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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1993)
Page 4 The Battalion Friday, April 16,1993 cm FRIDAY APRIL 16,1993 5:00pm HENSEL PARK AREA 3 jv A? $4 "p<yi rnoste Cn^<yt»H<Kiuux, cattfacC 'TtCa.i/i on Tftse ws-tsts COHPELlIHli SOUNDS! . §UlCassette/JUiS SALE PRICES EKPIRf 4/30/93 [nglunt] s Ihe Moved mde their international chart debut in IM. "The Sun Ming" became an underground fauorite in the d. S. The next gear “Mlo" was a top five alternatiue/dance smash. WSCITHCT", with it's house-oriented sound is The Moued's strongest album to date, featuring "Celebrate Your life" and "Sweet Harmong." Ihe combination ot duelinq bass plaqers mith a telentless. loud hipotic suiirl all topped oft mith a sense of sarcasm has made top Shoot [op one of the most critically acclaimed bands to break out of the underground, by replacing guitars mith samplers. “[[[ makes something neui out of alternatiue rock's most caustic ingredients." claims the limes. imm mm bastings Were Entertainment!^^™ Culpepper Plaza in College Station • Manor East in Bryan 'sUp_ Friday vices will be held at the Hillel center tonight at 8 p.m. For more information, call Rabbi Tarlow (696-7313). Black Graduate Students Association: Join us at Yester days for annual elections and Happy Hour. Meet tonight from 7-1 1 p.m. For more information, call Janie (693- 0868 or 847-9272). Alpha Phi Omega: Parent's Night Out - sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega; FREE babysitting for the Faculty, Staff, and students or TAMU. We will be babysitting from 6:30 -10 p.m. on the 3rd floor of Rudder. For more in formation, call Jimmy Jackson (847-5088) or the APO office (862-2525). Company E-2 (Corps of Cadets): Pictures with Reveille for students and parents will be taken in the MSC Fla- groom today and tomorrow. For more information, call Laurent Therivel (847-1049). Muslim Student Association: Lecture by Dr. Jamal Badawi, an internationally well known scholar in the Bible and the Quran, with title: "The Authority of the Bible and the Quran in light of modern scientific discov eries". Meet tonight at 6 p.m. in 601 Rudder. For more information, call Agus (846-4786). KANM 99.9 FM Cable: "Out in the open," the weekly gay and lesbian radio show, covering news, issues and events including the April 25 March on Washington. We even take phone calls. Listen from 6-7 p.m. tonight. For more information, call the Gayline. Class of '96: Applications are now available for com mittee chairpersons and may be picked up in the class of '95 cubicle in the MSC SPO today. For more informa tion, call Cheryl (846-6035). Taiwanese Student Association: Invited speech of Dr. Lee Jay-Mou on "Taiwan Energy Issues". Meet this evening at Rudder Tower room 410. Texas A&M Women's Chorus: The Women's Chorus will be holding their annual spring concert entitled, "An % American Salute". Cost is $6 per ticket at the MSC Box Office. For more information, call the Vocal Music office (845-5974). Alcoholics Anonymous: A general discussion will be held in the CDPE at 12:30-1:30 p.m. today. For more information, call the CDPE (845-0280). MSC Committee for the Awareness of Mexican-Ameri- can Culture: Spring Fajita cookout; Volleyball, Softball, and music. Meet today at 5 p.m. in the Hensel Park Area 3. For more information, call Mark Anthony Posa da (847-1017). Brazo* County Rape Crisis Center, Inc.: Free, Women's Safety Awareness & Self Defense Class will be presented by the Brazos County Rape Crisis Center. For females over 1 2 years in age. Registration will be held by calling (268-7273). Donations accepted at the door. Parent's Weekend Committee: Parent's Weekend is coming up! Call the Student Government Office (845- 3051) if you have any questions about Parent's Week end (April 16,17 and 18). Student Conference on National Affairs: Committe member applications for 1993-94 are available in the MSC 223H. They will be due on April 21 at noon. For more information, call Joy (845-7625). Europe Club: A Big Party with a live band. Meet at the Welbom Community Center (5 miles south of 2818 on Welborn Rd.) tonight at 10 p.m. Saturday India Association: Shri Ram Chandra Mission in collab oration with the India Association features an introducto ry lecture on Raja Yoga meditation (yoga of the mind). It is an open house and all are welcome. No fees to start or practice the system. Informal discussion and question answers after the lecture. Meet in room 145 of the MSC tonight at 7 p.m. For more information, call Rama De- so-s i.m. -9036). vagupta (26( Angel Flight: Free Car Wash - Donations are accepted. This Car wash will be located at the Firestone in College Station (Kroger Shopping Center) today from 12-5 p.m. BSC Waldorf School AssociaHon, Inc.: Storytelling Hour with Claire Campbell, FREE to the public! Aimed toward ages 3-10 years old, but all are welcome. Meet at the Lincoln Center today from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. Formorein- formation, call Winnie (776-3086) or Carolyn (775- 9337). Microcomputer Center: Will be open today from 9a.m.- 5 p.m. in recognition of Parents' Weekend. For more in formation, call (845-4081). Catholic Student Association: Parents' reception with food served. Meet at St. Mary's Student Center today from 2-5 p.m. For more information, call Tonya (846- 5717). University of Symphonic Band: Parents' Weekend "Pop's" Concert. This event will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the MSC flagroom today. Sunday Texas A&M Sports Car Club: Autocross at the Riverside Annex. Meet on Sunday, April 1 8 at 9a.m. For more information, call Brian (693-5651). Gathright Awards and Buck Weirus Spirit Awards: The Parents' Weekend Awards Ceremony will be held at 9 a.m., Sunday, April 18, 1993 in Rudder Auditorium. All applicants for these award should plan to attend the cer emony. Lutheran Student Fellowship: Singing, scripture study, and supper. Meet tonight at 5:30 p.m. in the University Lutheran Chapel. For more information, call Kristin (846-6687). Texas Aggie Dance Team: A Dance Clinic/ Workshop for anyone interested in dancing or just a little exercise! The cost is $5 per person. Meet in 268 of the Read Building on Sunday from 2-5 p.m. For more informa tion, call Keri Zelsman (847-07/9). What's Up is a Battalion service which lists non-profit events and activities. Items for What's Up should be submitted no later than three days before the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not run in What's Up. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. Factories Continued from Page 2 U.S. economy, he said. "These are long-term structural dectSions," Skinner said. "If you make them wrong, heaven help you." Industrial managers are no longer innovative, and they are trapped in a system of scheduling and planning processes which Skinner describes as "housekeep ing." "We have two or three genera tions of incompetent industrial managers," he said. "These man agers are in an industrial revolu tion, and they're handicapped by 25 years of legacy of the old way. "We have an enormous depen dence on the institution of indus trial management, and we depend on it in our society," he said. AUTHENTIC ATHLETIC APPAREL Penberthy ^ SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT DIVISIONS: Men’s A/B Men’s B/C Men’s C/D CoRec B/C CoRec C/D Divisions must have at least eight teams for the division to make. The Department of Recre ational Sports reserves the right to combine divisions if necessary For more information, please call Tom Reber at 845-6457. TOURNAMENT DATES: April 23-25 ENTRIES: Open until Tuesday, April 20 ELIGIBILITY: Open to all Texas A&M Students, Faculty/Staff and Spouses (with Rec ID and IM validation). ENTRY FEE: $40 per team REGISTRATION: 159 Read (This is a double elimination tournament.) AWARDS: Men’s A/B - Top three places will receive Penberthy T-shirts. Champions will have their entry fee paid for the CC Creations/ Bud Light Triple Crown Softball tour nament on May 1-2 (a $175 value), and Dudley Bat Bags. Men’s & CoRec B/C Top two places will receive Penberthy T-shirts. Men’s &: CoRec C/D Champions in each division will receive Penberthy T-shirts. RULES: A. S .A. rules with intra mural exceptions will apply. Awards will be limited to 15 per team. Industrial managers fail to maximize their human resources, and factory employees have the lowest salaries and most tedious work, Skinner said. The result - a talent shortage in manufacturing. "The public has no real interest in the factory - who wants to spend their life doing that stuff," he said. "We have to do a better job with people in our factories. There is still a very low invest ment." Industry's such as shoes and textiles are still struggling, Skin ner said. Companies have no manufacturing strategy and fail to emphasize customer satisfaction, he said. Some mangers have even com plained that even accounting pro cedures have stymied innovation. "Accounting is archaic and based on principles that are 50 years old," he said. Despite its problems, Skinner said U.S. factories are producing quality goods at more efficient ca pacities. "Our quality has improved enormously but we have fallen further behind Japan despite these improvements." Skinner said arguments that cheap foreign labor, unfair foreign government subsidies and an"un- "Our quality has im proved enormously but we have fallen further behind Japan despite these improve ments." -Dr. Wickham Skinnet, retired Harvard professor level playing field," such as high er medical and legal costs, are wrong. "We have 30 concepts or tech niques in industrial production that are new or rediscovered," he said. "Absolutely, no question that there is a fantastic revolution in the way industry is managed." Skinner's appearance was sponsored by the University Lec tures Series and the College ol Business Administration and Graduate School of Business. 4!U MSC VARIETY JL ^ SHOW A April 16, 1993 7:30 P.M. Rudder Auditorium Parent’s Weekend is almost here! One of the traditional activieties is the Variety Show. Don’t miss out on this wonderful display of the talent that the students at Texas A&M have to offer. Hosted by Comedian Dan St. Paul Special Guests Leslie Fisher - Miss Texas A&M 1993 and Night-n-Day- 1992 Variety Show Winner Tickets on sale now! For Ticket info call: MSC Box Office 845-1234 or 1-800-275-1000 J