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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 2002)
rERNATIONAL m the the battalion r 7A Wednesday, April 17, 2002 :eive rnari Powell seeks further Israeli ivithdrawal, more action nts m the bomfcl •• embassies in ^ ERLISALEM — Secretary of nary, a judge St te Colin Powell is trying to expand :ase of i Isnel’s withdrawal on the West Bank and oui, charged Srsuade Yasser Arafat to commit to some lice in the $ vision of a cease-fire, limited results as issued a similarir« conclu< - les a m i ss ' on aimed at halting 18 government’s piIM onths of escalating violence, dlow Lindh’s laB 1 tllinE we are niaEin S progress and are e the repons ■ okin § torwaixl to making more progress bolding security ■ the next 24 hours ’” PoweI l said Tuesday, it could not he But Israe,i f° rces moved into a West tial witnesses town and three villages near t’s permission Jpsalem and imposed curfews as part of a information Jg h security alert timed to Israel’s names of inteni,B de P endence Day - ile numbers refesB Palestinians condemned the new incur- t detainees and'B° ns- But Powe ” ,1as tem pered his public duals with no in®** 5 f° r a to,a l and M u ick military departure he Lindhcase ■ nvt l iat Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon left out wereacctB iS announced a pullout from all but identification setW 11 ™*' 11 * 1 and Bethlehem within a week, vine Lindh * n any event ' Israeli officials said the while a fjlinnwithdrawal would not preclude efforts to ui's lawyershmriff 631 Fuad shobaki - who they accused of citizen isrea)i» ers . ee,n ? . attacks lsrael an , d ,he legal briefs aSi orave sh, P m ?'. ,ons ° f Iran ' an ise attorney F.i ea P ons to the Palestinians. ftin# Stance 2CC2 ”£et ff^eedem Sling.” April 20, 2002 9pm -lam Tickets on Sale Now at the MSC Box Office Sponsored by: \ The A^pciarion i WAfs Cmo&omi I http://classcouncils.camu.edtu/ringdance KRT CAMPUS An Israeli sniper keeps watch near the Mount Hertzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem on Tuesday prior to the official memorial day ceremony for fallen soldiers. Jr. told U.S. Dii onie Brinkemahe ’ing an allegation uty insisted on rear ui's legal papers, negation was no norandum provide ui for review, but filed with the com And. the officials said on condition of Inonymity, they remained determined to rest the plotters of the assassination last ctober of Tourism Minister Rehavam :evi. Powell will have a second and final ses sion with the Palestinian leader Arafat on ednesday at his rocket-battered Ramallah :adquarters, where he has been confined by sraeli troops for nearly three weeks. In his meeting with Arafat, and in a one- hour session Tuesday with Sharon at the prime minister’s home in midtown Jerusalem, Powell also was taking up the international peace conference that is quick ly taking shape. He would like to wind up the trip with fresh assurances from Arafat to reduce violence. But Powell is falling short of the formal cease-fire he left Washington in search of 10 days ago. Still, the peace conference would implement Powell’s declared search for an accelerated political process, one that President Bush and Powell have said must produce a Palestinian state. Bush also had insisted on a quick with drawal of Israeli forces, echoing European and Arab demands. Sharon said the peace conference proba bly would be held in June in the United States. A site has not been selected. A potential problem is that Sharon wants to screen out Arafat but attend himself, even though the tentative plan is to hold it at the foreign ministers level. HOLZE MUSIC CO. G-Tax-tararna Sale All of Ap>ril! Tlxage Savings on all ^TX-itars, amps, aneL Effects !!! 1665 S- Texas Avenue N Dept” J IT DESERVES itudy Tables Now Taking Orders gj SdwCastic Recognition Announcements, Caps df Qozuns ROTHERS BOOKSTORES 340 G. BUSH DR. • 907 HARVEY ROAD 303 S. COLLEGE AVE. 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