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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1992)
Arts & Entertainment sday, December 1,1992 The Battalion Page 3 arys Everyone ire informafa 64-2959. -UB: Dr. ;ture on ice, Artificial he Real in 108 mkov haro World-famous contemporary dancers perform at A&M tonight By ANAS BEN-MUSA : E: Officer i. in 402 e information 976. IUSTING TO RIENCES i for the p.m. in J then, Core ng at 7 p.m.i m us for efore finals, tion call 390 or Gloria Jp should be Battalion, Of! no later than ays before the We only and phone ntact if you as> it’s Up Isa which lists and activities, run on a 1 basis. Thee in entry will questions, a RevieivcrofTHE BATTALION Vorld-renowned dancers hail Baryshnikov and Twyla rp perform tonight and to- rrow night in Rudder Audito- i at 8 p.m. he performance is presented Texas A&M's Opera & Per- ning Arts Society (OPAS), he performance will feature a reographed contemporary ce by Tharp called "Cutting illustrating the evolution of al dancing during the 20th :ury. It's a wonderful perfor- ice ; " said Cyndy Biek, pro- n coordinator of OP AS. "They e a lot of fun on stage and it's light." Cutting Up," will be accom- ied by music from Louis Arm- ng, Hoagy Carmichael, Ster- Smith, and Pergolesi. his tour is the first time yshnikov and Tharp will ce together, Biek said. Twyla Tharp and Mikhail yshnikov have never per- ied together," Biek said. "She choreographed for him and las danced for her, but they W - Twyla Tharp and Mikhail Baryshnikov will dance in Rudder Auditorium. have never danced together. They have had a professional relation ship for twenty years." Baryshnikov and Tharp first meb in 1975. Through the years Tharp has choreographed for Baryshnikov. Some examples of Tharp's works and contributions to con temporary dance choreography are "Push Comes to Shove," "Sinatra Suite," and the film "White Nights." Baryshnikov and Tharp are touring 35 cities throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexi co. They began their tour in Austin on Nov. 30 and will con tinue to tour until February 1993. The tour is being produced and managed by Columbia Artists Management, in associa tion with Tharp Productions. "Our tickets sales have been real strong these la^st two weeks, but there are tickets still avail able," Biek said. "We are not sold out." lassical pianist plays Wednesday Pianist William Marsden is the featured performer for Wednesday afternoon's Brown Bag Concert in 402 Academic. Marsden will perform Sergei Rachmoni- noff's "12 Preludes for Piano." A graduate from the University of Mis souri, Marsden is currently finishing his doc torate's degree at the University of Houston under the instruction of Ruth Tomfohrde and Abbey Simon. KAMU-FM 90.9, Texas A&M's public ra-^ dio station, will broadcast the concert. The Brown Bag Concert is presented by the OPAS Stark Series and the Department of Philosophy and Humanities' Music Program. ‘The Bodyguard’ Movie offers love, mystery and a few gunshots By JENNY MAGEE Rci’iewer of THE BATTALION "The Bodyguard" Starring Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston Directed by Mick Jackson Rated R Playing at Schulman 6 "The Bodyguard" surprised me. I'm sorry, but I expected a movie that stars Whitney Hous ton to contain along the lines of M a d o n - na's per formance in "Desperately Seeking Su san." However, director Mick Jackson played it safe by hav ing Whitney Houston play a rock star. And hey, it worked. As for the movie's other star, I have come to know Kevin Costner as a Hollywood big wig actor. There has always been a certain saunter in his walk, heroic confidence in his speech, and his characters have seemed to posses a distant rela tion to Superman. Quite surprisingly though, Kevin Costner as a bodyguard is real. I must admit his slight physique is a little bit question able. I hate to st^jAotype, but the word bodyguard usually brings someone along the lines of Mr. T or Hulk Hogan to mind. Costner, does however, fit comfortably into the life of Frank Farmer, a former secret service agent who has never been able to forgive himself for the shooting of President Rea gan. Farmer was not even on duty when the attempt at the President's life was made, but the experience turned him into the "Good Fairy Bodyguard." He'll protect people for special occasions or a short period of time, but no long term commit ments. This all changes when Farmer is persuaded by an old friend to protect actress-singer Rachel Marron (Whitney Hous ton), who has been acquiring quite a collection of threatening fan mail. A little cat-and-dog action is ignited between Marron and Farmer after she consents to hire him. She wants to be a movie/rock star; she wants to be out and in public; and she sure wants to go to the Acade my Award ceremony where she has been nominated for Best Actress. And gosh-darn that Frank Farmer for coming and expecting her to change her life just so he can protect her. The interaction between Houston and Costner is what made the movie click for me. It was not so much the romantic encounters between the two, as it was the moments of wit and hostile little power struggles. Houston is perfect for the spoiled, bossy Rachel Marron. Don't get me wrong, Whitney Houston is no Meryl Streep or Sally Field, but she does tackle this role with a decent degree of success. What I liked the most about "The Bodyguard" was the very fact that I liked it at all. I would much rather be pleasantly sur prised by a movie than disap pointed. Which has been the case more often than not with the '92 pre-Christmas releases. Granted, "The Bodyguard" does lay on the cheese pretty thick in certain cases. A certain dive over a stone fence that Costner makes in pursuit of a suspicious auto mobile was a little too McGyverish for me. Luckily, the rest of Costner's big bodyguard maneuvers are carried out a little more dis creetly. Along with this on and off romantic interlude between Farmer and Marron, the basic meat of the movie is the fight to find out who Rachel's blood thirsty fan is before it is too late. The movie also does a nice job of incorporating a theme of dealing with fear. As Farmer tells Marron's 8-year-old son, "Everybody is afraid at one time or another, that is how we know we care about things." The fact that "The Body guard" chose to address fear as an emotion that is common to everybody, instead of just fo cusing on the macho fearless ness of a bodyguard, gave the movie a more believable angle. "The Bodyguard" drives down the road of entertainment with relatively few bumps. A couple of pit stops for love, mystery, and a few gunshots make watching this movie a smooth ride. ARE YOU TEXAS A&M’S BEST? Come one Come all Compete against the best Cheer your friends .s 7-1° U presents: [=□ >! DENTS! JG r 3AD , 'ecembM: ; ad, or will’ 101 an get you ed in ^ ing, W’ 5:00 Memorial Student Center December 4th 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM December 5th 10:00 AM - Close Tournaments ; Bowling - Individual (women & men) Bridge - Teams Chess Spades - Teams Table Soccer - Singles Table Tefmis - Singles (women & men) Register today in MSC 216 (Student Programs Office) or on December 4th from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM For more information call 845-1514 Regional Tournament February 26-28, ‘93 in Louisiana