Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 2004)
Friday, j To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (pricehik| appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal [ for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesntsdl advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualifyfortei| additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Classi Irge, ne ,$95C ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT Free Folio. F/M, photos taken outside, on campus, through 4/21-4/30. For informa tion, call 573-364-8862, bobbysportraits @ The Gables Apartments welcomes Aggie Parents for an Open House. Please join us Friday, Saturday and Sunday for drinks, food and free prizes! Fantastic apartment homes starting at $449. Effi ciencies, 1&2bd. We’re easy to find, just around the corner from campus, 401 Uni versity Oaks Blvd. 979-693-1188. AUTO 1984 Jeep CJ-7 excellent condition, Lots of new parts $6000/offer 979-575-6123. 1997 Ford F150-XLT extended cab-V8, Black, automatic, Power windows/ locks 76kmi $7500, 936-662-0844. 2000 Ford Mustang, Black, 5-spd, 59kmi $7500, runs great 512-653-0621. 2000 Infinity I-30 loaded, 1-owner, 53K great condition, Blk/Tan, $15,400/obo (979)595-1119, (713)248-5992. 2000 Nissan Altlma GXE, clean white, au tomatic, excellent condition, 59,600mi fantastic tint, $6850obo 979-268-9855. 2000 Toyota Tacoma, 2-wheel drive 47,000mi., single cab, 4-cylinder, standard transmission, metallic black, $7,000 690 9142. 2001 Ford Expedition XLT Sport, towing package, 4x4, 5.4liters, ranch hand bump er, silver, excellent condition, $18000 979-220-0606 2001 Ford Mustang. V6, PW/PL, 41K mint condition, assume note, $9800 979 224-4444 '98 Chevy Malibu- very clean, 4-door, a/c power windows/ locks, V6, $3400, 936 870-7010/936-825-6983. JEEP WRANGLER 1995 4cyl.. A/C, soft top. 80,000miles $6,000 OBO. Call 979 764-7372. Ibdrm/lba C.S. duplex available 6/1 Nice neighborhood. $515/mo., good loca tion. 260-1792, leave message. 1bdrm/1ba condos in CS across from so rority row. HUGE closets, well main tained $495-$520 979-229-RENT. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979- 696-0091. 2302 Pronghorn, Available 8/18/2004. 3bd/2ba duplex. W/D, lawn care, shuttle. SI 000/mo 979-739-2560. FARM/RANCH Horse pasture w/shed, $50/mo. 1.Smiles from Post Oak Mall. 979-776-8552. FOR RENT 3bd/3ba duplex in C.S., 1300+sq.ft., steps from shuttle, all appliances. W/D. gas, extra large living area, available July/August. $1150/mo. 324-1138 2bd/2ba apt available now Call 979-690- 6735. 1,2,or3 rooms available in 3bd/2ba duplex, available 5/1/04, $800/mo. total, Rockhol- low subdivision, 979-571-0562 Jenni. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. 1/2month free rent! 2bd/1ba $375/mo. Ibd/lba $350/mo. C.S. Close TAMU. Call 979-680-0173.' 3/2 duplex, 2yrs new. brick, tile, applian ces, ceiling fans, w/d connections. $875/mo, available now, 979-587-0824. 101 Sulphur Springs, Near Chicken Oil, 3bd or 4bd/2ba, 2000sqft CH/A, hardwood floors, new paint, new roof, $1200/mo 979-224-0675. Answer to previous puzzle □raaciQ □□□q fiDna quqh □□□□ nmnn naunLULUHiuuuj uunu □□ □□□a nranHLsrj Hnnnn □□bqdbq] iiHDuraamsutiLJLJ □□□nm □EDO □ nans UUUL] cinnn nnnn □□□□ □□□□ EjaaiJEj 4/16/04 GRILL&TAVERN* join us for lunch! 15 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Cristo and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 Day's Calamity Jane, e.g. 6 Time half 10 Doris Day Show network 13 Expended 15 Denounced vehemently 17 1962 Day film 19 Sinbad’s transport 20 Circle dance 21 Cole of song 22 Ordinal suffix 23 Gloss over 25 Carpeter’s meas. 29 Suffix for Guinness 31 Become alert 34 '60s Mideast initials 35 Literally, "empty hand” 38 Town in northern Italy 39 Old French coin 40 Pendulum path part 42 Signs up 44 Dadaist Jean 45 Some soldiers: Abbr. 47 Chico, vis-^-vis Groucho and Harpo 48 Dissemble 49 Frosted 51 Thole insert 52 Choir member 54 1980s NBC series 56 Pretend 59 Dictionary abbr. 62 Engrossed 63 Sty dweller 64 1955 Day film 69 Camera part 70 Vanderbilt of fashion 71 Cupid's first name 72 Did 80, maybe 73 Skill DOWN 1 Beyond the pale 2 Like _ (quickly) 3 1958 Day film 4 Summer setting in D.C. 5 Singer played by Day in 64 Across 6 Peaceful place 7 Slangy negative DAY AT THE MOVIES by Charles Gersch Edited by Stanley Newman 8 Celine of song 9 Romeo 10 Fifth-century starter 11 Make illegal 12 Wall St. commodity 14 Betting group 16 Some amb. drivers 18 Mila 18 writer 24 Kin of -ule 26 Day song of 1956 27 Friday’s quest 28 Believe in 30 Bit of wisdom 32 _ electorate (Bordeaux ballot box) 33 1959 Day film 35 Lumpur 36 Second- quarter start 37 Business letter abbr. 41 Soccer announcer’s cry 43 Author Tarbell 46 Emotionally hurt 50 Mideast flier 53 Radioer’s word 55 Take down 57 Opera genre 58 Gently provoke 60 Quantities: Abbr. 61 Take another tour of duty 64 Youngster 65 -Locka, FL 66 It. metropolis 67 Valuable rock 68 Doris Day, nee Kappelhoff CREATORS SYNDICATE 02004 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWOROSOAOL.COM 4/16/04 FOR RENT 1604 S. Dexter at Southwest Parkway. Available May. Five years new, energy ef ficient, 3bdrm/2bth, appliances include in door utility room with washer/dryer. Large bedrooms, 2 have walk-in closets. Master has private bath; hall bath has two sinks. Gas heat and hot water for lower utility bills. 4 parking spaces in back. Lawn service provided. 1-year lease, $995/mo., $900 deposit. Call 979-260-1255 during business hours, 979-777-5393 evenings and weekends. 3/2 duplex- 1201A/B Webhollow- Avail. Aug. $850. 268-5844 or 1618 Rockhollow Avail 5/20/04 or 1614 Rockhollow Avail 8/25/2004. 3/2 duplex, w/d, lawn care, shuttle. $900/mo. 979- 739-2560. 1702 Leona: 3bd/2ba townhome, W/D connections, close to campus, on shuttle route. $675/mo. $600 deposit. 846-0853. 1bd/1ba 809 Yegua. Bryan W/D. Refriger ator included. Balcony, quiet neighbor hood, bus route. $495/mo. Call David (936)545-5200 or (936)636-7923. 1bd/1ba country cottage, acreage and stall available, 20min. to TAMU, $375/mo., all bills paid, 979-218-4712 3/2/2 2-livmg areas, near Blinn, St. Jose ph's, Henderson School. No Pets, $ 1050/mo, deposit $900 979-690-5574. 2-rooms $250/mo-ea. Shuttle, large rooms. Call 979-696-9641. 3/2/2 Avail, now at 2501 Rustling Oaks. Across the street from Blinn F/P, back yard, w/d and refrigerator included $1050 268-5844 or 2-Year New Duplex, 3bdrm/3bth. Irg-yard, overlooking greenbelt. Approximately 1400sqft. Pets acceptable, $1,000/mo, (summer month's $nego). 979-220-5735. 3/2/2 house. CS, shuttle route, built 2001, $1200/mo 979-575-0779. 3/3 duplex- 3707 Oldenburg. Avail Now $1095. 268-5844 or 2/2 @1100 Autumn Circle. W/D. water paid, $550-$600. 224-0005. 696-0616. 2/2, 3/2 duplexes, pre-lease now for May & August. Fenced yard, pets ok, 979-268-7400, owner/ agent, limited time summer 3/2 lease specials. 3/3 New Duplex available ASAP W/D, lawn-care, pets OK, fenced yard $333ea Must see 281 -222-8633. 2401 Britain. Avail 5/18/2004. 3/2 duplex w/d, lawn care, shuttle. Located behind cs Walmart $1000/mo. 979-739-2560. 3bd/2ba duplex, 2407 Brittain Ct. Availa ble June 1st. Best location in town! Cul- de-sac, all appliances, w/d, privacy fence &lawn maintenance. $950/mo. 936-825- 2670, 936-825-5222 2bd/1ba duplex, in Bryan, W/D connec tions. fireplace, fenced yard. S580/mo 979-774-5776. 3bd/2ba home available in August, near University. $975/mo.. owner/agent. 693- 8898 2bd/2ba apartment, close to campus, w/d. $325/bdrm. free internet. Free Dell com puter w/rental Call (408)315-4107. 3bdrm/1 5ba house is available now 979- 690-6735. 2bd/2ba Duplex lOOOsqft W/D connec tions lawn-care, large yard, available now $800 979-690-2439. 3bdrm/2ba duplex on Rock Hollow Loop. W/D connections. $900/mo. 775-8271, Phil. 2bdrm/2bth, 5-yrs new. Includes w/d, 3- min from vet school & A&M campus. Near bus stop. Quiet residential street. Local owner takes care of landscaping. 805 Ye gua. available 5/21, summer rates-nego. 1-yr lease. Average $565/mo., 979-220- 5735. 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. 3bdrm/2bth brick, near campus, $900 +$600 deposit. Call 979-690-0085. The Exchange at Luther Street is looking for high achievers to join our team as a leasing professional! Please fax resumes to 979- 485-8600 or apply in person at 1101 Luther Street West. Summer work for rent. IO-Stu<Jents needed to work May 17-May 29 on a ranch near CS in exchange for 1/2 of 2 bedroom apartment for the summer. Apply at the office of Casa Blanca Apartments, 4110 College Main, Bryan or call 979-846-1413 or apply in room 205 in l/l/ERC-TAMU. FOR RENT 3/2 duplex, w/d, security system, close to campus. $930/mo, available 8/1, 693- 1891. 3/2 duplex. $800/mo., on shuttle, W/D, available in June, 979-575-1010. 3/2 duplexes for lease. Trip to Vegas w/2year signed lease. Legacy In. off Hol- leman. Call for move-in specials. 764- 7788. 3/2 duplexes. Pre-leasing August. Main tained like new. W/D. Lawn care No pets. Owner managed and maintained $900-$925/mo. 691-0304,571-6020. 4bdrm/2ba sublease June- August at Uni versity Commons. $350/mo +1/4bills 361-813-1911: 979-696-9753. Julian 3/2 mobile home for sale or rent. $800/mo. (281)259-7758. 3/2 Townhouses, 1250sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet. Large Kitchen, Walk-in Food Pantry, Walk-in Closets, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing. Excellent Specials 694-0320 office @ A WOW! — Was $678/mo Town-home. 2-2 W/D. microwave, carports, Now start at $509/mo. Close to Univ. 979-696- 3370. 3bd/2ba duplex, 1250sqft. five minutes to campus, $900/mo call 571-3076. 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham Rd. C.S. Available May, W/D. security system, lawn-care. 1400sq.ft., $900/mo (979)739-5553. Brand new duplexes 3bdrm/3ba., cable/dsl ready. Appliances included Close to campus 979-450-3087 3bdrm/2bth Duplex. Excellent Location and parking! Dexter at SW Pkwy, shuttle, full-size w/d. $995/mo. 846-7454 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow duplex. $825/mo.. w/d connections. Call for de tails, 979-690-7929, cell 979-739-1450. 3bdrm/3bth new duplexes, great floor plan, internet access, tile floors, w/d. now leasing 4-bdrm, 2-story house $350/room. 4 years old, very nice. (254)721-6179. 4/2/2 spacious 2600 sqft house, 2-story, huge backyard, pet friendly. Bryan Histor ic District. Very affordable $1000/mo. Available 5/1. 281-235-9755 Pat, 832- 858-0335 Matt. Bryan; 2br/1ba duplex, WOOD FLOORS, antique bathtub, w/d conn, fenced yard w/lawn care provided. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. Bryan: 2br/1ba fourplex, downstairs, exte rior storage, fenced yard w/lawn care pro vided. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. Bryan: 2br/1ba fourplex, upstairs, w/d conn, fireplace, balcony, exterior storage. Contact us at or 979-775-2291. TREEHOUSE APARTMENTS & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $420 - $595 (979) 696-5707 STUDY IN PROGRESS FACIAL ACNE RESEARCH STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and older, with facial acne are needed to participate in a 12-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication. All eligible volun teers will receive at no cost: Study related acne evaluations by a dermatologist Study related medication Reimbursement for their time and effort Call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 FOR RENT 4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes &Fourplexes, 1250-1700sqft Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 4/3/2 Avail. 5/20- 1405 Broadmoor. Close to everything. $1500. 268-5844 or 4/3/2 Avail. 5/20- 3903 Kelli- Excellent Bryan location. $1300. 268-5844 or 4bdrm/4bth condominium, University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans. $375/bdrm. (281)444-9612. 5bdrm/2ba house, Bryan. Fenced back yard, pool, attached garage, 2 5 miles from campus. Pets allowed Available 5/15/04 979-575-3640. AFFORDABLE almost new 3bd/2ba Rock Hollow duplex. 5-min to campus $895/mo, $600 deposit Yard care. W/D. security system, each available at small extra charge Call for details 979-774- 1270 Are You On A Tight Budget? Well, we have the answer for you. Ibdrm below $400. 2bdrm for $465 Close to shopping, campus Laundry facilities, pool Must See! Longmire House. 693-7741 Ask about our specials! Attention Students! Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live for free 1 979-693-7653 or AndrewSmithTeam com Broker. RE/MAX B-CS Available Now! 4bdrTTV2ba 809 Avenue-A C.S. behind Best Buy. Call 492-3033 or 775-7770. Beautiful 5bd/2ba. sound proof room for musician, outdoor spa. fenced yard, walk to TAMU. $1500/mo . 979-739-5836 Bike or Walk to TAMU large yards 2&3bdrm Great price, great neighbor hood. Please call 696-1444 Brand new homes for rent two blocks from campus. Behind CS HEB 4bdrm/2bth, fenced yard. Spacious 1600+sqft. S400/room. Call 979-823- 0092. Brazos Rural 3/1.5/1. fenced, 3/4acre, $850/mo.. $600 deposit. Available 5/19/04. 696-1670. Bryan: Ibr/lba apartment home, w/d in stalled. fenced patio, covered parking. POOL, great location -next to Blinn and St. Joseph. Contact us at www.twincity- or 979-775-2291. Bryan: Ibr/lba house w/study, w/d conn, single GARAGE, fenced yard. Contact us at or 979- 775-2291. Bryan: 2br/1.5ba duplex, w/d conn, fire place. fenced yard w/lawn care provided Contact us at or 979-775-2291. Bryan: 2br/1ba apartment home, w/d conn, covered parking, SWIMMING POOL, great location. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. Bryan: 2br/1ba duplex, approx I.OOOsqft, w/d conn, huge closets, bay window in liv ing area, fenced yard w/lawn care provid ed. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. Bryan: 2br/1ba duplex, w/d conn, BIG OPEN KITCHEN, fenced yard w/lawn care provided. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. College Station: 3br/2ba BEAUTIFUL HIS TORICAL HOME, raised ceilings, all appl, extra storage, covered front porch, biking distance to TAMU. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. College Station: 3br/2ba house w/study, w/d conn., all appl., fenced yard w/lawn care provided. Close to Post Oak Mall. Contact us at or 979-775-2291. CS Ibdrm/lbth, sublease, $395/mo. Avail able 5/3- 8/15, w/d, bus route, 832-656- 4333. FOR RENT Bryan: 2br/1ba fourplex, Victorian style, WOOD FLOORS and carpet, approx 1 .OOOsqft, raised ceilings, w/d conn. Con tact us at www or 979-775-2291. College Station: 4br/2ba house i] all appl. fenced yard w/lawns ed. Close to Post Oak Mali c 2291. y & A rge 3/2: al owm nuel Di Cat 175, by 2004 [ilk to 14 I furnish Bryan: 4br/2ba duplex, over 1,600sqft, w/d conn. 2 LIVING AREAS, extra fridge, fireplace, balcony, exterior storage, lawn care provided. Contact us at www or 979-775- 2291 Move-in l 14 lOsqft., Bryan 2br/1ba house, approx lOOOsqft . w/d conn., WOOD FLOORS, spacious rooms, fenced yard, large storage/garage. Contact us at www or 979-775-2291. College Station: 4br/2ba avg| I400sqft., w/d conn., fireplace'B 1 ?' RAGE, close to shuttle slop. »i^»ltiple L 2291. Rieighbor CS 3bd/2ba house. fencedyaiiiB^^: phances, $1000/mo +depos«'RiedTfri 7/11. No pets. (979)680-9® «hed, 4t 0240 ■g-2264 Bryan: 3br/1.5ba house, w/d conn., formal dining, vaulted ceiling in living area, fenced yard. Contact us at www.twincity- or 979-775-2291. CS 4/2/2 available Augu* i fenced, pels ok, 1208 Ha*' 'i tween Southwood W ^ FM2018), $ 1495/mo. (WP (979)820-3939, if no answer message. Kw 5bd/r ft. On item $300 Bryan: 3br/1ba house, w/d conn., front and back porch, fenced yard Contact us at www twincityproperties com or 979- 775-2291. Bryan 3br/2ba house, w/d conn., formal dining, single carport w/extenor storage, fenced yard Contact us at www twincity properties com or 979-775-2291. Ew duple pgust. 9 ftw luxui Buttle ro |16. Ni ,vly rer Ration, i B9-5836 Bryan 3br/2ba house, w/study. WOOD FLOORS and carpet, w/d conn., fenced yard. 2-car carport Contact us at www or 979-775- 2291. Bryan Small 2/1, 650sq ft., everything new. ceiling fans, ice makers. $420/mo $300 deposit 775-6852 C S 4/2/2 plus bonus room Available May or August, updated, fenced, pets ok. 1311 Timm (off Glade) few blocks south of TAMU. $ 1495/mo 979-731-8257 or 979- 820-3939. if no answer please leave mes sage CS 4/2/2 available Aupuf fenced, pets ok, 1118 Bert*! nik just a few blocks east: Si 495/mo. (979)731-8257 7 3939, if no answer please W CS duplex, 2/2, 2-yrs old. lease May/Aug 1008-10 SuitoBiwIy Re off Graham Road. iitOsflftjHs s, ethi fenced, includes w/d. raised care. $780/mo + $400depoed&B ce c0 ^ * ftdrm/3b. air7170hotmail com. e n dining CS Duplexes Very nice ^«97. rooms. Excellent location. fenced, pets ok. Available 4® 76 574-6291. gTS^Si^S®!- CS large H/^b^T 7 ^" " |)drm ; 1bt updated, pets okay. 1115 lor . Dommik a few blocks eart dtH St 495/mo. 979.731.e257.9'«l if no answer please leave ^-1 i S| www.aggi C S duplexes 2/1. yard service, pets OK. fenced. W/D connect. Available May or August. Owner/Agent. 695-2025 ■nw leasi y; ts, clot C.S. pre-leasing 2.3.4bdrms. Pets OK, fenced, fans aggielandrealestate com 979-776 8984 CS locations 4.ptexes tbd? 2bd/2ba.. S56$-$610, dup^ aQa 5575; 3bd/3ba„ $1100: 99 fire place, sky i^. Broker, Owner. 979.777.5477 C S monthly rental, new h# 1 per room, 936-582-4452 (ne to 1 Mbills. i34. arkway j C S . 3/2 duplex. 1920 Hofleman. shuttle route, all major appliances, fenced yard, pets ok. available May. $99S/mo 979- 694-7930 CS Pre-leasmg 2/2 Crppe^' < * rni ^ Vl W/D. appliances $650W Tfd >40, 324-1343 $200 oH 1stmortrt* Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom 2- person $395/mo Shuttle bus. laundry, pool 1/2mile from campus North Gate area 4110 College Main. 979-846-1413. Don't mils! 4bd'2ba2gar W nice deck, great location C.S.M 680 0173. erfect loi 12806 L 79-822-3 're-lease lised ceil Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom. 2- person units available now. Summer rate S325/mo lease ending August 12. Shuttle bus. laundry, pool 1/2ml Irom campus. Nodh Gate area. 4110 College Mam 979- 846-1413. Duplex, no deposit 2/1, Wto" 1 place, lence, pet*, $599/^ ® ic ' u()in 9 ' 764-5969 " Duple*, pre-leasej tor)Hay a,,c 3bd/2ba. all apptences. p'us" tone, Br 79-764-5 re-lease pets. $900/mo„ $800deposit- 84 ,/D conn $525/n Duplexes 3/3 new, Haivey Maria or Welbom/Graham^ Chadwick on Carter Creek, large 3/2 5/2 luxury townhomes w/many extras, 979- 822-1616 Christian Private Dorm. Free utilities, laundry, cable, internet, and phones DTS Movie Theatre. Luxury bathrooms. Pool Room. Rooms start at $325. Call 739- 9403. For Summer. 4/2 furnished« l.5mi-East ol campus, 1-bM He. Large trees, hardwood^ garage, w/d. $1000 ♦depose Avail after finals. 512-917-285' ■e-lease :res ne; )n$, fenc 1448. College Station: 2br/1ba fourplex. w/d conn, walk-in closet, biking distance to TAMU, 2-3 blocks from shuttle stop Con tact us at www or 979-775-2291. Free rent for May! available for ibdrm/lblh ^ 2bdrm/2bth apt. Will be sW Available 5/22-8/15. W > 1 futilities, $125/dep. re-lease I/D conn 1100/mo re-lease iplex. / rd. Lav 79-571-3 lor summer. CallMike2lM^ release College Station: 3bdrm/2bth, 1897sqft brick home. 2-car garage, all appliances, near TAMU, wooded counlry setting on 2.31 acres Available May 1. Call 979- 268-3007. S1400p/m. Good Deal, 3bd/2ba or house, close Blinn, 680-0173. ex at p inn., wa S3-1448. Great Ag Living! 901 AateC fe-iease duplex, prelease June, la*'*; shuttle route, w/d-conn. 7915. ks Du| inn., fi )80/mo. College Station: 2br/1ba house, approx 900sqft., w/d conn., large corner lot. single GARAGE, fenced yard, biking distance to TAMU. Contact us at www.twincityproper or 979-775-2291. Great Summer Buy! 3bd®’J summer sublease, Two bb* ■ MU, rent negotiable, 979-6W! 1 College Station: 2br/1ba house w/study, w/d conn., single GARAGE, fenced yard, biking distance to TAMU. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. Half-off June rent. 3/24-pl!>*' vided, water paid, walk-in cW] fans, large kitchen, security 1 shuttle, some fenced yards, S849-S879 www.allweatherinvestmentsco' 7745776. College Station: 2br/1ba house w/study, w/d conn., fenced yard, biking distance to TAMU. Contact us at www,twincityproper or 979-775-2291. Heart Rock Duplexes, 3lxKtal nections, 4yrs. old. May/i available, $900/mo. 979-324-7721 College Station: 3br/1ba house, w/d conn., carport, fenced yard, biking distance to TAMU. Contact us at www.twincityproper- or 979-775-2291. Heritage Townhomes: 3W®J house lor lease. Available 4'IS7* Call now 693-7035. re-lease iuld be fenced, \A (ingford I jre-leasin pplexes. ^location p-1448, freleasini Impus, f 75/mo., Measini frd duph ans, w/c wv.agg Preleasiru College Station: 3br/1ba house, single car GARAGE, w/d conn., fenced yard w/lawn care provided. Contact us at www.twincity- or 979-775-2291. Holleman Townhomes- LuW— townhomes walking distanceJ mo) shuttle bus, raised ceilings, ffib' privacy fenced yard and deck' or ijTrt House, 1yr. old 4bd/2ba. g e )an ; Churchill available 8/1 281467' t !ram | c f | Huge 5.5 bedroom houseJa* : Inground pool. Huge lot, $35^ possibly fall. Need 3 roofffl# 979-324-4606. Large 1bdrm/1ba apt. $445!n» ases av ble ðernet, covered parkin! April- Aug.15, 979-820-1330. Large 2bd/1ba brick duple* lance to A&M, ideal lorgradu available to lease now or preW* no pets, $400/mo. +bills,693$! Classifieds continued o» 7/ rrpet, cli mnectio Iww.agg 'eleasim rt, inclu impus. sdstone rn! Loi ik abou' FREE RENT FOR AMY OR AUGUST OR A VACATION FOR TWO Choose From LAS VEGAS, SAN ANTONIO OR NEW ORLEANS When you sign a I year lease. Visit any one of these properties for* av 16-1848 ntalacce gust, s vner/ ac fdgewoc es on e 9-696-2 [dgewoc ce use! 198,121 [dgewoc 'eat f| 0 , 'ts. 97c Spring Heights Fourplexes 409 Summer Court, C.S. 846-3569 Lincoln Square Api 313 Lincoln, C.S- 693-2720 Timber Creek Apartments & Mill Creek Condos 801 Spring Loop, C.S. 846-2976