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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 2001)
on day, Novembtij; :entage THE BATTALION Page 3 r Drysdale, ill!:,* raduale prograir>l Mays Colitfl ss, said it genenlj if enrolling! 11. a student earaiik % freshmen fa dsc business Irst choice maji?|5 y 1 deadline, tb fered admissier.; ■ of Business."fe That process.. d annually. As f»i College of Busa ied, however,!* ipated for the |l eshman class." dale saidthatif, student enrolls i of Business. 1, like all othe : ess fully comps nents before e :vel courses oer-level rep lamental," Dn sver-level busne. lust apply to vel major after s and success! eight specific dale said it is he*: I as a freshman of Business ani sly high grades sses. > is known as fra ent managemeiL' da said there is !* eming specific vidual colleges ling freshmen who the top ten pei ;h school class. Hi dents currently i 70 percent for boi| of Business and of Engineering percent for the & lecture, lave taggeiftfe 0? ;ecturtasahigh-ii trada said. Ja said numtm*i'ff d to ensureW ^ t till with oiisf® indents. v'ersity ard ons for /ON ditions - 10,20021 LzffLj ^ elping the hung This week is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, A&Mparticipates with events By Beth Brown THE BATTALION Each year before Thanksgiving, the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness co-spon sor National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, which begins today and ends Friday. During the week, schools, communities and cities take part in a nationwide effort to bring awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness. This year. Aggies across campus are helping. Groups such as MSC Hospitality, MSC Film Society, MSC Fish, MSC Town Hall, the Volunteer Services Center and Twin City Mission are working together to sponsor events during the week to gather supplies and raise money for the less fortunate. Mitchell Kleckley, the campus and community executive for MSC Hospitality and a senior biomedical sciences major, said the purpose of the week is to “raise awareness for the problem of local and global hunger and homelessness, to raise contribu tions to aid local charities in their daily efforts to provide relief for those affected by hunger and homelessness and to provide the students, faculty and the general public with solutions - - and opportunities to get involved.” Kleckley said there will be a week-long jean drive to benefit Twin City Mission and an all-week change war between the three program councils of the M$C bene fiting Oxfam International, an organization that pro vides for those without sufficient food, clean water, shelter or security. In addition to week-long events, there will be events in which students can participate each day. Tara Boyle, a graduate assistant in the Volunteer Services Center and a graduate student in student affairs administration in higher education, said she encourages students to participate in the events. “The events (they) have planned for the week all work to dispel the negative myths and labels that sug- u I feel that we, those who are blessed and more for tunate, have a duty to pro vide whatever help we can to see that people don’t have to go to bed hungry at night or sleep in the streets. — Mitchell Kleckley senior biomedical sciences major and campus and community executive for MSC Hospitality gest that the homeless are someone else’s problem and that finding an end to hunger and homelessness is impossible,” Boyle said. Events such as the letter-writing campaign and “Fight Hunger with a Fork” give students a chance to contribute. The week ends with “Feed the Hell Outta t.u.” “Texas A&M and t.u. compete annually to see which university can collect more canned goods and non-per ishable donations,” Boyle said. Boyle said the Volunteer Services Center at A&M and its counterpart at the University of Texas will be accepting donations during the week of Nov. 12. “There will be an award given to the student organization that makes the largest donation to our ‘Feed the Hell Outta t.u.’ food drive. All of the donations will go toward beating t.u. in the competition,” Boyle said. Ron Crozier, director of communi ty relations for Twin City Mission, said the mission will be an active force during this week and will be working with student organizations to raise money and awareness. “We, Twin City Mission, got involved in the effort simply by ful filling our own mission, that is: ‘pro viding a home for the homeless, being a friend to the friendless and giving = hope to the hopeless,” Crozier said. Crozier said the Twin City Mission would not be as successful as it is today without A&M students. V “A lot of our success can be directly attributed to the relationship we have with the student organizations at A&M,” Crozier said. “Aggies unselfishly give so much of their time and resources.” Kleckley said the Aggies should help as much as pos sible and that it is the job of A&M students to help the less fortunate. “I feel that we, those who are blessed and more for tunate, have a duty to provide whatever help we can to see that people don’t have to go to bed hungry at night or sleep in the streets,” Kleckley said. “There is no rea son for us to sit back and watch others suffer when we can make a difference.” rer$il f e term of office (wfes^ i if a graduate sIvcM 5 '-’ ident) in tfie semester opointment and seme*' e met, at least six b’> ; ster; torial position on ffe cial newspaper, edia), r 1 McDonal November 12, 'tied to Diversity. BATTALi 3rady Creel <litor<8>thebatt com I # 1055-4726) is piifs 4 -' Tiday during the fail j' ; ;' nday through Thursflei' j (except University Texas A&M University^ ollege Station, TX 778* n dress changes to ft* ty, 1111 TAMU, j news department is pa-? (&M University in the O' 1 -;, t unit of the Depw&T ffices are in 014 Reed i phone: 845-3313; ;; w: 1 com ition of advertising does lorsement by The national display sified advertising, call j •re in 015 Reed Mc&tT a.m. to 5 p.m. Mond* 8. m of the Student S*** \&m jtudeni to pw «P . First copy free, add^ , >ns are $60 per schtf semester, $17.50 . To charge by Visa. • Express, call 845-2611 V» \ JPbm CHAD MALLAM^THE BATTALION i u ■ Ajy ui utonrig. 725B University Drive www. aplustutoring. tvs SUN Nov 11 MON Nov 12 TUES Nov 13 WED Nov 14 THUR Nov 15 SAT Nov 17 Noon- 2PM Rhys 202 Old Exams (Kennefic) Phys 201 Ch.15 2-4 PM Chem 102 Ch.21 luoffe ermo I noitDDiiqqA ib.ud ixibeM Chem 227 Ch.10,14 4-6 PM Chem 101 Ch.9 Chem 102 Old Exam (Kenct) 3-5 PM Biol 113 Lecture #4 3-5 PM Chem 102 Ch.21 3-6 PM Chem102 Old Exam (Murillo) 6-8 PM Biol 113 Lecture #3 Chem 101 Ch.10 5-8 PM Chem 101 Ch.11 5-8 PM Chem 101 Ch.12 Chem 101 Old Exam (Meloni) 8-10 PM Rhys 218 Ch.10 Rhys 218 Old Exam Chem 107 Old Exams Chem 227 Ch.9 Chem 101 Old Exam (Conway) 10- MID Rhys 208 Old Exam Rhys 208 Old Exam Rhys 218 Old Exam Phys 201 Ch.12 Phys 201 Ch.13,14 Math 142 6-8 PM Lecture #1 6-9 PM Lecture #2 6-9 PM Lecture #3 math 141 8-10 PM Lecture #5 Math 131 8-10 PM Lecture #1 9-11 PM Lecture #2 9-11 PM Lecture #3 Schedule of events for National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Monday: Kick off hosted by MSC Film Society, free showing of With Honors at 8 p.m. in MSC 292A. Speaker will be on hand to address issues of homelessness. Tuesday: Letter Writing Campaign table in the MSC. . Wednesday: Hunger Banquet, hosted by MSC Hospitality at 12:30 p.m. in Koldus 1 10. Thursday: Fight Hunger with a Fork, hosted by MSC Hospitality at Gattiland in Bryan. “Feed the Hell Outta t.u” donation collection at the Grove from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday: Hunger Benefit Concert hosted by MSC Fish and Town Hall. Dear Aggie, Where can I get a poster of Kyle Field decked out in red, white and blue from Sept. 22? — bes Dear bes, Here’s what I found. Red, White and Blue Out posters are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Graphics Services Center office on Ireland Street, next to the Bus Stop Snack Bar. They also are available at the Copy Center Satellite on the first floor of Sterling C. Evans Library. The 17-inch-by-20-inch, full-color posters cost $5. Checks should be made payable to the RWB Relief Fund. Proceeds raised from the poster sales will be added to the relief funds students raised by selling T-shirts for Red, White and Blue Out. Have a question about something on campus, or need advice? Email for answers. DAHLIA DENTON • THE BATTALION PIZZA [pAPA JOHNS I Better Ingredients • Better Pizza Monday Special 1 LARGE 1 Topping Pizza Every Monday Tuesday Special 2LARGE 1 Topping Pizzas Every Tuesday Lunch or Dinner no limit Pick-up only Pick-up or Deliver Northgate Post Oak Square Center Bryan 601 University Dr. 100 Harvey Rd., Suite D 3414 East 29th St. 979-846-3600 979-764-7272 979-268-7272 Sunday: “I “I a.m. - midnight IVIonday - Wednesday: *1 *1 a.m. - 1 Thursday: *1 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday: 1 “I a.m. -3s