Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1938)
IN i i' LAN FO* BAYLOR COIU»S TRIP TO WACO SATURDAY . ! H . f *• 1 ' * f/ - NEWS DIGEST WTAW 11:50 A. M. TUESDAY A FRIDAY THE thirty-eighth year STUDENT SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OP TEXAS A. Jk BL COLLEGE nf f (M«Anm/wT TiLirw — L_ 1 r li i COLLEGE STATION, ^EXAS. TUESDAY! AFTERNOON, OCTOBER IfT 1938. “V” Coast Units To Service I ittari* A and D Coast ArtUl- «*7 h**t he«n the first two outfits io lormitorui to wmkt sirmng*- m« U for in*Ull*Uon of t*ls- pb^Ms, H was learnsd today. Oat 1 of tbc two outfits, on) om < isswitlin vote was rsf • »st< red actinst the initallationi. , 1 eaa F. C. Bolton has announoed th« ; the collette has O. K.'d the pas> Mb uttes <f telephone installation pit ridad 1< nation of the phones la tht dormitories Is approved ay Co iman i^jt Moore and the wires to the dormitories meet reqoire- me its of college reculotions. 1 r. Dan Russell, heed of a sub- coi trait Lee of the Student Welfare Co 1 mitten has announced that the loc ,1 telephone corapeny will mst*!! tel phones at a coat of |2 per mo ith for ta party line or for |2A0 a 1 tenth lor private lines. Instal- let oa chase* is $1J0. , 1 » addiUon, the outfits must pa> a 1 aeaacy fee of fl for party Hne ph nes and 9116 for private phones du inf the three summer months. A1 these rhartree, however, weald be covered by a cost of only 16 whbrv unit. Dr. a s**nester for as fiaay as 86 . >. Russell poin the telephones f< AiMBery maltestes ti ! staled men are in a pointed oat. for the two Coast ere to be Ih- weekend, it eras said UP UNTIL THE will be tented in to ’■ office bn Nov. 1, the custom in past its havinf failing have their names sent | Complete grades W01 he Ipmed in by all depart mots Dec. 1 for the second check up Mimeographed -eporta ef stu- dei its fsilkig one or more sabjeets wi I probably be sent oat to all commanders, accord- ind to H.'L. Heaton, assistant re- gidtrar. 4— » . I., * TELEPHONE 8 iltlUMRI 24! SENIORS HAVE ORDERED CLASS RIRGS ? to an mu gistrarh imately* 1 have been 247 rings order to date according it from the Re- office Monday: lApprox imately* 167 of this namber have h. j 09tn OSlTWrMo j , , The ; Registrar's office is in charge iof ordering mad distribut tng seifor rings as a result of an by the Senior Ring Committee. Under the old method, unclassified seniors wc free to make their orders from a Iocs) je reler who handled the ri« T%e Rs gistrar’a office now cteet up on nil students who ton hi orders jfar tings sod no one but dnasifi d seniers are permitted to turn it thfir orders. Und< r the old system s definite date ol delivery was not assured This dii advantage has been remedi ed in ( Ut the manufacturers are held n sponsible for delivery and an car f delivery ia premised the "'O' ■ of the senior rlaaa. 1 Thejinga ere ordered from the Sur Engraving Co, at Houston, and cone ia two different finishes, dark r ae and green grid. There are set pn different weights, rang ing fre n If dwt. to IS dwt., and seven fncaa, ranging from fl#.20 to 92440. Ring are ohdered the let and 16th oi each month aad delivered in two weeks. All rings ordei for the 15th are hem and may be called ft»r at the Registrar s office DR. I18T T. LUND OF THE Agricultural Economies Depart ment of A. A M. ia sp- nu.i t day and Saturday of this week in Dallas With the head of the Farm Security Administration office in that erty. Mr. Robert Denhsrdt of tbs Ag rtteMny jleonomK-s Department spoke <*rvr the radio last week on the introduction of horses into America. There ham been many favorable comments on the talk received from all over the state KADET KAPERS BH JACKi PUCKETT --'hi I. 1 'll Among the people oa the cam- p4 »h4 take it is POKEY After the publication in ins column two weeks ago abo it hia telling Miss Mary Evelyn Car Hat that the was te be the cadet co uneL iVxiHYLA told everyone on the campus and your eolamnist in particular that the whole story wi 1 a lie, that be never heard of Mi ry Evdyn Carlisle, that he hav er told anyone he was going to be caBet colonel, and that the whole st< 17 was an attempt to slander his chi meter. He ask.-d yoar reporter to (print these things and apologue to bn, but the following letter fre m Baylor dears thing* up con dHtSably.: [ I ' IT • . : (Waco, Texas' | [ i October 11, 1988 f 1 received the correct informs- ticti. therfc ia some concern an to the kuthepticy of the statement I mil* to a certain Aggie (BUI Gmcrwali I) a couple of weeks ago I really didn’t think a few pasting remarks luring an intermission date wool t cause such a commotion. In fact 1 iever expected the M chat” to h<t repdsted on tha A. A M. cate* pun It sterns that the ratings of thp Aggif seniors mean a lot to ' reader why? But that is 1 rom the point a bit. a remark to an Ag gie fiat visited the R. 0. T. C. carrp (Firt Clark) this summer with somj girl friendt to see sev ers! of tie Cavalry boys. There I mdl this all handsome young A^- ttdd me during the ifteraoan ho would be cadet colonel of the A I do think ha would havw a gpod one, that he is a tefs * i that the military suth uds a mistake ia not mak- IdtetyU the CbleaeL hops thii will help you in some way, bdt I think it ia rather silly for boys, especially Seniors, to go around [repeating after the yotyng girls wh«m it concerns ether tflMil v I |^ Yo,l^, * J Mary Evelyn Carlisle The 4wty «ffiner of the Coast Artillery Regiment, Cadet Captain J. WAYNE STARK, was trying to supply ^is date with 1>'** to »t*y at tea o’clock Saturday night. It that the supply my abi! • YNE isn’t to hot the ugly head of monoply head upon the Aggies. NT1Y CLUB gave out at 2:30 Sunday and so proc^iied to close and run everyone oat. DAMS seems to be two- JacksonviUa flsme. BILL DAVIl ad his fiancee down for and was wandering ith « dated look in his of BILL say that he ■y wUl walk <fc>wn the arch of sabers the ’ore the Final Ball next June. Inridently, Miss Marfcum was etectod the most beautiful girl of Thomas Jefferskn High School of San Antonio larft year. hkai hargrovr, mac Mc- KENN’A, and KELLEY were sport- ing three hits of feminum pulcri- MW th t they picked up as Mind dates ffnm C. L A. If the rote of and us could have the lk| ba anything but blind _ TOM McCORD sad C LER wi re collecting sacks fi »m aR the Uattr L P; DECKER’S gri| lag beesune Mid got axfcleburrs in thetr luck as wouldn't lividusl blankets Here Is our final fate: Every Ag- e bad a better time at foe Corps nee than he did at Ah* football a an> thing ex Sbiaa Hall Annex will be setting for a colorful party Southern Pacific Station Site Of TW*. y . * -b. p^g the faculty dance club holda annual costume ball. Claaa room dignity aad achate cares will be forgotten a* the gay revelers fojfo cid< at the polls Wedneadsy whe- the light faatastk to the tunefal ther or not the city will be incor- stralns of Tommy Littlejohn’s A* gieland Orchestra. President Dick HickanMi' Itel Secretary Ty Timn extend e cor dial invitation to all faculty m» m bare and their friends to enter into the spirit of Halloween and com pete for the prises which art to be awarded for the most clever Halloween costumag. * A. 4 R. STABLES' TAtE LION'S SHARE OP FAIR PRIZES Entries from A. A M. stables carried off a lion* share of the awards in the horse show at the State pair in Dallas last week. In the Percheron division tht college exhibit won nine firsts on nine entries, Junior Champion stal- tioa on Carcenot, and Senior and Grand Champion stallion on Car- cellus Junior, an outstanding three year old horse. Senior and Grand Championship honors in the Per- cheron mare clan were awarded to Josephine, one of the best horses owned by the college. In the saddle horse group, A. A M.'t YVitry of five animals won seven first in individuals and groups, as well as a clean sweep of all Jualor, Senior, and Grand [Championship* in both stallion and mare classes. The Grand Champ ion saddle stallion'Was Centennial Chief, a winner iu previous shows. The Grand Champion mars in this class was Helen Peavine, another of the college s better horses. This was another outstanding win to add to the long list of impressive show victories accumulated by A. A M. homes. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 8TU- dents have a new way of deter- mining what courses they!) take. Each student takes a personality test before makirut out his class schedule—a tost that shows his !">< hulogical tendencies. Results is to keep former 4-H Club mem 0* those tests are combined with bers in closer contact with one an aptitude, scholastic record study habits to tell faculty mem bers how to advise their charges. 1—)—W ( "UuRv Station’s voters will de- po rated. The proposed plan of incorpora tion would include the cam pub pro per, North Gate, the Oakwood ad dition, College Hills estates, and College Park in a city, College Station. Election fodke for the Wednes day voting will be Prof. Alva Mitchell of the Department of AfotfopliMf, Drawbar. • J Polling place will be the South ern Pacific station, with the polls open from 8 a. ug until 7 p. m. ' I’uryear Photograph In Bolton’s Office Hanging now in the office of Dean Bolton ia a Urge photograph of Dean Emeritus Puryear, only liring ex-Dean of* the Collage* Dm Puryear, who will observe hfo tekwaty teffo Mrilteay Friday, came to A. A M. in 1983. In l(K>7 he was named Dean of the CollA in sfhteh position he served until 1982, when Dean Bolton took » that position Dean Puryear was at that fone named Dean Emeritus of the Col Mpi I it'If; Lawrence Sullivan Ross Now at A. & M. Relieve it or not, Lawrence Snllivaa R..*a is aow attend- i«f A. A M. Otetegfo and is Bring in Row Hall. He is bet ter known as Fisk Rom. He halls from Waco aad is a di rect descendant of the Law rence Sullivan IW*. tender . of early Texas A A M. Col lege. Fisk Ross is 17 years ted aad has lived ia Waco all Ms Hfe. He has always had the desire to come to A A M., He graduated from Waco High School late ysnr. aad this year he's here. Fish Roes te majoring ia forestry, aad intends te work with the government after be finishes college. His nickname in SoM. and ke te interested in intramural -ports. I* also Mans te go out lor tho fresh man track teamuT Monday night This initial meet ing consisted of • discussion of plans of the association for the 1938-39 school iM-**ion The next meeting will be Nov. 3. The student Association of Ex * H ( tub members was organised ir tc r.. by A * M - “*«« dente and members of the Exten sion Service. Us primary purpose matter for the March meeting has not been srl.-ctcd oe NfoCA ckhMaribl Houston ..., ou-, a.,*, o* and to keep them well informed on present-day 4-H Club activities. JUDGING TEAR! j WINS THIRD PLACE IN NATIONAL R The A A M. Livestock Ji Team won third place in the Ra tional contest according to a fjre received by the Animal H Department last Sunday the individual divisions of the test, the Aggie team placed ia Cattle, third in horses, sheep, and eleventh in hogs two winning teams of the were Nebraska and Kansas. The Meats Judging compete Wednesday in Ksna wijh other teams from over nation, according to an annou meat from the A. H. De APPLICATIONS TO ENTER RODEO DUE BY FRIDAY AH contestants entering the Sad dle and Sirloin * ( lob * 20th an na*! rodeo must m*k application and file their contestants fsos by 8 p. m. Friday afternoon, Fraak Carter, business manager for the rodeo, announced Msndap. Anyone deairing to enter any of the five events sh<fold file the^ Accordfa g to Cotonel George F. ^ 00re ' nten Adams, Inland Scheduled To 1 Uad Discussion At Next NACA Meeting ■ f» ■ p. Lstend, Head of foe De- payment ef Accounting aad Ste- tteUcs at A. A M. will lead the die- cuasioe oa the subject of “Control •of Inventories and Receivables” at the next meeting of the chapter of the National Association of Cote ArcountNfo. An edaifotional pro- 'U a . A JT . one dollar fee with ithe follownng men: James Black, A-8 Hart for steer riding: Pete Jacoby, J-13 Hart for bionc ndin|; Bob Evans, J-lfHart, for Mexican ribbon rop ing; Gat Garrison, |1 Footer, for the bote race; and Ben 1 Law, for calf rop The rodeo this yeir is going to he bigger than ever before, accord ing to the Saddle and Sirloin dab. Lumber has been provided by the college for the construction of new pens aad the juniors of foe Saddle and Sirloin Club hate been work- •ing for the past two weeks on this teak. Although the clufti was disap pointed fo not havfng Molly 0’- Daniel serve as queen of the, rodeo, another girl will be chosen and an nounced within the gext few days. The major prise will be a large handsomely engraved twelve inch silver loving cup. 4pMi Is being given by Mr. Lauterftein. This will be given to the best all around tetekaj. Classes Suspended 1 For First Official! * Trip of ’38-’39 Year All claaeee wil b.- suspended Sat urday morning la order for the A. A M. Cadet Corps to w»h+ the first official corps trip of the yaar to Waco te attend the football game between A. feM. and Ray lor University. THE A A M. BX 4-H CLUB Association held ite first monthly ^ Hf-«'~t tMoortlaf j, ccfe!. duted for the mateM* The Houston Chapter haa scheduled a meeting •t A. A M. in March at which time •It- gram will be pfeJld for VW ANMMfofo Students of th.* school Ust year at a meeting of thia kind, problems of oil account- Senior Agricultural Engineers to Make " ■ ■Trip Inspection H . I-1Tl sealor w.ll le s The seniorVAcriiultufal Engi- neem ^ili leave egrly Thursday ■USfibt.on an inspection trip te the Dallas State FaM. At tee o'clock they will inspect the refrigerating equipment of the Safeway Stores in will be guests of kadk Thursday afi spent at Garland, Soil jOtiaamrtfoli Friday morning inspect the Fair of ten diff. companies. At will go to the dso. which who won the 500 Speedway Classic Worth, and •tores for trill he the Garland •Jeet PUrty will the State implement o’clock, they PtH Roberta, Indianapolis feuir.v * AS TEXAS AGGIES BOWED TO HORNED FROGS, 34 a '' 4 ■fom V hzLj Right, above, is Davey O'Rriea, T. C. U. harkfieli flash, headed ..n aa end raa apfoik pt Satarday. HaM is shews taking oat an Aggie dcfrnaiTe player. Net 52 far A. A M. ia Dwscsn Left, •hove.' shews Diek Tedd as h# started tel eaa at his several jaaats with Leoaey of the Frogs aad aa- othm of Meyer's aggrogatioa after the Aggie stir. Below, right, le a shot ef the Kate-Hole Gang at aae of the ticket beotho te Kyle Field. Center shows Dick Todd aa another nu with Sparks aad Lsoaty of th# sga smsag athsrs guaaiag far Mm. Left lower shot shows the swiagta’ T. C. U. hand—Staff Pho tos by Cabana. Commandant, 2600 students have signified their intention of ■aking the frip. Two special trains haws been cngUJld| from the Mis souri Pacific Railroad Company which will team ( oileg* Station at 1 7:16 and 7:8t> Saturday morning and which will arrive in Waco in .' time to enable the corpe to form for ite parade down the main sbreet of Waco at eleven o'clock. The as sembly ground for the parade will bd in the ana in front of the Cftg * tetQ, uad ifo atadwts who go to Waco Friday are requested by the Commandant te rvgwrt to the Otf «all at 10:30 in order to enable them to find |het rsapeethk fo- - ganitafions injtfoae to faU in for the parade. REVIEW AT I! a M. The parade will cover a length ef about sixteen Mocks, and wffl take approximately an hour to complete. The reviewing stand will be located at 8th Street near the Raleigh Ho tel facing Austin Avenue. After the parade is over the. entire cadet corps will he the guests of the Waoo * Chamber of Commerce for a bar begue dinner to bq held at the fair grounds, which M a few blocks from where the end of the parade, The fare for thi found trip wfl) be 91A6 and foe football ticket in the Aggie rooting section can be procured from th* Athletic Office for 9110 plus coupon No. S3 from the athletic coupon book. It fc suggested that all men contem plating making the trip buy both tickets 4 soon a.* possible in order • to enable the authorities to make •n aeeuate edUfo'ea foe crowd that they trill have to Mfodle. The special traia from Waco will ■ leave at 8.-00 p. m. Saturday nfcfct. Other regular trafoa oa which the holders of round trip tickets will be permitted to ride leave Waco at 1 00 a. m. Sunday morning, 10:66 Sunday morning, and 1:00 a. m. Monday morning Instructions from the comman dant s office-as to the destination of the line of march of the review *re to be announced shortly. ] FREE BARBHH fc SLATED The inritetKin for foe Aggiea to make the trip to Waoo an official eorp# trip was extended to the •eaior class at the first «f school- by the Waco Chamber of Com. meree, the agency which is firing the free barbecue for the cadet corps Two weeks ago the Execu tive Committee met and \ fo* invitation, thus making two Official Morpe trips aad one tnof- ' fictol or% for foe yeah. Late week Lieutenant Joe E. Davis, the as-} , < distant (Commandant, made a trip to Waco te arrange detail* for the P*rade with the Waco Chamber of Commerce and foe Waco Police De- * laitunaL b t It is hoped that mere than 1800 jNfots, the number estimated hy’» the Commandant's Office, /foWfo ‘ the trip to Waco Late year 4000 cadets made the corps trip to Ft Worth for tfo T.CU. game which j. set an all time record; but this I FMr foe increased student b-xfo L v v *hould br« hK '.hat record on each N corps trip. 'J' SHS Holds Meetini r v . i The Scholarship Honor Society held its regular meeting late Thurs day night Announcement was ■•dc te this tin* fa th* effort that foe new list of candidate* for membership wo.ild be publish- •d wMhki a week. Aeeordfof to th« orgmnuation’s constitution fog H hifh aad foe 76 high junior* (schoUtei- *■%> te* adnuttedl to foe Scholar •Wp Honer Society. v. ‘-I i! 1. >