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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 2000)
Do you feel out of control when you are eating? Do you think you have problems with binge eating or bulimia? A short-term treatment program is now being formed at the TAMU Psychology Clinic to help with these problems. This will be an affordable and scientifically supported treatment that will address: gaining control over binge eating/vomiting, reducing weight and shape concerns, building self-esteem, and developing healthy eating patterns. For more information call Michelle Cororve at the Texas A&M Psychology Clinic - 845-8017 Aggie Muster 2000 Family Host Information Help share the spirit of Aggie Muster by promoting Muster Awareness and hosting a Muster family on April 21st. Please join us for an informational meeting. Rudder Tower Room 301 5:45p.m. until 6:45p.m. Tuesday, February 1, 2000 Or Wednesday, February 2, 2000 In order to receive an application, you must attend either informational. Doors will close promptly at 5:45 p. m. If you forsee a problem please contact Cody Williams or Lindsay Bellow at the Muster desk, 862-1191. Some Of The Fashion World’s Biggest Names Are Coming To Your Town! We’re preparing to open a new store in the College Station area Stein.Mart, one of rlie nation’s fastest growing retailers of off-price name-brand apparel is opening a new store in die College Station area. And ifyou possess the style and pizzazz we’re seeking, you might be a great fit for one of these Grand Opening opportunities in our soon-to-open College Station store or our existing stores in the Houston area: * Assistant Store Managers • Department Managers Assistant Store Managers require previous supervisory experience in a soft-lines retail store and may be asked to relocate. With over 200 locations throughout the U.S., Stein Mart is changing the way America dresses and creating new paths to exciting careers! Join our Grand Opening team now to enjoy: ’ Competitive Wages • Flexible Scheduling • Full-Time Benefits • Stock Purchase, 401(k) & Profit Sharing Plans • Career Growth Opportunities • Friendly Workplace • Upscale Retail Setting • Quality Name-Brand Merchandise • Specialty Store Atmosphere • Generous Merchandise Discount If you have retail experience and strong managerial skills, please send your resume to: Stein Mart Attn: District Manager S319-A F.M. 1960 W. Houston, XX 77069 FAX: (281) 893-8157 Oppovtumtiw iiion can't afford to E O E This Week Thursday: Trish Murphy $ 8.00 cover Friday: Scott Taylor and Millhouse $ 5.00 cover Saturday: Ruthie Foster $ 5.00 cover 2 nd CD RELEASE PARTY Drink Specials Thurs - Sat all night $ 1 Longnecks 201 W. 26th Street, Downtown Bryan 775-7735 News in Brief Lakers evacuated during hotel fire merit on what may have sparked the blaze. Customs seize 77 SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A two- alarm fire forced the Los Angeles Lakers to evacuate their hotel Mon day night. Firefighters put out a small fire that started in the basement of La Mansion Del Rio Hotel, along the San Antonio Riverwalk. The Lakers were staying there for Tuesday night’s game against the San Anto nio Spurs. The fire was mainly an inconve nience, and no injuries were re ported. Although all of the hotel’s nearly 200 guests had to huddle outside for about an hour, the smoke cleared and they were allowed to re turn to stay the night. A hotel official declined to com- pounds of cocaine Scientist finds fossil DALLAS (AP) — In a state that prides itselfon all things big, it’s only fit ting that scientists are happy about their latest discovery in Dallas: the largest di nosaur fossil ever found in Texas — and the world’s largest plant-eating, four- footed dinosaur from the late Cretaceous Period. Scientists from the University of Texas -Dallas uncovered the fossil in Big Bend National Park in far southwestern Texas, bordering Mexico along the Rio Grande River. The bones are either those of an un usually large member of a dinosaur fam ily known as alamosaurus or an entirely new species, according to James Carter of UTD’s department of geosciences, who found the first fossilized fragments of the animal’s neck. Either way, they lit the classification of a “superfamily” of herbivorous di nosaurs called sauropods, which have a long neck, a tail and a small head. “Never before has an articulated neck of this length and quality of preservation been found anywhere in the world from the Cretaceous Period,” Carter told T/ic It is extremely Dallas Morning New. rare ” UTD’s Homer Montgomery and his students had been excavating the remains of a juvenile alamosaurus since 1995 when, at a nearby site. Carter discovered e\ idence of the larger specimen. The Cretaceous Period extended from 65 million to 135 million years ago and was characterized by the develop ment of flowering plants and the disap pearance of dinosaurs. The largest dinosaurs vanished early in that period and it was believed all had died out by around 100 million years ago. Carter said. “That would rival the giant dinosaurs thought to be extinct b\ the end of the early Cretaceous Period, some 32 million years earlier.” A method of removing the bones has not been determined; and the National Park Sen ice is conducting an environ mental impact study. “We will do an assessment and look at the options.” said the park service’s Mark Flippo. He said officials were considering lifting the bones out by he licopter. Tired of asking^" MOMr / for moniy? Westgate (Golden Corral Shopping Cefiter) 701 Univ. Suite ift 268-6050 J Make up to $150 y \ \ \ a month, working M rsk V \i i just a few hours a week! $50 ey New Donors, DC! Biologicals n Welbom just north of campus) 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 I Take this ad to DCI or Westgate Biologicals and earn $50 for donating twice. Give it a try! $50 LEARN TO FLY NOW At United Flight Systems THE EXPERIENCED FLIGHT SCHOOL AVIATION CAREER TRACKS i While working on your college degree, accomplish your pilot’s certificates at the same time Upon finishing your college career, you can secure a job as an airline pilot. Get Your Pilot License for as little as $ 50 a month!! ■ Easily awarded student loans (24 hr. award notice] 1 ■ Private thru advanced training Aircraft rental Cessna ■ Pilot Shop College Station Easterwood Airport 409 260-6322 F.A.A. approved 141 school VA eligible Benefits EAGLE PASS, Texas (AP) — In a pair of searches at the port of en try, the U.S. Customs Service seized 77 pounds of cocaine and 96 pounds of marijuana. Inspectors on Monday found 32 bundles of cocaine, estimated to be worth $3.4 million, in the floorboard of a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta and ar rested two Mexican men in the car. On Sunday, inspectors seized nine packages of marijuana, esti mated to be worth $96,000, in the trunk of a 1993 Pontiac Grand Prix. Inspectors released the driver and took the passenger, Robert Silva. 32, of Corpus Christi, to the Val Verde County Jail. Hundreds oppose Fish clean air at hearing HOUSTON (AP) Nearh 600 regulators held two final hean- people packed a hearing room and spilled into a nearby hallway Monday night to sound olTon a plan to clean the state’s air. Most were angrily opposed to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation 11 v vi. hu*h mnift* l ommission s prt from lowering the speed lating hot water heaters. About day in Beaumont and IlousKr Nobody argues about the ( lingering over the state—b., clear the smog has proven ah.; tentious question. “The proposals have tremendous amount of dolph Wood, TNRCC policy and regulatory JT-LLO CL A 5 pgoF CoULt HERE Sb /V)E To Conduct This C zens for Sound Let omy prote :d “The IFnvironmcntnl Pro tection Agency I is threaten- W ing to withhold our highway funds. It's our money. It is l extortion." VElCOME tc DISCOUNT P rc I- Carol Jones Austin citizen on an old ptife < i oor onmentti f money for mlrastrvi the state fails to sati: emment in the next aiorste 0- I Cca-^c b>oi 30'^ 4o Ts. Texa Aeon me Me comment Felt/ rides her bicycle at city and favors the TNRCC proposals. “I actually had to leave Ih about a month during the b days. I was ill. coughing, tir time."she said. “I think they as far as they can with the restrictions.' Alter a week spent hashing over th air cleaning plan, state environments uld Have you always v you always wanted to travel to the i Breezy Tropical Caribbean? Welcome to ^ Graduate & Undergraduate Students! Spend your first summer session in the rainforest of the "NATURE ISLAND" while earning TAMU credit! Informational Meetinjjs on January 25, January 26, January 27, February 1, February 2, February 3, 12-1 pm 11 am-12 pm 2-3 pm 1:30-2:30 pm 1:30-2:30 pm 10-11 am & 2-3 pm All Meetings will be held in 358 Bizzell Hall West For More Information Contact Study Abroad Programs 161 Bizzell Hall West 845-0544 VICTOR’S r Quality Mens & Ladies Boot & Shoe Repair Custom Hand Made Aggie Senior Bod :* A/o Waiting List Necessary - Order at your convenience Class of 2001 - order now! It’s not too la! FREE Taps with free replacement ( s 25 value) Regular Delivery 3-4 months Best warranty in B/CS $2.00 Metal Taps $2.00 Plastic Name Tags (while u wait) $6.50 Reblocking Campaign Hats (1-2 day service) *822.70 including tax & deposit 3601 Texas Ave. ( at Dunn), Bryan 1 mile north of Texas Ave. & University Intersection Serving Aggie's Since 1966 Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 Sat. 9-3 846-4114