "When a Cou ple Are Engaged”, "Getting Start- c-d in Marriage", "la the Service”, and "Education for Marriage and Family Ufa." He writes a greet number of popular and scientific Castees and journals. CLUBS DAMKS CLUB Hie jA. A M. Dames Oak will meet Wednesday eeauing Feb. 8 at 7:30 p. m. at the Y. M. C. A. parlor. All Student wives are cordially invited to attend. Dickerson, whose home is Kan sas City. Missouri, was awarded bis degree of Bachelor of Laws at the University of Denver, and of Master of Lews at George Wash ington University. Ho baa studied under the internationally famous educator Dr. Frits Kunkel in Ber lin, Germany, and fas the latter's American Seminars. Dickerson has made a nations reputation for himself as a pay chologist, sonologist, educator, and lecturer. Of late years be has devoted much of his time to lectur ing at American collages and uni versities. He la educa tional con sultant and a member of the gen eral advisory council of the Amer ican Social Hygiene Association He has served as rounsultant and lecturer at many conference and institutes, such as the Nstional Hi-Y Congress, 1938; Christian Youth Conference of North Amer ka, 1938; Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, Central Col lege, and many other organixations NEW STUDENTS - SAVE MONEY (h Your A RM. Uniform At riJaldrop^ All of Our Uniforms and Equipment Gnaraateod Strictly Regulation and Moderately Priced far Quality Merchandise- Regulation Slacks by Craddock Right back, 18-ox., all wool - *"•, Regulation Dobbs Army HaU Poole’s White Aggie Unionalln, Sarvfunxed. Bleached, Hen-inshore Regulation Caps by Makk Regulation Trench Coats by; Alfl|fl Regulation Army Shirts (Form Fit) West Point Bombay Dress Shirts i -. Regulation Army BlankfU Regulation Sam Browne BelU Nunn Busk, Fortune, and {Edgerlmj Shoes Regulation Hat Cords, Collar OraamenU, Web Beta, Embroidered Insignia Laundry Bags, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Buttons “Fi>h” Stripe, BUU Polish Cloths, Shoe Polish Saddle Soap In both of our stores you will find Aggie” Graduates who are thoroughly familiar with Regulation Uai- forms and Equipment. They will be (pleased to assiat you in selecting your uniform flud other items that you will need. * , • ' . * 1 » i ! USTTN, FtXM, February the avorago American deqft trend of thom-h-* ran parol- lal to public opinion la at knot one Wy is ahown by a comparison of Polti taken by the American In- of Public Opinion and the Student Opinion Surveys of Amer ica- At the ame time the Survey* have received their first teat of accuracy. ;J j ] \ii During the period from Decem ber to January Pn-Si.lent Roose- velt'e popularity increaiM-d, both scientific sampling orgamxations show, and their figures come with in two-tenths of one per cent of each other, hwrease* shown by the poll* am: JOB BROOKS BAND SENIOR ho graduated this add-term in Inrhotfcf and Vtamaa and baa baas fhrwi a position with Brooks Dairies at Denton, baa; antwaneod his engagement to bo married this eoaUng Jane to Mbs Vivian Echols, who waa president of the aopho- mom dam at C. I. A. <T. S. C. W.) last year and who clamtflod as a senior them at arid-term. TUESDAY, FEB. 7. 1989 —— TaTacr Lust Day • H ad , Robert Donjrt ia ‘THE CTTADEL- THUR8. - FRL - Sit. American Institute Qf-ll .-I .,a-| 4 P Ll iiu j. OOTtJS . li per cent . 2.7 per cent Atftfie Intramural | Invited to Play University Champs The champion Troop C Cav. in tramoral hnakethall team has been invited to play the Texas champs in Austin Wednesday night, March 18 on the annual “Fite NiU” show. Members of the Troop C team art Bob FoB, Jake Wilk, Pachyla, Utterback, and Biben. G Troop defeated L Inf. for the title hero Doe. 14 by a aeon of 94 to 16 The game will be played in Gregory Gym. The rise in the President's pop ularity, Dr. George Gallup < plains, ia due to his activitiea in world affairs during th.' Dm,- rath- «r than more controversial domes tic Fiudento have been found mors in favor of the Pr< id. nt than the i- i-i. pub! ic The comparison throws some light upon the accur acy of the Student Opinion Bur vcys. organised in December with the Battalion as one of the toop- crating college newspaper*,' Another dhakion the Surveys waa made when two polls wi taken on different months, using different group* of students, with the same question, "Would you like to see Roosevelt run for a third term?” The n-sulte: aha of the cample being interview ed has apparently nach.-d "ote- bilitf,* or, to large euoagh. Nearly three thoumnd studaata of aU geographical sections, eco nomic levels, ages, and other class ifications, are ' personally inter viewed for each poll, thus repre ss the opinions of the 1,280,- 000 American collegians. The For um, poll, which predicted Roose- velta realectien with almost per fcetwqraracy, finds it possible to interview only 4,500 persona with Mmilar toientifk methods to find the opinion* of Tb,000.000 adulN January, yea 272 per cent 28.2 per cent Although ,thi closeness of tha figure* does not constitute a test of the cross s<-ct ion of students be ing used, it does point out that the “1 COMPLETE STOCK OF School Supplia* • Stationery - Lamp- and Clocks Electrical Supi>lie* - Brooms - Waste Baskets Window Shade* • Tennis Shoes r Shirts and Sock* Your Trade Appreciated , . 1 j t j; , • j • Campus Varietg Store IS*- n*c ciosf.i SUN. Tires MON. with -. ! . Robert Wilcox - Helen Mack ir Af We Have AD Your School Needa Slide Rale* Lab Supplies v Drawing Sets -Paper New and Used Book* - Stationery Just Anything • ; THE STUDENT CO-OP North Gate - 2 Blocks East To An Aggie Sweetheart Bond * - VALENTINE CANDY A Choke Selection Of kin^s and Whitman’* . Are Now Available At ! CASEY'S CONFECTIONERY T” 1 , Wc pack and wrap for mailing. > Bryan College Station VEIOZ and YOLANDA in tkeir famous *Daner of 'he Ggarette with THE HAPPY COMBINATION (perfectly balanced blend) of the world's best cigarette tobaccos JL li] * ^ ; 4 " J * ' Chesterfield’s can’t-be-copied blend of mild ripe American and aromatic Turkish tobaccos gives you aU the qualities you like in a smoke ... mild ness, better taste, and pleasing aroma. When you try them yon will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoking pleasure^, why THEY SATISFY! F\ ...the can’t-be~copied blend,..a happy combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos CarwiM* if». Iiwqn a l