Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1997)
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 daysatr:jj|| item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional taH. no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. iomn I « I ADOPTION Pregnant? Considering Adoption? Caring Aggie couple wants to give your baby a lifetime of security and happiness in a home filled with love and laughter. Please call Alan and Beverly anytime, 1-800-750-5348 or TGC 1-800-299-4523. Medical/ legal expenses only. ANNOUNCEMENTS SSCASH FOR COLLEGE$$ GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. *"*Help on the spot* 822-4832. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. AUTO 1987 Mazda 626. A/C, power windows/locks, 5-speed, new tires, stereo. Great condition. $3,300. 775-6488. 1987 Olds Cutlass Ciera. Good condition. AM/FM cas sette radio, ac, automatic $2,800. 695-8410. 1990 Bronco II, standard, clean, power locks, windows, $5,000. 695-8154. 1993 Suzuki Sidekick JX/conv. 28,000 miles $8,500. 690-0650. 2dr./4wd. AM/FM/CD '94 4-door Civic DX. Good condition. Only 30,000 miles. $9,900 negotiable. 696-4082. ‘95 Ford Mustang Coupe. V6, 3.8L, 5-speed, blue, Yokohama tire, 36,000 miles, $8,500 blue book value. Good condition. $7,500 negotiable. 695-2551. AUTO SEIZED CARS from $175. Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD’s. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext..A-1652 for current listings. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot, 828- 4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B". 364-2868. COMPUTERS IBM PS/1 486SX with monitor & keyboard, and Panasonic Matrix printer $200/negotiable. Please call 695-1523. Mac Performa-636 8/250 w/cd BTS, modem, Apple Stylewriter II, $1,200. Call 847-4669. P66-24MegRam 400-Mb-Hd Modem-14.4 Soundcard CdRom speakers monitor SVGA-14”. $650 Comes with win '95 MSOffice and others. Call Bernard, 822-0777. Pentium 233MMX $999, 200MMX $939, 166MMX $879, 166MHZ $815, 150MHZ $795, including 14"-monitor, 24XCDROM, 1.6GB-HD, 16MB-RAM, 33.6-V/F/Modem, 2MB-Video, S/Speaker, 1-year warranty, upgradable, 32MB-RAM add $35, 2.1GB-HD add $20, 3.1GB-HD add $65. 846-7186. DJ MUSIC The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. The Bestl! Call 693-6294. I EMPLOYMENT STOCKBROKERS TRAINEES. We are a rapidly grow ing Austin based Brokerage Firm seeking recent College Grad's to expand our Texas presence. -Aggressive Compensation, -Comprehensive Training, •Advancement Potential, -Sales Experience a Plus, •Austin & Houston Opportunities. (888)476-5554. Brian E. Smith. The Avantus Group, Inc. FOR RENT 1 Bedroom apartment. Cable. All bills paid. $450/mo. Please call 846-2913 2-Bedroom with all luxuries. Best in College Station. Available December. 696-0314. 2bdrm/11/2bath Townhome in Bryan. $595/mo. W/D, ceiling fans. Good condition. Water sewer, garbage paid. 846-5105. 2bdrm/1bath garage duplex. $550/mo. 2212-B Young Place, Bryan. 822-7327. FOR RENT Bryan, 1410 Pinfeather: remodeling a 2bdrm/1bath with FOR RENT Spring sublease. 2bdrm/11/2bath townhome New car- study, w/d, big yard. $500/mo. $400 deposit. Credit check required. 775-6652. pet. Nice layout. 2818 & Villa Maria. Oak Creak Apartments Available immediately. $547/mo 823- 3077. C.Sta. spacious fourplexes, 2 bedroom, several floor plans. Some bills paid, w/d conn., shuttle, some with w/d and fenced yards. Available now or January. United Realty. 694-9140. Spring sublease. Treehouse Village Large 1 bdrm/1 bath. 2-walk-in-closets, turnished Near cam pus. $535/mo. Available 12/22-5/15. Call 695-2891. Close to campus. 2 bedroom. Some bills paid. $225- $275/mo. 696-2038. Sublease tbdrm apartment Spring'98 $460/mo cable included. $200 bonus when leased 695-0708 COLLEGE COURT APARTMENTS. 2bdrm/1ba. Great location. On shuttle, microwave, new carpet, intrusion alarm, $419/mo. 823-7039. Sublease 1 bdrm/1 bath. $395/mo.+utilities No deposit Available now! Wlllowick Apartments (713)295- 5478(W), (281 )448-9294(H). Cozy condo at Woodstock, 2-story 2bdrm/11/2bath, fenced yard, fireplace, w/d, pool, no pets. $570/mo. 691-2180. For lease 3/1-house. Close campus. $550/mo. Anthony Eric W. 846-9790. FOR LEASE. House. Corner lot. Available Dec.23rd. Large 3bdrm/2ba, garage, w/d. Southwood Valley. 901- San Benito. $825/mo. 696-7649. Large 2bdrm/l l/2bath four-plex. $495/mo. Please call 693-0551. W/D included. Sublease 2bdrm/1bath 4-plex Fenced-in backyard 1813-D Yellowhouse. Pets allowed. S460/mo Call Bo 696-8660. Sublease 2bdrm/1 bath duplex Pets ok W/D connec tions, fenced yard. $475/mo. Call Kelli, 693-3101. Sublease 4-plex 2bdrm/1bath 1/2-mile from campus $475/mo. Call Luke, 695-1645. Sublease Furnished. HELP WAHTSSw . ■p I Fhe Team At TheWlM^j wru. 3144 Ut» Jwn' HOLIDAY WORK!! up to $8 : Call 10-4, 4bdrm/2bath ©University $281/room, includes w/d. Krisi 2bdrm/1 bath, from campus. $425/mo. plus utilities. 268-1586. 5 minutes walk Cash For Cars. 5464. Call or stop by Allred Motors. 822- DJ MUSIC THE HORIZON PRIVATE STUDENT DORM HOUSING FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND VISITORS TO CAMPUS. FURNISHED ROOMS W/ALL BILLS PAID FREE SHUTTLE TO AND FROM TEXAS A&M DAILY, WEEKLY & MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE CALL 779-7091 TODAY! The Houston Chronicle needs a carrier to deliver to dormitories for Spring Semester 1998. Early morning hours, 7 days/wk and earn $600+/mo. If interested, call: Julian at 693-2323. Sound Power DJ Service. Weddings/ Mixers/ Parties, Large/ Small Sound Systems. Lights/ Smoke Available. Large Music Selection. Tommy Reed, Class '98, 696- 9754. FREE APARTMENT Ideal for graduate couple to manage AGGIE owned & operated Apartments 846-7454 2bdrm/2bath. 3-ceiling fans. lOOOsq.ft., privacy fence, backyard, storage, $475/mo. Good neighborhood, 1602-Elizabeth Circle, Bryan. 846-7268. 3bdrm/2bath Autumn Circle Duplex, $725/mo., pets ok. Available now. 1 -year lease only. 693-9959. 4bdrm/21/2bath super large. Available January 15th. Sundance Apartments. Call 696-9638. 6 blocks from campus. Large 2bdrm/1 bath, remodeled. No pets. $380/mo. 691-2180. Arbors. Spring sublease. 1bdrm/1bath. W/D, full kitchen, alarm. Please call Jason, 694-5176. Available Dec/Jan. Quiet 1bdrm/1bath. Double Tree condo. 1-mile from campus, w/d, pool/spa. $495/mo. Call 695-1522. NearT.A.M.U. 3bdrm/11/2bath. Large fenced backyard w/trees, central a/c &heat. Ready now, outside getting painted. 1204-Pimm. $750/mo. $500/dep. (281)362- 1429/Eve., (713)687-9471/Pgr. NEWLY IMPROVED 2bdrm/1ba in Northgate, central a/h, w/d connections, new carpet, lawn care provided, $445/mo. TCP, 775-2291. SUBLEASE A.S.A.P. $400/mo. W/D facilities. 693-2350. Efficiency. Treeho Daytime 696-2443. afte pla Sublease A.S.A.P. at Treehouse Village Apartments Efficiency. On bus route. $425/mo. Cindy, (281)447- 3914. 5p.m. minimal time, good pay, no »w Don't delay, call today!! We convenient locations: 4223-1 8855 700-University East C Sublease a.s a p.!! Ibdrm/lbath pus. $380/mo. o.b.o. 695-8813. Bus route Near cam- SKIN INFECTION STUDY Patients 18 years and older with uncomplicated skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, infected hair follicles, wounds, abrasions, insect bites, etc. needed to participate in a research study with an investigative antibiotic. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5033 Heartburn Acid Indigestion Are you 18 or older and in good health. 1 dose over the counter medication. No blood drawn. Volunteers will receive $50 for doing study. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 Chronic Pain Study Subjects who have had chronic pain for at least three months, have been taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication daily and require additional pain relief are being recruited for an investigative research study with a marketed pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 or 1 -800-681 -8204 Accounting Assistant Responsible for performing intermediate level accounting tasks, including general ledger and bank reconciliations, journal entry preparation, and data entry. This position requires an Associates Degree in Accounting; 60 hours completed course work toward a BS Degree in Accounting; or 4 years related work experience. Must have the ability to work with bank personnel, co-workers, and other City employees in a pleasant and courteous manner with a commitment to providing quality customer service. Benefit package included. Salary: $1,625/mo. Deadline to apply: December 12th, 1997. Apply at: City of College Station - Human Resources Department 1101 S. Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 UCS develops, sells and support the most sophisticated software product in our industry. In business since 1970, we are a solid, well established corporation with a track record of success. With the upcoming expansion to our multi-million dollar site in College Station, we offer the following opportunities, full time or part time: Business Software Trainees Houston or College Station These teams analyze and troubleshoot software issues for our clients. Professionalism and excellent communication skills are required and any customer service experience is helpful. Business degree preferred, but others will be considered. No sales involved. We have a competitive salary and benefits package including medical, dental and vision insurance, direct deposit, 401k, semi-annual performance evaluations and provide fully paid training. UCS promotes a healthy lifestyle by sponsoring a variety of sports events and hiring only non-tobacco users. UCS is currently located in the Metro Centre in Bryan. Come start your career with a winning team! E.O.E. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. 6700 Hollister, Houston, TX 77040 1-800-883-3031 http ://www. COMPUTER REPAIR & SUPPORT Full & Part-Time Universal Computer Systems, Inc. has been the premier provider of business software & hardware systems to the automobile dealership industry for the past 27 years. With the upcoming expansion to our multi-million dollar site in Bryan/College Station, we offer the following positions: TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Seeking individuals to provide helpdesk hardware assistance to field techs & clients regarding problems with CRT’s, printers, PC’s, modems, mainframes & other devices. Will also help with equipment research & testing. Previous electronics training or equivalent experience required. PART-TIME POSITIONS: Openings at our computer repair facility provide training for duties such as data entry, inventory control, equipment cleaning and minor repairs. All majors considered, no experience required. Flexible schedules, 15-35 hours a week. $6.00 per hour to start. BENCH TECHNICIAN : Our business is to provide quality hardware support and maintenance for our clients. Continued growth leads us to seek bench technicians for component level repair of PC’s, CRT’s, printers, modems, controllers & other peripherals in our shop. All tools & scopes provided. Component level repair experience required. We offer a clean, professional work environment and complete benefits for full time positions including medical, dental, vision and life insurance and performance/salary reviews every 6 months. Non-smokers only. E.O.E. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. 1-800-883-3031 http :/Awww. Polo Club sublease. Ibdrm/lbath. $350/mo. No deposit. No pets. (409)693-0472. PRELEASE FOR DEC-JAN 2bdrm/1ba in Pecan Ridge, central a/h, w/d connections, fenced, HUGE walk-in closets. $495/mo. TCP, 775-2291. Private dorm opening! Coed. Horizon Hall. Many amenities. Call (409)822-9596,Ext.#326. Quiet country atmosphere. 2-bedrm mobile home, wooded, anchored, central air/heat. No pets. $325/mo. plus bills. 693-8534. Roommate needed if you enjoy country life. Space for 2-horses available. Only interested calls. Daytime 862- 3852. SONNENBLICK. Greatdeall! 2bdrm/1ba. 884sq. ft., 5- closets, microwave, ceiling fans, intrusion alarm, shuttle, new carpet. $439/mo. 691 -2062. Spring sublease special. Treehouse Village efficiency unit $400/mo. reduced from $425. Great location. Pool/ laundry on site, on bus route. Must sublease. Moving out of state. Available Dec.-27th. Lease ends May- 15th. Call 693-4976. Spring sublease. 1 bdrm/1 bath apartment w/new carpet, paint, appliances. Deposit paid! $430/mo. 693-1452. Spring sublease. Ibdrm/lbath. Near campus. $315/mo. Free furniture. Call 260-0221. Spring sublease. 2bdrm/11/2bath. W/D. $260/mo. plus utilities. Please call 776-1996. Sublease available. Ibdrm/lbath $375/mo. Call Michael, 695-1514. Close to campus Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified participants ages 12 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5033 Need storage for the semester break? Specials starting at $19.95 4 convenient locations Mention this ad & pay NO security deposit! United Realty SPRING BRE CANCUJI 299 complete packages from and Sin Steamboat £39 1.888.40-BEACH CIO 35 Years Experience 01^1 P I C K S O IM #1 Rating by Stiulentsl U.B. Ski’s 10th Anhual College Ski Week Bkix kiinkiix.i & Keystone Vail & Beaver Creek Luxury Condos Lift Pass Ski/Snowboard Rentals & Lessons Non-Stop Parties Roundtrip Motorcoach or Airfare ■- and Free Night Skiing! F-U.&ski “Ski the Net!" 1-800-SKI- WILD Don’t miss the party! (1-800-754-9453) CANCUN & MAZATLAN from only *299. BEACH CLUB — 5 Star Oo-ttio Boocii Resorts, Non-Stop Ctiarters, & Non-Stop Parties! Cali Today... 1-800-BEACH-BUM <1-300-aag-a^asi Sublease for Spring. 2bdrm/11/2bath townhome In C.Sta. Huge closefs, w/d. shuttle route, water paid Call 694-2651. Sublease for Spring. Cripple Creek condos 2bdrm/2bath. W/D, new carpet, appliances. $650/mo Call 764-1723. Sublease for Spring/Summer University Commons. Full 2bdrm/11/2bath. $660/mo. Furnished. Call Jamie or Amy, 695-0310. Sublease quiet apartment efficiency, 2-mlles from cam pus. deposit paid and keep return. Available mid- December. $375/mo. 775-2357. Sublease Spring 98. 2bdrm/2bath $600/mo. On shut tle route. Call 764-7407. Sublease Spring/Summer. 4-plex 2bdrm/11/2bath. Bus route. W/D connections. $500/mo. 846-0256. Sublease! Ibdrm./tbath. $320/mo. Casa Del Sol 5- minutes walk to campus. Call Willie, 260-1233 Subleasing University Tower’s room. Huge discount price!! Lots of extras!I Call Suzanne at 691-5628. Sublet nice 2bdrm/11/2bath condo. Fireplace New paint/carpet. 2320-Jaguar. Reg.$600, available $475/mo. until May. 775-4552. The Villas of Cherry Hollow now preleasing Ibdrm, 2bdrm/1bath, walk to T.A.M.U. Call today 846-2173 or stop by 503 Cherry Street, Northgate. Treehouse Village. 2bdrm/2bath apartment. Bus route. Available 12/27. 5-months lease. $715/mo. $200 rebate. 695-0680. University Commons. Spring sublease 2bdrm/1,5bath. $330/mo. Furnished, mike/ Ryan, 694- 6807. University Towers sublease. 268-4517. please hurry!! Cheapll Call Jennifer at Walk to campus-1 and 2 bedroom duplexes, 1 bedroom 8-plex. Some with all bills paid. Available now or January. United Realty. 694-9140. Will have own bdrm/bath plus student busing, $257.50/mo. Christy, 589-3222. FOR SALE 1987 16x60 3bdrm/2bath. Very clean. $14,500. 1.7- miles from TAMU. 693-4788. 1995 16x80 3bdrm/2bath, skirted w/deck in nice Bryan Park $28,000. Call Theresa, day 779-3132, night 822- 2223. ‘96 Rolley M-50, Alevio components, hardly ridden, great condition $190 o.b.o. Please call Erica at 779- 1463. Bookshelf $50, desk $150, desk chair $40, bedroom set $250, futon $50. Excellent conditionl O.B.O. Please call Takeo at 268-2299. Completely furnished small 2-bedroom mobile home in country park. 7-miles from campus. $3,995- Includes: fence, swing and storage building. (409)267-3824. Cotton Bowl tickets, 9 VIP lower level seats, protected from weather, Big 12 side, sell at cost. (785)539-5345. Kenmore washer & dryer. $350/set. 696-2950. White. Excellent condition. Large brown sofa $40/o.b.o., blue swivel chair $15. Call 691-0900. Large heavy duty microwave $100 o.b.o. 695-8072, leave message. Like new, 29” TV encased in wood with remote. Excellent condition. $150. Must sellll Please call Jacquelyne at 694-6929. Lots of furniture, dishes, w/d, BBQ, etc. Call 694-8972. Manual Powerwalk Plus $80. 268-7877. Abroller $30. Please call Matching couch and chair for $215 o.b.o. For more information call 695-8410. Matching loveseat and chair, blue and tan, good condi tion $150. Please call 268-7435. Men’s used senior boots, size 81 /2, $175. One set army dress blues best offer. Call 696-7916. Moving sale. December 1st-14th. 1103 Dexter. Table with 6 chairs $75. Much morel! Please call in advance, 696-4098. Sega Genesis with MK3, Sonic 2 & Madden ‘95. 2-con trollers $100 o.b.o. Call Jason at 764-8493. Sofa loveseat +chair $150, Qn-mattress +box $200, T.V. $150, computer (486-33mhz, 16meg, 1.44mb 3-in., 1 2mb 5-in.) $500, microwave $75. 764-0881 Very nice, must see stereo in cabinet. Call for more information, 764-1046. Washer & dryer set $100, 30" color T.V. $50, Professional Loudspeakers $50, loft bed $25, kitchen table $25. Mike, 694-0672. FUNDRAISER The Ultimate Fund-Raisers For Greeks. Clubs And Motivated Individuals Are Available Now. Fast, Easy & No Financial Obligation. For More Information Call: (888) 51 -A-PLUS. Ext.51 GIFTS Naughty Crosswords Puzzles. Great Fun. Great gift. Cheapo, HELP WANTED 2 P/T Eve. Clerical/ Customer Service Positions For Insurance Agency; Previous Experience Preferred But Not Required. Send Resume To: The Liere Agency, 1100B Harvey Rd., College Station, TX 77840: Attn: Office Mgr. Attention Seniors and Grad students: Notes-N-Quotes is now accepting applications for Spring notetakers. Call 846-2255 with questions, or apply at 701 W. University, directly across from Blocker Bldg. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Part-time work. Up to $8.25. Scholarships and internships available. Conditions apply. Good resume experience. Call 696- 7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Cleaning position. 4hrs/wk. $6/hr. Girls only References, please call 696-9747. Immediate Opening: required) Oil field Mechanica (FEA) expe medical, dental, and 40 resume and salary raqu Inc. 423 Vaughn Road I Personnel, tax (817)5 Need a part-time job be ends free? Cali Manpov ties. -Part-time Clerical 2:30pm.-11:00p.m. Ca our office at 846-3535. Me biHel jei tiave I ite | v ■ ■ dista | ite b 8,c. sack | 94-e 3| .ten' ;j| I “T— 1 tit' I ad V I te r I 9 he I Needed part-time bookkeepe vary. Must be able to stay Christmas break Bnng resu s I I Now hiring smiling de 1102 Harvey Road Outback Steakhouse will be Dec 10th through Dec 12th., beins staff Must be available over CM Part-time evening work doing o mg, Mon -Fit. Call tor an appom Mel Part/Full-time help wanted Apt Chevron Texas Ave . University Dr Prolessor needs childcare Spring sen twin girls 3-4 afternoons per wee* ! QUALITY SALES PEOPLE We IV time evening telemarketing positions ately $7/hourly base pay + bonuses ules Apply in person at: IMS. Sle 104. C Station (behind Golden Cm N Telephone Research Weekeno a jato able. Start at $5 25/tir Renbe tallG' I IntelliQuest 268-5307. Temporary paint/ construction won Enrej. 1 r, holidays. Flexible hours. 775-7126. (dlon : I TWO PART-TIME positions now av;" (fcto r 5J for Soil Analytical Services, Inc., 4I$!^B—L College Station (approx. 5 miles Sc®ri : f Campus off Wellborn Road). LAB DlSf'WH SOILS LAB TECHNICIAN. Call 690-25, : Grailu;| Warehouse loaders needed. Start 8p m., M-F. Needed for holidays and sf; l neel Apply at Jack Hilliard Distnbu: nber20t| Independence, Bryan, TX. Wings N' More- Now looking for enr/: 396-821 lull or part-time. Benefits and advance' ties are available. Interested parties p 6363 and ask to speak with a manacf men! to submit application. gradiuM!| 1-687'> LOST & Dog found. needs owner. Female Dalmatian to 693-2976. Stainless steel Tag Heuer watch wM bonfire night by FHK complex. Re«- 1 „ s '1 693-3057/ 12^ C;il l MISCELLANEOC” | Help AgsM Did you lape :ne A5V •: . I game? pgr.#226-7079. uShei.T PETS is 0 ' 2 ferrets plus 4 story carpeted cage, s $150 o.b.o. 696-0270. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cals, D® 'EtO-loc] breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-57 : tendeu AKC adorable Siberian Husky puppies line, absolutely gorgeous. Awesome perfect markings. Wonderful Sanlat' $195/cash. 696-5802. AKC registered Siberian Husky puppies 1 black/white, blue eyes, bom 10/14/97. $ 4116. Christmas puppies, full blooded Sibens"' each Call (409)873-2930. Cute Christmas kitten needs goodW*' 693-3276. KITTENS available tor adoption!! Test?: fixed, indoor cats. 690-3542. Now ROOMMATES $250/mo. plus utilities. Own room, f/'i Close to campus. 693-9103. if; 1-Roommate needed. Sp»9 "h 2bdrm/11 /2bath. $262.50/mo. +1/2utilfc! ed. Fenced-in backyard. 764-3934 A.S.A.P. Own room/bath. $250/mo.t!®' W/D. On shuttle. Janna, 695-0912. ^ Brand new duplex. Need M/roommate $300/mo. Call 779-3357, negotiable. tiik Co-oping in 4bdrm/2bath. 0052. Spring, need 1-female University Commons. 6^ F-Roommate to share room in 2bdnn ! ' 1 W/D. $300/mo. Anna, 691-2233. F-Roommate. Spring. $280/mo. +$30 utilities. 2bdrm/l1/2bath Jenny/Jessica,^' Female roommate for Spring or longer. in 3-bedroom house. $225/mo. Nobills Female roommate needed a.s.a.p. 2B' . duplex. W/D. $260/mo. +1/2bills. W- 1 - 7706. Female roommate needed a.s.a.p. 31x11*®] room. $200/mo. +$30-utilities. Near e' Charlotte/Normandie, 691-0189. Female roommate needed a.s.a.p. Sbdim' 1 *| room. $200/mo.+1/2bills. Missy, 696-24^p Female roommate needed ASAP. 2bd'' - room/bath. $300/mo. Call Kamie, 764-7855 sage. Female roommate needed for spring poss- Must like very large dogs. $232.50/01'. Fish-Camp, wash./dry. Partiers need no! 1 - Albertson's Post-Office &Wal-Mart. Call 89^ Female roommate needed! 1/3 fenl/ ^ room/ bathroom. W/D, fenced yard, bus«> i; ' car or Amanda, 696-0519. Female roommate needed. 2bdrm/11' , Rent $280/mo. 316-Brentwood. Rufin^ Female roommate needed. 4bdrm/2M tl1 room. W/D. $181/mo. 694-6929. Classified Continued on Pa!