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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 2002)
DUB MILLER LIVE at Shadow Canyon Thursday, April 18 th Doors Open at 8pm; show starts at 1 Opm DUNK YOUR RING AND WEAR IT, TOO PITCHER & T-SHIRT combo pack siWM'i * must have this ^coupon to redeem. EXPIRE8 MAY 15™ The Ik »—■ POST OAK MALL l|iJ 979-764-4445 SOUTHGATE 979-680-8780 mSA THE BATTALION Summer & Fall '02 Stall Application If you can write, edit, design pages, draw, use a camera... Texas A&M ; s award-winning newspaper is looking for you. •gain valuable experience • earn extra cash • make friends in a professional newsroom environment Name: , Phone number: Cellphone or pager: E-mail: Major: Classification: Credit hours you will take in the summer/fall: Expected graduation (semester): How many hours per week would you be available for work at The Battalion? ALL APPLICANTS: Please type your responses on a sepa rate piece of paper, and attach a resume and samples of your work (stories you have written for publications or classes, pages you have designed, photos taken, drawings made or other creative samples—just show us what you can do). Section Editor Applicants 1) What are your goals for managing your staff? 2) What do you believe is the role of the section for which you are applying? 3) What changes would you make to improve The Battalion? Pay particular attention to the position for which you’re applying. Staff Applicants 1) 2) 3) V Why do you want to work at The Battalion, and what do you hope to accomplish? What experience do you have that relates to the position for which you are applying? (include classes, seminars, etc.) What changes do you feel would improve the quality of The Battalion? Give special attention to the section for which you’re applying. OPENINGS INCLUDE: Please check the position(s) for which you are interested. If you are interested in more than one position, number them in order of preference with “l” being your top choice. □ Summer □ Fall □ Both Managing Editor Section Editors News* AggieLife* Opinion* Sci [Tech (fall only) Sports* Design Director __ Copy Chief _ Graphics* Photo* Radio Producer Webmaster* ’•'Assistant editor positions available (fall only) Staff __ News Reporter ■ Sci |Tech Writer (fall only) _ Feature/Entertainment Writer __ Sports Writer Radio Reporter Opinion Columnist Page Designer Copy Editor Web Designer Photographer Graphic Artist Cartoonist DEADLINES: 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, for editor positions, and 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, for staff positions.Turn in applications at 0I4 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Interviews will begin immediately after application deadlines. Extra applications available in the newsroom or online at 6A Wednesday, April 17, 2002 ernat BATTA THE BATtJ Lindh lawyers may receive rO^ al-Qaida interview summarikyit ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — Lawyers for John Walker Lindh should be given 13 summaries of interviews with al-Qaida and Taliban detainees, but the mate rial should not be made public, prosecutors said Tuesday. The summaries are unclassi fied but must be closely guarded to prevent terrorists from learn ing about the government’s anti terror investigation, prosecutors in the case of the American-born Taliban militiaman said. In a written motion, they asked U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis HI for an order preventing public dissemination of the reports, which prosecutors want to provide with sensitive infor mation deleted. The interviews were con ducted with suspected opera tives captured in Afghanistan and Pakistan and detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Lindh is charged with con spiring to murder U.S. nation als; providing support and services to foreign terrorist organizations, including al- Qaida and using firearms and destructive devices during crimes of violence. Three of the 10 charges carry maximum life sentences; the other seven have prison tenns of up to 90 years. “The identities of the detainees, as well as the ques tions asked and techniques employed in the interviews, are highly sensitive and confi dential,” the government motion said. Detainees may reveal infor mation leading to identification and apprehension of terror sus- u The identities of the detainees, as well as the questions asked and tech niques employed in the interviews, are highly sensitive and confidential. — written motion asking judge to keep interviews private pects and prevention of terror ism, the filing added. A similar order to protect sensitive unclassified material was issued in the 1999 trial of Bonths of esc; ■ “I think we lobking forwa I the next 24 I But Israeli defendants in the bomj two U.S. embassies in jERUSAL . In February, a judge: State Colin l the case of " / Isi id's withdr Moussaoui, charged jB rsuade Yass( accomplice in the Ser v f s ' on ol a c attacks, issued a similar concludes a The government’s pn(,; would allow Lindh’s Ian to share the repons; experts holding securityti uncos but could notbes!i_ to potential witnesses wj T |lk town the court’s pennission. T rusa em aiK The information secimt) includes names of intern? Impendence agents, file numbers,refe J Palestinian- to fellow detainees and it f' as - Bul of individuals with no ini®' s ol ■ U)ta merit in the Lindh case Also left out were acct of photo identification sesi not involving Lindh Meanwhile, a Moussaoui’s lawyershoweiii the French citizen isreait; lawyer’s legal briefs careftil: Defense attorney Fi Dunham Jr. told U.S. Dii Judge Leonie Brinkemakij w ithdraw ing an allegation a jail deputy insisted on re; Moussaoui’s legal papers. The allegation was not draft memorandum Moussaoui for review, but in papers filed with thecour. aw that Israel as announce lamallah and In any eve ithdrawal w< est Fuad SI overseeing a bortive shipi capons to th And. the o lonymity, th rest the plot ctober of 1 ,eevi. Powell will ion with the 'ednesday at ieadquarters, \ raeli troops f In his meet SATURN of Bryan/College Station 197 North Earl Rudder Freeway ‘A Different Kind Of Car Company** “A Different Kind Of Service Dept”_ COME IN AND LET US GIVEYOUR SATURNTHE CARE IT DESERVE • Free Cookies • Free Coffee • Free Internet Access • Free StudyTables • Shuttle Service • Free CarWash Oil and Filter Change $ 21.95 BRIARCREST 0 Call 846-8444 for appointment All Saturns & most CM vehicles welcome UNIVERSITY No f * E NEED A JOB? THE KIDS KLUB IS SEEKING STAFF FOR THE 2002 FALL SEMESTER >Ut>S tk - pw*. College Station -ezzzw&zfy • Are you a fun person? • Do you enjoy working with kids? • Looking for valuable work experience? • Are you available Mon.-Fri., 2:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we may have a job for you. Applications are now being accepted for the Kids Klub After School Program at the College Station Conference Center thru April 26 th at 5 p.m. Employment to begin August 12, 2002 College Station ISD is an Equal Opportunity Ernpl°y er YOU Vou a to crt Luith i comfc hang addec Rnd if $150 i now f« gift, i actioi Restric 400 So From T Southu on you Leasim (Culpei 1619 S Collegi Male & Female Staff needed! For more information call: THE KIDS KLUB 764-3831