Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1938)
I Jr*. 1 AN EDITORIAL EXPRESSION WOULD LIKE BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE \ Gr**t Interest ku beta aroaaad *rn°nf th«' student body coneerning V. the queai in the do •pa ietJ Dosenn oj wired by elmoet a) we eboa) bett* u than m tkdly * do not of patting telepbonee toriee, sine* the recent In The Battalion of ah urging each action, immenta bare been ro le writer on the letter, limously agreeing that >y all meana bare far bone accowmodationa bare (which are prat- gible). bnte bare lapreeeed in- bt A. A M. dennitoriee telephone* while the and fraternity and ee- rority house of virtually every oth- collegiate institution do have ua. In all likelihood provisions will be made for a telephone booth hi each at the twelve new hallo aooe to be constructed here. Meat of the project booses already bare phones. In view of these facte and of the undeniably great naad of both dormitory and day students on the campus for more and better phone service, it can scarcely be disputed that a telephone booth should be installed as’aoon at pos- eible in each of the dormitories now in use. The writer of the original open letter concerning this matter re ceived shortly after Ha publication a cordial letter from M. C. Atkins, district manager of the Southwest Telephoim Company whose offices are in Hr yap and which now serves the college with four pay phones and two public ones on the cam pus and with messenger* to deliver night nu»*s4fe*. , In • long interview with Mr. Atkina, g Battalion representative obtains! f™™ him complete infor- mationyregarding the matter. Mr. Atkins | datlered that the tele in the halls, would each he at the flat rate of |4 s nth (which in the opinion of The Battalion is too much), with low tolls for tong distance calls. HoMbrer, it woulA certainly ba worth even this charge te obtain this much-needed accommodation . Mr. Atkins declared that the SouthwmA Telephone Company would be only too glad to m*ul! these pbones, provided some rea sonable guarantee is given that the booths and transmitters shall receive no undue damage from the students. He stated that during the last year one expensive phone booth and several transmitters were ruin ed here at Collage Station sad that from >et the four pay phones * on the campus the com pany gets $180 ia tings every year. It is guite true that some Aggies other people’s property (Ne doubt these be- per cent whs dis grace the the whole school with their childish antics ht the theaters and other places, here and el However, it ia probable damage to the tele in the halls could and would be >ped through effective du- mainUined pany gets $ It ia quit< ds damage other dtagrajeeAiHy. (N long $> the on* de-ires to eb- ciplinary • measure*, as well at through the desire' mpst of the ping this ^ nee H was given them. The Battalion tain a greater student opinion, affording the Aggies express themselves more fully and effectively through a vote on the question. Ota the editorial page ia a ballet, which after betog filled out should be taken to the first sar gesnt of ce«h voter** respective organisation. First sergeants are TAKE PART IN THE BATTALION pqota SURVEY A k ♦ • if; requested to send <» bring the bal lots collected to the Student Pub lkalion's Office in the Adminis tration Building, er to the Com- andant’s Office, bp I. Wednesday evening, f ! In order to representative opinion In this dent is urged to hopes for the student body you are thajtekthhmi pleane fill out ballot | this a truly of Aggie very stu- Battalion of the questMta. If in improving turn te your NEWS DIGEST WTAW H :S0 A- M. TlKSDATfli FRIDAY 1 3EMI- in rsk tentTY-EiGgrg Ykjk r j college Station, trias, |krsday afternoon, October n, 193s T. C. IL Frogs to Arrive Friday zm )BER 11, 1938 PHONE COLLEGE 8 r jUMBRE 8 — JLL 11 ‘ PHIUDELPHIA OFFICE DESTROYED ! BY BOMB $2,000,000 Will Be Borrow in! To Erect 12 New Dormitories Texas A. A M » Board of Di rectors Saturday passed a reeolu Mon accrptlng p loan of $2,000,000 ftom rti. Keconstruction Finance Cor po radios for the construction of 12 new dormitories and a mess hall.. Other resolutions passed includ ed p-ofic actions for the type* of bonds t* be issued on the loan and a description of the types ef advertisements to be used to s.M-ur.' bids. It Is expected that the bids wil be in about the middle of Noverrttair, jit was said, j Preribusly this year it had been annoenced . that the hope of the administration was to Start Con struction around Nov. IS, but the postponement was declared una- vmdsble. —i L A bomb followed by fin delphia. Flroaeo battled hard to keep bixKi was rocked by the blast i, wrecked thr hlarr this real estate office, a two-«tor> structure, in Fhila- frem spreading to nearby buildings. The entire neighbor- r -* f i» - KADET KAPERS BfY JACK PUCKETT AND BILL IfU^RAY T {J ‘ • t I .; The truiiTexane, wo bear, held a meeting (Thursday night for pol itical purposes. This'Column also has receive! information that every T. T. pn the campus baa a free pass to Corps dances here. It will be te' I ■ , I look around at the ^ C J " * Yota should so* JOE BROOK’S IHtl# “misplaced eye- brow” that he cuHivstrd especially to berwftch, those C. I. 'A* women in iris hi>ria mna of Denton. LITTLE JOE, who, we hear, is practically •^gagmUie a certain influential young lady at C. I. already has three Istde with three different other girls in three different cities forNBA 4^0* cent teg weehendi Would his no-cslled “On# and Only** be buried !ap to bear that? JIMMY KADEN seems to be ‘’vMthi! the head of bis d< pn tment quit frequently nowaday*. li could at be b«-cause of the good looking young sienographer, could it JIMMY? back the dock to the find that RENO his state ef affairs into | condition. KENO, stand- mirror, believed that on the ether side waa It, and so gave said w | destructive punch, des tructive tq the mirror and RENO’S hand. ! ‘1 TOM HARRIS, the big six-strop- er, reecived a remarkable letter a, graduate of C. L A. now re- r* In (Jhico, Texas, congratulat- him on being captain of “B troop Cayalry, and suggesting | date DMlas •DON was caught in on enmarpsamg situation Sunday whatahie Houston flame cam* up to see him tatad found him in U* company ef Ian ex-flame from Dal- EMIL HERTS ER t|at his six stripe* weren't Imprest hie little turtle Tyler LILES dorr to impress ) in Rosenberg, shoulder strap and a saber chain glea j AUSTIN KE1LEY has finally given the One and Only an engage ment ring and plans to walk down the aisle next summer. Another Aggie intent on matrimony is WARNE RBRr NDRETTE, who re ceives an air mail letter every day from California. What’s this w* hear about “All- American Boy’’ HERMAN WEH- NER and the “Jack Armstrong Chib-? What awful scandal is SONNY BROCK holding over the heads of high-ups CHARLIE TRAIL and DAVID THRIFT? This colujnn would give a lot to know. A. J BARTHELOWS dream girl ia cotging to the T. G U. game as the geest of his roomate, ALEX NORDHAUS. And to JACK COOK. Band Junior, goes the honor of or dering the most unique dish of alt thne, “Half a cantaiope on toast" Camera flash . RUDY MI CHALK A slagged it into a dance in Bryan Saturday night especially te sed a certain member of the 400 To RUDDY. ELSIE was sorely conspicuous by her absence. A. W. CLAY bids fair to become quite a rival for the young lady’s affec tions. - Since school began HUNTER EWING has been going very steady with a brunette in Houston who is a ex-professional dancing teacher. TOMMY FOREHAND has been going frequently with a little Houston blende, Alice Neal. Last weekend heatttr l. d a surprise party given in her honor, end pre sented her' with tw* pictures ol himself TgEORGE PAPPAS received letter from his date in Tyler, Which wes unusual in that it con tain, d only her name and address. BILL (GOON) LEDBETTER, EMtafataMMa-fascinstor, came back fypm his last week-end trip home OpT [Korried, for some unknown aPM$‘about the latest affair of Williamson Speaks at Meeting Of Texas Watershed Association STABLES ELECTED TO CAPTAINCY OF R.Y. COMPANY 1 At a meeting ef the Roes Vek $mir jpNBMny last Friday fright, George Staples, Houston, was elect ed captain. Other officers elected were Fiends Potts, second in com mand; Bob Oliver, and Berl Hulsey, second lieutenants; and Foster Wise puenttaryvtntaM)rek Plans were made during 1 meeting for the irevision of 1 constitution so that several neces-l eary changes car be made. A com mittee was appointed to investigate the ehangee which will be approved by the company a^ a future meet ing. The members of the commit tee are Henry Flake, Kenneth Knapp, BUI Smith* Ai P. Utterba k aid Bob Oliver. Suggestions from students concerning revisions which they think would be helpful to the organisation will be appreciated Changing the date of spring hol idays has brought up the question when the R. V. Festivities will be held. Suggestions were eonsnli .‘dj et the meeting for holding the fee* ities while school is in seesioil in order that the -cadet corps may be able to witness the Cornnatior, | H. H. Williamson, Director of the Extension Service of A. A M„ vpok# at the meeting of the Texas Waters h« <l Association held at the Driscoll Hotel ia Austin last Fri- dby. Governor James V. ,4Qni railed the meeting of the associa tiori to create interest in the con servation ef soil ad water with special emphasis on flood control. Among the other distinguished visitors (Who were present et the meetteg Were W. Lee O'Daniels. governor Sleet of Texas, and Pat Neff, the governor of Texas at the time of the original appropriation for water and soil conservation waa made, who at the present time » pr< - id.-nt of Baylor University. The mein purpose of William son's speech was to inform the peo ple of Teams as to the achievements of the Extension Servli»/af'd its benefit to the state since its or- kT .m/ . n.rj in 1110 There is e mis taken idee throughout the nation that the only means to conserve water is to build dams and create a reservoir, but aa Wiyiamson pointed out. a much more cffioeit tans ia to preserve the water where it falla, by mans of con tourteg and terracing. In order to emphaaiae the value of tarracing Williamson quoted a actual experiment conducted near Abilene. ■ During an eleven year period a ten acre block of land which waa terraced produced $86, 19 more cotton than a similiar block of land which was not ter raced. In concluding Williamson paid tribute to the pioneer county gents who first brought te the idee of terracing from Georgia He gave a list of accomplishments of the Extension Service during Its twenty-eight years of existence \ srner, Infantry Juntos was elect, d recently te the pr idenry ef the class at ’4#. Varner served last year sa president of the sephemere rlao* "I T.fl College Station Tilt- Heads' Southwest Slate Thh Week The leading U»m ef the South west t'ooference, the T.C.U. Frog?, Friday and workout on Kyle before they Texas Ag- i game that may of the champion- will arrive gt will haalfl Field that meet Homer fiea Saturday decide the ship flag. -f- Winstead Makes Trig Through South Texai| For A. & M. PhUBSI G. Byron Winstead, publicity dt doctor for A. A M„ made an exteq^ sive trip through eouth Texas last week in order to contact news papers and encourage favorable news treatment of A. A M. In his tour he contacted news papers in Yoakum, Cuero, Corpus Christi, San Antonio. Austin, Waco, Fort Worth, and Dallas. Arriving in Dallas Friday, jW instead attend ed the meeting nf^ the Texas Prens Association, which was held Friday' and Saturday. At the meeting Winstead extend ed all invitation ^ the association to hive the state convention at Col lege Station et some future riate. Hie motion waa.aftod on favorably by the program committee, and the .. • u probably be held here within the nesrt two years. The meeting place for the June conven tion will be Lubl«>rk Made Ma Coast HoUingshead, of Milkary Sci- Aggie Juniors Wfll be Guests OflH T.S.C.W. Juniors More S.M.U. Game Captain Frank assistant pnofesso ence and Tactics, Coast Artillery Corps, was promoted to the rgnk of major,-effective Actober 1, 1938. Major Holling^ead graduated from Texas A., AtM. te 1916, re ceiving his bachelpr ef science dc- in Chemical Engineering. At the o«tbreak of war he was among the first of the Officers Reserve Corps to report for active duty, and he receded his commis- «*a ah first lieu tenant iaj the Coast Artillery Cfrpe on Nev. 27, 1917. Although he was given hia honorable discharge on Jen. 2,1920, Major Hollingshegd entered the service again on Nov. 27, 1920 and was giva back hi? ommisaion as a first lieuienanu Since that time he has attended and graduated from the Coast. Artillery Officers School and the Adk-an. «-d Engineer ing School for th| Coast Artillery. — i^ind LM$ Aggies get ap early Tuesday morniag to waL • come the grid *<jaad heme from CaHfanria. T . The band waa a hand at h, Missouri IW.r station, sad passer* by;, laarnrd that AggiM raa yell aa loudly at • a. au a the' d* at feetltall ! 1 I Til — h riding te.*t ItaH ’ laid jt S< bool, he finish be- « bring* hia nd with a op” Warner's so he were • his heart In order to reciprocate courtesies yfcMl t^e sophomore class of A. A M. extended to them last year at the Sophomore Ball, the junior class of Texas State College for Women ia to give a dinner and dance for the junior daas of A. 1 .A M. in Denton Friday night Kov. 4.: The invitation was first extended by a letter from Ellen Rohde, president of the Junior class at T. S. C. W., to Durwood Varner, president of the Aggie Juniors Varner brought the matter up at the first meeting of the Junior class and it received favorable re sponse. Last Saturday President Walton received a formal invitation from l’icMiicnt Hubbard of T. S. G W. which President Hubbard ex pressed the wish tito* the Juniors would not have to take excess cute on the .Friday afternoon before the dinner-dance, so that the a- tire Junior class could make the trip.* ► According to plans which are being worked by Durwood Vamerf the junior president, with the co operation of the other Junior class officers, a special train will be scheduled to leave College Station at I p. m. Friday, Nev. 4, for Den ton. which Will arrive there about a hour te fore the dinner The dance trill be over gt one escort fog the alfab 1 . o’clock and the jeadt^i can catch a train for Dagas which leaves Deaton that night or may wait un til Saturday merging. At ay rate, ample time will be provided for the Juniors to join their organisa tions tor the parade down the main stmts qf Dallas Saturday morn mg. I Yh* pi e?idt rit of the junior class ha* issued an appeal to all Juniors to taake this trip, as a good U ia Msurtd to all those who go. A /blind date bureau" la to W sot up within the next few days to enable those Juniors who are not acquaint ed with the member? of the class at T.&C.W. to have a date and Two Freshmen Turn Up at Claa i Meeting: Two fish and Cadet Colonel David Thrift mi t Sunday after- noon to elect freuhmaa class •fftesrs! Aansutaced fag The Battalion, the election dal i evidently did n’t coin< uie witg the wishes at the class. Coach on the treat of <*w cluba that he Froglaod. During h coach at the Ft. W has never had.his low second place, great crew to fresh victory over Temple Owla, and his entire ball drib ia 14 gVeni, jhyMtgl egapr. Ml| toga* bggt .the Temple Owls by a larger matgin than dig the Minn.-sou Gophers the w.'*k he fore. The Yrxtas Aggie* are ready for this great hall ciutg and they are impifSKivv n they wound a the abort end of the 7 to 0 Score in their battle wgh the third-rak ing team of the jnatten, the Sate Clara Bronr*. The Aggies have scored 72 potato to their expon ents 7. A. A M- h ranked only a few teams below the Frofiy and a Victory over theta, which la al together possible, will push the Cadet* to the top of the Conference ladder along with Baylor and will their national raking al most to the limit. If the Afgloa wta, they will twi thr favored t-» 1 Che < Tickets to (iame Go Aa a result lack at the alacttoa this a (>p« r t-n t the date far boon aa fsi 's fter yell Hkll. QaeetSnoaMe; * The first of a of the editorial tlia will tei beldj in room 122 ef Building at 7:0 of meetings of the Bat Friday night Administration for conference cream. ior Sale Two thousand two eta- l.-nt tickets for MiA. A M.-Bnyior football game U» bo played Oct. tt in Waco will ge on sale Monday at the athletic Office, it w$a M- nounccd today Katas will close at 5 o'clock Thin-day afternoon. C ost at the riclmt* to atadrato will be $1,10 when they are bought, wtth Capa Na tl from the Ath letic booklet. Other tickets will M»t lerie Council, potatod out today that some 101 Athletic hooka remain uaftold. Four local football games - Rim, Rice freahmea, Arkanaas and T.CG U.—ere on slate her*. Cost of : the te^ktolA|taMfiA-|J| ftfaft good for entrance u> loot baseball and basketball games as Well aa j track mote, ia fn so.