Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1938)
iW Have Held Edge Toads Tops lo Records Since ' 1 oiats have- Veer hard to ret fqr th«4 loser in the t^C. UliA. A M foe tbalt aeH^ 'UihrouRhout the v f«ra. L J, ] - 1 1» W of si gant's that have been pie red, ..the /iomnf team haa failed to acore a point. And, on' top of thi^ two of lieu ri tie fame* have . be« n aeoreteu fo* both ahlaA’ '(l>e rivalry dales back to 1897. Th> two schools have met 3! timea in that time. Seventeen times the ) . Ca lets haea cMM out on the long em of the seorg. Ten timea the Ho mod Frog* hafe been victorious. Fo ir games have I been ties, includ- ih| the 1MT eonfest which wound up 7 to 7. | j ‘ •] 1 n the early dafrs of the rivalry, th« Aggies had. afl the better of it, bu sipce T. CL li became a mem | hei of the Suothwcal Conference (1! there haw been nine Frog vie lories, two Aggie wina, hnd throe . t *« l * i latty Bel I «<tf> head coach at T. C. U. when the Frogs began to sin w their power Hie eleven* hung up two victotic* and two tie* ag Linat Dana X . Bible, then head • »a it at A. AjM, A ! "rancia Schmidt came to T. C. U. in 1929 and ran ito a string of five , vi< ones againstf Bell, who had tnnalerred to ('ellege Station. Coach\Duti>h Meyer, in hia four y« in at phe Mitt there, haa won two, lost ole and tied one with Homer Nortoa, i^ow diCecting af- fai 1 for the Agkieai I 1 7»e mli-time reeordi* between the two school*: .1 , ; .y yj |{ '[ it | TeAr TCU AAM* Year TCI AAM TOUCH FOOTBALL PROVIHGO.!. IN ACCIBIHTRAIURALS UNDER BUlt CHANGES MADE THIS YEAR BY CHICK DENNY Touch f(HitbeII is proving e big socceaa this yiar. All garaei are being played Under the new roles aa provided by the National Col legiate Association. These rules make it necessary to use a nine- man team,' and make it necettary for more skill b> be applied and less of the old hapVaurd atyle of play Second round games have been completed in nil leagues and in ie leagues, third round games huve been playM. - L • i The surprising element of play so far has been the close coopers tion of the day student outfits. And these teams have shown to possets just aa much powuff as the dormi tory organizations. Because a high pem-ntage of the forfeits came from these day students last year, this b what 1 would term a pow erful oomback In a meeting of the Intramural manners held last Monday night, Penberthy announced that the* croas-country run for freshmen and u p | >< re l ass men would be staged Nov. 19.:FrUahmen will not be al 30 1 1 1919 o 48 0 16 1924 0 28 ‘0 28 192S 1 0 0 ■ , 1926 13 13 0 1927 0 0 0 ,81 ' k 1928 6 0 0 41 1928 13 7 0 2R 1 1930 8 0 6 38 1931 6 A 10 1ft 1932 17 ' 0 0 0 1933 13 7 < m 1934 13 0 0 If- 1936 19 14 w 4> 1936 7 18 10 1837 7 7 Ijonghorns Give VVot^s to Dana X. to participate unless they take part in the tmining course that Will ba conducted for V period of two weeks before the meet. Any, up|terclassman who deaire to take advantage of this opportunity may so. The swimming meet for both classes will be held two weeks after It might be well to advise some fellows that care to enter these meet* that now is the time to start your training^ One good suggestion to the Fish a little leas bleeding at the referees who are conducting the games would be appreciated, and remem ber that they are Aggies too, and should be {net as well as any one else. • INI* BATTALION SPORTS OCTOBER If, 1938 'll it ■ i . i r PAGE 2 PONIES ONLY IDLE TEAM THIS WEEK AS CONFERENCE SETTLES DOYYN FOR LONG FALL'S FIGGT Pigeons Become Air Transport, For Game Pictures 'll ‘I I |j/ OS h *-,3 l Ti v h ** A^ies, Owls, Bears, Hogs, To Win for the “Jeep Something new for Southwest Conference .games at Kyle Field will be tried next Saturday during the Texas Aggie-Texas Christian Horned Frog game, when carrier pigeons will be released from tiro* to time by news photographers of the San Ahtonio Express from the sidelines. Each bird, as it leaves, will carry photographic negatives of the game action back to the roof of the newspaper office in Sa*4 * j in * o" the Agres- Tho so^alled Antonio so that the readers may have a view of Saturday’s big game. New* photographers who have al- BY F C. •‘JEEP" OATES Haltalinn EAtor j fl^ome smart freshman from Ft Worth aakbl j this writer a few days ago if the Frugs didn’t havu The T. C. U. special train Vo Philadelphia for the Frog-Temple game was quite an event for some of the Christian griddera Ennis Keriee, big soph tackle, for in stance, had never been out of Texas before the jaunt to Phllly.: ready h< on issued sideline pusses include some of the most famous in America. All have made arrange- X to get their pictures'to their by plane or fast courier so as to be tn Sunday's papers. Soma may even reach the towns in time to appear in late editions of the evening papers. BASEBALL BEGINS IWNWABD FALL TOM DAKROW ow that 'the Cntham Yankees juat annexed their third t World Buries with four stiaM[ht wias over the Cubs, it'* th le the heeds of the baseball w< rid get |ofether and settle a fe r serious defects in the present ah nation. For th*good of the grand ok I game, the New York ball club shnild be broke* up, aud * little co npetition injected into the g%me. A* things Itand now, H'a only a qt ustion of aecindl place in the A nerican League, for there is not a team in the League which can ei fit threaten tj»e Yankee*. They hj va * death grip on their League ad well aa the National League clempions. Only in the older Na- tijnal League fill any real flag , cl as# be found - they hud four ebbs fighting it; out for fimt place ti ls year add enly in te closing d>ys of the rao- was the winner d cided. F I The National League makes .* gpdd Seal more- money than does i Hi junior, the kiagrtdeh ;The an a rer is easy. There is more excite- i nent In the NaNlHtol, end fens rfally get thch money’s worth it's ell e dut and dried affair the American League. The Yankees are a great team, tilt if they continue their present y ign they are very likely .to rate t »cir league, fcnd maybe both. Nqlka don't lijie to aee one team dominate aRarrse as the New York It am has done, and seem* likely to k rep on doiag. jFana want thrills, c Mills and atov* aU. a dose, hotly emtested flag <chaae. They don’t I et H in the American iteague 'Since the gane i* played merely because people will pay to aee . ^vent, it’s easy a m that they won’t keep on in the j merican Circuit, unless they are I iven a little mfre for their money J Apparently, money means nothing ti the N*w York club, and It is t nderstaadable, when one know* t hat Jake Rupert, Yankee owner tks one of the Urgeat brewing es tablishments in the east. They don t rade because B»ey dont have to, md they cdh W bid other clubs 1 ecause they hare money to burn— J ike’s money. As if all thia •rer*n‘t enough, the Yankees contrdl two of th* Ih m • I U f vf The Texas Longhorns are pre paring to start another Southwest conference race in .Which the ex perts figure they are destined to run last for the fourth straight sea son. The Arkansas Raxorbacks will be their first opponents, as they were in ’37, but the scene this time will be the high school stadium at Little Bock, Ark., instead of Texas Memorial stadium where the Ra zo tbrnks flung tkemselves to a 21-10 triumph last year. The last time Texaa and Arkan sas played at Little Rock a cham pionship was at stake—for Arkan sas. By winning the game, (-0, the Porkers captured the 10&0 title from Texas Christian Coach pane X. Bible, who lays last week's 0-13 defeat more to Oklahoma's prowess than to Texas’ ineptitude, had another basket of tough nuts to crack this week. How. for example, can he teach Gilly Davis, little halfback who is five feet six inches tall, tie defend ■ J against passes thrown to Arkansas’ Fraftargur, la is merely six-eight? Or how can be adjust the Texas running attack, which netted 14 yard* against Oklahoma, so it will function against the Arkansas line which last week held Baylor’s b»( k- to a net gain of 11 yards ? Or what caa he do to assure a satisfactory pasi defense against Arkansas, the p.i-.-ingest team in the nation,” ^rhen said defense leaked visibly in th* Kansas* Loui siana State and Oklahoma games? These are merely a few of the problems that would make Bible gray-headed this week, if Nature had not already precluded that pot ■MiBr. T. C. U/s Busy little Man OBQtEA QBfSiSN QUU? 08&GM Passes' IK Mi "The beat all-around <end I know "This is Coach Dutch Meyer's tri-! but** to Walter [Reach, captain of the Horned Fnjg eleven of 1936 and now serving his second year Us freshman eoaih. Roach entflM IT. C. U. after starring at Poly'High. Fort Worth. He earned qjght varsity letters during his three years of confer ence competition—three in foot ball, three in basketball and two in MM - i,end I The anaDest man on the Texas Christian University squad, yet the "sparkplug" of the team—that i David O’Brien, 150-pound senior quarter back from Dallaa AU Dave* did during the 1917 campaign was carry the baU on Xf of 375 playi run from scrimmage; throw 236 of 344 passes; and make 70 of 203 punts. With an improved Frog backflskl, O Brien won't cany ao much of the load this year, but he still Is the outstanding triple- threater for the Christiana, pasting, running and kicking. . pasting. I Swimming Club Meets INTRAMURAL BE8ULTS Four games of Fish basketball have been completed and turned out to he good despite a lack of conditioding on bart of the players B” Coast licked Infantry Band 18 to 8. “A" Infantry held "D" Engi neers to one frt» throw and beat them, V) to 1. *•£” Fiold emerged wi^» a 16 to 11 Victory over B Inf- arttry "C" Infantry helped to square things with pie Artillery j group, for their brothers fa blue, by beating "f”! Field Aftillery, 10 to 8. The A. k M. Swimming Club held its first meetings of the year Tues day. Arthur Adamson, teaai coach, presided. A committee headed by N. Zel- man, was appointed to make ar rangements for a benefit show to be given soon. The proceeds of this show will go toward the presenting of the annual water carnival ' in the spring. - According to Mr. Adamson, wat er polo will be stressed more thia year than in previous year*. It is hia plan to have water polo ac cepted as a Southwestern Confer ence sport. Th* team works out every Sun day afternoon and also on Monday night. Adamson has invited all up perclassmen interested in swim ming to start Working out imme diately with the team. jinx that has been heard of was buried two years ago when the Cadet* ploughed the Frogs, with Sammy Baugh, under by a score of li! to 7. That year the Frogs were the favored team. They had ';imrm Bau^h who was a senior and an All-American, but that did not phase the “figfain Aggies”. Thli year we have another chap ter of the book called T. C. D. vi A. A M. The Aggies ere not th* fa vored -team and neither are the F rog*. Their game tomorrow should be the classic of the year. Both teams are fa excellent shape, li C. U. Will be under pressure bee^Mej they are fighting for the national championship and have not lost e gamij. Mir Are our guesses: A. A M. IS—T. C U. 7 Rice 13—Tulane O Baylor 16—Centenary 7 Arkansas 14—Texas 6 By Dave McMinn— A A M. 6—T. C. U. 6 Rite 13—Tulane 7 Baylor 18—Centenary 7 -f j j Arkansas 18—Texas 12 By A. G. Jones— A. A M. 13—T. C. U. 9 Hire f> -Tulan* 14 Baylor 13—Centenary 7 Arkansas 18—Texas 6 The Aggie Knot-Hole Gang is cxjHTtetl to fill at least three and" possibly four sections of the Kyle Field stands for the Aggie-Frog game. High school football coacho* from aa fas a* Ennis have written in for membership card* for their squads. To date, there have been ten high school grid teams to ac cept the offer. This Knot-Hole idea is good and wiU do its. hit to advertise the school to high at bool Wf’: Reveille, the grand little black dog that is bur mascot, may be making her last appearance at an Aggie-Frog game this week. “Rev” ha* been here for eight year* and huf. always b.en one of the lead- jhlg faipgiwtara of athletics. Francis Wallace, th# author of "Pigskin Parade”, has wired that it will he i mpossible for him to attend the Frog kiDing. Dean Eyle has started an Athletic Advisory Council which is com posed of representative students of the campus and one member is from the football team. It is this > Two league games anf two tn- terseetionai conflict* feature the 'play of Southwest Confen-nce teams this week. One learn, th* Southern Methodist Mustangs, are idle The two conference iqelees find the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs journeying down fa South Texas to ColU ge Station, where they tangle with'the rough and tough Texas Aggie*’in a game which might easily bo the dee id fag factor in the pennant (naaa | Last year the two p(ayod to a 7 to 7 deadlock before 37,000 fans far Fort Worth. ?The other conference game is between Arkansas’ Hogs and Dana X, Bible’s Texas Longhobu fa Lit- 4- — U* Rock This battle might be the tussle that decides the conference cellarites for the 1938 aa both the Hogs and ti* St««eri have have been awarded the b.K>b/ prise fa the pre-season dope booka^by most experts. Arkansas wo* over Texas last year, 21 to 10. The interaocthmal «{MA« ‘ see Rice’s Owls against Tulane’■ Green Wave fa New Orleans sad Baylor’s Goldea Bears in what should be an interesting go against the n , men of Centenary fa Waco The Owl’s game with the Tulane eleven will be the last chance the other conference teams will have to aee the Feathered Flock fa aetioa uniter’s opinion that th^ U a for ward move and should bring the atkUtic department closer to the t ints. ell, let's hold that Imt one and gfi out on that field an<j back, that Mero< ii and White ball dub tumor rot. I • ' We don't want to aee any Aggie hi^h hikers on the road Saturday y that has money fi leave on- ialy has enough to stay hare i a ball game w)th If you going to leave, puB off that m and don’t disgrace the that are Aggies fnd former before it starts As war against them. Rice opens its rare for the 3 Oct 22 against Teas*. lylor and Centenary appear y evenly-matched and shonkl put on a good show at Waco. Last year the Bears had the; Gentlemen up a tree to the tune of 21 to 0. The other coSfkrenco team. S. M. U, will be taking it easy over the week-end fa preparation for prob ably their banket game of the season, that with Pitto^ogh’l pow erful Panther* ^ L«i Ui J | FIX YOU IT t For The f “CORES TRIP” i JFCrf! T .. JONES . BARBERSHOP I . j . || : | ' *~~*~~~*0*~+.*****~‘*+%*~<~>* m.m m+Ltm.m A MICE DIACE TO TAKE YOUR k I RL CHICKEN GB1LL 24th A College Bryan The T. C. U. personnel:. Head Coach Leo R. ("Dutch”> Meyer, *22, Line Conch Lester Brusabelow, ’30, Freshman Coach Walter Roach, TI, Athletic. Director Howard Grubbs, ’30, Assistant Athletic Di rector Mack Clark, ’29, and Busi ness Manager L C. Wright, ’10. f JONES BARBER SHOP WiB Be Ctoed Dwfegl Football Game Sat. SENIORS — it MR. LUCCHESE will be Mend ft Hornak’a Uaif< Tailor Shop Oet. 17t| and 18Ui to take measimnentx and to make minor adjust menU on boota already de livered / r/ BOOT COMPANY minor league teams fa the lahd» 1 Newark arid S*n Francisco. What 1 chance have Other ball rUibs got? Very little flroai all accounts; for didn\ the Vink- juat whip the Cuba four strtfght fa the World Series, and n<jt h eloaa game fa the four? While m New Deal is out trust-bustin^iiey might investi gate th# YanT ri*. who seem to have a monopoly on igood ball players. This la really a serious problem ~t—"'k... ij -f ! r : READY For TlMili i 4cORPS TRIP’ . If Not, Let Ug Get You Read> We SUy Open the Night Before a Home Game r i AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP in the which before setback York Yank*, world, and solved right now gam* Buffers a hands of the New A GIFT FOR MOTHER There’s Just One Thing She Will Appreciate More Than Anything Else Money Can Boy— YOUR PHOTOGRAPH AGGIELAND STUDIO ! Kodak Finishing Picture Frames ~ j i! r«i Li GIG I HOSE! FROGS MB AGGIES m J, ^ 4Lr i w ■ NjJ' 1 n ■ * j; j r* ipi • ill i tsi i! f 1 WE ARE BEHIND tOU 100% THE! EXCHANGE STORE fH* The Official College Store li 1 v 1 r XT •t — J