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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1999)
BBflBUHMUUBMIBHflWmBmBiHBBI i :....Vjii; •nUfj;-::'; i^usg. Who Wants HALF-PRICED BURRITOS?!? Join the Freebirds family and reap a plethora of unbeatable bene fits. We’re hiring now for full & part time positions for Spring and Summer! Part-time co-workers can receive $25 referral bonuses, $100 bonuses for good grades, $100 bonuses for just working at The Bird for 6 months, and 40 hours of pay for every 2,000 hours worked! Full-time co-workers can receive medical insurance, paid vacation, and sick time. Of course, all of our co-workers can have direct deposited paychecks and half-priced meals while working! Gain experience, make money, meet friends!! Upward advance ment is available for committed, exemplary co-workers. Visit the Freebirds web-site @ and apply immediately! That’s right, apply from the comfort and safety of your laptop! It couldn’t be easier, could it? So give us a call, visit our web-site, or come by either our Northgate or Texas Avenue location. We’re WAITING! Pay commensurate with experience. EOE. 2 2% is hosting the bi-annual HONORS SCHEDULING CONSORTIUM Monday, April 12 Rm. 292 MSC 7:30 p.m. National Scholarship & Graduation with honors workshop will be in Room 206 MSC */\sS AU iljxangz 725B University Drive TICKETS GO ON SALE SUNDAY 5PM YX Ht ry- out College Station 764-7272 D&ftv-erm The Perfect Pizza/ Beat the Clock is Back On Monday Nights Northgate Just call Papa John’s 846-3600 between 6 and 8 o’clock. Bryan The Time You Call Is the 268-7272 p r j ce You Pay for 1 Large 1 Topping Pizza. Aggie Bucks College Station Offer good on Monday only. AH prices subject to sales tax. Offer can expire without notice. Page 4 • Monday, April 12, 1999 ► JACOB'S LADDER off tlie lo Finding perfect hairstyle can prove adventure forsti A h, the haircut! A mop chop, a brim trim, an around the ear shear. Many people take the intricate proce dure of a haircut for grant ed. They do not realize that a haircut is, in fact, a complex science full of pressing choices, ensuing consequences and count- JACOB HUVAL less sassy male hairdressers with names like Tadd, Bruce and Chauncy. An integral part of getting a good haircut is making the right choices concerning exactly where one will venture to get a chop job. A hairstyling establishment’s name can pro vide adequate information about their staff and professionalism. For instance. The Bleed ing Ear would not be a wise choice — unless one is determined to look like Vincent van Gough. Another choice is Con Cuts, which is part of the new “Gelbirds, not Jailbirds” pro gram for incarcerated criminals. So the venue has been chosen. Great! Now enjoy an individually wrapped slice of processed cheese. Now comes the hard part: the actual cut. Albeit, this choice is usually more pressing for females than for males, but it remains fundamental to a good haircut. Why? Because it makes a good image, which creates self confidence, which will as sure a successful job interview, which will lead to promotions and networking, which will in crease power, which will ultimately lead to WORLD DOMINATION!!! Do not get a chili bowl cut. Men and women regard hairstyles different ly. Women have to make choices between a crop, a tease, a layer, a perm, a highlight, a frost, a curl, a tuck, a volumizer or any combi nation of the aforementioned. Men simply get “a little more off the sides.” Styles are frequently named after popular cultural icons. For example, one may witness a large number of students on campus that ap pear to have recently had head lice. This is an incorrect assumption; they have simply joined an organization which requires each member to get the “Forrest Gump.” If a more mature colleague is questioned about the increasing grayness of his hair, he would respond “I’m just trying out the ‘Sean Connery.’” If that same colleague is then ques tioned about the large, pale dome atop his head, he would retort “Oh, I got a ‘Friar TUck’ the other day. ” Interestingly, the names of similar styles vary from establishment to establishment. While Mike’s Barber Shop would refer to a style as “the Ryan,” a different establishment like The Bleeding Ear would call it “Oh, I’m sorry! Let me get a towel. How about a dis count?” And Con Cuts would refer to it as “Shut your hole and sit down! Its just a curling iron!” A problem facing males and females alike, however, is that the cost of haircuts is consis tently on the rise. The most recent increase has caused a re newed interest among the thrifty in bypassing the expensive middleman and resorting to giv ing themselves a haircut. These brave individ uals have transformed everyday household utilities and wares into top-of-the-line styling products. The simple dinner fork and knife set make excellent substitutes for combs and clippers; mayonnaise does wonders as a hair gel; and the next best thing to an electric razor is the cunning precision and control of a battery-operated vegetable peeler. Unless the actual “thrifty cut” is per formed outside near the garden hose, the kitchen sink or trash compactor is ideal for catching and disposing stray clippings, al though it is recommended that those with long hair refrain from using the compactor. For those who still wish to pay high prices, the quality of the final product depends heavily upon the hair styl ist. There are basically three types of hair cutters; the good, the bad and Korka, the voodoo witch ist, however, will simply cut at as they see fit. They are usuallyi with whether ot not hair is trimanill very little time checking on theirwof Korka, on the other hand, sprinl blood around the chair and insist; tomer give up their firstborn toftfe god of sideburns. So consider the choices that mu; when venturing to get a haircut.No one choose which estnblishmeffilol which style to get, which whether to simply stay homeandlf do ail the work, one must also deoil to hold reigning power over all thee a chili bowl. . . . iM junior K Jacob Huval is ao-toVanl doctor. A good styl ist will at least at tempt to get their customer to indi cate whether or not he or she is satis fied with the cut. The good stylist is attentive to how level and trim the hair is and is profi cient with all their tools. The bad styl- BY SANTOS I Th« Most colie :hedule non 3 late in the > ining up for aming con nee matcl n Satu r c owever, the ■Texas A /omen’s Ter ?am was tu p by No. anderbilt l ersity, 1-8, yjtA&M Vars A&M, whi ■t, got on th nderbilt’s b risty Bluinbe le. Aggie sop vail, who tra et, picked up Humberg wat “That’s an mark ivicphersos p r them,” A deinecke saic Matrix keeps top seat y Never Been Kissed distantsea^ LOS ANGELES (AP) — The eye popping science-fiction adventure The Matrix remained No. 1 at the box office with $22.2 million and spring-break crowds gave Drew Barrymore’s back-to-school film Never Been Kissed a strong $11.7 million opening, estimates showed Sunday. The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves in the special effects-filled story of a computer hacker who finds out that reality is not what it seems, has emerged as the year’s second breakout hit — after Ana lyze This — grossing $72.9 million in just two weeks. It slipped only 20 percent last weekend. But not even the wizardry of The Matrix could pull the year out of its post-Titanic syndrome. After a momentary upturn when The Matrix opened, the overall box of fice was once again down last weekend, this time 4.4 percent, from last year’s weekend, when City of Angels, Lost in Space and Ti tanic were going strong. With many of the nation’s young people on vacation last week, youth-oriented films pre dictably dominated the top 10 — with a mixed bag of results. Never Been Kissed led the pack with the best opening for a film starring Barrymore since The Wed ding Singer in early 1998. The hip- hop comedy Foolish opened with $2.26 million in ninth place for an impressive per-screen average of $7,410 — even though its studio, fearing bad reviews, did not screen the movie for critics. Another new film, the Sun dance Film Festival favorite Go opened with a somewhat disap pointing $4.7 million for sixth. Sony is now counting on strong word of mouth to keep the critical ly praised rave-scene film from plummeting into oblivion when Vgg ies 1 most kids go back lob week. Two big winners anl my Awards continued fOm Kell grosses. Best picturebi in Love collected S22' h : The sixth-n best foreign-language aseball Team Beautiful grossalS:" tat( ' ! ; Ron Howard’s cor sekend in B however, has shaped ay- year’s biggest disappoir The Aggies i fering in part from too on the first gc parisons to last year’; 1 if The Truman Show. Sbp 51 percent to collect with a paltry per-locatb of$882. ; Time to Rent a For Ringdance Complete Tuxedo Ensembles From $49.95 to $64.95 Includes; Coat, Trousers, Wing-tip Shirt, Tie and Cummerbund or Tie and Vest and Lace Shoes. (studs and cufflinks included with shirt rental) (Designer Vest or Mandarin Collar Shirt: $14.95 extra) mxmsem - m V* jffiPMWl Mmmmm' ■Kl Ladies and Lords Texas Ave. Across from the Main Entrance to Texas A&M 409-764-8289 By Popular Reijiiest Ladies and Lords will not be changing it’s name. The Perfect Gifts for Your Aggie Graduation on Christmas. Til (acutal size) I4K Gold Aggie Pendant $24 g5 Qualifications fc • Be a Texas / credit hours Have at leas the semester ter(s) (all sun order for sur hours must b Citl Watches Official A&M! Gold-Tone H Two-Tone! Hove compl Hovealleasl comparable -0R- Have at least -0R- Have ample and II), and j ^plication forr Quartz Movement. 3 yr. Warranty. 1 *Call lor Qua#’ Available in Mens and 1# Student Publicai Sorry noin ; submitting appli John D. Huntley ‘ 79 is k J* also an official authorized Ar| , brel! 1 TAG-Heuer SWISS MADE SINCE I860. dealer for Tag-Heuer and Breitling.