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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 2000)
The Battalion lassified SPORTS Wednesday, April 12,2000 THE BATTALION Page 11 ssified continue from page 10 1 HELP WANTED e One Restaurant now hiring kitchen and waitstaff. testjjWm.J.Pkwy. 361-0264 HER OPPORTUNITIES- S9.90BASE/APPT. STU- S WELCOME. Part-time/ full-time positions, will conditions apply. National firm, apply in CS, work ^Bical location. 696-7734 ^ lust appear in ad), ■esults or you get an 1 ad is scheduled to I early. ing is pro' www.univt Hams PennsvivaDi LOST & FOUND i cleaning offices 1P| 1 MISCELLANEOUS MOTORCYCLE mda Blackhawk 750. 10,000/miles Perfect con- 200 nego. 695-7196 of mtetesl rtJ| awasa(<l yui^an classic. Jet kit, after market- ! Staton, Wmeza ■— IS $3 500 1(409)559-5269 696-9142 <twasaki 600R runs great, D+D pipe, perfect first tical Career 7 Aj ; |2500o.b.o. Call Chris at 691-8281 or c- a gn Management ; :;:iik® of campaigning iron:::. K| lecting progressive MUSIC tied graduates piece: ■ across the countr, - jinner through advanced. Private voice lessons, a of commitment Jiiyito^Bcall Virginia 696-9525. PETS DIFFERENCE THIS SUMWI needed lor Girl Seoul camp p U ppj es Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure •, '"guards and many or. Brazos Animal Shelter- 775-5755. m. board and salary provided C Pose C Lab puppies - chocolate, black ^|Call (979)773-0012 - Lexington. Ready Nowl ina Hof Winery & Resort. "antedelivery-musinavejOOddiivtttM Borno blood Python for sale W/ cage and care 'Housekeeping-full-time. Excel s eet provided $150 ask for Nick or leave message 680- Apply in person: 4545 Old Relianc- .61 77808 _jteilriendly cockatiel for sale, can wolf whistle, learn- ( needed to watch two childten, 4, tg to talk; owner studying abroad fall-2000. Everything iaysAveeks, from 7am-5pm. 690-Soluded. $125. Amy 695-0639. jxtrn money w/f/exible hour: 'e >iman Shepherd puppies AKC OFA pedigree. GSDCA Geneial cleaning of otfeoAfrijS Sjfer's code, Parents on premises $400 starting v Come by our otticea; e. lailotlBlack/Tan. 693-8373 ; is now accepting applicit; jibefiai Husky Pups - AKC, 1st shots, black/white or :■ time within M-TH 2-4pm. grayfahte Blue-eyed, masked beautiesl $250.| (979)864-2998 REAL ESTATE gameroom, carport, large fenced backyard, $64,900. Alford &Company Realtors 574- N-Quotes is now hiring campussrj i start immediately. Must have if dge or university community arf] ition skills. Approximately 20h«3 scheduling, but hours must be md 5 pm, Monday through Ffe u,, „ 6-2255 or come by 701 W. IX^ 22 ' 5717 ' ; from the Blocker building)loir WEST YOUR RENT MONEY. New 4bdrm/4.5bth, Street Restaurant is nowacceET® 0 cam P us ' near bus-route, located at 1622-Park staff. Must be available lorlutf#™ 5124 ' 000 Call 846-5800 , M-F, between 2pm-4pm, 268-0792. ROOMMATES ie counter position available, W*] >4-2933. ie Leasing Agent needed. MusitfP !at./$6.oohr contact Villas of C 73 ie office assistant in a real busyreii :ed person needed to answeipWS] ork and filling. This position leffi er week and reliable transpohaS) Apply in person, April 3rd IP 7ft salty, 1003 University Dr. East i Food Delivery now hiring. Apftyi'f' Flexible hours and good pay. Assistant for busy health care ttf ig, experience in insurance/nwfe | ASAP 694-0350 Apply in person (8-5M/F) 1313 $'■ fed lor summer. Big room, nice house, on bus- $300/mo. 696-3930. hmate ASAP! 2bdrm/2bth new mobile home, (house bills. Tammi 485-0746. |mmate for 2bdm/2bth apt. Summer sublease no +1/2bills W/D Sarah 693-5236 roommate wanted summer sublease jfeo/mo. W/D, yard, no pets, call Laura 408-0244. leto Share 3bdm/2bth Townhouse. 2-Blocks from lis on buse route 764-9490 or 693-2652 male, 1-room available in 4bdrm/2bth, furnished, 15/fno., May-July, Sterling. 696-5240. :ded beginning summer. New 3bdrm/3bth duplex [eplechase Sub. Nice yard. $350/mo. -i-1/2bills. sales/ accounting apply in pffS’l mmate needed 2bd/2bth, University Commons, toom/bath, W/D, shuttle route, $382/mo.+1/2bills 193-9198. ^Jmmate needed 2bdrm/2bth duplex. Behind Hilton Yeek Country Club is accepts; )t e | Non-smok- lified swim instructors and Red" preferred, $275/mo. +1/2bills, own bathroom, rds. Apply in person. 690-0996 F >eek Country Club is now aatrTj golf course Slawn maintenance. £ ompetitive salary. Apply at 4500Psl ake Ready needed full-time k Apts., 1600-S.W. Parkway,CS.E-j immate needed, Summer sublease, University ions Apartments. 2bdrm/2bth, furnished, shuttle- reduced rent, only $300/mo. 694-2371. |mate Fall- Spring. Brick 4bdrm, male, Christian , $298/mo. (800)443-8110(7180). Jflmate wanted 1-block from campus W/D 846-3376 nal couple seeks mature colejf ummer supervision 7:30a.m. lo^Mgga ane school-age child. Must berth' and safe driving record. SalarySP] 3794 evenings, er Sublease 3-bedroom 31/2-bath 2-rooms avail- iery spacious $390/ea Ashford Duplexes furnished nist/ Clerk dependable pew ri8-5. Job duties include typirg*' 'our spring break losses. 1*0 'evening 779-4377. lie person to provide childcare'] Spring 2001, M-F 11:30-530ftf furnished apartment 2 blkstrom'I ler Sublease F/roommate, 2bdrm/2bth, nice tek($325/mo. +utilities. Jennifer 260-7528. [ier Sublease May-Aug Duplex on Webhollow. M/F Ivate room Sbath upstairs. Very nice, close to campus lOArio +1/4util Jeff 229-9175 female roommates needed for a 3bdrm/2bth house, ■or summer/fall, one for fall. All utilities paid, Imo. Jamie 695-7898 SERVICES IIGHER GRE SCORE GUARANTEED! $199 for J. professional instruction. 7764-0080. ^MTexas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Harvey Rd. now accepting ape icket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), \.M./P.M. shifts. Apply at 512Hs v ll-l 1 j|(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am- ... . . 30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. SSined continue p“9' Uli-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by 111-Univ. Dr., Ste,217. 846-6117. Show-up In. early. (CP-0017). king for a place to live? www.housinglOl .net... Your (ove off campus! TUTORS iplrienced Tutor- Math, Biology, Chemistry, lemistry, Statistics, Botany and more. Appropriate lions, 690-7928. LLOW >MES /ith The New w Management, )ak Kitchens rror Accents ths is ble WEIGHT LOSS Route M-F 8 a.m. Sat. 10 a.m .111 bolife 356 Up To 30% Off! Free Delivery Ji/College Station. Credit Cards, Checks, Cash. 16983. You Have Something To Sell, Remember: Classifieds Can Do It Call 845-0569 The Battalion Aggies look to extend winning ways against SMU ■nelwork-for-rent program. Students with ranch, ■action or other physical work experience needed ox: 100-hours of work, between May 15th & 29th in mge tor summer housing, contact Bill @846-1413" )elux." Diner on Northgate hiring cooks &waitstaff shifts Apply in person 203-Univ. Drive. Jfapevine Restaurant needs part-time help. Pays Hraton Chronicle needs carriers for B/CS paper .s. |600-$900/mo. plus gas allowance. For infor- Ijraase contact Julian at 693-2323. |_ipi p \/\/ANTR ed; l Cowboys & Cowgirls to guide tourists and ''””'“^Hrough the Rocky Mountains. Come work for ^ horse operation in North America Write our a me p anc n 3300 Airport Road. Boulder, CO vklAidecorpoiabonntij ^ 0[ s ,t 0 ur website at have the lollcwng par . /e nave over 600 en-pc,- IHjrcustomers where to go. We rent cars, and e and over 800 m our teJKiking (or good counter sales reps and reserva- >l whom are AGS 1 Comeulswith a sense of humor and a smile to help get our Programming •Oenca on the road. Call (979)823-1145 for details. Control •On-Un .nventory uomtui u"■ u,, r''• , ^■ p r0 g rammer fulltime permanent position, Elite omputer Assantf) SB846-2340 rs between 6am-10pm At EOi^Bamp Flaming Arrow is looking for a few good: njj^Bounselors ‘Lifeguards ‘Wranglers ‘Ropes •u non-smokers only se Facilitators ‘Adventure Team Leaders If you .toflave a positive impact on the life of a child, enjoy hiff Supervisors" 2yrscc;iege: njjjtutside, want to gain experience working with a in-around class ^population of children and youth, and get paid ati.. a! Burger King. 17!9-T< avlllg the best summer of your life- call us!! 800- za He. We are located in Hunt.TX 1.5-hours north- —Antonio on the Guadalupe River Must be H^H to work May 20-August 11. BY BLAINE DIONNE The Battalion After their most successful road trip of the season, the Texas A&M women’s tennis team returns to the friendly confines of the Varsity Tennis Center Wednesday to face off with Southern Methodist University. After posting three straight wins over the past week on the road against the University of Nebraska, Texas Tech University and the Uni versity of Colorado, the Aggies are in the mid dle of their longest winning streak of the year. More important to their postseason interests, however, the wins gave them a 7-1 Big 12 Con ference record and a tie for third place in the conference standings. "SMU is a good, solid team. I think it is going to be a test. ..." KLEINECKE TUDENTS' Star! ‘P* .‘«R Scholarships ava-ialx riiFdmale black lab near University Dairy. Call 229- e S100-$300per rg» vfdngagment ring at Chili Fest April-8th reward call 1-800-981-8168 9>ni 15911 Women’s tennis coach Bobby Kleinecke said he was pleased with the way his team re sponded on the road. “Anytime you can go up to Colorado and Tech and come away with two victories, 1 feel good,” Kleinecke said. “There’s a little bit of an altitude difference and we didn’t necessarily play our best. But to come away with two wins, we’re going to take it and move on.” The players said they agreed with their coach in that they did not play as well as they could have, but they said they are relieved to be off the road. Freshman Cassie Haas said the team had unique challenges they normally would not have to deal with while in Boulder and Lubbock. “It was hard, in Colorado, to adjust to the elevation,” Haas said. “The whole team was really frustrated in the beginning, but we got used to it and ended up playing really well to wards the end. “Then in Lubbock, it was hard to adjust there, too, because we were indoors and there were echoes everywhere, but we were able to fight through it.” With regard to SMU, Kleinecke said his team is not taking the Mustangs lightly. “SMU is a good, solid team,” Kleinecke said. “1 think it is going to be a test, it’s one of those matches that we need to come away with a good effort.” Senior Kathryn Scott said she did not know much about SMU, but that the Aggies should not have as much difficulty with their next opponent as they had with their last two. “We beat them pretty easily,” Scott said. “But, 1 don’t know much about their lineup and how well they are doing this year. If we play like we did the last two matches, we should be fine.” SALLIE TURNER/The Battalion Texas A&M sophomore Martina Nedorostova (left) celebrates a doubles victory with her partner, senior Lisa Dingwall, at the Varsity Tennis Center. wanted all pos::- riHtempo, Okinawan Kobujitsu, Northern Shaolin lie hiring. 725-4i (hern Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Modern Arnis, quin Chin N- Self Defense, Weapons. 823-0278, , -1204. Corporate lesson #1: I Never pass up a great offer. 2000 Mazda Protege CORPORATE LESSON #2: COME PREPllRED. We’ve got you covered there. When you buy any new 1999 or 2000 Mazda, you can choose the "Get Professional Kit” and we’ll * hook you up with a / '.tIS' Palm IK Connected Organizer o 1-yeor subscription to 180 DAYS DEFERRED PRYMENT (1) With purchase of any new 1999 or 2000 Mazda vehicle. P fccill iff# (400 (2) CUSTOMER CASH 'I FaSTCoMPANY if you’re into instant gratification, get *400 CUSTOMER CRSH on the spot! 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