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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1997)
Page January 1/j The Battalion TATE Friday Page 5 January 1 7, 1997 ^ sono £ we Hall MCES ‘aped by the thro 'ity, the present! il, and the young; s,” O’Rourkesaic said he sees At: "e conservative stk his university, •hby Knight, omore construn ce major at .til he understands I O’Rourke i never let m between them. ( hiad jokes i rivalry Aggiesk> its at UT, it r friendship, By JED OewexiSUA Thvs I S «io-S>T ftrtoTWER FAIU-P ATTgfAfT 81 trte u>*\tfr5 To COCCVA AUS ivj IMTo Tuesrsup J Cv CA^AC«4 ^ V n Peeps By Micliael RYAN iingaFteb. ISstin iue, theMistresss ledian named ti. Miami Herald litingforthesm ivered days befoi! ? said he is as read nore reservations ’ Cerone said, s A&M students it low. ?t a date, come or "Even if they can i.” ORNER IS ON lr of Main I STREETS IN a/n Bryan flavor vvboys have s of music into an fit into manyra- s across thell.S. if both forms wiii issing from the iding anything, of botli styles ething to create a f music. i Mi fW ON MfiWNty... WOT LZrk -JUST SAf IT AU, &£^Aa| wtrrt A Tl«4t£ in mfs FfrtJT Teem... ...THEM £AME TUB eyc^ucu c rriKi6 pain ani> finally impectiom l OUCH. Pe&S H*1> NO CHOICE ... fT WAS TIKAe TO ACCEPT rt-IS . CjHeATVST FCAR... ftpOT CAWAt.' fe€Ps...TH»s Y~f^a?s IS (^FTTlN^r WILL 8e Aftoat A gir / VAsecrcMY f GfiteS. VC Sk®teh By Quatro Ibum is a weak ie Cowboys, bu< 1 would be even they would dig isical traditions Sc/SfNESSES Continued from Page 1 Truth does whai alish this band e. The band’s re sure to genet' those who are iening their mu' aefully, future ef- ^ Cowboys will “We've always done real well,” he said. McGregor said the students are the argestpart of their business, but they have mough \oca\ customers to stay in business vhilethe students are gone. Students from other colleges who are vis- ting their parents in the Bryan-College Sta ton area come to the clubs, he said. McGregor said there were problems p in e strongerele-j (ith student staff members leaving over country ani hebreak _ "As far as scheduling, it’s very difficult to leep a full staff,” he said. sms ? A i/v A 9Qi P . Renovations Continued from Page 1 Over the winter break, the construction crew added ta bles for handicapped stu dents, wooden tack boards and wooden chair guard rails to prevent damage to the walls in Blocker. Cox said the tack boards were added because stapling flyers to walls leaves damage. “It tears up the walls,” Cox said. “Hopefully, now they’ll use those and that’ll save the walls.” Along with funding from general use fee revenue, $1.5 million was allocated to the project. An additional $2 million was allocated in fall 1996, raising classroom ren ovation funds to a little over $3 million. Dan Parker, committee chair and assistant provost, said since the biggest prob lem, funding, has been solved, the committees next concern is scheduling the renovations. “It’s alive and well,” Parker said.” It’s progressing as fast as it can.” '9/e, -War, * >/e Wng itness identifies Routier's footprints KERRVILLE, Texas (AP) —A crime-scene consul- ant Thursday identified Darlie Routier’s bloody foot- rint from the kitchen floor of her Rowlett home vhere her two young sons were slain. James Cron, a 39-year law enforcement veteran, ilso said during Mrs. Routier’s capital murder trial hat blood drops in her kitchen fell as someone noved slowly through the room. Cron compared photos of two kitchen footprints nth ink impressions of Mrs. Routier’s bare feet. In my opinion, the (first) bloody footprint is con- istent in all aspects with being the same size and de ign pattern as Darlie Routier,” Cron testified. Mrs. Routier, 27, is accused of stabbing to death 5-year- K ^ld Damon and 6-year-old Devon Routier in their home ear Dallas on June 6,1996. Police allege she slashed her- df and staged a crime scene to fool investigators. But Mrs. Routier claims an intruder dressed in dark Nothing and a baseball cap attacked her and the boys >efore fleeing through the garage. The case was moved to Kerrville because of pub- icity in North Texas. Under questioning by prosecutor Greg Davis, Cron provided a list of reasons why he believes there was no intruder. Among other things, Cron noted: — Mrs. Routier reported no verbal confrontation between her and the alleged intruder, which Cron said is rare in such attacks. — Mrs. Routier said the alleged intruder dropped the murder knife in the house, which would have left himself unarmed and Mrs. Routier armed. — No blood was found in the garage. — No “castoff” blood from the alleged struggle was detected. — The backyard gate was so difficult for police to open the intruder would have had to securely latch it while quickly fleeing. — A vacuum cleaner was in the kitchen on top of bloody footprints. — Jewelry was in full display and left undisturbed. Defense attorney Doug Mulder, in a sharp cross-ex amination of Cron, tried to identify sloppy police work. Cron said one bloody shoeprint in the garage was from the shoe of a law officer. But he denied it was a sign of shoddy detective work. ’5 Republican Choice POL AD PD by CITIZENS FOR ROMAN, Sam Sharp, Treasurer, 2601 Osier Btvd., Bryan, TX 77802 Do You Worry Too Much? Dr. Steven Strawn is seeking volunteers for a 2 month research study of an investigational medication for anxiety. You will be paid $100 for your study participation. For more information call: 229-0049 Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Let the Flu Help You! * Do you have a fever? This is a research study to evaluate tl fever-lowering ability of a new drug. * Are you between 18 and 40 years old? You may be eligible * Call us before you take any medication for your cold or flu. $175.00 for approximately 7 hours of your time. - Medical Examination If you are otherwise healthy and would like to participate, then Call J&S Studies, Inc. at (409) 846-5933 for further details. If no answer call: 1-800-681-8204. OUAftTUM COV*:260-cows TUTOBXfW * STUDY PACKETS mOHTHOATW OH UMV. OH, (NEXT TO CO WAREHOUSE) OPEN 2*1 OPM, SUEL-THURS. Jit liyi §| JiRSk 1 W% m BIOLOQY.PHYSICS.iiATH esr£Hgy2£Xi2i&&Lggx TUTORING C CiTfBi EBP m W BP fli mr m CBP TERM PAPERS. HMt*. aoi.ira/ ear packets rev/ew9 mma/M rooms caul fob scheovlei MSC FILM SOCIETY Now Showing: SLEEPERS Friday, Jan. 17 7:00pm and 9:30pm Sleepers Saturday, Jan. 18 9:30pm Sleepers Tickets S2.50 in advance and $3.00 the night of the showing. All films shown in Rudder Theatre Complex. Questions? Call the Aggie Cinema Hotline (847-8478). | Persons with special needs call 845-1515 within 3 days of the showing. |4r Website: I PROFITABLE NUMBER! 845-0569 The Battalion Classified Advertising PUBLIC NOTICE CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (CCER) PURPOSE: The Classroom Communication Enhancement Program is designed as an integral part of efforts to continue to enhance Texas A&JW University’s tradition of excellence in undergraduate education. In any classroom setting oc casional problems which impede communication between a professor and a student may arise. The Classroom Communication Enhancement Program provides an effective mechanism for solving such problems at the level where they occur and by the individuals of responsibility. Moreover, the procedures are designed to effect resolution in an expe dient manner. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CCEP A student who has a concern about classroom communication should first discuss the concern with the instructor of the class. If, despite dis cussion with the instructor, the issue is not resolved, the student then may bring the matter to the attention of the department head of the instructor’s department. At that point, a form (Classroom Communica tion Concerns Form) is completed by the student. If the matter is so sensitive that discussion with the instructor is impossible, the student may report the concern to the department head; at that point the form mentioned will be filled out. The Classroom Communication Enhancement Form describes later steps in the procedure. Types of Problems Not Covered By CCEP Sexual Harassment Discrimination Grade Appeals Please refer to Texas A8JVI University Rules and Regulations for procedures concerning these problems. Questions about the Classroom Communication Enhancement Program may be directed to your dean’s office.