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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 2001)
# 2 11 \ I I s i Golden Key International Honor Society New Member Induction: Monday November 26, 2001 7:00 PM, Rudder Theatre /ef r(/f> S/ct* tiYtiffuu/ Community Ice Forum A public discussion of the feasibility of Brazos County including an ice skating rink in its new Exposition Center. When: Monday, November 12, 6:30 p.m. Where: Rm 3, Brazos Center (1/2 mile east of Earl Rudder Freeway on Briarcrest Drive, in Bryan) Please attend - come show ydur support for ice sports in Brazos County Brazos Ice Coalition Chuck Wiggins, Coordinator 690-9476 A X There’s a * ' Place for You in the eace Corps Heidi and Jim Wilton, Volunteers in Armenia Learn more about Peace Corps with Campus Representative and Former Volunteer Dr. Nelson Jacob: TAMU Career Center John J. Koldus Bldg. • Ste. 209 845-5139 * Peace Corps works with any major. Opportunities exist in the fields of business, health, education, environment, agriculture, community development and information technology. Find out how you can earn a graduate degree while serving. Africa, Central America, Europe, the Pacific, the Caribbean, South America or Southeast Asia. Where do you want to go? Apply now to be abroad next summer. • 1-800-424-8580 STUDY THE ARTS AND CIVILIZATIONS OF THE AEGEAN PHOTOGRAPH AND SKETCH GREECE AND TURKEY Dr. Charles White: 845-7859, Professor Susan Kirchman: 845-7065, NO PREREQUISITES-OPEN TO ALL MAJORS—SIX CREDITS (HUMANITIES ELECTIVE-VISUAL ARTS REQUIREMENT) TEXAS ASCM 1ST SUMMER SESSION MAY 2 I JUNE 24, 2002 did. you get the memo? MSC Spring 2002 Open House Tables Are On Sale NOW! Date: January 27, 2002 Reserve space for a recognized student organization in 3 easy steps! 1. Go to the MSC Box Office in Rudder Tower. 2. Complete a registration form and read the rules. 3. Pay a $30 registration fee. Cash, checks, Aggie Bucks, or credit cards are accepted. Hurry...First come, First served Sponsored By: MSC Marketing Team ^ If you have any questions, contact Chris Carter, MSC Executive Director of Marketing at 845-1515. News Page 2 THE BATTALION Monday, Noverafcti Fish by R.DeLuna Percentage U)eLl, Its November 5U)EEPS 0/0 TV. ALL The sHocj's /)££ BubTisob oo r the 6uest 5TAR , > flub 50RPR\$ES To b£T RATuobS... FT I'M 6i/?D Corttcs Doaj T Do THA T. XT'S So G/MMICK'A *V/ You 6uys, T HAi/E Some a)R)5. (X‘/A PrEGa)Aa)T. IHouj ib That Emm UbiSiBLEJX m UHo'5 The Father ?? Continuedfnnl r _ V£ Got A BETTER QuESUoa). JT LJUAT'S That, SCoTT BAIO Op Ty S 'CHAtLES CHARGE'? CRAP, Does This 1E4AJ FA\JE To OSTEa) To THIS S T oPlt> ENTA SoaJG L Alo/Ufa } AU May, Nove ■ funny side u p T by Josh Darwin \ have reason to SEUeve that in exactly one weeiA, fwe wotcuo ns W6 KNOW IT... ft NO WHAT TOO. ■ TVHNK MATT Peter Drysdale, dii undergraduate prograir Lowry Mays Colsj Business, said it generii target of enrolling each fall. “If a student ear®:: percent freshmen fall • and chose business ai dent’s first choicemaj#p the May 1 deadline,ik was offered admissict College of Business,! said. ‘‘That process reviewed annually.Asi: Mays College of Bit concerned, however. r> is anticipated for thei( 2006 freshman class. Drysdale said that ifi percent student enrols College of Business.! required, like all other- to successfully coni' requirements before upper-level courses. “Upper-level retjo are fundamental," Dns “All lower-level busn dents must apply to upper-level major after (Sup?) T h f* Ag g i e graduate It 11 r e a 1 i z e d ^9 111 in horror that Texas A A AA had not fully L ^ V prepared him for the real world : is ocl Ballots Retreat Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 “The election was settled a year ago. President Bush won and the voters have long since moved on,” said Bush press secretary Art Fleischer. Against the backdrop of the disputed Nov. 7, 2000. election, the news organizations set out earlier this year to examine as many as possible of the ballots set aside as either undervotes or overvotes. Undervotes involved about 62,000 ballots where voting machines were unable to detect a choice for any presidential candi date, while about 113,000 overvotes were read by machines as possibly containing more than one choice. Sunday that “we don’t have enough forces on the ground to stand in their way” if the northern alliance tried to seize the capital. At a press conference here. Abdullah said the opposition had recaptured its former headquarters, Taloqan, and three other northern provincial capi tals since Mazar-e-Sharif, linchpin of the Taliban defenses in the north, fell to the alliance on Friday. Rumsfeld said. The city’s airport had not yet been secured, he added, though he thought it would be soon. 60 hours and successfii pleting eight specificco® Drysdale said it is bet admitted as a freshman College of Business anl reasonably high grades® level classes. “This is known ask- enrollment management said. Estrada said there is law governing specific that individual colleges of incoming freshmk part of the top ten peitt: their high school class. Hi these students currently less than 70 percent for bo! College of Business ami College of Engineerint. near 80 percent for the ti of Architecture. “We have tagged the t of Architecture, as ah^h-ii area,” Estrada said. Estrada said numtff monitored to ensufd' leges not fill with otib percent students. i/v-'V r 1 Pre-Law Society Come learn how to apply for Law School! St. Mary’s Law School Is coming to speak and will answer any questions regarding law school TOMORROW 7 p.m. Rm. 11 I Koldus • Annual Exams • Birth Control • Treatment of Infections • Pregnancy Tei • Breast Exams m Affordable, Confidential, * Convenient W jfeib • T* C,,1-800-230-PLAN and be connected to the nearest —^ Planned Parenthood n,ir»fi» «i IWoniN* The Texas A&M University Student Media Board is accepting applications for The Battalion — Including radio and online editions- Spring 2002 (The spring editor will serve from Jan. 7 through May 10, 2002) Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are: • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrollediof least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unlesi*! credits are required to graduate); Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduateskdenilic at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and sene'? during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six harsh a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), orerpdf Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial fXJsitionooH* Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, -OR- Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, -OR- Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and30] Writing I and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent Application forms should be picked up and returned to Francia Cagle,SW* 1 Media business coordinator, in room 014A Reed McDonald Bu Deadline for submitting application: noon Monday, November 12,1 Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Media Board Mi beginning at 10 a.m. Friday, November 16, in room 221F Reed Mck 1 - An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversify. 12th Man Towel Week Show your support at the Texas A&M vs.Texas football game on November 23 with a 12th Man Towel! The week of november 12-16, you can buy a 12th Man Towel at these locations on campus: ^ 8-10 a.m. @ the Zone Plaza ■t> 11-2 p.m. @ Rudder Fountain, the Academic Plaza, the Commons Wehner I 2th Man Student Foundation | email: student@ I PSMnor^no FOUNDATION i^lTHE BATTAlll! Brady Creel The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) IsDuhltf*! 1 ^ Monday through Friday during the v: > semesters and Monday through Thurs^ c.'1 summer session (except Universtty ftf# 1 exam periods) at Texas A&M Universe Postage Paid at College Station, lx 778L MASTER: Send address changes to fa 5^. Texas A&M University, 1111 TAMU, Coii«s$tf* 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department j S students at Texas A&M University in ^ ^ Student Media, a unit of the Depart* Journalism. News offices are in 014 Building. Newsroom phone: 845-33n f* 2647; E-mail: m w: Advertising; Publication of advertising sponsorship or endorsement by ^ campus, local, and national display 845 2696. For classified advertising,^^ Advertising offices are in 015 Reed \ office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, fd Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions; A part of the Student entitles each Texas A&M student to WckuP 1 j copy of The Battalion. First copy free, adniticrJ^ 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 perw^ ,<• for the fall or spring semester, $17.50^^ and $10 per month. To charge by Vi^ 0 Discover, or Amencan Express, call