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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1996)
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Manager David Harger said Crooked Path hopes to target people who want to enjoy good, fresh beer, wine and champagne. “When I was younger, I drank for quantity," Harger said. “Now I drink for quality. We hope that the people who come here will be looking for quality.” Crooked Path opened for business Aug. 23, and Harger said it has had a good response. “We already have a few regulars,” Harger said. “I’ll buy them a beer — we try to give them good treatment." The bar has a travel theme, which owners Don and Cheryl Anz chose because of their travel experiences. “We went to Europe and really liked the ale houses there,” Don Anz said. “We drove by Northgate Cafe one day and noticed it was for lease, so we checked it out. It had the English style beams and windows, and the brick front that made it look like a pub.” The bar has taken on a sophisticated char acter because the employees plan to strictly enforce a 21 and up policy. “Our customers just come in, sip on a beer, read a magazine or just talk,” Harger said. “We’ve already had several people say, ‘This is going to be my bar, where I’ll hang out.’” Cheryl Anz said their involvement in the Northgate Revitalization project makes Northgate an important location for them. “We want to be a part of improving the Northgate area,” Cheryl Anz said. “We were stu dents here ourselves, so it means a lot to us.” The Anzes hope to make the bar more accessible with the addition of a 153-space parking lot next August. “We plan to have a supervised, land scaped, free parking lot so that people can get a ticket and walk around Northgate with out having to park six blocks away in the mud,” Don Anz said. Crooked Path features 20-ounce imperia pints, instead of the usual 16-ounce. Vostoftht beer is micro-brewed and unpasteurized. H* bar also serves coffee, espresso, cappuccint non-alcoholic beer, soda and pink lennnade. n the near f may have ii musician. M senior English one of the na fter talents in ( A friend enc< enter the ssociation Awa etition for aspii jngwriters. The ■as due, Armsti in, and was sell le regional con didn’t war It I should,” A At the regii rmstrong swe linning the sc nd the spotlig riginal song, “5 The songwri strictly based pe song. Jud Harger said the music played in the pu: list's melod provides a different atmosphere than mo?: local bars. “We have a DSS satellite dish and plays eclectic station or some blues, but nncoun try.” Harger said. Bartender Laura Gerkey, a senior chamiti njorand close engineering major, said she was drawn oir bar because of its different style. “I love it,” Gerkey said. "1 think peophi like it because you can just come in andme low out. It’s very clean and looks rich.” Don Anz said he wants the bar to luvt character of its own. “We do want it to be fairly mainstreaa unique but accessible," Don Anz said. ncs. The spc erformance a bility, stage pr resentation ar Amy Nobles, tended the Dri “His winnin [as shocking lobles said. Armstrong i to win both |gional com pi In late April ted in a nati Crooked Path will not host local bandsEjjslm that catap now, but may have a few acoustic acts. "It will be rare, but we may let sod acoustic acts play upstairs,” Don Anz said'ij think we’U let other people host the alternatii grunge bands.” The Anzes also own Cafe Eccell d Rosalie’s Pasta. They said operating a bac| much different than operating a restaurani “At Cafe Eccell, we make everything fr| scratch, so it’s more stressful than just getti pnstian mi jceived first ] ^■iter category ip five in the s | Jars of Clay, lood” becam st summer, i the spotlight Armstrong’s won him beer off a tap,” Don Anz said. ■bnby the mui “Our food menu at Crooked Path islimilf “In three d right now, but it might be broadened as peopj make requests,” Cheryl Anz said. f The Anzes enconi ,ht :'coptc to cornea!] visit Crooked Path, as the cover of ii menu reads: "Welcome to the Crooked Path, English-style Ale House where old frim and new acquaintances come to share stoic of past travels and future trips. Crooked htf is a combination of our travel memoie experiences, and future adventures, crooked path has no beginning or end, rate] it is a journey with many twists and tun Enjoy our selection of travel guides, mas and magazines to find your own road wh will make all the difference." w/YYD 1Y CA/f A UTTRU TvrrYr tfAUTYcn IA| vT JL JL JL/\JL\.JLJ JL Jt\. • Texos Instruments is working smarter too, continually working with students like you, discovering firsthand what you expect from the calculator you select. The result? A graphing calculator that is highly recommended in your protcsMirs and peers A calculator that is perfectly matched to your major and your eoursework sophisticated yet easy to use, the 1182 will take you from freshman math through graduation and into your professional tareer Do the smart thing. Make the 11 82 part of your professional personality now. and for the tears to tome. You II he on your way to working smarter Instead of harder. 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