Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 2000)
i The Battalion The Battalion Classified lassif ssified con HELP e One Restaurant /estl/Vm.J.Pkwy. 3 To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA HER OPPORTUNT S WELCOME. P, conditions apply. I Sglocal lot H® Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad).ThiSfat only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an ad® days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to endlc the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ■nerjwork-for-rent ruction , or other pt ■ffl OO-hours of w mge for summer he Jeluxt' Diner on Nc shifts Apply in pe evine Restaur: i-3411. USton Chronicle 600-$900/mo. base contact Ji ADOPTION AUTO EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT FOR RENT Unplanned Pregnancy? Former students hoping to aj^opt For information: 53/homepage Legal/medical expenses only. NEW SEBRING CONVERTIBLE JXI 2000 4500-miles! 6-Disk CD/ cassette infinity loaded. New 28,400 asking 23,000! Hurry wont lastl Call Rick 694-8029 ;• ANNOUNCEMENTS Student Organization Annual Recognition for 2000-2001 School Year April10-May12. 125-Koldus AUTO Mazda B2000 truck blue $2200 Michael 694-2152 Best place to buy, sell, trade for free. Free stuff when you register. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot. 828- Utfl? Toyota Celica GT. Pwd. alarm, sunroof, automat- Ib* “Sruise, white, excellent condition. $6,995 nego. 11847-0946. BED AND BREAKFAST GMC step/side SLEpkg black with maroon interl- •£*600/o.b.o. (409)272-1152 Black Z71 Chevy extended cab. auto, cruise, $86§0 574-4384. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for ASM events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways For Information/ reser vations call Rebecca Siclllo Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. enfiNet media, High Tech Startup. Executive Management: VP of Business Development. VP of Marketing. Engineering Management: SR SW Architect/Group Mgr, Systems/Digital Design Group Mgr. Backend (Internet) Services ManagmenhSR Web Architect/Group Mgr Software Engineering: SW Engineer- Streaming Media, SW Engineer- Applications, SW Engineer- Networking, SW Engineer- Embedded Systems . SW Engineer- Developer, SW Technician. Web Development: Web/HTML/Dynamlc HTML Developers. IT/Database Engineer.Hardware Engineering: RF Design Engineer, Analog Design Engineer G&A:Financial Controller Marketing: PR Specialist. Please visit http://www.enflnetmedia com for Job descriptions Apply to: Administrative Director Fax: (512) 349-7022 Brand new Townhome unit, 2bdm/2bth, W/D, walk to Campus. 306 Cherry, $375.00/perbdm ^utilities (713)978-6630 CS fourplex, 2408 Blanco, 2bdrm/1bth, studio style pets, $440. 731-8951. Sublease- 2bdrm/1 5bth, big bedrooms, on shuttle route. W/D connections, great living room, Southwood Valley, call Tifflny at 694-8629 available 5/14/00 $665/mo HFl P WANTR ed; Cowboys s ( »*“I'llthrough the Roc horse opera CS, furnished efficiency, summer lease. $325/mo pay May rent. Call James 696-2831 Summer lease College Main walk to campus shuttle- route from $250 up 846-1413 $7 00 per hour' Part-T,me Opr.w Ran<:h Station. AwwtdwWecogwatwimtcssK. v|Slt our websit we currently have Ihe following available We have over 600erupt,S|l our customers w Station office and over 800 in our ta^Boking for good r Ith a sense of hi s on the road. Duplex for rent. 316Brentwood Contact Rufina at 764-6546 2bdm/1.5bth. yard Summer sublease (female)- Private bath, w/d, pool and all amenities, bus including utilities 695-9220 tors many ot whom are AGS! Correse® to offerl •Programming ‘Clencal jjjn Support •Inventory Control ’On-LineOrfc P| ammer •Hardware Repair ’Computer As$erti>» 846 _ 2 3 40 www ible hours between 6am-i0pm AIikHL i:|C; Duplexes. CS, 2bdrrTV2bth, available May W/D con nections, fenced, $650 3bdrm/3bth, like new. available May or August, $1,200 Owner/Agent 764-9021 Summer Sublease 2bdm/1 5bth I.OOOsqft Quite do to campus Only $470/mo yVater paid 823-3463 AOH9065® fdos tamu edu and training is provided EC: A Camp Flaming A (979)595-21)1www universalcofT'£i,K^B 0 unselors "Lil hires non-smokers only ^1'^^facilitators *Ad „tOhave a positive in Nissan 240 SX- 67K, maroon, fully loaded, new baJAt job. Great condition $11,000/080 (409)694- 7Z33 Grand dinners and romantic evenings. Your #1 wedding location. The finest in the Brazos Valley Calvert Inn Gourmet BAB 364-2868 Part-time employee for summer and continuing fall/spring work Elementary Ed. major who knows how to use computers, to work with children on computers 694-8117. F-Roommale needed 823-1556 $300/mo 3bdm/2bth duplex for Summer only Summer Sublease 2bdm/t t/2bth W/D no deposit dose to campus $59S/mo 646-7835 Sotlav ••Shift Supervisors" 2yrs college ingoutside, want to - around dassscfsa^Ropulation of ch rrger King. 1719-IiAtBg the best sum Plaza H|2 We are locati cof San Antonio on JPe to work May 2( FREE LOCATOR SERVICE Apartments. Duplexes. Fourplexes. Houses. Alpha-Omega Properties. Broker 693-0868 Summer Sublease 2bdm/2bth 1 or both bedrooms S285/mo for 1 S600/mo for both W/D water paid 822- 1228 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR RENT Help!! Summer Sublease 3bdm/2bth Duplex W/D-vutilr- ties, cute, spacious, shuttle route, $975Ano ASAP/8-15- 00 or/1-2 m/f-roommates $320/mo 696-3937 Summer sublease 2bdrm/l 5bth. large dosets. w/d. Southwood Valley. $500/mo 696-1704 tOO Instructors/ Counselors needed camp Pocono Mountains. Pennsyki t-800-422-9842 (www campcayggai LOST 1997 3,000 GT-SL Mitsubishi. 27,900/miles, auto, all power, $23,800. Call 845-0595 or 218-0559 ’67 Baja Bug- rebuilt engine, transmission, CB, $3000/060 Call 774-7934 Get paid to write short articles on almost any subject. Bulk) your resume and earn up to $20/per article. Go to www writetorcash com Log-In and start writing! *•• Hickory Park Duplexes **“ 3bdrm/2bth available May, summer specials, W/D connections, fenced yard, rental access 690-1330. Cars for $29/mo., $0 down, 24-months, 19.9%. ings. 800-319-3323 xt.3782. DJ MUSIC 1-2/Bedroom apartments Some with w/d, some near campus. $ 150-$325/mo 696-2038. King size bedrooms. 2bdrm/1bth buck duplex, fireplace Separate utility room, wood fenced yard On shuttle No pets, no HUD. $575/mo. +0111$. Available last part of May orjune-lstl 693-8534. Summer Sublease 3bdm/1bth large backyard W/Oconn Walk to Campus $825/mo(696-0427) ATTENTION STUDENTS! Start no*-‘rip class Atmirin Scholarships avaiiade iflfimale black lab r apply online at www worklorsludentsccrT,. Summer sublease 3bdm/2bth S 700/mo duplex Oft spnngloop call @691 -8447 Bartenders make $i00-$300 pet ngt« k^Bagment ring at Ca 1-800-981-8168(42- 1598 Mitsubshi 1990 Montero, white. V-6, 4-door, 4x4, auto, loaded, new tires $7,900 696-1897 ••Party Block Mobile DJ”- Peter Block, professional/ experienced Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere Book earlylt 693-6294. 1-room in new 3bdrm/3bth duplex Steeplechase sub Nice yard. In CS. $350/mo.+1/2bills. Call ASAP 694- 0350 Large f bdm duplex with fireplace. Separate utility room with W/D connections. Wood fenced yard, on shuttle. Ideal for graduate student No pets, no HUD $450 +btlls available Fall 693-8534 Summer sublease 3bdm/2bth apartment 930/mo-neg on shuttle-route cal! 694-0104 for details. Earn extra income by cleaning offices H 823-5031 MISCEL Summer Sublease 3bdm/31 /2bth, 2-story, back-yard, big bedrooms Price nego. 847-3356 Ashford Duplex. tbdrm/tbth apartment summer sublease with option to renew On shuttle route 693-5188 SINUS INFECTION STUDY MSR D.J. Service. Expenenced. Call Shawn at 731-8414 Reasonable Rates 2-blocks from campus. $250-$375, window a/C. 1 or 2-bedroom apartments. Call 646-6432 LIVE FREE in May! Summer Sublease new spacious 3/2 duplex, vaulted celling, shuttle route. W/D conn, patio/deck. 850/mo . 846-8123 Summer sublease 3bdrnV2bth duplex, available 5/12. Rest of May rent tree $50 cash to first person to sign lease Call Brian 574-9057. 775-4865 bak6597@labs tamu edu Fatburger-C.S He'p wamsd al! post* rin |<empo, Oklnawc up to St'b- '--,e<3’ate firing '25-1 them Praying Man : : : quan Chin N' Self Full-time recept.: ; ao srahui . . _ _ ,, . . . , KD>t. www.kungfu.c Computer skills required Apply (ipstor.^B Ste #104 Bryan. ■ MOTC Are you experiencing the following symptoms? Facial Pain/Pressure/Tightness Facial Congestion/Fullness Tooth Pain/Earache/Headache/Sore Throat Cough/Bad Breath/Fever Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking Individuals 16 years of age and older to partici pate in a research study with an investigational oral antibiotic. If qualified, your participation will last up to 24 days and you will be comjxensated up to S500 EMPLOYMENT 2Bdm/1 bth 4-plex in good CS location W/D connections 900 sq.ft, only $425/mo Perfer May move-in must lease now! 693-4237 Live tree 1 Buy 3bdrm/2ba new mobile home Rent 1 - room, live free Land or good park space 822-2929 Gymnastics instructor, female for private instruction. Must be experienced. 3-5hrs/week. 680-1107. 2bdrm/1.5bth. summer sublease, furnished, w/d, on bus-route. University Commons. $357/mo Call 095- 8179 or 680-8535 LUXURY LIVING minutes from AAM! FREE water! Ceiling fans, nice carpet, large windows, spacious 2bdrm/1 5bth. upstairs, downstairs, w/d connections 1809-C Woodsmen. $595/mo Pets welcome 764- 2019 Summer sublease 40-Acre Ranch House 7 minute from campus. 3 ponds, outdoor deck and grills S930/Obo 696-9799 Summer Sublease mid-May to mid-Aug 4bdm/2b(h $30tea Ano University Commons furnished 694-0920 •Fulltime summer ranch work posflei w/ranch or farm exper Will assis:5Honda Blan-I a.- ■. r ■ -.q .1 :.■>•. HOi-.vTgandi id$3200 nego. 69^7 cat req Apply w/tetter of interest and (ML 1300 Walton Dr. College Staton, TX P For more information, please call Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 Fundraising Manager National company seeks self-motivated graduate or bachelor's candidate for full time employment, Successful applicants will conduct training seminars to help stu dents raise funds for their groups and clubs. $40,00/year salary plus bonuses. Travel, vehicle a must. Contact, personnel department at: (888) 923-3238, x. 102, or fax resume to Christy Ward, (508) 626-9994. 2bdrm/1.5bth, summer sublease, furnished, w/d. on bus-route. University Commons. S357/mo Call 695- 8179 or 680-8535 New 2A3bdrm mobile homes, 1 -mile from campus, start ing at $400 823-4248 Summer Sublease spacious ibdm/lblh walking dis tance to campus 305/mo First month free! Call 846- 4203 Fun prestigious Instructor, some e»er<- $6/hr We ll tram 696-9142 jawasaki Vulcan JS $3,500 1(409)559- Xawasaki 600R runs ( $2500o.b.o. Call 2bdrm/1bth apartment w/new appliances, carpet, W/D, on shuttle. In CS, $525/mo 695-9646 NEW. Near AAM. near bus-route, 4bdrm/4 Sbths. all appliances included (includes washer/dryer), S410/bed room. Call 846-5800. Located at 1622-Park Place Summer sublease Sterling University 3bdrm/3bth $350/mo nego . W/D alarm, new appliances 696-5863 3 Females Share new 2-story house Bryan. Near shut tle 5-min AAM/Blinn 4bdm/2.5bth LG yardA deck. W/D A cable. $300/mo +1/4util YR Lease/mo dep avail June 779-1484 Pre-lease May or August. 2bdrm/1 bth fourplex. w/d con nections, 609 Turner, $400 693-1448 Summer Sublease University Commons months of May/Aug free 2bdm/1bth vaulted-ceilings 696-8691 3 Guys: Share new 2-story house Bryan near shuttle. 5 min AAM/BIInn 4bdm/2.5bth. LG yard Adeck. W/D $300/mo +1/4ut!l YR Lease/mo dep,, avail June 779- 1484 Pre-leasing for August- under construction Two-story townhomes, 2bdrm/2bth. dose to campus. 1020sqft. w/d. stove, frig, microwave provided, pre-wired for tv, tel, Technology (301-Nimltz St ) $750/mo +deposlt. Call 846-5800 Summer sublease! fully furnished. w/d 9858. 695-8612 University Commons, 4bdrrr Individual leases. $295/mo /2bth, 680- Interested In A Political Career? Democratic Campaign Management -'TnkStamu edu Ihe nuts and bolts ol campaigning from tp sultants while electing progressive D< Congress. Qualified graduates place) salaried positions across the country. Ito ing stipend Length of commitment July-N: 864-1008 M er through adva call Virginia 696-! it: Puppies, Kilter Summer sublease, new duplex. 3bdrm/2ba. Rock Hollow Loop, oft 2818. near Hall of Fame $975/mo. 823-9881 MAKE A DIFFERENCE THIS SUM®! i amp staff needed lor Girl Scout camp,y; j Counselors lifeguards and many othertc|j s | Bra zo S Ammal ! able. Room, board and salary provide) uPtj (361)547-3282 C Lab puppies - ch< HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS Miller Swim Academy is now hiring swimming instructors, pool managers, and lifeguards. Excellent pay! Sixty locations throughout Houston. Call 713-981-6275 4110 College Main Walk to campus! Bike or rkfe shut tle bus. tyr lease at Casa Blanca. $395/mo. Water, gas. sewer fees paid. Compare and call us at 846-1413. Pre-leasing new 3bdrm/2bth duplexes, no pets. $1,000 846-5722 or 823-0390 Academic Village and Scholars Inn. 1A2 bedrooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Also dorm plans 1-yr lease beginning August Start at $385/mo 3900 Old College Road. Bryan 846-9196 Preleasing 3-bedroom units for May and August Rosewood Villas. Balcones Street, Southwood Valley 1.215sqft, W/D Included. $950 -12month lease. $1,050 -9month lease. On shuttle See www or www2 txeyber com/—mcdowell, or call 268-0331 or 846- 1100 Summer sublease, renewal option, fbdrm/lbt, w/d, $420, pool, tennis, volleyball, basketball. 268-6081.680- 3140 Messina Hof Winery & Resort. Poi "Wholesale delivery- must have good dm Call (979)773-001 Summer sublease. University Commons. 4bdrm/2bth. 2-rooms available $301/mo.. fully furnished. May’s rent paid 695-0844 Borno blood Pythc time 'H ,o .'-keeping- full-time. Excellr eet provided $150 ask elils Apply in person. 4545 Old ReliancfiSt Texas 77808 _jtegfriendly cockatiel fc Nanny needed lo walch W<o children, 4 ,;g to talk; owner studyin old idaysAveeks from 7am-5pre. 690-.' eluded $125. Amy 69 Summer sublease. Wotf-Pen Duplex. 3bdrm/2bth, W/D. $976/mo. 764-0438 Affordable, well-maintained units, Pre-Leasing For May. W/D, lawn care, pest control included. 2bdrm/1bth 1526 Pine Ridge $450, 2bdrm/1bth 706 Navarro $550, 3bdrm/2bth 402 Manuel $575. 3bdrm/2bth 400 Manuel $695. 2bdrm/1.5bth 2819 Longmlre Dr $575. Contact Bradley Consulting at 764-2019. www universityleas ing,com Quiet country atmosphere. Large tbdrm brick duplex, fireplace. Ideal for grad student No pets, no HUD. Available May-15 or prelease for fall. $410/mo. -t-bllls. 693-8534 Summer sublease 2bd/2ba. Reduced Pric $600/nego The Enclave Call 695-8296 Need extra money w/flexible hours" i/rhan Shepherd puppu sniffs Garierd/cleaning of code, Parent; $5 50/hi Come by our officeS'SR'tteI’otiBlackTTan. cary@t< Summer Sublease 3bdrm/2bth-Duplex. W/D, spacious. Wolf-pen Creek Call 485-0620. Nmia s is now accepting applicawsl itelan Husky Pups | nare within M-TH 2-4pm. Blky^hrte Blue-eyed 7(979)364-2998. Reduction Summer Sublease 2bdm/1 bth fully furnished W/D University Commons 590/mo call 680-9636 Apartment sublease Spring/ Summer, 2-huge bed rooms, 1 5bth, close to TAMU and supermarket, carport, $510/mo. deposit Is yours to keep. (281)679-5040. Several nice housesl 3 and 4-bdrm, $900-$1400/mo Available now and pre-leasing for May. Dayhoff Properties. 731-0094. Summer sublease Master bedroom available, 2bdm/2bth apartment partially furnished $260/mo ♦utili ties on bus route 696-3038. REAL Summer time only Brick 4bdrm, near AAM. no smok ing-pets. $1150/mo.+utilitles. 800-443-8110(7180). Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring campuss/g lives to start immediately. Must have rl” knowledge or university communily ait 1 '] munication skills Approximately 20 hc.'Vj,,. ’ JjpZba., gameroom, ca P2sq.(l, $64,900. Alfc April move-in special, $475/mo., 2bdrm/1.5bth fourplex Fireplace, walk-in closet, shuttle bus. 822-7772. Spacious 2bdrm/2ba, w/d. walk-in closet, extras port. Near campus.Startlng($499/mo) 567-1020. Walk to TAMU. Great 2bdrm/1bth, +$300/dep. Non-smoker. 764-1082. flexible scheduling, but hours must be 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Fit 409-846-2255 or come by 701 W.lf© * (across from the Blocker building) to Newsday Crossword Brand new 2bdrm/2bth, walk-fo Blinn. Northgate walk-to campus. 846-4076. 3bdrm/2bth in Sublease 1-room In 2bdrm/2bth, furnished, $370/mo.. w/d. bus-route. (713)598-5030, (409)680-0858. www Aggietrade com Free for rent listings Post if here ACROSS 1 Strike back, e.g. 6 Translator’s obstacle 11 Rhine whine? 14 Kate’s TV pal 15 Look closely (into) 16 Murmur romantically 17 Field-goal specialist 19 Word on a towel 20 “Boy, am tnoubler 21 Absconded with 22 Word in a sermon 24 Downward path 26 Beer buy 27 Co. 28 Weight watchers watch it 32 Actor Baldwin et al. 35 Went down 36 Future atty.’s exam 37 Defraud 38 Chicago cagers 39 Auto make, familiarly 40 Fish fooler 41 Mixture 42 Nut tree 43 Customer-file entry 45 Singer Shannon 46 la Douce 47 Artificial tan source 51 Scold 54 Graduation month 55 Postal Creed word 56 Woodsman’s tool 57 Football strategy 60 Bame hero 61 Still-life subjects 62 Not available 63 Tiny, in Troon 64 Twisting 65 Eagle daw DOWN 1 Moving quickly 2 Southfork matriarch 3 King and Ladd 4 Presidential title: Abbr. 5 Looks unstable 6 Dostoyevsky title character VAGUE VISTAS by Rich Norris Edited by Stanley Newman 32 “SOS" pop group 33 Make-up artist? 34 Nobelist Wiesel 35 German river 38 Rapidly growing burg 42 Fund raiser 44 Drives bananas 45 Sand formation 47 Like dishwater 48 Make void 49 Rapid: Mus. 50 Dress smartly 51 Puppy patter 52 Student’s concern 53 Singer Home Brand new 3bdrm/3bth duplexes. Lots of amenities. Pre-leasing now for May. $1200/mo. Dayhoff Properties, 731-0094. Sublease tbdrm/tbth lor either/both sessions summer school, furnished, $375/mo. 764-4089. FOR SALE Oxford Street Restaurant is now accept 1 ! for waitstaff Must be available forkKh£| person, M-F, between 2pm-4piu 1 W] Bryan. 268-0792. IT YOUR RENT I |o campus, near bi $124,000. Call 84 ROOf' 7 Ship surface 8 Kind 9 Farmer’s garb 10 Least 11 Muscular distress 12 Quarter, for one 13 Party planner 18 King 23 With reckless abandon 25 Manhattan, for one 26 Yo-Yo Ma’s instrument 28 Prove false 29 “That’s clear now!” 30 The French C/S 2bdrm/1-1/2bth, studlo/townhome. Yard, w/d, shut tle, $580/mo. Call 693-0551. Sublease 3bdrm/2bth house, Southwood Valley, w/d conn., $925/mo. Call 764-7308. 1993 Fleetwood Mobil home 14x52 2bdm/1bth W/D must sell graduating 17,000/o.b.o. (409)272-1152 Part-time counter position available. KlffH Grill. 764-2933. ped for summer, f |$300/mo. 696-393 ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Sublease for summer 3bdrm/2bth, w/d, $320/person ♦utilities. Very spacious. Foxmeadow Apartments. 693-7644. 5563 Straub Road, 3bdrm/2bth M H , $8,500 O B.O. (361)854-5637. Don’t Enter Premises! Part-time Leasing Agent needed. MustH 21 some sat./$6.oohr contact Villas ol C 846-2173 hmate ASAP! 2t | house bills. Tamn Volunteers, ages 12 and up, need ed for a 6-week research study of investigational medication for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. J&S Studies, Inc. 409-846-5933 Sublease May-Aug., Melrose Apts., 2bdrm/2bth, Price negotiable. After 5pm call B. Keszler, 680-3247. 9-5pm 845-1548, or 210-601-7765 B. Keszler. ’94 Fleetwood mobile home. 16X80, 3bdrm/2bth, in park, close to campus. $28,000 218-5175. For Sale 1995 Fleetwood 3bdm/2bth 14x70 one owner new porch, fenced yard, storage building, with appli ances close to AAM 16,000 823-6419 Sublease May-August. No deposit required. $455/mo. On shuttle route. Very nice, ask for Mason 696-8499. Mobile home for sale. 2bdrm/1bth, w/d, carport. Must sell. Graduating! $10,000. 776-9710. Part-time office assistant in a real busy w 5. Organized person needed to answer (W 1 *] puter work and filling. This position re^'Sl hours per week and reliable tr: errands.Apply in person, April 3rd lot-'I Glen Realty, 1003 University Dr. East Ct l? ?| TX. pmmate for 2bdm/ no +1/2bills W/D S roommate \ 60/mo., W/D, yard, ale to Share 3bdm/2 Tis on buse route 76 STORAGE STATION Mini-Warehouse Pre-leasing Now for May Lowest Rates 219 Manuel, CS Close to Outback Steakhouse 693-0551 Mobile Home for sale Set up at Glenn Oaks Mobile Home Park $6,500 call Scott at (512)635-5461 or after dark at (512)365-7187 Partners Food Delivery now hiring. Apply' 115 Walton. Flexible hours and good pay 1-room availat ., May-July, Ster New Polk Ex Series II 4” car speakers. Front/ Rear set. $100/ pair call Jason 847-6193 Leave message Parttime Assistant for busy health caretei' j m/f typing, experience in insurance/medtf ,f (erred. Apply in person (8-5M/F) 1313 S'F] Bryan. eded beginning sun leplechase Sub. N |SAP 694-0350. Washer dryer set. $150. Stephanie at 696-8952. Good condition. Call Parttime sales/ accounting apply in pe ,i: ') Longmlre roommate needed 2t |o om /bath, w/D, st 33-9198. Wedding Dress by designer Alfred Angelo semi-formal un altered size# 10 $300.00 693-9452 Pebble Creek Country Club is accept! WSI certified swim instructors and F Life Guards. Apply in person. 690-0: pmmate needed 2bd For details contac iferred, $275/mo. +1 i 2 4 r~ 14 i* id ■ ji i4 -T 32 33 34 JT~ ■ 40 43 44 Connection cop 54 Quick pull 31 Design 58 Teachers’ grp. using acid 59 Bambi’s aunt S- 10 mr 18 |2F [35 RT 29 30 31 |3B w 51 52 53 5(T |57 49 50 [55 " 58 59 CREATORS SYNDICATE <0 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 4/12/00 CRuck’s Pizza PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium Mopping Pizza *3.50 "order 3 for free delivery 40: 693-BUCK Answer to previous puzzle □Hara canQQ cinosm Hcraa nans deihcib BDnQ CDOC3Q EIHC30IC] nnaonEnmtDBa hqq sai nnnraraQ □ □□□□ □□□□ □ 4/12/00 Texas 'Department r of Transportation Texas Department of Transportation SUMMER POSITIONS Opening Date: 02-28-2000 Closing Date: 04-18-2000 Bryan District - 1300 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas SUMMER ENGINEERING TECH I A02/0051 $6.91 - 8.42 hr. Job Vacancy Number 0 17 E001 364 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Must be at least 18 years of age, a stu dent in high school or other educational institution or have been accept ed for enrollment in an educational institution. SUMMER ENGINEERING TECH II A04/0053 $7.62 - 9.35 hr. Job Vacancy Number 0 17 E001 364 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Must be at least 18 years of age, a stu dent in high school or other educational institution or have been accept ed for enrollment in an educational institution. Must have at least 16 college semester hours in engineering.. WORK LOCATION: Brenham, Bryan, Buffalo, Hearne & Huntsville Number of Openings: 12 BENEFITS: Paid Vacation Health Insurance Retirement Paid Holiday Disability 401K & Deferred Compensation Applicants MUST indicate any location preferences on their application. Verification of college hours may be required. Initial screening will be performed using the minimum requirements of the lower level position. For Further Information, please contact the Texas Department of Transportation, Human Resources Office at 409-778-9673 located at 1300 North Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77803 or go by your local TXDOT Office. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Best place to buy, sell, trade for- free. Free stuff when you register. HELP WANTED Pebble Creek Country Club is no«/acc«:. tions for golf course &lawn maintenance leges ^competitive salary. Apply at 4500^ Parkway. immate needed, ! ions Apartments. : fe, reduced rent, only $$1,000$$ Fundraiser. No effort. Big Money!! No investment. Work with your friends! Get a free t-shirt too! Call Sue at 1-800-808-7442 ext. 104. Porter/Make Ready needed full-time May imate Fall- Spring. , $298/mo. (800)4 Parkway Apts., 1600-S.W. Parkway,CS E‘ imate wanted 1-bloc 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. Instructors Needed: Tennis, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Waterskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano Accompaniast, Drama, Ceramics, Woodwork, Photography, Nature, Nurses, Chef. Arlene Streisand- 1-800-443-6428; Professional couple seeks mature coll$ provide summer supervision 7:30a,m b4 home to one school-age child. Must be have car and safe driving record. Salary! 1 Call 696-3794 evenings. ler Sublease 3-bed ery spacious $390A 928 er Sublease F/n $325/mo. +utilities Receptionist/ Clerk dependable per*’ Monday-fri 8-5. Job duties include typins 1 ’ ing phones. ler Sublease May-A room &bath upsta o +1/4util Jeff 229-: Recoup your spring break losses. Te»( sales day/evening 779-4377. female roommates n for summer/fall, on Jamie 695-78S SUMMER LEASES Furnished Rooms With All Bills Paid, Free Shuttle to TAMU & Blinn Call The Horizon Today 979-779-7091 Responsible person to provide childcare Fall 2000-Spring 2001, M-F 11:30-5:30<i?j very nice furnished apartment 2 blksfrofl 1 ] 0913. SER i HIGHER GRE SCOI professional instru S|rexas Defensive Dri Sonic on Harvey Rd. now accepting ap: 1 icket dismissal/insuranc positions A.M./P.M. shifts. Apply at 512H: v ||.i| (6 p m .9p m ) i p r j g,s £ "Opm), Sat(8am-2:30p Classified continue [ Quail Hollow Bk-ins welcome. $25/c 111-Univ. Dr., Sti pn. early. (CP-0017) king for a place to live 1 off campus! TU" Apartment Homes irienced Tutor- f bchemistry, Statistics, E Miens, 690-7928. Out With The Old, In With The New • New Owner, New Management, New Image • New Designer Oak Kitchens • New Elegant Mirror Accents • New Modern Baths • W/D Connections • Fireplace Available • Screened Patio • On A&M Shuttle Route M-F 8 a.m.-n Sat. 10 a.fl'J tabolife 356 Up To tan/College Station. 16983. Call Today! WEIGI 3535 Plainsman Lane 846-1771 If You Have Si Rem Classifier Call 8 The B