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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1999)
Page 2 • Thursday, July 22, 1999 EWS Laying a foundation TERRY ROBERSON/Tih Battalion Richard Levan of Heavy Equipment places spacers under the reinforcement rebars before laying concrete for the sidewalk at the corner of Throckmorton Road and Joe Routt Boulevard Wednesday. The sidewalk needed repair after it was washed out. Resendiz case hea to Houston grand ju ne Battali HOUSTON (AP) — Prosecutors seeking a capital murder indictment against suspected spree killer Angel Maturino Resendiz plan to present their evi dence to a grand jury today. Maturino Resendiz, 39, already is charged in two slayings in Illinois, another in northeast Texas and a 1997 case in Kentucky. Police say evidence links the rail-riding drifter to five other slayings, includ ing the December beating and stab- ^ bing death of Dr. Claudia Benton. Harris County intends to try him first for the slaying of Benton in her Houston-area home, Lyn McClellan, felony division chief of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, said Wednesday. “I think we will be seeking a capital murder indictment,” McClellan said. Maturino Resendiz already is charged with burglarizing the Benton home. Prosecutors have been waiting to '7 think we will be seeing a capital murder indictment. ,, pursue a murder charge until Maturino Resendiz, also known by the alias Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, was in custody and able to provide DNA samples. Authorities say they found one of Maturino Re- sendiz’s fingerprints in Benton’s stolen Jeep. Also, some jewelry associated with Benton was among dozens of pieces recovered from the suspect’s Mex ican home. Similar evidence links Maturino Resendiz to an other Harris County slaying, the June death of Hous ton schoolteacher Noemi Dominguez. Meanwhile, about 40 prosecutorsa[;|; : forcement officers from four states mety® compare notes and discuss the caseagaiil no Resendiz. While authorities in rural Cass, Coi: . Fayette counties appear content to alt® County prosecutors to pursue a costlycj® der trial against the suspect, Lexington,!|| cutors’ statements $* want to try Maturino feiH gardless of what happeip “We’re not going toil courthouse door on anyttl tucky prosecutor RaykM referring to his case, lb 1997 slaying of 21-year-dj sity of Kentucky studem. her Maier. Investigators from Mar ty, Fla., attended Hfei meeting to check into; Maturino Resendiz’s others| — Lyn McClellan Harris County District Attorney’s Office between killings and a March 1997 slaying along; Lt. Terry Bovaird of the Marion CounPi Department said that Maturino Resenfe sidered a suspect in the Ocala killing,birk idence is being compared just in case. 1 Jesse Howell, 19, was found deadirl trauma along a rail line on March 23, Chicago-area man was with a teennaititi Rachel Von Huben, who Bovaird saidreirrp ing. Phil Pritche News in Brief Library Exchange program links A&M, Korea The Texas A&M University Sys tem Health Science Center will sign an agreement Friday with officials from Soonchunhyang University, an institu tion in Korea, at 10:45 a.m. at the Joe H. Reynolds Medical Building. The document, called a Memoran dum of Agreement, includes a state ment of commitment by the institu tions to promote the exchange of faculty and students to participate in teaching and research programs in the area of medical education, as well as exchange published scientific ma terials and collaborative research on medical education. The delegation from Soonchun hyang University includes the univer sity’s president, Dr. Chun Soo Lee, and his wife, Sun Hee Lee. Dr. Michael Friedland, interim ex ecutive vice president for academ ic affairs at the A&M System Health Science Center and dean of the College of Medicine, will sign a supplement to the document per taining to the Health Science Cen ter. A&M President Dr. Ray M. Bowen will sign at a later date. Continued from Page ill Plant worker dies in 1-car accident An employee of Texas A&M’s Phys ical Plant was killed Monday night in a onecar accident on FM 2776. Jimmy Glen Evans, a tree mainte nance specialist, was traveling north bound on FM 2776 near Wixon road when the accident occurred. Evans was killed when his vehicle, a 1984 Ford pickup truck, veered off the road, rolled over and struck a fence. A pipe from the fence struck him through the windshield. Students and libraiy also submit a requestti pact disc to the library. The library also offers ference rooms that ip served, and a televisn where students can ternet or watch cable or tional foreign languagevi on one of five TVs, Altendorf said the it language tapes are meas both supplements forotlii language labs on campus, as learning devices for wish to independently other language such asS French, Italian orSpanis Ey Starrii Now Pla library so in-tune withsli that it is run and manage. all-student staff who del [uently falls d EVANS Services for Evans will be held to day at the Memorial Funeral Chapel in College Station at 2 p.m. NUTZ BV R. DELUNA xs so 77M/UKS For L £-rT//u& UJlTd Poo L FMLL us Come yoo To Turs ~So'>r KsrtSMg ek out agreement... You HAlF ^ S TA y OdT oF T£ooB(-Ej m That clear Health Continued from Page 1 She said she hoping professors and other health organizations will utilize their resources as well. She said sexual responsibility is important for all students, and she is excited about giving a pre sentation during Freshmen Ori entation Week concerning sexu al issues, which all freshmen in the Corps of Cadets are mandat ed to attend. Griffith said it is important for students to realize if they go to the center seeking advice, every thing they say will be kept confi dential. She said that Health Education Services employees are available to speak with parents if they have questions or concerns, but there is a complete policy of con fidentiality, which does not allow any Health Education Services It is no surp is name as A Wning and Li ubrick has or nces with a d tence. Eyes V Altendorf said whatfei nto the minds Cruise) as he ife’s flirtatioi on, desire am Models, pro with the MSC’s approti materials are placed intlit “The MSC Browsingtifempt the well one of the best kept s« ut in the scop A&M,” Murthy said. ions do nothir nd resistance, ilm, on the wl nind, but bein y means that i employee to relay any sti| appen BasiCc information to parents. f nwat rh Tn tv Aggie Representatives)brilli a m pc ing About College ^ view the (R.E.A.C.H.) co-sponsors WO ulc the activities put onbyHeig^^gg water ucation Services. Courti ens, executive chair fot R.E.A.C.H. and a senior bifl science major, said theiroii tion is another resource® to help students wit health questions and through peer education 3.95 f pager airtime Free Activation ‘Accessories ‘Calling Cards PrimeCo phones sold here Discount Paging System THE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING •EASY -AFFORDABLE •EFFECTIVE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 845-0569 RELOCATING TO DALLAS? NEED TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE? 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College Station, TX 77840 693-6684 Regardless, f cinematogra atic redunda ly absorbing t olor, motion a art in the infa Itance, which i ■mazing use o the backdrop o Cruise does too well accom 105 YEARS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Kasie Byers, Editor in Chief Sallie Turner, Managing Editor Veronica Serrano, Executive Editor Mark McPherson, Graphics Editor Riley LaGrone, Aggielife Editor Matt Webber, Night News Editor Sallie Turner, Photo Editor Welch n in Califb Guy Rogers, Photo Editof Kyle Whitacre, Radio Pro* Veronica Serrano, City Ed' BEVERLY H Noni Sridhara, Campus Eci Welch has ret Caleb McDaniel, Opinionrestauran Doug Shilling, Sports I Ryan Williams, Web M Staff Members City - Carrie Bennett, Sameh Fahmy, Ryan West, Suzanne Brabeck & Stuart Hutson. Sports - Jeff Webb, Santosh Venkataraman, Michael Rodgers, Ruth Stephens & Reece Flood. Aggielife - Assistant: Stephen Wells; Aaron Meier, Scott Harris, Brian Fleming & Michael Maddux. Opinion - Tom Owens, Jeff Becker, Mark Passwaters, Marc Grether, Chris Huffines, Megan Wright, Aaron Meier, Beverly Mireles &Ryan Alan Garcia. Photo - JP Beato, Mike Fuentes, Terry Roberson, Bradley Atchison & Aotiioii Graphics - Assistant: Gabriel Ruenesf Wagener & Jeffrey Smith. Cartoonists -Ruben DeLuna. Copy Editors - Amy Daugherty, Mariuf Mohiuddin, Mandy Cater GraeberW Meier. Page Designers - Manisha Parekli Radio - Andrea Bragdon, Paul Breaiuf Campbell, Francis Fernandez, JasonP* Stephen Landin & Logan Vouree. They were v !y Hills home, ^bout two ye; B ast Septembe “It was a sn jnly close fai 3echer, the at Iterday. There wasi rl don’t know sBecher said,; pe in Vancouve News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univeisity in the Division of Student PeblotR : Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax 8W; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and nat© tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office Ikw if® Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The B3ttA n< additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semeste' and $17.50foitiM'' r by credit card, call 845-2611. , The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday#®/ ing the summer session (except Univeisity holidays and exam periods)'at Texas A&M University. 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