Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1939)
PACE 2 IN \CLEARER LIGHT ) CORRESPONDENCE editoria£ page op the battalion . All SET? TUESDAY, FEB. 7, 1M* At lut Um tru« colon of The Doily Ttxoa Winter*, Toma. tort been olkwe4 to blom forth ia the aky. And . 1 | PhL i, 1*19. The Texan'* editor, Pot Doalela, reload the at Mr. K L Dom Com men line in o pony aort of way nbeut o inChief of the Battalion, recent BotUlion editorial, “E. 0. T. C. at U. T^" in A- * **. CoUeye. whkh we oppoaed the aatahluhmpet of E. 0. T. C. Bryon. Toma, ot the institution at A Delia, The Texan reprinted D** Hh our editorial, with the aid of the aixth trades In reply to yonf tetter, I will state mj belief all Austin elementary schools. ' j of the fire on my cor at Austin just Thanks' But it ia in the reprinting of oar editorial t^mt fM*** . I think the purpose in burning my oar was to attract the attention of the fire track and firemen Who wore guarding the trash pile to be used as a Tbs Taxon showed its colors. On# of the paragraphs ia our editorial aa follows: “The R. 0. T. C. has as one of its aims fi This quality ia obrioasly lacking in the edito policy of the representation of U. T. which to our office daily, The Taxaa. H , Now, do you suppooo The Texan ia willing to admit that someone considers its editorial policy unfair T My, not . I|pn*i'.| Sevan A A M Boys were seen running around north of Prather Hail then east then south and up under the kill to where this trash pile Was. These boy* approached the trash pile while the fire boys were patting aul the fire In my car. They attempted to set fire to the trash pile and wore met by the M ^ . . . 1 mitei Who had a shotgun and, of course, were re- Mr. Daniels changed the word “fairnoes* to 99 u ; I la talking with the firemen, they laid that Consequently, be saved -face" oa forty atm, tome ^ klMl on the osat of my he believes. And our already low opinion of Editor ^ M , ftre will not burn downward unless it Dmiels and bis sheet tumbles even lower down the ^ hquid on the clkr . The scats of my ear , were not eat, and my wife did not see any Aggies in my car, but we had left the ear just tea minutes, and neither one of us smoke nor anyuos else had EXAM SYSTEM •! 0 been in the car all afternoon that did smoke. During the recent mid-term Anal exams over The word is being circulated at Tam U»ber- »t U* U^TmitT. MM Md«t MpMMd opinion •‘‘I’ th ** l ‘ r,,l<UM •» A A M (Mh*. I»l>e*- PREV1EWS and REVIEWS ■ I ■■■'* 1 1 M,r.. | Vittaea Thursday, Friday and bateg a wy venatla actor, aad M | weal bo surprising to »ea him la •Tarn Honeymoontf With Bing other faatarea ahmg tlm aama Uaa. Ooahy, Frandska Gael and Shirley Gael, a my good IT* ZZ-Z'SZlZLTJr. the alalp. It U without a doubt the ^ She ia otll in her i * funniest picture Bing Crosby has drees, and looking as lovely as ever, ever beeaVjn While Bing is not Shirley Roes hofah up her part and cons idem) a commedian, ;hls ac- helps to hotter the picture in many lions iq Urn picture show him a* ways. I you •f the exam aytfma by hanging a lifelike dummy ** ^ *fl^cio“ la front of the Texas Union building. Bloodstained would eorroct th# pmidan * for “*• ple ** was its shirt, and n printed sign proclaimed to the Aa to the reason that. 1 have not contacted the world that “FINAL EXAMS DROVE ME TO rkenkisnt** office or the commandants office, ia that THIS!- A lofcger latter add^aaaad to the students I went ahead and bought me a aaw car, and was What's Showing !• ifhlaea-Thursday, ^Friday and Saturday, “Paris Honeymoon’* with Bing Crosby, Kranciska Gael and Shirley Ross. ‘ V i AMMMF Hall—Tuesday and Wednesday, “Suet"—Ty n \ Pow. «r and Loretta Young. J V , Assembly Ball Saturday i'sSO, “Fast Company** with ; Matvpa Douglas, Nat Pendeltpn and Flor ence Rioa. • KNOW YOUR COLLEGE was pinned to the dummy's hack; H dsnouncod the preparing to forgot the whole incident until lottery torturing final examination ayatem. Thu* one keep pouring in from every tiiregion, enterprising person expressed his sentiments of MURRAY THE BIOLOGY CMJB 18 HAT- ing its first meeting of the now semester tonight at 1 7:0f in the Science lecture room. It Will be S very important business meeting. All former or prospective number, must be present if they d> nire to m ■eewsiaa. Just Received We have just received a complete line of organ ization jewelry pt good quality to sell at a reason able price. W ;itrhcM I Diamond* Jewelry nal boxes of cereals, and drank Cf ' ntmue their membership. If tt , , . . ^ . We oil know that w* have the non than 180,000 individual half- ** foir “"f I .» not mro at a^ Aggio^ but irmnly U- world ,, meu but dk] * ™ of tbs reaw>n should bo sent tho oeason. litvc that any ono of tha sevon A A M Boys who you ev-r wond( , r Just how much pint bottjM of ra,I,L W * 40 ()00 to Dr. LaMotte. Though ao upressioa of sentiment so open,a* wore at Austin that night, oould tell you art any h fecds M iB on# ^ ^ Dixie ceps of ieo Cream. The total —• —f this was msoe at A A M n tha number of com- ethers who set fire to my car if they would. niM m4nthlT It k in- 4 tho dairy prodnets used plaints from the Aggies about tho tamo system 1 am not asking any favors of A. A M. or the credible amount—one that may ha was $r>,000 would seem to indicate that the majority of us aro University of Texas in this matter, ami I hop* that expressed in millions of pounds. * T ________ of the opinion that some revision of our examination my position is dear to you. ' p or instance, did you know that system should bo made. The Battalion is of the HARRIS MULUN we eat right times our own weight same opinion. Sincerely yours. ‘be mess hall in nine months? * Ws have fought for Dead Wnsk-^-a week of C. W. VARNER, 'Npypiil’- Bryan \ fIRhdsrely yours, ED'S NOTE: This letter to reproduced exactly as it Durin * ^ M«,wli.»«w rMiM, m M Un. «. bbl our of(ice . „ .„ yo „„ Ui, u Mo U nJ MOMM p«.nda« Ports—sod it seems likely that we may be granted #vidence t0 ^ t0 ^ cooduskm that l ’™ ^ or 110 fr * ifl,t carlo ^ i * MAY BOUND LIKE from a humor* column— |oa the Ohio State campus claim that it happenod. . some such weak before future find-exam weeks. T"’*" t “'~TT " 7'"T ' of food ' I Daritg tho last minute rush to But this is not all ws oead. Tbs Battalion believes A< 7 ^ ^ iwic0,> * to 0pim00 - Fron , # nC9tll tsbulstion- th.i *** ttm <h,ri ^ mid-tenn regtotra- that more thorough changes than this should bo .Tl [ f ' first of its kind ever made—It was t ‘ on ’ •|V on f * me 4 students wound made. . TUR QTIIHf?NT rnPf/M ^ ^ that during a typied • round ^ ***• A* 01 ®- It may be too much to ask that find mama * o*®! ^ i I ■ d CJaCCj/O® month (last November) the 2,800 > 8tra t' o n building. On* student he entirely done away with. But why, at least, In andrer to Student Forum of Fridag Aggies gating in Sbiss Hall ate ^boutbdfwy up •nnot exemptions from axams be given to thorn plan tor ^ uubllahmmt of ^ t * e0aat * d * who have done “A" work during the oemester-or, hickway gmttoas for hitch-hiking Aggies Is in tWelv * eu^loMd, ° f food STOP WITH US, AGGIES •PIMA la Hcarnc ECONOMY CAFE HE ARNE, TEXAS “Scrvca Only the B—t al the Lowcat Pric«a w { 4 of the year. placed there to keep the students Bom* of the items furnished that ^ lin *' a -xa- .a monUl •« “ follows: 45.500 pounds “Is this ths Una to the Pursar*s t, ? n * f ® r * r,dc could of poutiH R and potato suhstitutes; oWtoU* tho student asked ths be made very much more pleasant if a proprtotor 3™ ^ of fmh frwt$ , police,,^ • t \ was put in charge to iasll confections and love 0/VA . . s . . . .. ' Finals could stiU bo gtvea to the lower-ranking , “ry ^gasimmT poundl 01 ^ ***** as there are only 000 or two or no “A*s" in some my C} imon ^ greal dasooo, why cant oxomptioas bo given to tho hi*- - . ^ , a , est 25 per cent of tho dasa, as some have sag rested? • \ studsnts as a find opportunity to bring up their | Esuuuhnient could be made of some nation- “No," the cop answered. “No, its 61,000 pounds of meats, poultry, the lino to pay your fees. 1 * . and fish; 10,800 pounds of floor j Aad ths student tuned around grades. Exemptions would create aa added incentive ^ HeArti Bureau and when the Aggies . . otkpr materials- in non TTjL'TI , ,,7, " to dl to study harder and learn mort^Roroughout reathi-d their d. Ftmationi* lovely •‘creamrocks" would poundB 0 f emn*},- 47 00C oou'nds * nt t Jt ^ bul d,n,f • tho entire ssmsstor in order to eargYhe exemptions. ^ wa|tmg> for them poaDdn oI cmrt^lM, 47,009 pounds who have . ^ Castoihean plants could ba set out sU around lt>fioo of .bortesing snd j BUth problems and English have repeat ^ itetk)n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 of Why, after ail, should those worked hardest during the wmocfissnly ou the find what learned, and have shown they have learned? those who have done the best work during tl Kamos could be placed in eacn station ana 10,200 pounds master who do ths most and the best study for ^ cooperation of the college authorities, ^ condiments finds. Generally It is those who have done poor would broadcast, class lectures t* the sta work, who either “cram“*for their finds-* poor 4mf$ wbs „„ cl>M<gL way to study—or else study scareely at all for them. It is difficult to offer of sugar*; 6*200 pounds of butter; • a w a 'W' — ■ -— •—» ^ ^ w UISM ~ m if\sir l H > u i KJ ** t»l IM* > Cl {& af t* 11 in - V11 XT 111V9 CXI u.'iumtlT US1V WOUW I"** 7 *** *« ot puUin f half and terisls; ZfiOO pounds erf “little the f,eshm«'s greatest earned t 11^ , Ur s in the walll for proper ventilation. rabbit” (olives, pickles, etc.); and problem, but at Vand Radios could be placed in each station and 10f2 oo pounds of nuts aad spices versity this year the am- themes aro usually thought of as curriculum VsnderbUt Uni- spices veraity this year the first year \ FOR YOUR VALENTINE r\t| j, rjpj -i s ^ 1 Send Your Girl, Mother, or Sister a Box Of j Valentine Candy 1 t ome In and Let t/a Help Yo« in Your Choice From Our Lane Stock of Choice Candies hi . tT 1' Lipscomb Pharmacy \ , j North Cato . pl^Ou 1 i i 1 imiraien . students are tackling the nation's |That Aggies definitely art not number on* economic problem, r , “toarippers" to shown by the fact 'The South." ; - «, Bi u ^ ^ t “ i tj: “.r*-' *"*.’**« tk.t .ni, in m»i. x m. todo^u., i. >k. id. <» . Mnuto ud Jto- tk. M.U ud euk tto. on. CMjkt . rid. ^ wmp>r ^ . ith 4S0 , ou „ d , ,f hlDd a,, ^ kImc. mt- ctker MtUlMtorr Ml.«io. for tk. .m» oroUo.. tho, .„ u ld mo*, up o„. notch witk Hi ^ 3.400 pound, of m«m. cmtrM. PurpM. of tk. comm But w* believe that a greet ded of improvement in occupant - .. , , . . , . ■ . . „ ^ Mtuotlon mM Md ikonld ho mmi. ^ - U* -S* ~«.r WAITBR8 AND BI S BOYS IN TEMPLE the comfort of those who bed eaten too heartily University's grill aad cafeteria celebrate eoc* s year while on journey. * by holding a Gravy Ball. With the use of photo electric beams placed up ■ ' ■ ■— 'the road about a mile the approach of s potential ride could be fleshed to the Aggies in time for assume some sort of mechanical smile for approval of the driver of the car. eggs, not to mention 1300 pounds and methods of the sodd sciences of froten eggs used in ©ur cakes and t* interest them in con tempo- sad pica. We used 100,008 individ- rary problems The BattalionZrl Agents from Hector Hickman** cooperative en- . _ terprise would be located at each station to help M C.U*. Sttdon, tMM. «nd.r th. Act of Cunrr.» >#y to b. .uft.rin, fra. Entered as second dess matter at ths post offko M’ SB March S, 1878. Subscription rates, $2.00 per year Advertising rates upon request ^i- ^ Office ia Room IB, Admlaldratioa BuQding. OQr c# i) 4qre M tkmel recognition. Next year Is our Telephone College A Offks* open from 11 a. se. fbiandd difficulties. These few saggestions will surely help to make these new stations something that will gain Bntil 4 p. m. daily. 1 Represented for national advertising by Na tional Advertising Service, toe, 420 Madison Ave, New York City. R L DOSS W. H. SMITH. ADVERTISING MANAGER ^ Bin Payne, James Crits ‘ ^ ^ Managing Editors . Georg* Fulton, B. C. Knetaar Assistant Advertising Managers B. C (Jeep) Ostes Sports Editor Bob Oliver, Wsyne Stark Associate Editors *' Philip Oolmaa — Jtaff rbotogrsphrr year, Aggies! So far it hemi*t been pointed out how these projects ere to be financed. I, personally, would like to auggest that at least a couple of departments rnrrw ** b * n “ h * <1 * rom w»y of the various schools on ..P.LVZ ... w 7. the campus. The savings from these aeonomical measures could be used to the construction of these lounges for hitch-hikers. » Let's get together, fellows, and aaa if this cant be aceomptiehed. With the aid of two or three fret men and a couple of Mothers’ clubs this plan can be realised. —JACK ROUTT MID-TERM JUNIORS Bi*st In Workmanship On Your JUNIOR UNIFORMS - WHITE DANCE UNIFORMS 11 • UNIFORM Ti Mt-ndl A Horaafc ! »S H OP North Gait ■1 ;\PENNEY'S t WELCOME YOU BACK AGGffiS . • v Tl j: Stretch Your Dollars At Penney’s AGGIE UNIFORMS AND SUPPLIES AT A 20% SAVING! L | ; ! J[ i i*. j j il ? ' Ask any AGGIE abont PENNEY’S regulation shirts. They have M IL n The best shirt in the country at rea- mmm pMa w>. Tn.i I dl ' * i 1 * > y- J \ il omplete Line of Every thing for Aggies J. C. PENNEY COMPANY INC.. “AGGIE ECONOMY CENTER" I \ Bryan, Texas ——— wmmrnmmm f —'"t]* 1 "! 1 f -1 n 1 j . \ ‘ . . ». . r 1 ■>■■"* f H ■' L. g • 1 y-'*, C. F. Ou the Dies Committee’s activities, from the UniversKy of West Virginia “Athenaeum”: “It would probably ha found that wo have just as many (food 5 old American npios alithering around WLL~ J - *! : Europe. But Mr. Dtes wouldn't admit It" Proof reader, ^ pioposrd Jefferson memorial to Waah- TUESDAY STAFF ingtoa, from th* University of Virginia (founded by — Sporta Assistant j«ff e rson) “College Topics”: “We wil continue Jotoor Editor ta reaintain that Thomas Jefferson would far have Juator Editor preferred to have any memorial to him take the I J. a Diet* . Circulation Manager Don McChesnoy, H. G. Howard Circulation Assistants DeVllbtoa Tern Darvww : Bill Mawf 't.ii ' —* JL G. Warrea — B. F. Rogers,; .li. 0. Fuemsna, H. 0. Tolbot, ^ utilitarian structure at the uuivetoity Lewis ChtvailUer, 1 p. A. Shields, J. A. StomaA he founded end loved than to have a hulking grey R. H. IwrleftsW, Foeter Wise, A. J. Rot>in»on. mu, ^ architectural achievement thrown together %. P n ’ Davenpert, J. W. Jenkins, l* J. Wekrls ■omewhere in the Tidal Basin at Washington. What Advertising Assistants of the tool of tho man who was om of the greatoet mote an aggres- friday staff KJ. M. Wflktaaoa Ray Treadwell L. R. Thompsoa -.- Paul Ketelsen r * of all Americans—does ...Junior Editor slve democratic spirit? Junior Editog' On sportsmanship, from the Worcester Poly- E,liter technic Institute “Tech News": “If the team loeee ..Junior Editor this year, don't blame k oas the referee (unlees Frank Phelan, J. F. Henderson, Billy Clarkson, there is good cause) or some player's figurate boa* L A: Scholl Maeon Jonaa, G. W. DeArmond, Jr, Uviag. Think befora you bUsm anyon* And ra- u A. Newman R W Burchfield. I member, if a few dictator* would follow the same to W. Geriteh. W. C. Regan, R. L. Adame eouras, the world would bo a M* rater place to live to." LET US FURNISH YOUR SCHOOL NEI NEW AND USED BOOKS I DRAWING INSTRUMENTS LABORATORY SUPPLIES EXCHANGE STORE iH M An Aggie Institution” J- ■ > rt ■■■4*