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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 2000)
AGGXELIFE Tuesday, February 2. 2(KK) I HE BA 1 TALI ON Spielberg honored by Director’s Guild SPIELBERG ■ LOS ANGELES (AJ'»—Steven Spiel- berii isn’t talking abend his latest honor ■ V the Directors Guild of America's Lifetime Achieve- ment Award, i ■“He’s going to save it all for when he get s the award,” spokesman Marvin Levy said Monday. ■ The award will he given to Spielberg during the 52nd annual DGA Awards on I March 11. Past honors have gone to Cecil De Mille, John Ford,Orson Welles, Bil- Wilder, John Huston mid Frank Capra. ■ Among the films Spielberg has direct- , ed are Schindler \ List, Saving Private | Rytin, and /:. T. the Ex traterrestrial. ^■“It is truly astonishing that Steven \ Spielberg, with so many great films still ahead of him, is already such a perfect chi nee for the ultimate directorial honor,” DG A president Jack Shea said. Singer Parton parts with radio station PEOPLE IN THE I>jEWS the East Tennessee Radio Group, “can take the station to the next level since ra dio is their primary business.” The sale price was not disclosed. Dol ly wood general manager Ken Bell said the main change will be new call letters for WDLY. Honor for Susan B. Anthony requested CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. (AP) The town where Susan B. Anthony was prosecuted for voting in an 1872 election is asking President Clinton to exonerate her on Feb. 15, her birthday. Anthony was arrested after register ing and voting in Rochester, her nearby hometown. A year later, she was tried, convicted and fined but refused to pay the $ 100 penalty. To avoid a federal chal lenge, the judge refrained from impris oning her. Anthony’s protest drew national at tention for the suffrage movement. Women eventually won the right to vote in 1920, 14 years after Anthony died at age 86. A White House official says the Clin tons are aware of Canandaigua’s request, but have not yet made a decision. ■ SEVIERV1LLE, Tenn. (AP) — Dolly Pa rton is selling the rapio station where she first performed as a child. I Parton bought ■SEV-AM, on which she first sang parton atpgc 10, and its sis ter FM station in 1991. She renamed the FM station WDLY. I “Since that time, we have tripled sales and developed the station to be a solid business serv ing the community,” Parton said Monday. BS Parton and her partners, Orr & Earls of Branson, Mo., believe the new owner. Crystal and Curtis honored by Harvard CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) —Billy Crystal will soon S find out how “mahvelous” he looks in drag, when he and Jamie Lee L ' Curtis are honored at Harvard University. crystal Crystal and Cur tis have been chosen to receive the an nual I lasty Pudding awards, given out by the nation’s oldest undergraduate dra matic organization. Curtis, who has starred in such movies as Halloween and Trading Places, will lead a parade through the streets of Harvard Square on Feb. 10 with male Harvard students in drag. Crystal will be the guest at a roast Feb. 17 and will appear in bra and wig. Previous recipients of the Hasty Pud ding prize include Jodie Foster, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford. Actor Kevin Spacey wins Guild Awards LOS ANGELES (AP) — American Beauty, a satirical look at a midlife cri sis gone over the edge, received a ! leading four nomi- j nations Tuesday for the Screen Actors L Guild Awards. The film got nominations for best actor for Kevin l Spacey, actress for Annette Bening, supporting actor for Chris Cooper and ensemble acting. “The Sopranos” led TV nomina tions with five, including best actor for James Gandolfini. Nominations for best actor in television drama also went to David Duchovny for “The X-Files,” Dennis Franz and Rick Schroeder for “NYPD Blue” and Martin Sheen for “The West Wing.” “Ally McBeal” earned nominations for lead actress Calista Flockhart and co- star Lucy Liu, best actor for Peter Mac- Nicol and ensemble acting in a comedy. The other nominees for lead actor in a movie were Russell Crowe for The Insid er, Philip Seymour Hoffman tor Flawless, Denzel Washington for The Hurricane and Jim Carrey for Man on the Moon. Other nominees for lead actress in a movie were Julianne Moore for The End of the Affair, Meryl Streep for Mu sic of the Heart, Janet McTeer for Tum bleweeds and Hilary Swank for Boys Don't Cry. Road Continued front Page 3 gl “The exhibition of the film would most certainly receive the majority of the opposing voices from people who haven't seen the movie,” Hoagwood said. I Sethuraju said he agreed. 1 “It is sort of a known fact that that we as a society are not as willing to discuss issues relating to sex as, say, cultures in Europe,” Sethuraju said. I “This film is critically negative of the pornography industry, but it is difficult as a society to go beyond the visual im age of sex. It prevents us from under standing the message.” | The organizers of the festival had decided to base their decision on whether or not to show the film on the advice of Hoagwood, and he gave them several ideas. “I told them that the publicity ads for the film should state that the film is crit ical of pornography,” Hoagwood said. “This movie shows that pornography is a) destructive, and b) a metaphor for the corruption of America.” The film had all but been accepted into the festival, it had a slot on the festival’s temporary sched ule, but the final decision was to not ex hibit the film. “I agree that the majority of the neg ative opinions about different forms of art come from people who don’t view the film’s content for what it really is,” Whitworth said. “I’d say that the ma jority of the backlash is an uneducated backlash.” “In this case it was our choice not to show the film, to avoid the backlash from the community,” Whitworth said. “It was not an easy thing to decide,” Sethuraju said. “Issues like this are complex. It is difficult to determine what path to take. As a festival, I don't know if we are gaining or losing by not showing this movie.” “It's a cultural issue, as opposed to just being about A&M. It’s a depiction of where we are as a society. In our culture, this is a film that has very distasteful im ages. In this particular case, the produc ers ofthe film did a good job of showing how the porn industry demeans women and how it is just out to make money, but it is those same images that prevent us from understanding the message.” “Were we right or wrong in not show ing this movie? We’re not sure,” Sethu raju said. The Memorial Student Center Black Awareness Committee Presents... THE MEETING A powerful drama about the lives, philosophies and times of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X RESCHEDULED Friday February 25, 2000 8:30 p.m. Texas A&M University Rudder Theater Please phone 3 working days in advance to 845-1 515 for special assistance needs. $3.00 Student $5.00 Non-student Tickets Available MSC Box Office 845-1234 Lurl’s Beauty Salon 778-2073 Hall’s Mini Mall 775-0771 T l EXAS A 8c TWr CLASS'*2000-L V -L Merchandise on sale NOW in MSC Hallway 10 am - 3 pm Feb 1-3 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE CAREER FAIR LANGFORD ARCHITECTURE CENTER BOOTHS OPEN FEBRUARY 2 nd and 7 th INTERVIEWS FEBRUARY 3 rd & 8 ,h OVER 90 COMPANIES RECRUITING FOR FULL TIME AND CO-OP POSITIONS IN THE CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY. HAVE AN INTEREST IN CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY? COME CHECK IT OUT. GREAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF MAJORS. Looking for an Internship? Attend the Internship Strategies seminar. 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