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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 2000)
Parking JBr w H I HE BATTALION ^UUVQy Continued from trying to get to class on main' "The only downside to i ng is six times during the yeas) permit population will havi move their vehicles from lobm for the Twelfth Man on gam;; Williams said. Lane said they will prat dents with information on wl cars will need to be removed! Twelfth Man reserved lots. Changes to Northgatepaii be completed on July 1. Aspatl Northgate redevelopment™ erfectly Orchestrated exas Music Festival brings culture, talent to A&M Story by Kristen Young Photos by Andy Hancock ultural barriers were transcended by the universal language of music Sat urday evening in Rudder Theater, changes will emphasize llheTexas Music Festival Orchestra is a glob- Northgate a more pedestr; j a i collaboration of gifted young musicians bike-friendly area. f rom more than 21 countries, including Is- I he ( ity of College StatkBei, Thailand, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Tai- moving some on-street pari Italy and Bulgaria, replacing it with 39 frees™ The student orchestra brought life to clas- parking spaces in variousloc;j|j ca | music masterpieces, such as Richard On-street parking v illbeftjg trauss ' g u B e from Der Rosenkavalier, Jo- tiom College Main to Chu r Jhann Strauss Jr.'s Overbore to Die Fledermaus and on L niversity Avenued. a]ld "phe Blue Danube. The finale featured a cem for public safety. surprising alteration of style as the musicians Kellv C ole, public coir, rt ,i axec j and strummed their violins, violas lions and marketing mar anc j ce n os t 0 the unique Spanish rhythm of c ollege Station, said themaiiiB[ aur i ce ^ ave j' s Bolero, for redevelopment in the Nofl The orc h e stra fea- area is safety. . Hfed solo perfor- "The city is trying toim« ances by the win . bike-and pedestrian-friend: ftrs of t j ie Cynthia Cole said. . b » oods Mitchell Cole said there will benolo») Un g Artist Compe- twohour parking on Northd tition, Dan Zhu and Promenade Parking Lot is a [Matthew Dickson, for students who will be theoBoth musicians tended periods of time, Smimoast impressive John Mies, city of Collegeifiedentials. fire marshal, said the area wheifB Zhu evoked a ing is removed will beconveittj;standing ovation a bike lane connecting the Noiwrom the audience area to Texas A&M, making "Math his dramatic safer for pedestrians and cydeBnd technically "When the Northgate Complicated violin garage is built, some of theyHendition of the places will be metered andtretf movement of will be taken away," Miessaid F nesses will be metered aftep. Northgate parking garage is M Cole said the city will res ;I the need for free parking space! Northgate area upon completf] the parking garage. a Tchaikovsky violin concerto. According to Dr. Werner Rose, director of Texas Mu sic Festival activities at Texas A&M, Zhu has won multiple international competitions. Fie was recently awarded first prize in the Burgeas Philharmonic Con certo competition in Norway. Zhu currently studies in • New York City at 1 the Bannes College of Music. "The wonderful thing about Mr. Zhu is that he's only 17 years old," said Rose. Dickson's resume is ' equally outstanding. Ac cording to Rose, Dickson, a trombone player, is currently working on a master's de gree at Yale Univer sity. Dickson has | performed at the Tanglewood Festi- | val and the Hunting- ton Summer Music s Program. He has experi ence playing his trombone on national tours with Kiss and Spider Woman. Membership ijr the Texas Music Festival Orchestra is highly competitive. According to Clare Cantu, a viola player in the Texas Music Festival Orchestra, 350 hopeful musicians audi tioned for 100 seats in the orchestra this year. The festival, which is housed at the Univer- s ity of Houston, lasts four weeks ' and involves rigor ous training and performance schedules. Megan Fin ley, who plays French horn in the orchestra, said, "We have rehearsal from 3 (p.m.) to 5:40 (p.m.) as a general rule. One day out of the week, we have an extra little rehearsal to real ly clean things up where we break into small er groups. Everybody has a lesson at least once a week, and there are master classes offered. We also perform recitals and chamber recitals and at least one concert a week, some times two." Rafik Ismel, a cellist in the or chestra, said the intense schedule and the rig ors of play ing concerts are good experience for a future as a professional musician. "I think it's a really good program," Is mel said. "I mean, there's a lot of pretty fa mous people coming and working and it's very intense; but you learn a lot and get a lot out of it. We work with a different conductor each week." One of these renowned conductors is Leon Spierer, wlao conducted Saturday evening's performance. Spierer served as first concertmaster at the Berlin Philhar monic for more than 25 years. Rose said that is a titanic accomplishment. "It's like saying, in this country, that for 25 years, you've been a conductor of the New York Philharmonic," Rose said. "It's the premier German Philharmonic." The Texas Music Festival debuted this sea son's performances at A&M on June 5. The up coming schedule includes two productions by the Texas Music Festival Orchestra and four Monday evening chamber music perfor mances. The chamber music performances are particularly impressive because they feature Texas Music Festival Orchestra instructors. A&M's own music professor. Rose, is one of the performers. He has performed as a pianist with the Western Arts Trio for more than 20 years. The New York Times described the trio as "... strong and assured, full of zest and vitality." "Since there is only one per son to take each part, the mu sic is very transparent,' Rose said. "You can hear everything that goes on. The reason why musicians love to play chamber music is the same reason you like to get together with your friends and 'chew thq fat.' The musicians actually have discourse through their instruments. The best place to lis ten to chamber music is in your living room on a Sunday afternoon while sipping your cham pagne." Since that is not a viable option for most college students, the Presidential Conference Center is the next best setting. "The hall is a lit tle smaller than Rudder Theater and more inti mate for chamber music and [patrons] tend to like it very well," said Rose. The remaining chamber music performance at A&M is Monday, June 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Pres idential Conference Center. According to Rose, co ordinating major performances is an enormous effort. "We bring these concerts up here so we can provide a summer service for students and the community," he said. Finley said college students should take ad vantage of the opportunity to experience these performances. "If s a really good experience culturally and if s nice to be able to support your friends who do these things. If s exciting to see young people get; ting together in a short period of time and putting something like this together. Generally, if s just re ally amazing how well it comes together in a short period of time. If s an exciting experience." Tickets for the programs are only $5. The performances cost less than the price of a movie and are decidedly more intellectually stimulating. 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Season s way. on your a laving for. -//VD OUT MORE, CALL Start Looking for a Career with Cooperative Education Attend an Orientation Now! fffffffffffffffff f f f f f f t t f f f f f f f f f f f if t * i f ffffffffffffffffff Date Time Location Thursday, June 22 2:00 p.m. 404 Rudder Tuesday, July 11 2:00 p.m. 404 Rudder Monday, July i? 3:00 p.m. 404 Rudder Wednesday, July 26 10:00 a.m. 707 Rudder Thursday, August 3 1:30 p.m. 404 Rudder EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS, 209 KOLDUS, 845-7725 CO-OPWEB.TAMU.EDU IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Aerofit Health and Fitness Clubs now have a special corporate/group enrollment plan for all TAMU employees and their immediate families. Sign up now for as low as $ 21.00/month and get aerobics, free weights, cybex weight machines, racquetball, tennis, basketball, indoor/outdoor pools and much much more! And best of all, there are no crowds! Due to the magnitude of this offer, enrollment wi II be on a department by department basis. 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